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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2021

Three Thousand Years on the Frontier Book 2: Julius Caesar 55 BCE to Elizabeth I 1600 CE by Parris, George E.
Pseudo-Manetho, Apotelesmatica, Books Two, Three, and Six: Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary by
Three Thousand Years on the Frontier: Book 4The British Colonies 1700-1776 by Parris, George E.
Weisheit Und Alter in Der Spätantike: Die Konstruktion Von >Sapientiasenectus by Kreutzer, Caroline Sophia
Bildung Und Reisen in Der Römischen Kaiserzeit: Pepaideumenoi Und Mobilität Zwischen Dem 1. Und 4. Jh. N. Chr. by Fron, Christian
Local Knowledge and Microidentities in the Imperial Greek World by
Polis and Revolution by Shear, Julia L.
Minoicos: Una guía fascinante de una sociedad esencial de la Edad de Bronce en la antigua Grecia llamada la civilización minoica by History, Captivating
Minoicos: Una guía fascinante de una sociedad esencial de la Edad de Bronce en la antigua Grecia llamada la civilización minoica by History, Captivating
Plutarch's Lives, The Complete 48 Biographies (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Plutarch
The Histories (Royal Collector's Edition) (Annotated) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Herodotus
The Twelve Caesars (Royal Collector's Edition) (Annotated) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Suetonius
The Complete Essays of Plutarch (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Plutarch
Anabasis: The Persian Expedition (Royal Collector's Edition) (Annotated) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Xenophon
The Laws of Ancient Crete, C.650-400 Bce by Perlman, Paula
50 HISTÓRIAS MARAVILHOSAS DA GRÉCIA E DE ROMA ANTIGAS - Vol. 1: Entre a verdade, a lenda e a literatura - Aventuras na Antiguidade Clássica by Pinheiro, Bruno Kellerman
The Iliad (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Homer
The Athenian Constitution (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Aristotle
The Odyssey (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Homer
Knidos: Memories of Aphrodite by Hodges, Richard
Der Attische Grabbau: Entwicklung Und Bedeutung Freistehender Grabarchitektur in Athen Und Attika Von Der Archaischen Epoche Bis in Die Römische Kaise by Scholl, Andreas
Los cultos religiosos más misteriosos del mundo antiguo: La historia del culto de Apis, los misterios de Eleusis y los misterios de Mitra by Charles River
Los cultos religiosos más misteriosos del mundo antiguo: La historia del culto de Apis, los misterios de Eleusis y los misterios de Mitra by Charles River
Los micénicos: Una guía fascinante de la primera civilización avanzada de la antigua Grecia by History, Captivating
The Politics of Munificence in the Roman Empire by Zuiderhoek, Arjan
Looking at Agamemnon by
Music in Ancient Greece: Melody, Rhythm and Life by Klavan, Spencer A.
Tragic Heroines in Ancient Greek Drama by Roisman, Hanna M.
Tragic Heroines in Ancient Greek Drama by Roisman, Hanna M.
Music in Ancient Greece: Melody, Rhythm and Life by Klavan, Spencer A.
Mitología Griega: Criaturas Mitológicas (Ilustrado) by Saintduval, Charles
Los micénicos: Una guía fascinante de la primera civilización avanzada de la antigua Grecia by History, Captivating
Mitología Griega: Animales Fantásticos y los Gigantes (Ilustrado) by Saintduval, Charles
Politics (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Aristotle
Women and Monarchy in Macedonia by
Benefactors and the Polis by
Greek Mythology: Fantastic Beasts and The Giants (Illustrated) by Saintduval, Charles
Forschungen zur alten Geschichte: Erster Band: Zur älteren griechischen Geschichte by Meyer, Eduard
Middle Assyrian Seal Motifs from Tell Fekheriye (Syria) by Bonatz, Dominik
Family, Taboo and Communism in Poland, 1956-1989 by
Grief and the Hero: The Futility of Longing in the Iliad by Austin, Emily P.
