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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2022

The Greek Orators by
Die Homerischen Hymnen by Homer, Gemoll, Albert
Étude de préhistoire crétoise: Tylissos à l'époque minoenne, suivi d'une note sur les larnax de Tylissos by Hazzidakis, Joseph, Franchet, Louis
The Greek World Under Roman Sway From Polybius to Plutarch by
... Storia di Sparta arcaica .. by Pareti, Luigi
Lehrbuch Der Griechischen Antiquitäten; Volume 2 by Bähr, Johann Christian Felix, Hermann, Karl Friedrich, Stark, Karl Bernhard
Geschichte Des Lateinischen Kaiserreiches Von Konstantinopel, II Band by Gerland, Ernst
Griechische Geschichte by Beloch, Julius
Erziehung und Unterricht im klassischen Altertum. by Grasberger, Lorenz
Greece In The Nineteenth Century: A Record Of Hellenic Emancipation And Progress: 1821-1897 by Sergeant, Lewis
Troy: A Study in Homeric Geography by Anonymous
Mémoires Sur La Grèce: Pour Servir À L'histoire De La Guerre De L'indépendance, Accompagnés De Plans Topographiques; Volume 1 by Raybaud, Maxime
The History Of The War Between The Peloponnesians And Athenians, Books 3-4 by
Griechische Und Römische Metrologie... by Hultsch, Friedrich
Katalogos tou Mouseiou Lykosouras by 1872-, Kourounits Knstantinos
La Grèce D'aujourd'hui... by DesChamps, Gaston
Madness in Greek Thought and Custom by Vaughan, Agnes Carr
The Works of Sir Walter Ralegh, Kt.; Volume I by Ralegh, Walter
Excursions Archéologiques En Grèce: Mycènes--Délos--Athènes--Olympie--Éleusis--Épidaure--Dodone--Tirynthe--Tanagra by Diehl, Charles
The Histories of Herodotus; Volume 2 by Herodotus
Theophylacti Simocattae Historiae by De Boor, Carl, Simocatta, Theophylactus
The Topography of Athens: With Some Remarks On Its Antiquities by Leake, William Martin
The Early Days of Monasticism on Mount Athos by Kirsopp, Lake
Des Prokopius von Casarea Geschichte seiner Zeit. by
A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece; Volume 2 by Mure, William
Depredations; or, Overend, Gurney & Co., and the Greek and Oriental Steam Navigation Company by Xenos, Stephanos
The History Of The Plague Of Athens by
Geschichte Des Hellenismus: Th. Geschichte Alexanders Des Grossen (2 Pts) by Droysen, Johann Gustav, Schulz, Alfred
The Travels of Anacharsis, the Younger, in Greece, During the Middle of the Fourth Century Before the Christian Æra: Abridged From the Original Work o by Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques
L'ordalie Dans La Grèce Primitive: Étude De Droit Et De Mythologie... by Glotz, Gustave
Thucydides; Volume 1 by Thucydides, Donaldson, John William
Travels in Albania and Other Provinces of Turkey in 1809 & 1810; Volume 2 by Broughton, Baron John Cam Hobhouse
Greeks and Goths a Study on the Runes by Taylor, Isaac
Travels in European Turkey, in 1850: Through Bosnia, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thrace, Albania, and Epirus; With a Visit to Greece and the Ionian I by Spencer, Edmund
Alla guerra greco-turca: Aprile-maggio 1897: impressioni ed istantanee di un corrispondente by
Thukydides' Geschichte Des Peloponnesischen Kriegs, Gr. Und Deutsch Mit Anmerkungen [By G. Böhme]. Fuenftes Buch by Thucydides
La Lydie et le Monde Grec au Temps des Mermnades (687-546) by Radet, Georges Albert
The History of Sicily From the Earliest Times: The Athenian and Carthaginian Invasions by Evans, Arthur, Freeman, Edward Augustus
Études Sociales Et Juridiques Sur L'antiquité Grecque by Glotz, Gustave
The Ancient History Of The Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes & Persians, Macedonians, And Grecians. By Charles Rollin; Volume 2 by Rollin, Charles
History of Greece: I. Legendary Greece. Ii. Grecian History to the Reign of Peisistratus at Athens; Volume 7 by Grote, George
The History of Justin, Taken Out of the Four and Forty Books of Trogus Pompeius: Containing the Affairs of All Aages And Countries, Both in Peace And by Justinus, Marcus Junianus, Codrington, Robert
Die Homerischen Hymnen by Homer, Gemoll, Albert
The Ancient Greek Historians (Harvard Lectures) by J. B. (John Bagnell), Bury
The Greek Commonwealth Politics and Economics in Fifth - Century Athens by Zimmern, Alfred
Nicias and The Sicilian Expedition by Church, A. J.
