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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2013

Negotiating Identity in the Ancient Mediterranean: The Archaic and Classical Greek Multiethnic Emporia by Demetriou, Denise
The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World by
Alexander of Macedon, 356-323 B.C.: A Historical Biography by Green, Peter
Mythos Demokratie: Antike Herrschaftsmodelle im Spannungsfeld von Egalitaetsprinzip und Eliteprinzip by Haarmann, Harald
Hesiod Theogony 800-700 BC: Birth of the Gods and Cosmos by
Prometheus Bound and The Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus
The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
Timaeus of Tauromenium and Hellenistic Historiography by Baron, Christopher A.
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Volume 43 by
Alexander the Great: The Anabasis and the Indica by Hammond, Martin, Atkinson, John
An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon by Liddell, Henry George, Scott, Robert
Eratosthenian Averages by Wintner, Aurel
The Republic by Plato
Myths and Legends of Greece and Rome by Forbush, William Byron
Xenophon And The History Of His Times by Dillery, John
Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography by Thompson, Edward Maunde
Thucydides Between History and Literature by
The Andromache of Euripides: University of Nebraska Studies No. 25 by
Die Entstehung Des Herodotischen Geschichtswerkes by Bauer, Adolf
Classical and Modern Interactions: Postmodern Architecture, Multiculturalism, Decline, and Other Issues by Galinsky, Karl
Anabasis by Xenophon
Anabasis by Xenophon
Euripides: Electra by
The Gods of Ancient Greece: Identities and Transformations by
Dediche di Occidentali nel santuario di Apollo a Delfi (VI-IV a. C.) by Cavaliere, Maria Emilia
Herom: Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture by
Amazonen zwischen Griechen und Skythen by
Platons Kritik an Geld und Reichtum by Schriefl, Anna
The Greek Fathers: Our Debt to Greece and Rome, V34 by Campbell, James Marshall
Organic Blood by Rodriguez, Marija Elektra
Athens, Thrace, and the Shaping of Athenian Leadership. Matthew A. Sears by Sears, Matthew A.
Herodots Wege des Erzaehlens: Logos und Topos in den "Historien" by
A Classical and Topographical Tour Through Greece - Volume 1 by Dodwell, Edward
A Classical and Topographical Tour Through Greece - Volume 2 by Dodwell, Edward
The Wandering King: Book 1: Summer, Harvest, War by Marte, Stephen Bradford
The Philistines and Other "Sea Peoples" in Text and Archaeology by
The Symposion in Ancient Greek Society and Thought by Hobden, Fiona
The Constellations: Myths of the Stars by Coder, Errol Jud
Menander: Dyskolos, Samia and Other Plays by Menander, Ireland, S.
A History of Sparta by Forrest, G., Forrest, W. G.
Voyage Du Jeune Anacharsis En Grèce, Dans Le Milieu Du Quatrième Siècle Avant l'Ère Vulgaire by Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques
Voyage Du Jeune Anacharsis En Grèce Dans Le Milieu Du Quatrième Siècle Avant l'Ère Vulgaire. Tome 2 by Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques
The Goat Song: Story of Athenian Lives in the Era of Socrates by Young, Tom
The First Clash: The Miraculous Greek Victory at Marathon and Its Impact on Western Civilization by Lacey, James
Readings in Greek History: Sources and Interpretations by Nagle, D. Brendan, Burstein, Stanley M.
Anthemius of Tralles: A Study of Later Greek Geometry by Huxley, George Leonard
The Pagan Image of Greco-Roman Palestine and Surrounding Lands by Figueras, Pau
Zeus in Early Greek Mythology and Religion: From prehistoric times to the Early Archaic period by Zolotnikova, Olga A.
Ancient Greece: From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times by Martin, Thomas R.