Pagan Portals - Hellenic Paganism by Leaver, Samantha
The Empire. Between dispute and nostalgia by
Lwów or L'viv?: Two Uprisings in 1918 by Markowski, Damian
Inscriptiones Thessalonicae Et Viciniae: Supplementum Alterum: Addenda, Indices, Tabulae by
Isonomia: Entwicklung Und Geschichte by Schubert, Charlotte
Herodotus and the Question Why by Pelling, Christopher
A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Age of Romanticism, Revolution, and Empire by
A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Medieval Age by
A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Modern and Post-Modern Age by
A Cultural History of the Emotions in Antiquity by
Poland and the Origins of the Second World War: A Study in Diplomatic History (1938-1939) by
Against Neaira by Kamen, Deborah
John the Baptist as a Rewritten Figure in Luke-Acts by Michelsen Chauchot, Christina
Tales of High Priests and Taxes: The Books of the Maccabees and the Judean Rebellion Against Antiochos IV Volume 56 by Honigman, Sylvie
Antigone Rising: The Subversive Power of the Ancient Myths by Morales, Helen
The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Athens by
The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Athens by
Alexander the Great and Propaganda by
De Olympionicarum Statuis a Pausania Commemoratis by Hyde, Gualtherus
De Olympionicarum Statuis a Pausania Commemoratis by Hyde, Gualtherus
Nutritional Policies and International Diplomacy: The impact of Tadasu Saiki and the Imperial State Institute of Nutrition (Tokyo, 1916-1945) by
Connecting Faiths and Nationalities: A Social History of the Clerical Profession in Transylvania (1848-1918) by
Ancient Naples A Documentary History Origins to c. 350 CE by Taylor, Rabun M.
Virgin Sacrifice in Classical Art: Women, Agency, and the Trojan War by Mangieri, Anthony F.
The Realness of Things Past: Ancient Greece and Ontological History by Anderson, Greg
Ancient Naples: A Documentary History Origins to c. 350 CE by Taylor, Rabun M.
Melancholy of Power: Perception of Tyranny in European Political Culture of the 16th Century by
Agathokles of Syracuse: Sicilian Tyrant and Hellenistic King by de Lisle, Christopher
Political Music: Communication and Mobilization by
Global Classics by Bromberg, Jacques A.
Principles of Decoration in the Roman World by
Music: A Subversive History by Gioia, Ted
Troy on Display: Scepticism and Wonder at Schliemann's First Exhibition by Baker, Abigail
Anticipation and Anachrony in Statius' Thebaid by Simms, Robert
Guide to the Study of Ancient Magic by
Lesser and Anonymous Fragments of Greek Lyric Poetry: A Commentary by
Hearing Homer's Song: The Brief Life and Big Idea of Milman Parry by Kanigel, Robert
The Celestial Hunter by Calasso, Roberto
Greek Poems to the Gods: Hymns from Homer to Proclus by Powell, Barry B.
Phoenix: A Father, a Son, and the Rise of Athens by Stuttard, David
Couch City: Socrates Against Simonides by Berger, Harry
Liberation and Authority: Plato's Gorgias, the First Book of the Republic, and Thucydides by Thorne, Nicholas
The Franco-Prussian War by Howard, Michael
The Franco-Prussian War by Howard, Michael
England Under the Stuarts by Trevelyan, G. M.
England Under the Stuarts by Trevelyan, G. M.
Urban Transformation in Ancient Molise: The Integration of Larinum Into the Roman State by Robinson, Elizabeth C.
The Church Histories" of Theodore Lector and John Diakrinomenos by Kosiński, Rafal
Second Inernational Congress on the History of Money and Numismatics in the Mediterranean World: 5-8 January 2017, Antalya, Proceedings by
Philanthropy in Anatolia Through the Ages: The First International Suna & Inan Kiraç Symposium on Mediterranean Civilizations, March 26-29, 2019, Anta by
Historicising Ancient Slavery by Vlassopoulos, Kostas
Homer's Iliad: The Real Story: A commentary with translations by Martin, John D.
Societies in Transition in Early Greece: An Archaeological History by Knodell, Alex R.
