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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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Ancient Greece in 2022

The History of Thucydides, Newly Tr. and Illustr. With Annotations [&c.] by S.T. Bloomfield; Volume 1 by Thucydides
The History of Thucydides, Newly Tr. and Illustr. With Annotations [&c.] by S.T. Bloomfield; Volume 1 by Thucydides
History of the Greek Revolution: Compiled From Official Documents of the Greek Government, Sketches of the War in Greece, by Philip James Green ... an by Comstock, John Lee
L'isthme De Corinthe Et Son Percement by Gerster, Béla
Wayfaring Sketches Among the Greeks and Turks, and On the Shores of the Danube, by a Seven Years' Resident in Greece [F.M.F. Skene] by Skene, Felicia Mary F.
Autour De La Grèce by Psicharis, Ioannis
Athenaei Naucratitae Dipnosophistarum Libri Xv; Volume 2 by Kaibel, Georg, Athenaeus, Georg
Athenaei Naucratitae Dipnosophistarum Libri Xv; Volume 2 by Kaibel, Georg, Athenaeus, Georg
History of the Civil War Military Pensions, 1861-1865, Volume 4, issue 1 by Oliver, John William
Bilder aus Griechenland. by Steub, Ludwig
The History of Sicily From the Earliest Times; Volume 2 by Freeman, Edward Augustus
Die Insel Kephallenia Im Altertum by Biedermann, Georg
Arrian's History of Alexander's Expedition; Volume 1 by Le Clerc, Jean, Arrian, Jean
Die Einstämmigen Männlichen Personennamen Des Griechischen: Die Aus Spitznamen Hervorgegangen Sind by Bechtel, Friedrich
Platon Und Die Griechische Utopie by 1892-1974, Salin Edgar
Ionia and the East; six Lectures Delivered Before the University of London by Hogarth, D. G. 1862-1927
Geschichte des oströmischen Reiches unter den Kaisern Arcadius und Theodosius II. by Güldenpenning, Albert
Les vases sicyoniens: Étude archéologique by Friis Johansen, Knud
Erziehung und Unterricht im klassischen Altertum: Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Bedürfnisse der Gegenwart: nach den Quellen dargestellt. Die leibli by Grasberger, Lorenz
Les Anciens Monastères Bénédictins En Orient... by Gariador, Benedicto
Herodotus; Volume 1 by
Observations sur les maladïes des armées dans les camps et dans les garnisons, avec des mémoires sur les substances septiques & anti-septiques; Volume by
Ionia and the East; six Lectures Delivered Before the University of London by Hogarth, D. G. 1862-1927
Observations sur les maladïes des armées dans les camps et dans les garnisons, avec des mémoires sur les substances septiques & anti-septiques; Volume by
Milet Et Le Golfe Latmique, Volumes 1-2... by Rayet, Olivier, Thomas, Albert
Die Lindische Tempelchronik, Neu Bearb. Von Chr. Blinkenberg by
Lost Letters From Lesbos by Milburn, Lucy McDowell
Myths of Hellas, or, Greek Tales by Witt, Carl
Voyage pittoresque de la Grèce; Tome 2 by
Voyage pittoresque de la Grèce; Tome 2 by
Malaria and Greek History. To Which is Added The History of Greek Therapeutics and the Malaria Theory by Jones, W. H. S. 1876-1963, Withington, E. T.
The Oldest Civilization of Greece: Studies of the Mycenaean Age by Hall, H. R. 1873-1930
Deux études sur la Grèce moderne: Capodistrias, Le royaume des Hellènes by Gobineau, Comte De
Thucydides: Translated Into English; With Introduction, Marginal Analysis, and Index: 1 by Thucydides, Thucydides, Jowett, Benjamin
Les Anciens Monastères Bénédictins En Orient... by Gariador, Benedicto
Examen Critique Des Anciens Historiens D'alexandre-le-grand by Sainte-Croix, M.
Constantine I and The Greek People by Paxton, Hibben
Pausanias's Description of Greece; Volume I by (Pseudonym), Pausânias
Histoire de la Grèce Sous la Domination des Romains by Hertzberg, Gustav Friedrich
Die Attische Politik Seit Perikles by Beloch, Julius
Athenian Constitutional History: As Represented in Grote's History of Greece by G. F. (Georg Friedrich), Schömann
Annuaire de L'association pour L'encouragement des Études Grecques en France by D'Eichthal, M. Gustave
A Picture of Greece in 1825: As Exhibited in the Personal Narratives of James Emerson, Esq., Count Pecchio, and W. H. Humphreys, Esq., Comprising a by Tennent, James Emerson
St. Paul At. Athens by Alexander, William Lindsay
Belagerung und Eroberung Constantinopels durch die Türken im Jahre 1453 by Mordtmann, Andreas David
Wayfaring Sketches Among the Greeks and Turks, and On the Shores of the Danube, by a Seven Years' Resident in Greece [F.M.F. Skene] by Skene, Felicia Mary F.
