• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 1989

The Historical Method of Herodotus by Lateiner, Donald
Cults of the Dead in Ancient Israel and Ugarit by Lewis, Theodore J.
Opuscula Psychologica, Theologica, Daemonologica by Michael Psellus
Theologica: Volume I by Michael Psellus
Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum by
Georgii Gemisti Plethonis Opuscula de Historia Graeca by Pletho, Georgius Gemistus
Plutarch: Lives of Aristeides and Cato by Sansone, David
Plutarch: The Life of Cicero by
Plutarch: Lives of Aristeides and Cato by Sansone, David
Xenophon: Hellenika I-II.3.10 by Krentz, Peter
Alexandri Lycopolitani Contra Manichaei Opiniones Disputatio by Alexander Lycopolitanus
Libri IX-X. Indices by Pausanias Periegeta
Libri I-IV by Pausanias Periegeta
Tyconius: The Book of Rules by
Die Wasserleitungen Von Pergamon by Gräber, Friedrich
Outbreak of the Peloponnesian War by Kagan, Donald
Les Industries Lithiques Taillées de Franchthi (Argolide, Grèce), Volume 1: Présentation Générale Et Industries Paléolithiques, Fascicle 3 by Perlès, Catherine
The Trial of Socrates by Stone, I. F.
Early Greek Law by Gagarin, Michael
Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War Book II by Thucydides 431 Bc, Rusten, Jeffrey S.
Carmina Epigraphica Graeca Saeculi IV A. Chr. N. (Ceg 2) by
Peasant-Citizen and Slave: The Foundations of Athenian Democracy by Wood, Ellen Meiksins
On the Mysteries by Andokides
Oral Tradition and Written Record in Classical Athens by Thomas, Rosalind
Origins of the Peloponnesian War by Ste Croix, G. E. M. De
Marine Molluscan Remains from Franchthi Cave: Fascicle 4, Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece by Shackleton, Judith C.
Metamorphoses of Helen by Suzuki, Mihoko
The Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
Greek Homosexuality: Updated and with a New PostScript by Dover, K. J.
The Greenleaf Guide to Famous Men of Greece by Shearer, Cyndy
One Hundred Years of Homosexuality: And Other Essays on Greek Love by Halperin, David M.
Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World: Responses to Risk and Crisis by Garnsey, Peter
The Hellenistic Aesthetic by Fowler, Barbara Hughes
From Popular Sovereignty to the Sovereignty of Law: Law, Society, and Politics in Fifth-Century Athens by Ostwald, Martin