Greek Athletics by
The Sacred History of Euhemerus of Messene by Winiarczyk, Marek
Philosophy and Salvation in Greek Religion by
Belonging and Isolation in the Hellenistic World by Faber, Reimer, Ager, Sheila
Castles of Northwest Greece: From the early Byzantine period to the eve of the First World War by Brooks, Allan
After Demosthenes: The Politics of Early Hellenistic Athens by Bayliss, Andrew J.
The Heraclidae by Euripides
Vase Painting, Gender, and Social Identity in Archaic Athens by Stansbury-O'Donnell, Mark D.
The Greek Polis and the Invention of Democracy: A Politico-Cultural Transformation and Its Interpretations by
Helen of Troy: Beauty, Myth, Devastation by Blondell, Ruby
From Prehistoric Villages to Cities: Settlement Aggregation and Community Transformation by
The Trojan War by Cline, Eric H.
The People of Aristophanes (Routledge Revivals): A Sociology of Old Attic Comedy by Ehrenberg, Victor
Thucydides by Thucydides
Thucydides by Thucydides
Altertumskundliches Wissen in Weimar by Dönike, Martin
Masters of Command: Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, and the Genius of Leadership by Strauss, Barry
Dreams, Healing, and Medicine in Greece: From Antiquity to the Present by
Real Scythians by Nikic, Momir
Exploring the Hospitable Sea by
Reading the Landscapes of the Rural Peloponnese: Landscape change and regional variation in an early 'provincial' setting by Stewart, Daniel R.
de l'Influence Des Climats Sur l'Homme by Foissac, Pierre
Recueil de Médailles de Peuples Et de Villes, Qui n'Ont Point Encore Été Publiées. Tome 2: , Ou Qui Sont Peu Connues; Contenant Les Médailles d'Asie by Pellerin, Joseph
La Nécropole de Myrina: Recherches Archéologiques. Tome 1: Exécutées Au Nom Et Aux Frais de l'École Française d'Athènes by Reinach, Salomon, Pottier, Edmond
La Nécropole de Myrina: Recherches Archéologiques. Tome 2: Exécutées Au Nom Et Aux Frais de l'École Française d'Athènes by Pottier, Edmond, Reinach, Salomon
Cabinet of Greek Curiosities C by McKeown, J. C.
Alexander the Great: Themes and Issues. by Edward M. Anson by Anson, Edward M.
Alexander the Great by Anson, Edward M.
After Thermopylae: The Oath of Plataea and the End of the Graeco-Persian Wars by Cartledge, Paul
Heron Von Alexandria by Schmidt, W.
Men of Bronze: Hoplite Warfare in Ancient Greece by
Readings from Hellas: Sources for the exploration of ancient Greece by Wilson, Mark B.
Mosaici tardoantichi dell'isola di Cos: Scavi italiani 1912-1945 by de Matteis, Lorella Maria
The Bosporus: Gateway between the Ancient West and East (1st Millennium BC-5th Century AD) by
Die Nekropolen Von Diokaisareia by Linnemann, Johannes Christian
Redefining Dionysos by
The Trojan War: Literature and Legends from the Bronze Age to the Present, 2d ed. by Thompson, Diane P.
The Discovery of the Mind: The Greek Origins of European Thought by Snell, Bruno
The Discovery of the Mind: The Greek Origins of European Thought by Snell, Bruno
Euthyphro by Plato
Critias by Plato
Cratylus by Plato
Lesser Hippias by Plato
Philebus by Plato
Menexenus by Plato
Lysis by Plato
Laches or Courage by Plato
A Short History of the Greeks: From the Earliest Times to BC 146 by Shuckburgh, Evelyn S.
Greek History for Schools by Edmonds, C. D.