L'isthme De Corinthe Et Son Percement by Gerster, Béla
Itinéraire D'un Chevalier De Saint-Jean De Jérusalem Dans L'île De Rhodes by Sommi-Picenardi, Guido
Autour De La Grèce by Psicharis, Ioannis
Histoire Du Droit Privé De La République Athénienne ... by Beauchet, Ludovic
L'idéal De Justice Et De Bonheur Et La Vie Primitive Des Peuples Du Nord Dans La Littérature Greeque Et Latine by Riese, Alexander, Piquet, J. Sully
Greek Historical Writing; and, Apollo by Moellendorff, Ulrich Von Wilamowitz
Itinéraire D'un Chevalier De Saint-Jean De Jérusalem Dans L'île De Rhodes by Sommi-Picenardi, Guido
Greece, Pictorial, Descriptive, & Historical ... & a History of the Characteristics of Greek Art by Wordsworth, Christopher
Lexique des antiquités grecques by Paris, Pierre, Gabriel, Roques
The age of Pericles: A History of the Politics and Arts of Greece From the Persian to the Peloponnesian war; Volume 1 by Lloyd, William Watkiss
Xenophontis Anabasis by Xenophon, Macmichael, John Fisher
Traité entre Delphes et Pellana: Étude de droit grec by Haussoullier, Bernard
Traité entre Delphes et Pellana: Étude de droit grec by Haussoullier, Bernard
Lexique des antiquités grecques by Paris, Pierre, Gabriel, Roques
Deux études sur la Grèce moderne: Capodistrias, Le royaume des Hellènes by Gobineau, Comte De
Malaria and Greek History. To Which is Added The History of Greek Therapeutics and the Malaria Theory by Jones, W. H. S. 1876-1963, Withington, E. T.
A Syllabus and Note Book for Ancient History by Armstrong, Robert D.
La vie municipale en Attique, essai sur L'organisation des dèmes au quatrième siècle by Haussoullier, Bernard
Die Griechischen Vasen Mit Lieblingsnamen: Eine Archäologische Studie by Wernicke, Konrad
Belagerung und Eroberung Constantinopels durch die Türken im Jahre 1453 by Mordtmann, Andreas David
Reisen und Reiserouten durch Griechenland: Reisen im Peloponnes. by Ross, Ludwig
In Argolis by Horton, George
The Discoveries in Crete: And Their Bearing on the History of Ancient Civilization by
Der Parthenon. by Michaelis, Adolf
Der Parthenon. by Michaelis, Adolf
The History Of Psellus... by Psellus, Michael
Vorgriechische Ortsnamen Als Quelle Für Die Vorgeschichte Griechenlands Verwertet by Fick, August
Survey of the Hospitals of Greece by
The History of Greece; Volume 2 by Mitford, William 1744-1827
Histoire du droit privé de la République athénienne; Tome 4 by Beauchet, Ludovic 1855-1914
Lost Letters From Lesbos by Milburn, Lucy McDowell
Histoire du droit privé de la République athénienne; Tome 4 by Beauchet, Ludovic 1855-1914
Belagerung und Eroberung Constantinoples by Mordtmann, Andreas David
The Story of Alexander's Empire by Mahaffy
The Story of Alexander's Empire by Mahaffy
An Autumn In Greece: Comprising Sketches Of The Character, Customs, And Scenery Of The Country by
Délos, Colonie Athénienne by Roussel, Pierre
A Students' History Of Greece by Ed, Kimball Everett
Wanderings In Greece, Volumes 1-2 by Cochrane, George
History Of The Greek Revolution: Compiled From Official Documents Of The Greek Government: Sketches Of The War In Greece, By Phillip James Green, (esq by Comstock, John Lee
Outlines Of Greek History: With A Survey Of Ancient Oriental Nations by Morey, William Carey
Outlines Of Greek History: With A Survey Of Ancient Oriental Nations by Morey, William Carey
Georgii Pachymeris De Michaele Et Andronico Palaeologis Libri Tredecim, Recogn. I. Bekkerus by Pachymeres, Georgius
Études Byzantines by Diehl, Charles
A Lexicon to Xenophon's Anabasis: Adapted to All the Common Editions ... Together With Introduction to Anabasis, Etc ... the Notes, Etc., Edited by Crosby, Alpheus
Das Griechische Volk in Öffentlicher, Kirchlicher Und Privatrechtlicher Beziehung: Vor Und Nach Dem Freiheitskampfe Bis Zum 31. Juli 1834, Erster Band by Von Maurer, Georg Ludwig
Das Griechische Volk in Öffentlicher, Kirchlicher Und Privatrechtlicher Beziehung: Vor Und Nach Dem Freiheitskampfe Bis Zum 31. Juli 1834, Erster Band by Von Maurer, Georg Ludwig
