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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2017

La Rhetorique Du Petit Dans l'Epigramme Grecque Et Latine: Actes Du Colloque de Strasbourg (26-27 Mai 2015) by
Nietzsche and the Ancient Skeptical Tradition by Berry, Jessica N.
Cabinet of Ancient Medical Curiosities: Strange Tales and Surprising Facts from the Healing Arts of Greece and Rome by McKeown, J. C.
Postcolonial Amazons: Female Masculinity and Courage in Ancient Greek and Sanskrit Literature by Penrose Jr, Walter Duvall
The Antikythera Mechanism: The History and Mystery of the Ancient World's Most Famous Astronomical Device by Charles River
Democracy's Slaves: A Political History of Ancient Greece by Ismard, Paulin
Sammlung der griechischen Dialektinschriften by Collitz, Hermann
Famous Men of Ancient Times by Goodrich, S. G.
Rudolf. Crown Prince and Rebel: Translation of the New and Revised Edition, Kronprinz Rudolf. Ein Leben (Amalthea, 2005) by Hamann, Brigitte
Die Königin von Kreta: Teil I: Stierspringer by Opelt, Rüdiger
Democracy in Classical Athens by Carey, Christopher
Der Areopag und die Epheten: Eine Untersuchung zur athenischen Verfassungsgeschichte by Philippi, Adolf
Beiträge zu einer Geschichte des attischen Bürgerrechtes by Philippi, Adolf
Der Areopag und die Epheten: Eine Untersuchung zur athenischen Verfassungsgeschichte by Philippi, Adolf
The Eleusinian Mysteries: The History of Ancient Greece's Most Famous Religious Rites by Charles River
Der Areopag und die Epheten: Eine Untersuchung zur athenischen Verfassungsgeschichte by Philippi, Adolf
The Eleusinian Mysteries: The History of Ancient Greece's Most Famous Religious Rites by Charles River
Zeittafeln der griechischen Geschichte zum Handgebrauch und als Grundlage des Vortrags in höheren Gymnasialklasse by Peter, Karl Ludwig
Die griechischen Personennamen nach ihrer Bildung erklärt,: mit den Namensystemen verwandter Sprachen verglichen und systematisch geordnet by Fick, August
Ctesias' Persica in Its Near Eastern Context by Waters, Matt
Theseus and the Minotaur: The History of One of Greek Mythology's Most Famous Legends by Charles River, Scott, Andrew
Theseus and the Minotaur: The History of One of Greek Mythology's Most Famous Legends by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
Attic Oratory and Performance by Serafim, Andreas
The World's Greatest Civilizations: The History and Culture of the Minoans (Illustrated) by Charles River
Sophist Kings: Persians as Other in Herodotus by Provencal, Vernon L.
The Minoans and Mycenaeans: The History of the Civilizations that First Developed Ancient Greek Culture by Charles River
Hitlers voelkische Vorkaempfer: Die Entwicklung nationalsozialistischer Kultur- und Rassenpolitik in der Baum-Frick-Regierung 1930-1931 by Esche, Alexandra
Ancient Ephesus: The History and Legacy of One of Antiquity's Greatest Cities by Charles River
Athens Burning: The Persian Invasion of Greece and the Evacuation of Attica by Garland, Robert
Graffiti in Antiquity by Keegan, Peter
Handbuch der griechischen Staatsaltertümer: Erster Band: Der Staat der Lakedaimonier und der Athener by Gilbert, Gustav
Erziehung und Unterricht im klassischen Altertum: 1. Band by Grasberger, Lorenz
Handbuch der griechischen Staatsaltertümer: Zweiter Band by Gilbert, Gustav
Greek Mythology: A Captivating Guide to the Ancient Gods, Goddesses, Heroes and Monsters by Clayton, Matt
A Portable Cosmos: Revealing the Antikythera Mechanism, Scientific Wonder of the Ancient World by Jones, Alexander
Abriss der Quellenkunde der griechischen und römischen Geschichte by Schaefer, Arnold
Handbuch der griechischen Staatsaltertümer: Zweiter Band by Gilbert, Gustav
Erziehung und Unterricht in klassischen Altertum: 2. Band by Grasberger, Lorenz
Studien zur altspartanischen Geschichte by Gilbert, Gustav
Plato's Dialectic on Woman: Equal, Therefore Inferior by Blair, Elena
Die Darstellung der Barbaren in griechischer Literatur und Kunst: der vorhellenistischen Zeit by Zahn, Robert
Attica: The History and Legacy of the Most Important Region in Ancient Greece by Charles River
Attica: The History and Legacy of the Most Important Region in Ancient Greece by Charles River
The Mythology of the Trojan War: The History and Legacy of the Mythical Legends about the Battle for Troy by Charles River
The Mythology of the Trojan War: The History and Legacy of the Mythical Legends about the Battle for Troy by Charles River
Provincial Turn: Verhaeltnis zwischen Staat und Provinz im suedoestlichen Europa vom letzten Drittel des 17. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert by
Die griechischen Personennamen nach ihrer Bildung erklärt und systematisch geordnet by Fick, August
The Plague of War: Athens, Sparta, and the Struggle for Ancient Greece by Roberts, Jennifer T.
