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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Egypt in 2017

Footwear in Ancient Egypt: The Medelhavsmuseet Collection by Veldmeijer, Andre J.
Amheida III: Ostraka from Trimithis, Volume 2 by Bagnall, Roger S., Ast, Rodney
Noah's Ark and the Genesis-10 Patriarchs: A Study in Genesis Chapter 10 by Marshall, Ross
Writings from Ancient Egypt by
The Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Beginning of Egyptian Civilization by Charles River
The Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Beginning of Egyptian Civilization by Charles River
Truth About Hyksos Pharaohs by Preston, Steve
Egyptian Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Gods, Goddesses, Monsters and Mortals by Clayton, Matt
The Library of Alexandria: The History and Legacy of the Ancient World's Most Famous Library by Charles River
The Nile: Natural and Cultural Landscape in Egypt: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 22 & 2 by
Beni Hassan: Volume II - Two Old Kingdom Tombs by Lashien, Miral
The Religion of Ancient Egypt by Petrie, W. M. Flinders
Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt by Wilkinson, Richard H.
Neue Quellen Zum Prozeßrecht Der Ptolemäerzeit: Gerichtsakten Aus Der Trierer Papyrussammlung (P.Trier I) by
Ancient Egyptian Temple Ritual: Performance, Patterns, and Practice by Eaton, Katherine
The Pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Giza: The History and Mysteries Behind Ancient Egypt's Famous Monuments by Charles River
Kv62b: The Search for the Resting Place of Queen Ankh-kheperura (Ankhesenamon) by Costa, Michael J.
Ancient Egypt: A History From Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Riot in Alexandria: Tradition and Group Dynamics in Late Antique Pagan and Christian Communities Volume 46 by Watts, Edward J.
The Egyptian Oracle Project: Ancient Ceremony in Augmented Reality by
The Hyksos: The History of the Foreign Invaders Who Conquered Ancient Egypt and Established the Fifteenth Dynasty by Charles River
The Foreign Invaders of Ancient Egypt: The History of the Hyksos, Sea Peoples, Nubians, Babylonians, and Assyrians by Charles River
The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Reunification of Egypt and Egyptian Civilization by Charles River
The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Reunification of Egypt and Egyptian Civilization by Charles River
Egypt and Babylon From Sacred and Profane Sources by Rawlinson, George
History of Ancient Egypt Volume 2 by Romer, John
Codigo Narmer by Mirab, J.
Is This the Face that Launched a Thousand Ships? by Villegas, Robert
The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians: Poems, Narratives, and Manuals of Instruction from the Third and Second Millenia B.C. by Erman, Adolf
Mitteilungen aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer: Vierter Band by Karabacek, Joseph
The Ancient Libyans: The Mysterious History of Egypt's Neighbors to the West during Antiquity by Charles River
The Lost Scriptures of Giza: Enoch and the Origin of the World's Oldest Texts by Breshears, Jason M.
The Lost Scriptures of Giza: Enoch and the Origin of the World's Oldest Texts by Breshears, Jason M.
Mitteilungen aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer: 2. und 3. Band by Karabacek, Joseph
The pillar of fire: or, Israel in bondage by Ingraham, Joseph Holt
The Grammar of the Lotus, a new History of Classic Ornament: As a Development of Sun Worship by Goodyear, W. H. (William Henry)
La Bible Et l'Orientalisme. La Bible Et l'Assyriologie by Ermoni, Vincent
Egyptian Culture by Rodella, R. S.
The Khnum-Re-Horakhty Cycle: The Idea behind the Architectural Design of Khufu's Great Pyramid by Seyfzadeh, Manu
The Copts in Twenty Centuries: A Short History by Khalil, Elham
The Book of the Dead, Saite through Ptolemaic Periods: A Study of Traditions Evident in Versions of Texts and Vignettes by Mosher, Malcolm, Jr.
Origins of the Sphinx: Celestial Guardian of Pre-Pharaonic Civilization by Schoch, Robert M., Bauval, Robert
The Cities of Egypt by Poole, Reginald Stuart
Judentum Und Konfession in Der Geschichte Der Deutschsprachigen Ägyptologie by Gertzen, Thomas L.