A History of Greece: The Byzantine Empire, Pt. 1, A.D. 716-1057 by Finlay, George, Tozer, Henry Fanshawe
Pindare: Les Olympiques, Les Pythiques, Les Néménnees, Les Isthmques by Sommer, Édouard
Erziehung und Unterricht im klassischen Alterthum: Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Bedürfnisse der Gegenwart. 1. Theil by Grasberger, Lorenz
Pausanias Description of Greece; Volume 2 by Jones, W. H. S. 1876-1963, Ormerod, Henry Arderne, Pausânias, Pausânias
Handbook of Greek Archaeology, Vases, Bronzes, Gems, Sculpture, Terra-cottas, Mural Paintings, Architecture, [etc.] by Murray, A. S. 1841-1904
Athens And Attica: Journal Of A Residence There by Wordsworth, Christopher
The History And Antiquities Of The Doric Race; Volume 1 by Müller, Karl Otfried
Handbook of Greek Archaeology, Vases, Bronzes, Gems, Sculpture, Terra-cottas, Mural Paintings, Architecture, [etc.] by Murray, A. S. 1841-1904
Voyages Dans La Grèce, Accompagnés De Recherches Archéologiques Et Suivis D'un Aperçu Sur Toutes Les Entreprises Scientifiques Qui Ont Eu Lieu En Grèc by Bröndsted, Peter Oluf
A History of Greece From the Earliest Times to the Death of Alexander the Great by
Olympia, die Ergebnisse der von dem deutschen Reich veranstalteten Ausgrabung, Textband V. by Borrmann, Richard, Dörpfeld, Wilhelm
The Ionian Islands In Relation To Greece by Gardner, John Dunn
Der Eid by Hirzel, Rudolf
A Source Book of Greek History by Morrow, Fling Fred
Heerwesen und Kriegführung C. Julius Cäsars. by Rüstow, Wilhelm
Orchomenos Und Die Minyer by Müller, Karl Otfried
Tiryns: The Prehistoric Palace Of The Kings Of Tiryns, The Results Of The Latest Excavations by Dörpfeld, Wilhelm, Schliemann, Heinrich, Adler, Felix
Mémoires Sur La Grèce Et L'albanie Pendant Le Gouvernement D'ali-pacha...: Ouvrage Pouvant Servir De Complément À Celui De M. De Pouqueville... by Efendi, Ibrahim-Manzour
Alexander und Aristoteles in Ihren Gegenseitigen Beziehungen by Geier, Robert
Heerwesen und Kriegführung C. Julius Cäsars. by Rüstow, Wilhelm
Alexander und Aristoteles in Ihren Gegenseitigen Beziehungen by Geier, Robert
Olympia, die Ergebnisse der von dem deutschen Reich veranstalteten Ausgrabung, Textband V. by Dörpfeld, Wilhelm, Borrmann, Richard
Alexander by
Geschichte des Peloponnesischen Krieges. by
History Of The Peloponnesian War; Volume 1 by Crawley, Richard
History Of The Peloponnesian War; Volume 1 by Crawley, Richard
Remarks On The Parthenon: Being The Result Of Studies And Inquiries Connected With The Production Of Two Models Of That Noble Building by Lucas, Richard Cockle
Orchomenos Und Die Minyer by Müller, Karl Otfried
Les Adversaires de L'Hellénisme a Rome Pendant la Période Républicaine by Besançon, Alfred
Die Schlacht Bei Gaugamela: Eine Untersuchung Zur Geschichte Alexanders D. Gr. Und Ihren Quellen; Nebst Einer Beilage ... by Hackmann, Friedrich
Hannibal by Abbott, Jacob
Pindare: Les Olympiques, Les Pythiques, Les Néménnees, Les Isthmques by Sommer, Édouard
Recollections of a Classical Tour Through Various Parts of Greece, Turkey, and Italy: Made in the Years 1818 and 1819; Volume 1 by Laurent, Peter Edmund
Greek Life and Thought From the Death of Alexander to the Roman Conquest by Mahaffy, John Pentland
Die Reisen Des Pausanias in Griechenland, HEFT X by Heberdey, Rudolf
Ancient Athens by Gardner, Ernest Arthur
Philologische Untersuchungen, sechzehntes Heft by Jacoby, Felix
The History And Antiquities Of The Doric Race; Volume 1 by Müller, Karl Otfried
Histoire Des Celtes, Et Particulierement Des Gaulois Et Des Germains: Depuis Les Tems Fabuleux, Jusqu'a La Prise De Rome Par Les Gaulois; Volume 1 by De De La Bastide, Pierre Chiniac, Pelloutier, Simon
Greece: Handbook for Travellers by Baedeker, Karl
Katalogos tou Mouseiou Lykosouras by 1872-, Kourounits Knstantinos
The Greece Of The Greeks; Volume 1 by Perdicaris, G. A.