The Hellenistic World: A Captivating Guide to the Hellenistic Age and Alexander the Great by History, Captivating
Alexander the Great: A Captivating Guide to the King Who Conquered the Persian Empire and Babylon, Including His Impact on Ancient Greece and Rome by History, Captivating
Political Music: Legitimization and Contestation by
Conversations About History, Volume 2 by Burton, Howard
Et in Arcadia ego. Roma come luogo della memoria nelle culture europee - Et in Arcadia ego. Rome as a memorial place in European cultures: Le strade c by
The Origins of the Welfare State: Polish Social Policy in the Period 1918-1939 by
Greek Orators VII: Demosthenes 8: On the Chersonese by Demosthenes
Greek Orators VII: Demosthenes 8: On the Chersonese by Demosthenes
The Greek Experience of India: From Alexander to the Indo-Greeks by Stoneman, Richard
Aspects of Death and the Afterlife in Greek Literature by
Historical and Collective Memory in the Middle and Far East by
The Story of Alexander by Steele, Robert
Latin Poetry in the Ancient Greek Novels by Jolowicz, Daniel
Corpus of Ptolemaic Inscriptions Volume 1, Alexandria and the Delta (Nos. 1-206): Part I: Greek, Bilingual, and Trilingual Inscriptions from Egypt by
Alexander the Great: From His Death to the Present Day by Boardman, John
The Oxford Handbook of the Second Sophistic by
LEROS un'isola greca nelle tempeste della storia: Romanzo Storico by Morin, Bernard
Daily Life in the Hellenistic Age: From Alexander to Cleopatra by Evans, James Allan
Representations: Material and Immaterial Modes of Communication in the Bronze Age Aegean by
Engaging Transculturality: Concepts, Key Terms, Case Studies by
Der Krieg der anderen: Die Polen und der Erste Weltkrieg 1914-1918 by Chwalba, Andrzej
Exploring Aniconism by
Greek Grammar by Goodwin, William Watson
Greek Grammar by Goodwin, William Watson
The Greek Dialects, Third Revised Edition by Buck, Carl Darling
The Greek Dialects, Third Revised Edition by Buck, Carl Darling
The Classical Art of Command: Eight Greek Generals Who Shaped the History of Warfare by Roisman, Joseph
Welfare Policies in Switzerland and Italy: Institutions, Motherhood, Family and Work in the 19th and 20th Centuries by
Lucian: Alexander or the False Prophet by Thonemann, Peter
Revolutions and the Making of the Modern World: From Peter the Great to Karl Marx by Cracraft, James
Byzantinische Bauskulptur Und Liturgische Ausstattung: Ein Handbuch by Niewöhner, Philipp
Byzantine Ornaments in Stone: Architectural Sculpture and Liturgical Furnishings by Niewöhner, Philipp
Stolen Legacy by James, George G. M.
Die kaiserliche Botschaft in Venedig zur Zeit Maria Theresias (1740-1780) by Märker, Juliane
Polonica non leguntur - Polnisches liest man nicht? Zur Geschichte des schwierigen deutsch-polnischen Verhaeltnisses: Ein Essay by Brödner, Erhard
Popular Culture in the Ancient World by
Boiotia in Antiquity by Schachter, Albert
Monsters and Monarchs: Serial Killers in Classical Myth and History by Felton, Debbie
Monsters and Monarchs: Serial Killers in Classical Myth and History by Felton, Debbie
Romanian Diplomacy in the 20th Century: Biographies, Institutional Pathways, International Challenges by
The Twin Horse Gods: The Dioskouroi in Mythologies of the Ancient World by Walker, Henry John
Transimpérialités contemporaines / Moderne Transimperialitaeten: Rivalités, contacts, émulation / Rivalitaeten, Kontakte, Wetteifer by
Plato's Hippias Minor: The Play of Ambiguity by Culverhouse, Zenon
Apex Omnium: Religion in the Res Gestae of Ammianus Volume 15 by Rike, R. L.
Apex Omnium: Religion in the Res Gestae of Ammianus Volume 15 by Rike, R. L.
Famous Men of Rome and Greece: Easy to Read Layout (Large Print Edition) by Haaren, John
Famous Men of Rome and Greece: Easy to Read Layout (Large Print Edition) by Haaren, John
Hekate: Goddess of Witches by Weber, Courtney
The Book of Werewolves with Illustrations: History of Lycanthropy, Mythology, Folklores, and more by Baring-Gould, Sabine
The Book of Werewolves with Illustrations: History of Lycanthropy, Mythology, Folklores, and more by Baring-Gould, Sabine
In Search of the Argonauts: The Remarkable History of Jason and the Golden Fleece by Lovatt, Helen
Ancient Greeks on the Human Condition: Themes in the Writings of Homer, Aristophanes, Euripides and Thucydides by Sims, Matthew
Mitologia Greca: L'esclusiva Raccolta di Miti e Leggende Greche, un Affascinante Viaggio tra divinità, titani e mostri sacri dell'antica grecia by Publishing, Cultura
Military Leaders and Sacred Space in Classical Greek Warfare: Temples, Sanctuaries and Conflict in Antiquity by Nevin, Sonya
The Ancient History of the Near East: From the Earliest Times to the Battle of Salamis by Hall, H. R.