Venire contra factum proprium: Herkunft und Grundlagen eines sprichwoertlichen Rechtsprinzips by Isola, Lisa
Karl Otfried Müllers Geschichte der griechischen Litteratur: bis auf das Zeitalter Alexanders by Heitz, Emil, Müller, Karl Otfried
Legends of the Ancient World: The Life and Legacy of King Nebuchadnezzar II by Charles River
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Thermopylae by Charles River
Legends of the Ancient World: The Life and Legacy of Archimedes by Charles River
Athena: The Origins and History of the Greek Goddess by Charles River, Harasta, Jesse
Wald- und Ressourcenpolitik im Siebenbuergen des 18. Jahrhunderts by Rus, Dorin-Ioan
Anthologie aus den Lyrikern der Griechen: Für den Schul- und Privatgebrauch erklärt und mit literarhistorischen Einleitungen versehen by Buchholz, Eduard
Stil und Text der Politeia Athenaion des Aristoteles by Kaibel, Georg
Boiotia in the Fourth Century B.C. by
2016 by
Parmenides: Translated by Benjamin Jowett by Plato
Greek Mythology by Margera, Elaine
Der Kampf um Amphilochien by Müller, Cornelius, Ullrich, Franz Wolfgang
Die Staatslehre des Aristoteles in historischpolitischen Umrissen: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der hellenischen Staatsidee und zur Einfuhrung in die ar by Oncken, Wilhelm
Kriegserklaerung an das alte Europa: Literarische, historiographische und autobiographische Sichtweisen auf den Ersten Weltkrieg by
Classical Art of Command C by Roisman, Joseph
Ces Chrétiens qui ne croyaient pas en Jésus-Christ: Un Christianisme appelé Géométrie au Moyen Âge by Van Halteren, Jean-Pierre
Pottery Production Technology and Long-distance Exchange in Late Neolithic Makrygialos, Northern Greece by Hitsiou, Elissavet S.
Forschungen zur alten Geschichte: 1. Band by Meyer, Eduard
Greek Buddha: Pyrrho's Encounter with Early Buddhism in Central Asia by Beckwith, Christopher I.
Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, and Norse Mythology by Clayton, Matt
Crito by Plato
Quellen zum Aktiengesetz vom 18. Juli 1884 by
The Rabbula Corpus: Comprising the Life of Rabbula, His Correspondence, a Homily Delivered in Constantinople, Canons, and Hymns by Horn, Cornelia B., Phenix, Robert R., Jr.
The Best Surgeon in England: Percivall Pott, 1713-88 by Payne, Lynda
Historische und philologische Aufsätze: Ernst Curtius zu seinem siebenzigsten Geburtstage am zweiten September 1884 by Curtius, Ernst
Citizenship in Classical Athens by Blok, Josine
Apollo: The Origins and History of the Greek God by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
Apollo: The Origins and History of the Greek God by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
Cyropaedia: The Education of Cyrus by Xenophon
Ausgewählte Schriften des Lucian: Erster Band by Sommerbrodt, Julius
Studien zu Thukydides by Thommen, Emil
Transferprozesse der Moderne: Die Nachbenennungen Alpen und Schweiz im 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert by Frei, Philippe
Stadtraum Und Bürgerin: Aufstellungsorte Kaiserzeitlicher Ehrenstatuen in Italien Und Nordafrika by Murer, Cristina
Studien aus dem Gebiete der griechischen Privataltertümer by Sartori, Karl
Greek Mythology: A Fascinating Guide to Understanding the Ancient Greek Religion with Its Gods, Goddesses, Monsters and Mortals by Clayton, Matt
Lycurgan Athens and the Making of Classical Tragedy by Hanink, Johanna
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Okinawa by Charles River
Euripides: Iphigenia at Aulis: Volume 1: Introduction, Text and Translation; Volume 2: Commentary and Indexes by Morwood, James, Euripides, Collard, Christopher
Euripides: Iphigenia at Aulis: Volume 1: Introduction, Text and Translation; Volume 2: Commentary and Indexes by Morwood, James, Euripides, Collard, Christopher
Thoukidides, Istoriai by Thoukidides
Die attische Politik seit Perikles by Beloch, Julius
Human and Animal in Ancient Greece: Empathy and Encounter in Classical Literature by Korhonen, Tua, Ruonakoski, Erika
Pyrrhus by Abbott, Jacob
Plato's Atlantis Story: Text, Translation and Commentary by Gill, Christopher
Plato's Atlantis Story: Text, Translation and Commentary by Gill, Christopher
Phaedo by Plato
Phaedrus by Plato
Ancient Greece: Greek Gods, Spartans, Greek Mythology and The Trojan Horse by Auerbach, Patrick
Stadtverteidigung / Poliorketika: Griechisch - Deutsch by Aeneas Tacticus
The Cambridge Companion to Xenophon by
Women in Mycenaean Greece: The Linear B Tablets from Pylos and Knossos by Olsen, Barbara A.
