• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2001

The Emptiness of Asia: Aeschylus' 'Persians' and the History of the Fifth Century by Harrison, Thomas
Daphnis Et Chloe by Longus
Sexual Life In Ancient Greece by Licht, Hans
Hypereides: The Forensic Speeches by Hypereides
Deception and Democracy in Classical Athens by Hesk, Jon
Sage and Emperor: Plutarch, Greek Intellectuals, and Roman Power in the Time of Trajan (98-117 A.D.) by
Epigraphic Evidence: Ancient History From Inscriptions by
Epigraphic Evidence: Ancient History From Inscriptions by
Singers, Heroes, and Gods in the Odyssey by Segal, Charles
Pba 104: Greek Personl Names C by Hornblower
Athens, Attica and the Megarid: An Archaeological Guide by Goette, Hans Rupprecht
Alternatives to Athens: Varieties of Political Organization and Community in Ancient Greece by
Jewellery Revealed in the Burial Contexts of the Greek Bronze Age by Konstantinidi, Eleni M.
Oxford Readings in Greek Religion by
On the False Embassy (Oration 19): Edited with Introduction and Commentary by Demosthenes
Sortes Astrampsychi by
Built Chamber Tombs of Middle and Late Bronze Age Date in Mainland Greece and the Islands by Papadimitriou, Nikolas
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 1: The Dryden Translation by Plutarch
Fragmenta. Indices by Pindarus
Myth, Ritual, Memory, and Exchange: Essays in Greek Literature and Culture by Gould, John
Surveying Instruments of Greece and Rome by Lewis, M. J. T.
Antiquities by Nagy, Gregory
The Family in Greek History by Patterson, Cynthia B.
The Oxford Illustrated History of Greece and the Hellenistic World by
The Piraeus: From the Fifth to the First Century BC by Garland, Robert
House and Society in the Ancient Greek World by Nevett, Lisa C.
Herodots Welt: Der Aufbau Der Historie Am Bild Der Fremden Länder Und Völker, Ihrer Zivilisation Und Ihrer Geschichte by Bichler, Reinhold
Alexander of Aphrodisias: On Aristotle Topics 1 by Ophuijsen, Johannes M. Van
Hellenism in Land of Israel by
Polybius: Historiae (Large Print Edition) by Polybius
Greek Nymphs: Myth, Cult, Lore by Larson, Jennifer
Memories of Odysseus: Frontier Tales from Ancient Greece by Hartog, Francois
Dance and Ritual Play in Greek Religion by Lonsdale, Steven H.
Aristophanes: Wealth by Aristophanes
The Greek Way of Death: Jealousy in Literature by Garland, Robert
Studies in the Text and Transmission of the Iliad by
Greece: An Oxford Archaeological Guide by Mee, Christopher, Spawforth, Tony
Socrates Against Athens: Philosophy on Trial by Colaiaco, James A.
Spartan Reflections by Cartledge, Paul
Thucydides and Internal War by Price, Jonathan J.
A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Neolithic Alepotrypa Cave, Greece by Papathanasiou, Anastasia
Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotamia by Bottéro, Jean
Black Athena Writes Back: Martin Bernal Responds to His Critics by Bernal, Martin
Heroenkulte in Griechenland Von Der Geometrischen Bis Zur Klassischen Zeit: Attika, Argolis, Messenien by Boehringer, David
Der oligarchische Umsturz des Jahres 411 v. Chr. und die Herrschaft der Vierhundert in Athen: Quellenkritische und historische Untersuchungen by Heftner, Herbert
Symbolic Mythology: Interpretations of the Myths of Ancient Greece and Rome by Fiore, John
A Christian's Guide to Greek Culture: The Pseudo-Nonnus 'Commentaries' on 'Sermons' 4, 5, 39 and 43 by Gregory of Nazianus by Pseudo-Nonnus
Religions of the Hellenistic-Roman Age by Tripolitis, Antonia
Der Ferne Osten Und Das Landesinnere Bis Zum Tauros by
Moralia: Volume V/Fasc 3 by Plutarchus
Peri Ktismaton Libri VI Sive de Aedificiis Cum Duobus Indicibus Praefatione Excerptisque Photii Adiectis by Procopius
Greeks and Barbarians by Harrison, Thomas
Sparta by Whitby, Michael
Sparta by Whitby, Michael
The Early Neolithic in Greece: The First Farming Communities in Europe by Perl?'s, Catherine, Perles, Catherine
The Acropolis: Global Fame, Local Claim by Yalouri, Eleana
The Acropolis: Global Fame, Local Claim by Yalouri, Eleana
Euripides: The Children of Heracles by Euripides
Greed and Injustice in Classical Athens by Balot, Ryan K.
The Archaeology of Ancient Greece by Whitley, James
The Archaeology of Ancient Greece by Whitley, James
The Early Neolithic in Greece: The First Farming Communities in Europe by Perl?'s, Catherine, Perles, Catherine
Greeks and Barbarians by
Interpreting Late Antiquity: Essays on the Postclassical World by
Sparta and Lakonia: A Regional History 1300-362 BC by Cartledge, Paul
Money, Labour and Land: Approaches to the Economics of Ancient Greece by
Girls and Women in Classical Greek Religion by Dillon, Matthew
Political Dissent in Democratic Athens: Intellectual Critics of Popular Rule by Ober, Josiah
Troy Between Greece and Rome: Local Tradition and Imperial Power by Erskine, Andrew
The Rural History of Ancient Greek City-States: The Oropos Survey Project by Cosmopoulos, Michael B.
Exegetica by Gnilka, Christian
Events That Changed Ancient Greece by Vivante, Bella
A Bioarchaeological Approach to Prehistoric Cemetery Populations from Central and Western Greek Macedonia by Triantaphyllou, Sevi