The Archaeology of Inequality: Tracing the Archaeological Record by
Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants: Frequently Asked Questions about the Ancient Greeks and Romans by Ryan, Garrett
Mitologia Greca: L'esclusiva Raccolta di Miti e Leggende Greche, un Affascinante Viaggio tra divinità, titani e mostri sacri dell'antica grecia by Publishing, Cultura
Text Und Übersetzung by
Female Homosexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome by Boehringer, Sandra
Female Homosexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome by Boehringer, Sandra
Romanisierung Und Verbrüderung: Das Vereinswesen Im Römischen Reich by Eckhardt, Benedikt
Greek Mythology: Explore The Timeless Tales Of Ancient Greece, The Myths, History & Legends of The Gods, Goddesses, Titans, Heroes, Monsters & More by Brought Alive, History
Greek Studies by Murray, Gilbert 1866-1957
Greek Sculpture & Painting to the End of the Hellenistic Period by Beazley, John Davidson 1885-
Modern Traits in Old Greek Life by Gulick, Charles Burton 1868-1962
Classical Landscape With Figures; by
A Day in Old Athens: a Picture of Athenian Life by Davis, William Stearns 1877-1930
Aegean Greece by Liddell, Robert 1908-1992
More Greek Folktales by
More Greek Folktales by
A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions by Tod, Marcus Niebuhr 1878-1974
Ancient Leros by Benson, Jack Leonard
The Life of the Ancient Greeks,: With Special Reference to Athens by Gulick, Charles Burton 1868-1962
The March up Country: a Translation of Xenophon's Anabasis by
Athens College For Young Women; 1929-1930 by
A History of Greece, From Its Conquest by the Romans to the Present Time, B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864; 2 by Finlay, George 1799-1875, Tozer, Henry Fanshawe 1829-1916
Greece of the Twentieth Century by
Aristophanes and the War Party; by Murray, Gilbert 1866-1957
Garden Lore of Ancient Athens; 8 by
Die Gebärden Der Griechen Und Römer; by Sittl, Karl 1862-1899
Athens College For Young Women; 1922-1923 by
Greece: I. Legendary Greece.: II. Grecian History to the Reign of Peisistratus at Athens by Grote, George 1794-1871
A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions by Tod, Marcus Niebuhr 1878-1974
The Stoa of Attalos II in Athens by
Classical Landscape With Figures; by
A History of Greece, From Its Conquest by the Romans to the Present Time, B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864; 3 by Tozer, Henry Fanshawe 1829-1916, Finlay, George 1799-1875
The History of the Peloponnesian War; 1 by
Early Ionian Historians by Pearson, Lionel
Understanding Greece by Gartler, Marion
In the Grip of the Past; Essay on an Aspect of Greek Thought by
Greece: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical by Wordsworth, Christopher 1807-1885
Thucydides and the History of His Age; 2 by
A History of Greece, From Its Conquest by the Romans to the Present Time, B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864; 4 by Finlay, George 1799-1875, Tozer, Henry Fanshawe 1829-1916
The Greece I Love; 0 by Descharnes, Robert
The Greece I Love; 0 by Descharnes, Robert
A History of Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus & Branchidae; 1 by Pullan, Richard Popplewell 1825-1888
Athens and Attica by Anonymous
Prehistoric Crete by
The Tradition of the Minor Greek Geographers by Diller, Aubrey 1903-
Archaeologiae Atticae Libri Septem. Seaven Books of the Attick Antiquities. Containing the Discription of the Cities Glory, Government, Division of th by Rous, Francis 1615-
Grecian Views: Ancient Ruins, Athens, Provinces, Character Sketches by
A Study of Social Heredity as Illustrated in the Greek People [microform] by
Atthis, the Local Chronicles of Ancient Athens. -- by Jacoby, Felix 1876-1959
Greek Civilization and Character; the Self-revelation of Ancient Greek Society by Toynbee, Arnold Joseph 1889-1975
Rise of the Macedonian Empire [microform] by
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