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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2020

Western Democracy: The History and Legacy of Representative Governments in the West from the Ancient World to Today by Charles River
Logoi and Muthoi: Further Essays in Greek Philosophy and Literature by
Le Théâtre d'Athènes au Ve siècle by Duruy, Victor
A Concise History of Turkey: The History and Legacy of Turkey from Antiquity to Today by Charles River
Death in Late Bronze Age Greece: Variations on a Theme by
A Short History of Ancient Greece by Rhodes, Pj
The Byzantine Empire and the Plague: The History and Legacy of the Pandemic that Ravaged the Byzantines in the Early Middle Ages by Charles River
The Maccabean Revolt: The History and Legacy of the Jewish Uprising against the Seleucid Empire that Restored Judea's Religious Freedom by Charles River
The Byzantine Empire and the Plague: The History and Legacy of the Pandemic that Ravaged the Byzantines in the Early Middle Ages by Charles River
The Maccabean Revolt: The History and Legacy of the Jewish Uprising against the Seleucid Empire that Restored Judea's Religious Freedom by Charles River
Theologies of Ancient Greek Religion by
Rome and the Third Macedonian War by Burton, Paul J.
Revisiting Delphi by Kindt, Julia
Nikomachische Ethik by
The Rise of Coptic: Egyptian Versus Greek in Late Antiquity by Fournet, Jean-Luc
Ctesias' Persica in Its Near Eastern Context by Waters, Matt
Sailing from Polis to Empire: Ships in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Hellenistic Period by
Imperial Visions of Late Byzantium: Manuel II Palaiologos and Rhetoric in Purple by Leonte, Florin
Sailing from Polis to Empire: Ships in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Hellenistic Period by
Ethnicity and Identity in Herodotus by
Aristóteles en el siglo XV: una ética para príncipes: Liberalidad, magnificencia y magnanimidad by Díez Yáñez, María
Chorus of Drama in the Fourth Century Bce: Presence and Representation by Jackson, Lucy C. M. M.
Hellenica; a collection of essays on Greek poetry, philosophy, history, and religion by
Ancient Ships by Torr, Cecil
The Campaigns of Alexander by Arrian
Las guerras médicas: Una guía fascinante de los conflictos entre el Imperio aqueménide y las ciudades-estado griegas, incluida la batalla d by History, Captivating
The Search for Atlantis: A History of Plato's Ideal State by Kershaw, Steve P.
Antigua Grecia: Una Fascinante Guía de La Historia Griega, empezando desde la Edad Media Griega hasta el Final de la Antigüedad by History, Captivating
Sophocles' Electra by Roisman, Hanna M.
Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization Volume I: The Fabrication of Ancient Greece 1785-1985 Volume 1 by Bernal, Martin
Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilation Volume III: The Linguistic Evidence Volume 3 by Bernal, Martin
Ancient Greece: A Captivating Guide to Greek History Starting from the Greek Dark Ages to the End of Antiquity by History, Captivating
Spartacus: A Captivating Guide to the Thracian Gladiator Who Led the Slave Rebellion Called the Third Servile War against the Roman Republic by History, Captivating
Spartacus: A Captivating Guide to the Thracian Gladiator Who Led the Slave Rebellion Called the Third Servile War against the Roman Republic by History, Captivating
The Antonine Plague: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Roman Empire's Worst Pandemic by Charles River
The Antonine Plague: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Roman Empire's Worst Pandemic by Charles River
In the Path of Conquest C by Heckel, Waldemar
The Ancient City - Imperium Press by Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis
Mythology: Captivating Greek, Egyptian, Norse Celtic and Roman Myths of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Monsters by Clayton, Matt
Classical Mythology: Captivating Stories of Greek and Roman Gods, Heroes, and Mythological Creatures by Clayton, Matt
Esparta: Una Guía Fascinante sobre los Espartanos, las Guerras Greco-Persas, la Batalla de las Termópilas y la Guerra del Peloponeso by History, Captivating
Memento Mori: What the Romans Can Tell Us about Old Age & Death by Jones, Peter
Las guerras médicas: Una guía fascinante de los conflictos entre el Imperio aqueménide y las ciudades-estado griegas, incluida la batalla d by History, Captivating
The Battle of the Granicus River: The History of Alexander the Great's First Major Battle against the Achaemenid Persian Empire by Charles River
The Battle of the Granicus River: The History of Alexander the Great's First Major Battle against the Achaemenid Persian Empire by Charles River
Alexander the Great and the Achaemenid Persian Empire: The History and Legacy of the Macedonian King's Campaign against the Persians by Charles River
Alexander the Great and the Achaemenid Persian Empire: The History and Legacy of the Macedonian King's Campaign against the Persians by Charles River
Creators, Conquerors, and Citizens: A History of Ancient Greece by Waterfield, Robin
Esparta: Una Guía Fascinante sobre los Espartanos, las Guerras Greco-Persas, la Batalla de las Termópilas y la Guerra del Peloponeso by History, Captivating
Struggle of Faith and Reason: A History of Intolerance and Punitive Censorship: Part I: From Homer to Peter Abelard and Arnold of Brescia by Sarsila, Juhani
Drama, Oratory and Thucydides in Fifth-Century Athens: Teaching Imperial Lessons by Mills, Sophie
Women Classical Scholars: Unsealing the Fountain from the Renaissance to Jacqueline de Romilly by
Mythology: Who's Who in Greek and Roman Mythology by Berens, E. M.