Tales of Troy and Greece by Anonymous
In Greek Waters: A Story of the Grecian War of Independence (1821-1827) by Henty, George Alfred
The Life of Belisarius by Stanhope, Philip Henry, Belisarius, Philip Henry
Ilios, the City and Country of the Trojans: The Results of Researches and Discoveries on The Site of Troy and Throughout The Troad in The Years 1871-7 by Schliemann, Heinrich
The Palaces of Crete and Their Builders by Mosso, Angelo
The History of Sicily From the Earliest Times: The Athenian and Carthaginian Invasions by Freeman, Edward Augustus, Evans, Arthur
Kleinasiatische Studien by Judeich, Walther
Mantinée et l'Arcadie orientale by 1863-1927, Fougères Gustave
The History of Rome by
Jean II Comnène, 1118-1143, Et Manuel I Comnène, 1143-1180 by Chalandon, Ferdinand
Voyage pittoresque de la Grèce; Tome 1 by
Fasti Hellenici: The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, From the Earliest Accounts to the Death of Augustus; Volume 1 by Clinton, Henry Fynes
Excavations On the Island of Pseira, Crete by Seager, Richard B.
Fragmente Aus Dem Orient, Erster Band by Fallmerayer, Jakob Philipp
Griechische Und Römische Metrologie... by Hultsch, Friedrich
Die meteorologischen Theorien des griechischen Altertums [microform] by Gilbert, Otto
Philosophie de l'art en Gréce by Taine, Hippolyte
Voyage Pittoresque Dans L'empire Ottoman, En Grèce, Dans La Troade, Les Îles De L'archipel Et Sur Les Côtes De L'asie-Mineure; Volume 3 by Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie-Gabriel-Augu, Miller, Emmanuel, Hase, Charles Benoît
Athenian Constitutional History: As Represented in Grote's History of Greece by G. F. (Georg Friedrich), Schömann
Myths of Hellas, or, Greek Tales by Witt, Carl
Travels in Italy, Greece, and the Ionian Islands by Williams, Hugh William
Plutarch's Lives of Greek Heroes by Plutarch, Plutarch
En pays turc. L'île de Chio by Pernot, Hubert Octave
Travels in Sicily, Greece and Albania; Volume 1 by Hughes, Thomas Smart
Souvenirs d'un Philhellène; by Flourens, Gustave
A Concise Guide to Mycenae & Tiryns by Collas, Pericles
De Proxenia Attica ... by Schubert, Johann Georg
Recherches Archéologiques À Éleusis: Exécutées Dans Le Cours De L'année 1860 Sous Les Auspices Des Ministères De L'instruction Publique Et D'état: Rec by Lenormant, François
Korfu: Eine Ionische Idylle by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
La vie municipale en Attique, essai sur L'organisation des dèmes au quatrième siècle by Haussoullier, Bernard
A Syllabus and Note Book for Ancient History by Armstrong, Robert D.
Philosophie de l'art en Gréce by Taine, Hippolyte
Timaeus by Plato
Biographoi: Vitarum Scriptores Graeci Minores by Westermann, Anton
Cyropaedia, by Miller, Walter, Xenophon
The History of Miletus, Down to the Anabasis of Alexander by Dunham, Adelaide Glynn
Das Attische Recht Und Rechtsverfahren Mit Benutzung Des Attischen Processes, Volume 2, Part 1 by Meier, Moritz Hermann Eduard, Lipsius, Justus Hermann
Hellenika by Strasburger, Xenophon Gisela
Travels in the Morea: With a Map and Plans; Volume 2 by Leake, William Martin
Über Finanzen Und Monopole Im Alten Griechenland by Riezler, Kurt
The History of Sicily From the Earliest Times; Volume 2 by Freeman, Edward Augustus
In Argolis by Horton, George
The Early Age Of Greece; Volume 1 by Ridgeway, William
Recherches Et Matériaux Pour Servir À Une Histoire De La Domination Française Aux Xiiie, Xive Et Xve Siècles Dans Les Provinces Démembrées De L'empire by Buchon, J. a. C.