Geschichte des griechischen Kriegswesens von der ältesten Zeit bis auf Pyrrhos. by Rüstow, Wilhelm, Köchly, Hermann August Theodor
Voyage Pittoresque Dans L'empire Ottoman, En Grèce, Dans La Troade, Les Îles De L'archipel Et Sur Les Côtes De L'asie-Mineure; Volume 4 by Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie-Gabriel-Augu, Miller, Emmanuel, Hase, Charles Benoît
Der Areopag Und Die Epheten: Eine Untersuchung Zur Athenischen Verfassungsgeschichte by Philippi, Adolf
Voyage Pittoresque Dans L'empire Ottoman, En Grèce, Dans La Troade, Les Îles De L'archipel Et Sur Les Côtes De L'asie-Mineure; Volume 2 by Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie-Gabriel-Augu, Miller, Emmanuel, Hase, Charles Benoît
Rhigas Pheraios: The Promartyr of Greek Independence, a Biographical Sketch by Edmonds, Elizabeth Mayhew Waller
Voyage Pittoresque Dans L'empire Ottoman, En Grèce, Dans La Troade, Les Îles De L'archipel Et Sur Les Côtes De L'asie-Mineure; Volume 2 by Miller, Emmanuel, Hase, Charles Benoît, Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie-Gabriel-Augu
A Visit to the Seven Churches of Asia by Arundell, Francis Vyvyan Jago
Voyage Pittoresque Dans L'empire Ottoman, En Grèce, Dans La Troade, Les Îles De L'archipel Et Sur Les Côtes De L'asie-Mineure; Volume 4 by Hase, Charles Benoît, Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie-Gabriel-Augu, Miller, Emmanuel
Mycenaean Troy, Based on Dörpfeld's Excavations in the Sixth of the Nine Buried Cities at Hissarlik by Tolman, Herbert Cushing, Scoggin, Gilbert Campbell
Geschichte Siciliens Im Alterthum; Volume 3 by Holm, Adolf
A Visit to the Seven Churches of Asia by Arundell, Francis Vyvyan Jago
Explorations in the Island of Mochlos by Seager, Richard B.
Archaeologia Graeca, Or the Antiquities of Greece. to Which Is Added, an Appendix, Containing a Concise History of the Grecian States [&c.] by G. Dunb by Potter, John
A Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Italy: With a map, and a Plan of Rome by Cramer, J. a.
A Dictionary of Ancient Geography: Explaining the Local Appellations in Sacred, Grecian, and Roman History; Exhibiting the Extent of Kingdoms, and Sit by Macbean, Alexander
Nouvelles Recherches Historiques Sur La Principauté Française De Morée Et Ses Hautes Baronnies; Volume 1 by Buchon, Jean Alexandre C.