Egyptian Musical Instruments by Gadalla, Moustafa
The Egyptian Hieroglyph Metaphysical Language by Gadalla, Moustafa
The Ancient Egyptian Metaphysical Architecture by Gadalla, Moustafa
Egyptian Pyramids Revisited by Gadalla, Moustafa
The Enduring Ancient Egyptian Musical System -- Theory and Practice by Gadalla, Moustafa
Egyptian Divinities: The All Who Are the One by Gadalla, Moustafa
Egyptian Cosmology the Animated Universe, 3rd Edition by Gadalla, Moustafa
The Ancient Egyptian Culture Revealed, 2nd Edition by Gadalla, Moustafa
Ancient Egyptian Universal Writing Modes by Gadalla, Moustafa
The Power of Self-Knowledge: An Awakening Consciousness by Jones-Scott, Margaret
A Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, Vol. I: Unis by Allen, James P.
The Nile: An Encyclopedia of Geography, History, and Culture by Shoup, John
Die Altägyptische Kultur Enthüllt by Gadalla, Moustafa
L'Incontaminata Origine Egiziana: L'Importanza Dell'Antico Egitto by Gadalla, Moustafa
Isis Das Göttliche Weibliche Prinzip by Gadalla, Moustafa
Die Altägyptische Metaphysische Architektur by Gadalla, Moustafa
Die Metaphysische Sprache Der Ägyptischen Hieroglyphen by Gadalla, Moustafa
Ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria, Mesopotamia: The Historians' History of the World Volume 1 by Various
Cosmologia Egizia: L'Universo Animato - Terza Edizione by Gadalla, Moustafa
Bes: Ancient Protector & Nightmare Deflector by Johnson, Shelli Wright
Asiatics in Middle Kingdom Egypt: Perceptions and Reality by Saretta, Phyllis
Ancient Egyptian Scribes: A Cultural Exploration by Navratilova, Hana, Allon, Niv
The Kingdom of Kush: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Nubian Empire by Charles River
The Kingdom of Kush: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Nubian Empire by Charles River
How to unlock the secrets, enigmas, and mysteries of Ancient Egypt and other old civilizations by Mancini, Anna
Comment percer les Secrets, Enigmes et Mysteres de l'Ancienne Egypte et d'autres anciennes civilisations by Mancini, Anna
Mitteilungen Des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo. Band 72 by
The Roots of Western Finance: Power, Ethics, and Social Capital in the Ancient World by Park, Thomas K., B. Greenberg, James
The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Egyptian Empire at the Peak of Its Power by Charles River
The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Egyptian Empire at the Peak of Its Power by Charles River
Ancienne Égypte: Les Racines Du Christianisme by Gadalla, Moustafa
El Origen Egipcio Sin Mancha: Por Qué El Antiguo Egipto Importa by Gadalla, Moustafa
A Cosmologia Egípcia: O Universo Animado, Terceira Edição by Gadalla, Moustafa
Egypt: Gods, Myths & Religion: A Fascinating Guide to the Mythology and Religion of Ancient Egypt by Gahlin, Lucia
The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the ancient Egyptians by Lockyer, Joseph Norman
Alla Scoperta Della Cultura Dell'Antico Egitto by Gadalla, Moustafa
Black History Extravaganza: Honoring Dr. Ben-Jochannan by Monderson, Frederick Michael
Egyptian Mythology: A Fascinating Guide to Understanding the Gods, Goddesses, Monsters, and Mortals by Clayton, Matt
Ancienne Égypte: les Racines du Christianisme by Gadalla, Moustafa
De Oude Egyptische Wortels van het Christendom by Gadalla, Moustafa
Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion: As illustrated by the religion of ancient Egypt - delivered in May and June, 1879 by Renouf, P. Le Page
Life in Ancient Egypt by Erman, Adolf
Tombs of the South Asasif Necropolis: New Discoveries and Research 2012-2014 by
Black History Extravaganza: Honoring Dr. Ben-Jochannan by Monderson, Frederick Michael
Pharaoh's Land and Beyond: Ancient Egypt and Its Neighbors by
Life in Ancient Egypt and Assyria by Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles
The Pharaohs and Their People: Scenes of Old Egyptian Life and History by Berkley, E.