Die Griechischen Vasen Mit Lieblingsnamen: Eine Archäologische Studie by Wernicke, Konrad
The History Of The War Between The Peloponnesians And Athenians, Books 3-4 by
Geschichte des oströmischen Reiches unter den Kaisern Arcadius und Theodosius II. by Güldenpenning, Albert
Histoire Ancienne Des Egyptiens, Des Carthaginois, Des Assyriens, Des Babyloniens, Des Medes Et Perses, Des Macedoniens, Des Grecs... by Rollin, Charles
The Greek Exile; or, A Narrative of the Captivity and Escape of Christophorus Plato Castanis, During the Massacre on the Island of Scio, by the Turks, by
Georgii Pachymeris De Michaele Et Andronico Palaeologis Libri Tredecim, Recogn. I. Bekkerus by Pachymeres, Georgius
Pericles and the Golden age of Athens by Abbott, Evelyn
Myths of Greece and Rome: Narrated With Special Reference to Literature and Art by Guerber, Hélène Adeline
Rhodes In Ancient Times by Cecil, Torr
The Genuine Works of Hippocrates; Volume 2 by Hippocrates, Hippocrates, Adams, Francis
The Greek View of Life by Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes
The History Of Herodotus by Herodotus, Rawlinson, George
History Of The Greek Revolution: Compiled From Official Documents Of The Greek Government: Sketches Of The War In Greece, By Phillip James Green, (esq by Comstock, John Lee
Der Eid by Hirzel, Rudolf
Pausanias's Description of Greece by Frazer, J. G.
History by Bernadotte, Perrin
Le Monastère De Daphni: Histoire, Architecture, Mosaïques... by Millet, Gabriel
Voyage pittoresque de la Grèce; Tome 1 by
Arrian's History of Alexander's Expedition; Volume 1 by Arrian, Jean, Le Clerc, Jean
Griechische Geschichte by Beloch, Karl Julius
En pays turc. L'île de Chio by Pernot, Hubert Octave
Myths of Greece and Rome: Narrated With Special Reference to Literature and Art by Guerber, Hélène Adeline
The Life of Charles Thomson by Harley, Lewis Reifsneide
Travels in Sicily, Greece and Albania; Volume 1 by Hughes, Thomas Smart
Recherches sur le développement de la pensée juridique et morale en Grèce: (étude sémantique) by Gernet, Louis
Lehrbuch Der Griechischen Antiquitäten; Volume 2 by Hermann, Karl Friedrich, Stark, Karl Bernhard, Bähr, Johann Christian Felix
In Greek Waters: A Story of the Grecian War of Independence (1821-1827) by Henty, George Alfred
Thucydides; Volume 1 by Donaldson, John William, Thucydides
The Ancient History Of The Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes & Persians, Macedonians, And Grecians. By Charles Rollin; Volume 2 by Rollin, Charles
Ancient Eugenics, The Arnold Prize Essay for 1913 by Roper, Allen G.
The Prehistoric Tombs of Knossos by Evans, Arthur
The History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides, Third Edition; Volume I by Thucydides
The History of Greece by Curtius, Ernest
The Princes of Achaia and the Chronicles of the Morea: A Study of Greece in the Middle Ages; Volume II by Rodd, Rennell
Greece: Handbook for Travellers by Baedeker, Karl
The Anabasis by Spelman, Edward, Xenophon
Famous Men of Rome by Haaren, John Henry
Hellenika by Strasburger, Xenophon Gisela
Pausanias's Description of Greece by Frazer, J. G.
A Classical and Topographical Tour Through Greece: During the Years 1801, 1805, and 1806; Volume 1 by Dodwell, Edward
Paxos Kai Antipaxos by Mitsiales, Anastasios P., Salvator, Ludwig
The Greek Commonwealth by Zimmern, Alfred
Lydgate's Troy Book. A.D. 1412-20; Volume 1 by Colonne, Guido Delle, Furnivall, Frederick James, Lydgate, John
The History of the Peloponnesian War: 1-2 by Crawley, Richard, Thucydides, Thucydides
A Problem in Greek Ethics by Symonds, John Addington
Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, &c: During the Years 1812 and 1813 by Holland, Henry
A Short Popular History of Crete by Freese, John Henry
A History of Greece From Its Conquest by the Romans to the Present Time by Finlay, George
Nicephori Gregorae Byzantina Historia: Graece Et Latine, Volume 1; Volume 25 by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, Bekker, Immanuel, Gregoras, Nicephorus
A History of Greece From Its Conquest by the Romans to the Present Time by Finlay, George
Ueber Die Quellen Zur Geschichte Alexanders Des Grossen in Diodor, Curtius Und Plutarch ... by Laudien, C. F.
Rhodes In Ancient Times by Cecil, Torr
The Children's Plutarch Tales of the Greeks by Gould, F. J.
Procopii Von Cäsarea Geheime Geschichte by Reinhard, Johann Paul, Procopius
Xenophon by Xenophon
Die Tektonik der Hellenen. by Bötticher, Karl Gottlieb Wilhelm
Procopii Von Cäsarea Geheime Geschichte by Procopius, Reinhard, Johann Paul
Famous Men of Rome by Haaren, John Henry
Réflexions critiques sur la poësie et sur la peinture Volume pt.3 by Dubos, Jean Baptiste
Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, &c: During the Years 1812 and 1813 by Holland, Henry
The History of the Peloponnesian War: 1-2 by Thucydides, Thucydides, Crawley, Richard
Greek Grammar by Goodwin, William Watson
King George of Greece by Christmas, Walter, Chater, A. G.