The Greeks of To-day by Tuckerman, Charles K. 1821-1896
Geschichte Siciliens Im Alterthum; Volume 3 by Holm, Adolf
Les Affaires De Crète by Berard, Victor
Archaeologia Graeca, Or the Antiquities of Greece. to Which Is Added, an Appendix, Containing a Concise History of the Grecian States [&c.] by G. Dunb by Potter, John
Geschichte des griechischen Kriegswesens von der ältesten Zeit bis auf Pyrrhos. by Rüstow, Wilhelm, Köchly, Hermann August Theodor
Travels in the Morea: With a Map and Plans by Leake, William Martin
History of the Peloponnesian war; Volume 2 by Thucydides, Thucydides, Smith, Charles Forster
Rhigas Pheraios: The Promartyr of Greek Independence, a Biographical Sketch by Edmonds, Elizabeth Mayhew Waller
Greek Reader (Prose) Consisting of Selections From Xenophon, Plato, Herodotus, and Thucydides: With Notes Adapted to Goodwin's Greek Grammar [And] Par by Goodwin, William Watson
Der Areopag Und Die Epheten: Eine Untersuchung Zur Athenischen Verfassungsgeschichte by Philippi, Adolf
Travels in the Morea: With a Map and Plans by Leake, William Martin
Die Schlacht Bei Gaugamela: Eine Untersuchung Zur Geschichte Alexanders D. Gr. Und Ihren Quellen; Nebst Einer Beilage ... by Hackmann, Friedrich
A Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Italy: With a map, and a Plan of Rome by Cramer, J. a.
Geschichte Der Alten Rhodier by Van Gelder, Hendrik Enno
Greek Reader (Prose) Consisting of Selections From Xenophon, Plato, Herodotus, and Thucydides: With Notes Adapted to Goodwin's Greek Grammar [And] Par by Goodwin, William Watson
Hannibal by Abbott, Jacob
Les Affaires De Crète by Berard, Victor
Nouvelles Recherches Historiques Sur La Principauté Française De Morée Et Ses Hautes Baronnies; Volume 1 by Buchon, Jean Alexandre C.
A Dictionary of Ancient Geography: Explaining the Local Appellations in Sacred, Grecian, and Roman History; Exhibiting the Extent of Kingdoms, and Sit by Macbean, Alexander
Greek and What Next?: An Address. Solomos' Hymn to Liberty, a Poem by Green, Arnold
History of Greece; Volume VI by Grote, George
Sicily in Fable, History, Art, and Song by Perry, Walter Copland
The Iliad of Homer by Homer, Buckley, Theodore Alois
Kreta: Ein Versuch Zur Aufhellung Der Mythologie Und Geschichte, Der Religion Und Verfassung Dieser Insel, Von Den Ältesten Z by Hoeck, Karl
History of Greece; Volume VI by Grote, George
Erinnerungen Und Mittheilungen Aus Griechenland by Ross, Ludwig
Théodore II Lascaris, Empereur De Nicée by Pappadopoulos, Jean B.
The History of Modern Greece: With a View of the Geography, Antiquities and Present Condition of That Country; From the London Edition With a Contin by Anonymous
Sicily in Fable, History, Art, and Song by Perry, Walter Copland
Modern Greek Stories by Phoutrides, Aristides Evangelus, Vaka, Demetra
Pausanias, And Other Greek Sketches by
East And West, A Diplomatic History Of The Annexation Of The Ionian Islands To The Kingdom Of Greece: Accompanied By A Translation Of The Dispatches E by Xenos, Stefanos
Biographie des Wesirs Ali-Pascha von Janina. by (Graf )., Alcaini
Erinnerungen aus Griechenland. by
Essai sur la morale d'Aristote by Ollé-Laprune, Léon
Essai sur la morale d'Aristote by Ollé-Laprune, Léon
Erinnerungen aus Griechenland. by
The Attic Orators From Antiphon to Isaeus; Volume 1 by Jebb, Richard Claverhouse
Naturalization in Athenian law and Practice by Billheimer, Albert
Head And Hand In Ancient Greece by Farrington, Benjamin
The Attic Orators From Antiphon to Isaeus; Volume 1 by Jebb, Richard Claverhouse
East And West, A Diplomatic History Of The Annexation Of The Ionian Islands To The Kingdom Of Greece: Accompanied By A Translation Of The Dispatches E by Xenos, Stefanos
A Few Days in Athens, Being the Translation of a Greek Manuscript Discovered in Herculaneum. Reprinted From the American Ed by Wright, Frances
Modern Greek Stories by Vaka, Demetra, Phoutrides, Aristides Evangelus
Studien zur Geschichte des Byzantinischen Reiches, vornehmlich unter den Kaisern Justinus 2 u. Tiberius Constantinus by Stein, Ernst
Pausanias, And Other Greek Sketches by
Histoire De La Guerre Du Peloponese; Volume 2 by
Naturalization in Athenian law and Practice by Billheimer, Albert
Biographie des Wesirs Ali-Pascha von Janina. by (Graf )., Alcaini
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