A History of Art in Ancient Egypt: Volume 2 by Perrot, Georges, Armstrong, Walter, Chipiez, Charles
Egyptische Mystici: Op Zoek naar De Weg by Gadalla, Moustafa
Egypt Past and Present: Described and illustrated: with a narrative of its occupation by the British, and of recent events in the Soudan by Adams, W. H. Davenport
EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD HIEROGLYPH TRANSLATIONS USING THE TRILINEAR METHOD Volume 2: : Understanding the Mystic Path to Enlightenment Through Direct by Ashby, Muata
Memphis and Mycenae: An examination of Egyptian chronology and its application to the early history of Greece by Torr, Cecil
Violet Throne - Legacy of the Aset Ka by Marques, Luis
History of Ancient Egypt: Vol. 1 by Rawlinson, George
The Monuments of Upper Egypt by Mariette, Auguste
A History of Ancient Egypt: Vol. IV by Rawlinson, George
Egypt and Babylon From Sacred and Profane Sources by Rawlinson, George
Deutschland in Ägypten: Orientalistische Netzwerke, Judenverfolgung Und Das Leben Der Frankfurter Jüdin Mimi Borchardt by Kasper-Holtkotte, CILLI
The Egyptian Pyramids: An Analysis of a great Mystery. Second Edition by Fish, Everett W.
The Geographical Distribution of Animals and Plants by Pickering, Charles
History of Ancient Egypt: Vol. 2 by Rawlinson, George
The Egyptian Pyramids: An analysis of a great mystery by Fish, Everett W.
Eine neue Betrachtung der ägyptischen Pyramiden by Gadalla, Moustafa
Masseiana Volume One: A Brief Introduction to Massey's Works by Lange, Jon, Massey, Gerald
For A Sign And A Wonder: Handy Scriptural References To Aid The Newly Awakened Israelite by Yehudah, Leah
La Historia de actualidad 1: Cromañón en Lascaux, Tutankhamon: el gran enigma, Vikingos en ... America?, En busca de la Santa Maria, La venganza de Hi by Tome Gangas, Agustin
Resurrection in Alexandria: The Painted Greco-Roman Tombs of Kom Al-Shuqafa by Pelle, André, El-Din, Mervat Seif, Guimier-Sorbets, Anne-Marie
7 Types of Queens, Kings Desire by Dorival, Kevin
Mysteries of Isis and Ra: A New Original Translation Hieroglyphic Scripture of the Aset(Isis) & Ra by Ashby, Muata
Guide to Kemetic Relationships and Creating a Kemetic Marriage Contract by Ashby, Muata, Ashby, Karen Dja
Guide to Kemetic Relationships: Ancient Egyptian Maat Wisdom of Relationships, a Comprehensive Philosophical, Legal and Psychological Manual to Apply by Ashby, Muata
The Recent Archaic Discovery of Ancient Egyptian Mummies at Thebes: A lecture delivered to the members of the Young Men's Christian Association, at Ma by Wilson, Erasmus
Orion I: la Tradition Primordiale by Vermard, Georges
Orion II: La Connaissance Perdue by Vermard, Georges
Orion III: le Principe Créateur by Vermard, Georges
Le Radici Del Cristianesimo Nell'Antico Egitto by Gadalla, Moustafa
Ahnas el Medineh - Heracleopolis Magna: with chapters on Mendes, the nome of Thoth, and Leontopolis - Vol. 11 by Naville, Edouard, Lewis, Thomas H., Tylor, Joseph J.
La Cultura Revelada Del Antiguo Egipto by Gadalla, Moustafa
The Story of Egypt by Fletcher, Joann
To the Victor Goes the Spoils, Vol. 3: Ancient Wars, Reengineering, and Claiming Stolen Technology as Their Own by Jimerson, Rufus O.
Vacation to Ancient Egypt by Nixon, Anne Elizabeth
To the Victor Goes the Spoils, Vol. 4: Winning by Cheating, Kompromat, Treason, Lying, Money-Laundering, and Obstruction of Justice by Jimerson, Rufus O.