Il ginnasio greco: Genesi, topografia e culti dei luoghi della paideia by Trombetti, Catia
Menexenus by Plato
Phaedo: The Last Hours Of Socrates by Plato
Roman & Greek Warfare: Tactics, Equipment, Weapons & Battles of the Ancient Period by Payne-Gallwey, Ralph, McCartney, Eugene S., Creasy, Edward
Roman & Greek Warfare: Tactics, Equipment, Weapons & Battles of the Ancient Period by Payne-Gallwey, Ralph, McCartney, Eugene S., Creasy, Edward
Cratylus by Plato
Euthyphro by Plato
Critias by Plato
Lysis by Plato
Euthydemus by Plato
Philebus by Plato
Greek Political Imagery from Homer to Aristotle by Brock, Roger
Plato, Politics and a Practical Utopia,: Social Constructivism and Civic Planning in the 'Laws' by Moore, Kenneth Royce
The Devil's Tabernacle: The Pagan Oracles in Early Modern Thought by Ossa-Richardson, Anthony
Status in Classical Athens by Kamen, Deborah E.
The Greek Empire of Marseille: Discoverer of Britain, Saviour of Rome. by Gunstone, Christopher
The Minoans by Glasgow, George
A Suggestion Concerning Plato's Atlantis: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, V68, No. 6, May, 1933 by Heidel, William Arthur
The Hymn to Demeter and Her Sanctuary at Eleusis by Mylonas, George Emmanuel
The Greeks And The Irrational by Dodds, Eric Robertson
Collected Papers on Alexander the Great by Badian, Ernst
A Small Greek World: Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean by Malkin, Irad
Chronological Tables of Greek History: Accompanied by a Short Narrative of Events, with References to the Sources of Information and Extracts from the by Peter, Carl
Archives et bibliothèques dans le monde grec: Édifices et organisation. Vᵉ siècle avant notre ère - IIᵉ siècle de notre ère by Coqueugniot, Gaëlle
Networks in the Hellenistic World: According to the pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond by
The Beginnings, Egypt and Assyria: Clio Medica, No. 1 by Dawson, Warren R.
The Poetics of Eros in Ancient Greece by Calame, Claude
Greeks and Barbarians by Vlassopoulos, Kostas
A History of the Archaic Greek World, Ca. 1200-479 Bce by Hall, Jonathan M.
Flavian Epic Interactions by
History of Ancient Egypt by Romer, John
Famous Men of Greece by Haaren, John
Ancient Cities: The History of Pompeii by Charles River
The Documents in the Attic Orators: Laws and Decrees in the Public Speeches of the Demosthenic Corpus by Canevaro, Mirko
Cultures of Commemoration: War Memorials, Ancient and Modern by Rhodes, P. J.
Statues & Cities Osacr C by Ma
The Aeneid for Boys and Girls by Alfred, J. Church
The Aeneid for Boys and Girls by Alfred, J. Church
Oedipe À Colone by Sophocle
Ancient Cities: The History of Carthage by Charles River
Hades: The History, Origins and Evolution of the Greek God by Harasta, Jesse, Charles River
Antiquity's Greatest Philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle by Charles River
Oeconomicus: Geemendeerd En Van Ophelderingen Voorzien by Xenophon
Confronting the Classics: Traditions, Adventures, and Innovations by Beard, Mary
Greeks and Barbarians by Vlassopoulos, Konstantinos, Vlassopoulos, Kostas
Stories of Greek Gods, Heroes and Men: A Primer of the Mythology and History of the Greeks by Harding, Samuel B., Harding, Caroline H.
Shifting Social Imaginaries in the Hellenistic Period: Narrations, Practices, and Images by
Ancient Greece at Work: An Economic History of Greece from the Homeric Period to the Roman Conquest by Glotz, Gustave
Living on the Margin: Chryssi Island and the Settlement Patterns of the Ierapetra Area (Crete) by Chalikias, Konstantinos
Peristyl Und Polis: Entwicklung Und Funktionen Öffentlicher Griechischer Hofanlagen by Emme, Burkhard
The Shaping of Narrative in Polybius by Miltsios, Nikos
Legends of the Ancient World: The Life and Legacy of King Nebuchadnezzar II by Charles River
Costumes Of The Greeks And Romans by Hope, Thomas
Women in the Ancient Near East: A Sourcebook by
Pyrrhus by Abbott, Jacob
Thucydides Translated Into English (2 Volumes): To Which Is Prefixed an Essay on Inscriptions and a Note of the Geography of Thucydides by
The Greek Vase: Art of the Storyteller by Oakley, John H.