The Story of Greece and Rome by Spawforth, Tony
Tragedy, the Greeks, and Us by Critchley, Simon
The Wars of Alexander the Great: The History of the Campaigns in Persia and India that Established the World's Largest Empire by Charles River
The Wars of Alexander the Great: The History of the Campaigns in Persia and India that Established the World's Largest Empire by Charles River
Children in Greek Tragedy: Pathos and Potential by Griffiths, Emma M.
Greek Mythology: The greatest Greek Mythology tales, including gods, goddesses, monsters, heroes, and much more! by Romero, Tony
Colonization and Subalternity in Classical Greece by Zuchtriegel, Gabriel
Mycenaean Greece and the Aegean World by Kramer-Hajos, Margaretha
Greek Mythology: A Guide to Greek Gods, Goddesses, Monsters, Heroes, and the Best Mythological Tales by Angelos, Adam
Greek Mythology: The Complete Guide to Greek Gods & Goddesses, Monsters, Heroes, and the Best Mythological Tales! by Komak, Peter
Greek Mythology: A Fascinating Guide to Understanding the Ancient Greek Religion with Its Gods, Goddesses, Monsters and Mortals by Clayton, Matt
Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology and Norse Mythology by Clayton, Matt
Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, Norse Mythology, Celtic Mythology and Roman Mythology by Clayton, Matt
Criminalizing History: Legal Restrictions on Statements and Interpretations of the Past in Germany, Poland, Rwanda, Turkey and Ukraine by
Greek Mythology: Captivating Greek Myths of Greek Gods, Goddesses, Monsters and Heroes by Clayton, Matt
Greek Mythology: The complete guide to Greek Mythology, Ancient Greece, Greek Gods, Zeus, Hercules, Titans, and more! by Plesiotis, Nick
Hafenstädte Im Östlichen Mittelmeerraum Vom Hellenismus Bis in Die Römische Kaiserzeit: Städtebau, Funktion Und Wahrnehmung by Feuser, Stefan
Beyond the Trenches - The Social and Cultural Impact of the Great War: Second Edition by
Greek Warfare Beyond the Polis: Defense, Strategy, and the Making of Ancient Federal States by Blome, David A.
The Chronicle of Constantine Manasses by Yuretich, Linda
Weird Rome: A Collection of Mysterious Stories, Odd Anecdotes, and Strange Superstitions from the Ancient Romans by Charles River
Weird Rome: A Collection of Mysterious Stories, Odd Anecdotes, and Strange Superstitions from the Ancient Romans by Charles River
A History of Greece: Vol. XI by Grote, George
A History of Greece: Vol. XI by Grote, George
Harmful Interaction Between the Living and the Dead in Greek Tragedy by
The Battle of Zama: The History of the Battle Between Rome and Carthage that Decided the Second Punic War by Charles River
The Battle of Zama: The History of the Battle Between Rome and Carthage that Decided the Second Punic War by Charles River
Other Natures: Environmental Encounters with Ancient Greek Ethnography by Bosak-Schroeder, Clara
Poles in Kaiser's Army On the Front of the First World War by Kaczmarek, Ryszard
The Mummies of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Egyptians' Mummification Process by Charles River
Herodotus in the Long Nineteenth Century by
The Mummies of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Egyptians' Mummification Process by Charles River
The Power of Urban Water: Studies in Premodern Urbanism by
Capitales Imperiales de Tartessos (Transposiciones: un nuevo paradigma en Arqueología).: Halladas en España, Portugal, y sus Islas, la cultura materia by Fernández Díaz, Fernando
Ancient Mediterranean Trade: The History of the Trade Routes Throughout the Region and the Birth of Globalization by Charles River
A History of Greece: Volume IV by Grote, George
A History of Greece: Volume I by Grote, George
A History of Greece: Volume I by Grote, George
A History of Greece: Volume IV by Grote, George
Reading Monuments: A Comparative Study of Monuments in Poznań and Strasbourg from the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Praczyk, Malgorzata
Indo-Roman Pepper Trade and the Muziris Papyrus by de Romanis, Federico
Ukraine's Search for Justice in the Shadow of the Donbas Conflict: Strategic Reforms or Crisis Management? by Lyubashenko, Igor
Pour ceux qui vont en Grèce by De Coubertin, Pierre
ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΗΣ: ΜΙΚΡΟΣ ΠΕΡΙΠΑΤ&#9 by Georgiadis, Kyriakos
La Era Helenística: Una Guía Fascinante de una Era de la Historia Mediterránea Que Tuvo Lugar Entre la Muerte de Alejandro Magno y el Surg by History, Captivating
Deleuze, a Stoic by Johnson, Ryan J.