A Smaller History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest by Smith, William
Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeus,: Volume 1 by Jebb, Richard Claverhouse
Euthyphro by Plato
Quand les dieux foulaient la terre I: Les Chroniques du Ğírkù à l'épreuve de la mythologie comparée by Nasura, Satoshi
Quand les dieux foulaient la terre II: Les Douze Dieux de l'Olympe by Nasura, Satoshi
Quand les dieux foulaient la terre III: Les Témoins de l'Éternité by Nasura, Satoshi
The Raid on Troy by Eiland Jr, Murray Lee
The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
Greek and Roman Civilization: With an Introduction to the Source Study Method by Fling, Fred Morrow
The Trial and Death of Socrates: Being the Euthyphron, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Plato by Church, Frederick John, Plato
The Collapse of the Mycenaean Economy: Imports, Trade, and Institutions 1300-700 BCE by Murray, Sarah C.
The Age of Pericles: Vol I: A History of the Politics and Arts of Greece From the Persian to the.... by Lloyd, William Watkiss
The Minnesota Pylos Project, 1990-98 by
Theories of Dynamic Cosmopolitanism in Modern European History by Cavallar, Georg
The Life of the Ancient Greeks: Bibliography and syllabus of Cornell university lectures by Wheeler, Benjamin Ide
A Smaller History of Greece: From the earliest times to the Roman conquest. Part 2 by Smith, William
Orality and Performance in Classical Attic Prose: A Linguistic Approach by Vatri, Alessandro
A History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest by Smith, William
Poseidon: The Origins and History of the Greek God of the Sea by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
Poseidon: The Origins and History of the Greek God of the Sea by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
Ancient Greece to the Peloponnesian War: The Historians' History of the World Volume 3 by Williams LLD, Henry Smith, Various
A New History of the Grecian States: From their earliest period to their extinction by the Ottomans; containing an account of their most memorable sie by Johnson, Richard
The United States Immigration Policy and Immigrants' Responses: Past and Present by
Greece and the Roman Conquest: The Historians' History of the World Volume 4 by Various, Williams LLD, Henry Smith
Unequal Friendship: The Patron-Client Relationship in Historical Perspective by Mączak, Antoni
Delphi: The History of the Ancient Greek Sanctuary and Home to the World's Most Famous Oracle by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
Delphi: The History of the Ancient Greek Sanctuary and Home to the World's Most Famous Oracle by Charles River
Shipping, Trade and Crusade in the Medieval Mediterranean: Studies in Honour of John Pryor by Gertwagen, Ruthy
The Three Theban Plays: Antigone; Oedipus the King; Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles
The Classical Debt: Greek Antiquity in an Era of Austerity by Hanink, Johanna
The Three Theban Plays: Antigone; Oedipus the King; Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles
Eureka! (Icon Science): The Birth of Science by Gregory, Andrew
Greek Gods Abroad: Names, Natures, and Transformations Volume 72 by Parker, Robert
Poetry and its Contexts in Eleventh-century Byzantium by Bernard, Floris
Ares: The Origins and History of the Greek God of War by Charles River, Scott, Andrew
Ares: The Origins and History of the Greek God of War by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
Mercury's Wings: Exploring Modes of Communication in the Ancient World by
The Political Institutions of the Ancient Greeks by Hammond, Basil Edward
The Trial and Death of Socrates: Being the Euthyphron, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Plato by Plato, Church, Frederick J.
The Spirit of Athens: Being a Political and Philosophical Investigation of the History of that Republic by Young, William
Irish Education and Catholic Emancipation, 1791-1831: The Campaigns of Bishop Doyle and Daniel O'Connell by Fleming, Brian
Materiality and Consumption in the Bronze Age Mediterranean by Steel, Louise
A Treatise on Government by Aristotle
Atlantis and Lemuria: History and Civilization by Steiner, Rudolf
Aphrodite: The Origins and History of the Greek Goddess of Love by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
Aphrodite: The Origins and History of the Greek Goddess of Love by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
Intermarriage in Transylvania, 1895-2010 by
Parliamentary Representatives and Parliamentary Representation in Hungary (1848-1918) by Pap, József
A History of Classical Greek Literature: Vol. II. Part I. by Mahaffy, J. P.
