• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2002

Vitae Parallelae: Volumen III/Fasc. 2 by Plutarchus
The Divided City: On Memory and Forgetting in Ancient Athens by
Xenophon's March: Into the Lair of the Persian Lion by Prevas, John
The Business Life of Ancient Athens by Calhoun, George M.
Money and the Corrosion of Power in Thucydides: The Sicilian Expedition and Its Aftermath by Kallet, Lisa
Plutarch by Lamberton, Robert
The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine by Kuriyama, Shigehisa
Approaches to the Study of Attic Vases: Beazley and Pottier by Rouet, Philippe, Nash, Liz
The Historian's Craft in the Age of Herodotus by
Eros and Greek Athletics by Scanlon, Thomas Francis
Heritage and Hellenism: The Reinvention of Jewish Tradition Volume 30 by Gruen, Erich S.
The Narratives of Konon: Text, Translation and Commentary of the Diegeseis by Brown, Malcolm Kenneth
Virgil's Aeneid: Decorum, Allusion, and Ideology by Clausen, Wendell V.
The Oxford History of Greece and the Hellenistic World by
Studies in Classical History and Society by Reinhold, Meyer
Who Needs Greek?: Contests in the Cultural History of Hellenism by Goldhill, Simon, Simon, Goldhill
Greek Oratory: Tradition and Originality by Usher, Stephen
Jews in the Hellenistic and Roman Cities by
Household and City Organization at Olynthus by Cahill, Nicholas
Saturarum Menippearum Fragmenta by Varro, Marcus Terentius
Athenian Identity and Civic Ideology by Scafuro, Adele C.
Política y religión en Atenas arcaica by Valdés Guía, Miriam
Aineias the Tactician: How to Survive Under Siege by Whitehead, David
Miletos: Archaeology and History by Greaves, Alan M.
Who Needs Greek?: Contests in the Cultural History of Hellenism by Goldhill, Simon
Greeks Bearing Gifts: The Public Use of Private Relationships in the Greek World, 435 323 BC by Mitchell, Lynette G., Mitchell, Lynette Gail
Historical Dictionary of Ancient Greek Warfare by Spence, Iain
The Athenian Woman: An Iconographic Handbook by Lewis, Sian
Fabulae by Hyginus
Theodore the Stoudite: The Ordering of Holiness by Cholij, Roman
Plutarch's Lives: Exploring Virtue and Vice by Duff, Tim
The Athenian Woman: An Iconographic Handbook by Lewis, Sian
History of Greek Culture by Burckhardt, Jacob
Rape and the Politics of Consent in Classical Athens by Omitowoju, Rosanna
Abortion in the Ancient World by Kapparis, Konstantinos
Josephus: The Historian and His Society by Rajak, Tessa
Antiphon the Athenian: Oratory, Law, and Justice in the Age of the Sophists by Gagarin, Michael
The Sleep of Reason: Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and Rome by
Alexander the Great in Fact and Fiction by
Spartan Women by Pomeroy, Sarah B.
Ancient Macedonians: Differences Between The Ancient Macedonians and The Ancient Greeks by Gandeto, J. S. G.
Rome's Debt to Greece by Wardman, Alan
Herodotus: Histories I by Herodotus
The Ancient Greek Historians by Bury, J. B.
Excavating Classical Culture by
Rape in Antiquity: Sexual Violence in the Greek and Roman Worlds by Pierce, Karen F., Deacy, Susan
Homer: Odyssey VI and VII by Homer
Kosmos: Essays in Order, Conflict and Community in Classical Athens by
Selected Papers in Greek and Near Eastern History by Lewis, David M.
Ritualised Friendship and the Greek City by Herman, Gabriel
Herodotus in Context: Ethnography, Science and the Art of Persuasion by Thomas, Rosalind, Rosalind, Thomas
Piracy in the Graeco-Roman World by de Souza, Philip, Souza, Philip de, Philip de, Souza
Greek Religion: Archaic and Classical by Burkert, Walter
Archaeologies of the Greek Past: Landscape, Monuments, and Memories by Alcock, Susan E.
Archaeologies of the Greek Past: Landscape, Monuments, and Memories by Alcock, Susan E.
Introduction to Virtue Ethics: Insights of the Ancient Greeks by Devettere, Raymond J.
Divinity and History: The Religion of Herodotus by Harrison, Thomas
Demosthenes: Against Meidias by Demosthenes
The World of Odysseus by Finley, M. I.
Demokratie, Recht und soziale Kontrolle im klassischen Athen by
Pythagoras in der Spätantike by Staab, Gregor
Metaphysik Und Religion: Zur Signatur Des Spätantiken Denkens / Akten Des Internationalen Kongresses Vom 13.-17. März 2001 in Würzburg by
Eros and Polis by Ludwig, Paul W.
Hippolytus Between East and West: The Commentaries and the Provenance of the Corpus by Cerrato, J. A.
The Chronography of George Synkellos by Synkellos, George, Adler, William, Tuffin, Paul
Classical Horizons: The Origins of Sociology in Ancient Greece by McCarthy, George E.
Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology of Ancient Greek Secret Cults by
Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology of Ancient Greek Secret Cults by
Hellenistic Civilization by Chamoux, Francois
Early Greek Philosophy by Various
The Usable Past: Greek Metahistories by
Oxford Classical Monographs by Eilers, Claude
The Athenian Nation by Cohen, Edward
The Greeks: A Portrait of Self and Others by Cartledge, Paul
The Narcissus and the Pomegranate: An Archaeology of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter by Suter, Ann
Love Among the Ruins: The Erotics of Democracy in Classical Athens by Wohl, Victoria
The World of Prometheus: The Politics of Punishing in Democratic Athens by Allen, Danielle S.
Aristophanes: Indexes to the Plays by Aristophanes
Aristophanes: Indexes to the Plays by Aristophanes
The History of the Jews in the Greco-Roman World: The Jews of Palestine from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest by Schäfer, Peter
La Paleovegetación en el Norte de Grecia desde el Tardiglaciar hasta el Atlántico: Formaciones Vegetales, Recursos y Usos by Ntinou, Maria