A History of Greece: Volume VIII by Grote, George
A History of Greece: Volume VIII by Grote, George
Classics in Extremis: The Edges of Classical Reception by
Parody, Politics and the Populace in Greek Old Comedy by Sells, Donald
Plato's Trial of Athens by Ralkowski, Mark A.
Placing Poland at the heart of Irishness: Irish political elites in relation to Poland and the Poles in the first half of the nineteenth century by Kucharski, Adam
The Historical Distinctiveness of Central Europe: A Study in the Philosophy of History by Brzechczyn, Krzysztof
La Era Helenística: Una Guía Fascinante de una Era de la Historia Mediterránea Que Tuvo Lugar Entre la Muerte de Alejandro Magno y el Surg by History, Captivating
The Phaistos Disc: New Secrets Revealed by Mason, Roberto
Atlántida encontrada y demostrada (Guía histórica, científica y de viaje).: Guerreros y diosas en el amanecer de Europa y Egipto (Nuestra Historia, co by Diaz, Fernando Fernandez
The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past by Barbato, Matteo
Courts and Elites in the Hellenistic Empires: The Near East After the Achaemenids, C. 330 to 30 Bce by Strootman, Rolf
Historia de la Guerra del Peloponeso: (Edición compacta y revisada) by Tucídides
A History of Greece: Volume XII by Grote, George
A History of Greece: Volume IX by Grote, George
A History of Greece: Volume IX by Grote, George
A History of Greece: Volume XII by Grote, George
Boéthos de Sidon - Exégète d'Aristote Et Philosophe by
Euripides and the Politics of Form by Wohl, Victoria
The Thucydidean Turn: (Re)Interpreting Thucydides' Political Thought Before, During and After the Great War by Earley, Benjamin
Earning Heavenly Salvation: Peasant Religion in Lesser Poland. Mid-Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries by Wiślicz, Tomasz
The History of Alexander the Great: Makers of History (Large Print Edition) by Abbott, Jacob
Book Value Categories and the Acceptance of Technological Changes in English Book Production by Rosenberg, Simon
Aristotle: A brief tour in the paths of the Ancient Greek philosophy by Georgiadis, Kyriakos
The Rhetoric of the Past in Demosthenes and Aeschines: Oratory, History, and Politics in Classical Athens by Westwood, Guy
Greece, the Hidden Centuries: Turkish Rule from the Fall of Constantinople to Greek Independence by Brewer, David
Stoïcisme et l'art du bonheur: Guide pratique du stoïcisme au quotidien et de la philosophie stoïcienne sur l'art de vivre, le calme, la vertu, la ré by Bouterfas, B.
Texturen von Herrschaft im Mittelmeerraum by
Dreams, Healing, and Medicine in Greece: From Antiquity to the Present by
Arius Didymus on Peripatetic Ethics, Household Management, and Politics: Text, Translation, and Discussion by
The Epochs of German History by Haller, J.
The Radical Greek Idea: Democracy in Ancient Athens by Farrell, Joel
The Life and Death of Ancient Cities: A Natural History by Woolf, Greg
Birds in the Ancient World: Winged Words by Mynott, Jeremy
The Tragedy of the Athenian Ideal in Thucydides and Plato by Hogan, John T.
The Oxford Handbook of Rhetorical Studies by
The Athlete in the Ancient Greek World: Volume 61 by Bertolín Cebrián, Reyes
Aristophanic Humour: Theory and Practice by
Eat, Drink, Think: What Ancient Greece Can Tell Us about Food and Wine by Roochnik, David
Eat, Drink, Think: What Ancient Greece Can Tell Us about Food and Wine by Roochnik, David
From Subjection to Independence: Post-World War II Polish-Italian Relations by Jarosz, Dariusz
The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt: The History of Antiquity's Most Famous Monuments by
Democracy and Money: Lessons for Today from Athens in Classical Times by Economou, Emmanouil M. L., Kyriazis, Nicholas C., Bitros, George C.
Empire of the Black Sea: The Rise and Fall of the Mithridatic World by Roller, Duane W.
Epictetus and Laypeople: A Stoic Stance toward Non-Stoics by Macgillivray, Erlend D.