The Chronicle of Morea = To Chronikon tou Moreos: A History in Political Verse, Relating to the Establishment of Feudalism in Greece by the Franks in by Schmitt, John
Griechische Reise: Blätter Aus Dem Tagebuche Einer Reise Im Griechenland Und in Der Türkei by Krumbacher, Karl
Demosthenes und seine Zeit. by Schaefer, Arnold
The Island of Roses and her Eleven Sisters, or The Dodecanese, From the Earliest Time Down to the Present Day by Volonakis, Michael D.
Réflexions critiques sur la poësie et sur la peinture Volume pt.3 by Dubos, Jean Baptiste
Picturesque Sketches of Greece and Turkey by Vere, Aubrey de
Griechische Geschichte by Beloch, Julius
Excursions Archéologiques En Grèce: Mycènes--Délos--Athènes--Olympie--Éleusis--Épidaure--Dodone--Tirynthe--Tanagra by Diehl, Charles
Aristotle's Constitution of Athens by Aristotle, Aristotle
Les cavaliers athéniens by Martin, Albert
La Grèce D'aujourd'hui... by DesChamps, Gaston
Alexander the Great: The Merging of East and West in Universal History by Wheeler, Benjamin Ide
A Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Greece;: With a Map, and a Plan of Athens; Volume 2 by Cramer, John Anthony
A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece; Volume 1 by Mure, William
... Storia di Sparta arcaica .. by Pareti, Luigi
A Lexicon to Xenophon's Anabasis: Adapted to All the Common Editions ... Together With Introduction to Anabasis, Etc ... the Notes, Etc., Edited by Crosby, Alpheus
L'idéal De Justice Et De Bonheur Et La Vie Primitive Des Peuples Du Nord Dans La Littérature Greeque Et Latine by Piquet, J. Sully, Riese, Alexander
Greece, in 1823 and 1824: Being a Series of Letters, and Other Documents, On the Greek Revolution, Written During a Visit to That Country by Harrington, Leicester Stanhope
Les Métaux Dans L'antiquité: Origines Religieuses De La Métallurgie...... by Rossignol, Jean-Pierre
Herodotus; Volume 1 by
Thessalonique au quatorzième siècle by Tafrali, O. B. 1876
Picturesque Sketches Of Greece And Turkey: In 2 Vol; Volume 2 by
Nicephori Gregorae Byzantina Historia: Graece Et Latine; Volume 2 by Gregoras, Nicephorus, Bekker, Immanuel, Schopen, Ludwig
Homeric Synchronism: An Enquiry Into the Time and Place of Homer by Gladstone, William Ewart
Survey of the Hospitals of Greece by
A Journey Through Albania, And Other Provinces Of Turkey In Europe And Asia, To Constantinople, During The Years 1809 And 1810; Volume 2 by
Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age; Volume III by Gladstone, William Ewart
Les Petits Romantiques ... by Asse, Eugène
Die Stadt Syrakus Im Alterthum ...... by Lupus, Bernhard
Griechische Geschichte by Beloch, Karl Julius
Annuaire de L'association pour L'encouragement des Études Grecques en France by D'Eichthal, M. Gustave
The History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides, Third Edition: 1; Volume I by Arnold, Thomas, Tiddeman, Richard Philip Goldsworthy, Thucydides, Thucydides
Epiménide De Crète by Hubert, Demoulin
Über Finanzen Und Monopole Im Alten Griechenland by Riezler, Kurt
Thessalonique au quatorzième siècle by Tafrali, O. B. 1876
Milet Et Le Golfe Latmique, Volumes 1-2... by Rayet, Olivier, Thomas, Albert
Wanderings In Greece, Volumes 1-2 by Cochrane, George
Fouilles de Delphes: 4, Series 5 by D'Athènes, Ecole Française, Homolle, Théophile
The History of Greece; Volume 1 by Mitford, William 1744-1827
Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age; Volume III by Gladstone, William Ewart
Histoire de la Grèce Sous la Domination des Romains by Hertzberg, Gustav Friedrich
The Early Age Of Greece; Volume 1 by Ridgeway, William
Reisen und Reiserouten durch Griechenland: Reisen im Peloponnes. by Ross, Ludwig
Xenophontis Anabasis by Xenophon, Macmichael, John Fisher
The History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides, Third Edition: 1; Volume I by Arnold, Thomas, Tiddeman, Richard Philip Goldsworthy, Thucydides, Thucydides
Peloponnesos. Eine Historisch-Geographische Beschreibung der Halbinsel, Erster Band by Curtius, Ernst
The Pharsalia Of Lucan by 39-65, Lucan
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