From where did the Greeks come?: Research by Toosy, Javaid
Raíces Del Cristianismo Del Antiguo Egipto by Gadalla, Moustafa
Abusir: The Necropolis of the Sons of the Sun by Verner, Miroslav
L'Étude des hiéroglyphes by de Saulcy, Félicien
Classification from Antiquity to Modern Times: Sources, Methods, and Theories from an Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Biblical Egyptology: Proving the Common Date Theory by McCrillis, Daniel G.
Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion: As illustrated by the religion of ancient Egypt by Renouf, P. Le Page
The Monuments of Upper Egypt by Mariette, Auguste
The Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians by Wilkinson, John Gardner
A History of Art in Ancient Egypt: Vol. 2 by Perrot, Georges
Ancient Egypt by Gilman, Arthur, Rawlinson, George
History of Ancient Egypt: Vol. 1 by Rawlinson, George
History of Ancient Egypt: Vol. 2 by Rawlinson, George
An Egyptian Reading Book by Budge, E. A. Wallis
Mummy: Chapters on Egyptian Funereal Archaeology by Budge, E. A. Wallis
First Steps in Egyptian: A Book for Beginners by Budge, E. A. Wallis
The Mummy: Chapters on Egyptian Funerary Archaeology by Budge, E. A. Wallis
Egypts Place in History by Dall, Caroline Wells Healey
The Life and Times of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt: Illustrated by Weigall, Arthur E. P. B.
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire by Houston, Drusilla Dunjee
Egyptomania Goes to the Movies: From Archaeology to Popular Craze to Hollywood Fantasy by Coniam, Matthew
Artifacts from Ancient Egypt by Mendoza, Barbara
Theodicy and Power of the African Will: A Prognostication Based on the Wisdom of Our Ancient African Ancestors by Cordero, Johnnie
Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani in the British Museum (Wisehouse Classics Edition) by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Ptolemies, the Sea and the Nile by
Giza and the Pyramids: The Definitive History by Hawass, Zahi, Lehner, Mark
The Ptolemaic Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Ptolemy Dynasty and the End of the Egyptian Empire by Charles River
The Ptolemaic Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Ptolemy Dynasty and the End of the Egyptian Empire by Charles River
The Ancient Libyans and Nubians: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt's Most Prominent Neighbors in Africa by Charles River
The Ancient Libyans and Nubians: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt's Most Prominent Neighbors in Africa by Charles River
La Tradition Hermétique I: Héri-tep by Vermard, Georges
La Tradition Hermétique II: L'Our'ma by Vermard, Georges
La Tradition Hermétique III: Maât l'initiatrice by Vermard, Georges
Oméga - Alpha: Édition définitive by Vermard, Georges
The Treasure of Tenakertom by Alter, Robert Edmond
Aristocrats and Archaeologists: An Edwardian Journey on the Nile by Platt, Julian, Wilkinson, Toby
The Dynasties of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Pharaohs from the Beginning of Egyptian Civilization to the Rise of Rome by Charles River
The Dynasties of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Pharaohs from the Beginning of Egyptian Civilization to the Rise of Rome by Charles River
Archaeology Hotspot Egypt: Unearthing the Past for Armchair Archaeologists by Heath, Julian
Land and Taxes in Ptolemaic Egypt: An Edition, Translation and Commentary for the Edfu Land Survey (P. Haun. IV 70) by
Cléopâtre by Blaze De Bury, Henri
Tombs.Treasures.Mummies. Book Four: KV62 The Tomb of Tutankhamen by Forbes, Dennis C.
Cleopatra: A Life From Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Inheriting the Ancient Near East after Alexander the Great: The Rise and Fall of the Seleucid Empire and the Ptolemaic Kingdom by Charles River
Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt: A Dark Side to Perfection by Parkinson, R. B.
Inheriting the Ancient Near East after Alexander the Great: The Rise and Fall of the Seleucid Empire and the Ptolemaic Kingdom by Charles River
The Leyden Papyrus: An Egyptian Magical Book From the Third Century, A.D. by
Schatten über dem Schwarzen Land: Der Rebell by Mangal, Monika
The Teachings of Ptahhotep: The Oldest Book in the World by Gunn, Battiscombe G.
The Cult of the Apis Bull: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt's Most Famous Sacred Animal by Charles River
The Cult of the Apis Bull: The History and Legacy of Ancient Egypt's Most Famous Sacred Animal by Charles River