Well-Preserved Boundaries: Faith and Co-Existence in the Late Ottoman Empire by Göktürk, Gülen
Polis, Platz Und Porträt: Die Bildnisstatuen Auf Der Agora Von Athen Im Späthellenismus Und in Der Kaiserzeit (86 V. Chr. - 267 N. Chr.) by Leone, Silvio
New Directions in the Study of Ancient Geography by
The Historical Evolution of Regionalizing Identities in Europe by
Localism and the Ancient Greek City-State by Beck, Hans
Das antike Griechenland: Ein fesselnder Führer zur griechischen Geschichte vom Dunklen Zeitalter bis zum Ende der Antike by History, Captivating
Oxford Handbook of Thucydides by
The Spartans by Bayliss, Andrew J.
The Homeric Hymns by
Famous Men of Greece: Annotated by Haaren, John Henry
Famous Men of Rome: Annotated by Poland, A. B., Haaren, John Henry
Das antike Griechenland: Ein fesselnder Führer zur griechischen Geschichte vom Dunklen Zeitalter bis zum Ende der Antike by History, Captivating
Elis: Internal Politics and External Policy in Ancient Greece by Bourke, Graeme
The Birth of the Athenian Community: From Solon to Cleisthenes by Dmitriev, Sviatoslav
Hellenomania by
Ancient Monuments and Modern Identities: A Critical History of Archaeology in 19th and 20th Century Greece by
Philostratus: Interpreters and Interpretation by Miles, Graeme
Greek Athletic Sports and Festivals: With the Extract 'Classical Games' by Francis Storr by Gardiner, E. Norman
The Extant Odes of Pindar: With the Extract 'Classical Games' by Francis Storr by Myers, Ernest
The Trial and Death of Socrates by Plato
The First Physical Culturists: Ancient Greek Athletics, Training and Competition by Daulat, John Alexander
The Politics of Association in Hellenistic Rhodes by Thomsen, Christian A.
Women and Monarchy in Macedonia by Carney, Elizabeth D.
Mitología: Una Guía Fascinante para Entender la Mitología Griega, la Mitología Nórdica y la Mitología Egipcia by Clayton, Matt
The Last Days of Socrates: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo by Plato
The Last Days of Socrates: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo by Plato
Insults in Classical Athens by Kamen, Deborah
Thucydides on Choice and Decision Making: Why War Is Not Inevitable by Kouskouvelis, Ilias
Interkonfessionelle Aushandlungen im protestantischen Drama: Mittelalterliche Traditionslinien des geistlichen Spiels im Bibeldrama der Reformationsze by Gürth, Maximiliane Johanna Antonia
In the Shadow of Djoser's Pyramid: Research of Polish Archaeologists in Saqqara by
Cyprian Norwid and the History of Greece by
Broken Cities: A Historical Sociology of Ruins by Devecka, Martin
Soldier, Priest, and God: A Life of Alexander the Great by Naiden, F. S.
Cyropédie by Xénophon
Mémoires sur Socrate by Xénophon
Agésilas by Xénophon
Expédition de Cyrus by Xénophon
Histoire grecque by Xénophon
In Search of the Labyrinth: The Cultural Legacy of Minoan Crete by Momigliano, Nicoletta
The Phaistós disc, the oldest literary work of "Europe": a research focused on finding place names by Marmai, Ippolito
In Search of the Labyrinth: The Cultural Legacy of Minoan Crete by Momigliano, Nicoletta
The Anabasis Of Alexander (Complete): Or, The History Of The Wars And Conquests Of Alexander The Great, Literally Translated, With A Commentary, From by Arrian
Inscriptiones Amathuntis, Curii, Marii by
Mitología Griega: Una fascinante introducción a los mitos sobre los dioses, diosas, héroes y monstruos griegos by Clayton, Matt
Mitología: Una Guía Fascinante para Entender la Mitología Griega, la Mitología Nórdica y la Mitología Egipcia by Clayton, Matt
Polish State Railways as a Mode of Transport for Troops of the Warsaw Pact: Technology in Service of a Doctrine by
The Stoic Theory of Beauty by Celkyte, Aiste
Funerary Epigrams of Ancient Greece: Reflections on Literature, Society and Religion by González, Marta González
Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City by Gygax, Marc Domingo
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers by Laertius, Diogenes
Thebes: The Forgotten City of Ancient Greece by Cartledge, Paul
Epigraphic Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean in Antiquity by
Venus and Aphrodite: A Biography of Desire by Hughes, Bettany
Hellenistic Architecture and Human Action: A Case of Reciprocal Influence by
La democracia en tiempos de tragedia: Asamblea ateniense y subjetividad política by Gallego, Julián Alejandro
Rise of the Roman Empire: The Will to Endure by Dynneson, Thomas L.
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