The Heroic Rulers of Archaic and Classical Greece by Mitchell, Lynette
The World's Greatest Civilizations: The History and Culture of Ancient Sparta by Charles River
The Heroic Rulers of Archaic and Classical Greece by Mitchell, Lynette
The World's Greatest Civilizations: The History and Culture of the Toltec by Charles River
Zeus: The Origins and History of the Greek God by Charles River
Women in the Ancient Near East: A Sourcebook by
The Greek and Macedonian Art of War (Reprint Edition) by Adcock, Frank Ezra
The World's Greatest Civilizations: The History and Culture of the Zulu by Charles River
Savage Energies: Lessons of Myth and Ritual in Ancient Greece by Burkert, Walter
The Rise of Parthia in the East: From the Seleucid Empire to the Arrival of Rome by Rea, Cam
Herodotus: Volume 1 by
Herodotus, Volume 2: Herodotus and the World by
Herodotus, Volume 1: Herodotus and the Narrative of the Past by
2012/2013 by
Il Mondo del Vaso Chigi: Pittura, Guerra E Società a Corinto Alla Metà del VII Secolo A.C. by D'Acunto, Matteo
Intende, Lector - Echoes of Myth, Religion and Ritual in the Ancient Novel by
Sex and Sexuality in Classical Athens by Robson, James
Expedition of Cyrus: With English Notes, Prepared for the Use of Schools and Colleges, with a Life of the Author by
Dionysius I of Syracuse and Greek Tyranny (Routledge Revivals) by Sanders, Lionel Jehuda
Excavations at Tel Zahara (2006-2009): Final Report: The Hellenistic and Roman Strata by
Stable Places and Changing Perceptions: Cave Archaeology in Greece by
Aphrodite Rising: A Philosophy for Our Time by Sullivan, Dick
Praxiteles: The Cleveland Apollo by Bennett, Michael
Sex and Sexuality in Classical Athens by Robson, James
The World's Greatest Civilizations: The History and Culture of Ancient Egypt by Charles River, Hall, M. Clement
Festivals, Feasts, and Gender Relations in Ancient China and Greece by Zhou, Yiqun
Thucydides, Pericles, and Periclean Imperialism by Foster, Edith
Pythagoras: Greek Philosopher, Initiate Teacher, Founder of a Brotherhood at Crotona by A. Group of Students
The History of Herodotus by Herodotus
Greek Holiday by Anthony, Anne
The Fulness of God: An Exposition of the Ephesians from the Greek by Cable, John H., Wuest, Kenneth S.
And the Greeks: A Book of Hellenic Recipes by Macdougall, Allan Ross
Four Famous Greek Plays by Landis, Professor Paul
Five Stages of Greek Religion: The Thinker's Library, No. 52 by Murray, Gilbert
Demosthenes and His Influence: Our Debt to Greece and Rome by Adams, Charles Darwin
Hermetica, V1: The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings Which Contain Religious or Philosophic Teachings Ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus by Scott, Walter
Moralia by Plutarch
The Egyptian Miracle by Wood, Frederic H.
Egyptian Civilization Its Sumerian Origin and Real Chronology by Waddell, L. Austine
Five Stages of Greek Religion: The Thinker's Library, No. 52 by Murray, Gilbert
The Death of Socrates: An Interpretation of the Platonic Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo by Guardini, Romano, Wrighton, Basil
Pythagoras: Greek Philosopher, Initiate Teacher, Founder of a Brotherhood at Crotona by A. Group of Students
Studies in Ancient Greek Society, V2: The First Philosophers by Thomson, George
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: The Greek Text with the English Translation by Canellopoulos, C. C.
Hannibal by Abbott, Jacob
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