Athens & Sparta: Ancient Greece's Famous City-States by Charles River
Redeeming Thucydides' Book VIII: Narrative Artistry in the Account of the Ionian War by Liotsakis, Vasileios
Le périple de la mer Noire by Arrien
A manual of ancient history: From the remotest times to the overthrow of the Western Empire, A.D. 476 by Schmitz, Leonhard
The Histories of Herodotus by Herodotus, Cary, Henry
Temporary Croatization of Parts of Eastern Slovenia between the Sixteenth and Nineteenth Century: Changing Identities at the Meeting Point of Related by Golec, Boris
Atlantis: Myths, Legends and History by Kiv Books
Greek Laughter and Tears: Antiquity and After by
Philosophy and Salvation in Greek Religion by
Logos Und PRAXIS: Sparta ALS Politisches Exemplum in Den Schriften Des Isokrates by Blank, Thomas
Heraklit Im Kontext by
Jason and the Argonauts: The Origins and History of the Ancient Greeks' Most Famous Mythological Hero by Charles River
Ancient Greece Greek edition by Katsaros, Philip
American Responses to the Holocaust: Transatlantic Perspectives by
Das preußische Fideikommiss: Studien zu seiner nationaloekonomischen Funktion im Uebergang zum imperialistischen Kapitalismus by Kato, Fusao
Classics in Northern European Church History over 500 Years: Essays in Honour of Anders Jarlert by
The Ancient Agora of Classical Athens: The History and Legacy of the Athenian City Center and Assembly Gathering Space by Charles River
The Ancient Agora of Classical Athens: The History and Legacy of the Athenian Ci by Charles River
A Dictionary of Classical Greek Quotations by
The Oxford Handbook of Warfare in the Classical World by
Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History by Pomeroy, Sarah B., Burstein, Stanley M., Donlan, Walter
The History of Herodotus: Vol. 2 by Macaulay, G. C., Herodotus
History of Federal Government in Greece and Italy by Freeman, Edward Augustus, Bury, John Bagnell
A Smaller Classical Dictionary: of biography, mythology, and geography. Sixth Edition by Smith, William
The Shadow of Creusa: Negotiating Fictionality in Late Antique Latin Literature by Cullhed, Anders
Alexander: A history of the origin and growth of the art of war from the earliest times to the battle of Ipsus, B.C. 301, with a by Dodge, Theodore Ayrault
The Life of Alexander the Great, King of Macedon: Compiled from ancient history by Rollin, Charles
A lexicon to Xenophon's Anabasis by Crosby, Alpheus
Alexander: A history of the origin and growth of the art of war from the earliest times to the battle of Ipsus, B.C. 301, with a by Dodge, Theodore Ayrault
The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies, and Conquests: From the earliest accounts till the division of the Macedonian Empire in the east: includi by Gillies, John
Atlantis: The History and Legacy of the Ancient World's Fabled Lost Island and Modern Searches for It by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
La mitología de la Guerra de Troya: la historia y el legado de las leyendas míticas en torno a la batalla por Troya by Charles River
La mitología de la Guerra de Troya: la historia y el legado de las leyendas míticas en torno a la batalla por Troya by Charles River
The Greeks by
Atlantis: The History and Legacy of the Ancient World's Fabled Lost Island and Modern Searches for It by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
The History of Herodotus: Chiefly after the text of Gaisford, with preliminary observations and appendices, and English notes by Herodotus
Collection of Etruscan, Greek and Roman antiquities from the cabinet of the Honourable William Hamilton by Hamilton, William
Demopolis by Ober, Josiah
The Athenian Constitution Written in the School of Aristotle by
The Athenian Constitution Written in the School of Aristotle by
Erinnerungsimplantate - Der (Wieder-)Aufbau der Schloesser in Posen und Berlin im interdisziplinaeren Vergleich by
La forma epistolar en los espectadores españoles: Características y tipología de las cartas by Hobisch, Elisabeth
Hoplites: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Greek Soldiers Who Revolutionized Infantry Warfare by Charles River
Hoplites: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Greek Soldiers Who Revolutionized Infantry Warfare by Charles River
Die gespiegelte Schweiz: Erzaehlte Zeitgeschichte in ausgewaehlten Romanen von Jakob Bosshart, Meinrad Inglin, Kurt Guggenheim und Charles Lewinsky by Mazurkiewicz, Ewa
Nike: The Origins and History of the Greek Goddess of Victory by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
1000 Mythological Characters Briefly Described by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
Miletus: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Greek City in Anatolia by Charles River
Miletus: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Greek City in Anatolia by Charles River
Nike: The Origins and History of the Greek Goddess of Victory by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
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