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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2022

Life in Ancient Athens, the Social and Public Life of a Classical Athenian From Day to Day by
Souvenirs d'un Philhellène; by Flourens, Gustave
Nouvelles Recherches Historiques Sur La Principauté Française De Morée Et Ses Hautes Baronnies. [With] Atlas by Buchon, Jean Alexandre C.
Thucydides: Translated Into English; With Introduction, Marginal Analysis, and Index by Jowett, Benjamin
The Bull Of Minos by Cottrell, Leonard
The Bull Of Minos by Cottrell, Leonard
Xenophon Griechische Geschichte by Xenophon
History of the Greek Revolution: And of the Wars and Campaigns Arising From the Struggles of the Greek Patriots in Emancipating Their Country From the by Gordon, Thomas
Geschichte Der Halbinsel Morea Während Des Mittelalters by Fallmerayer, Jacob Philipp
A History of Thessaly: From the Earliest Historical Times to the Accession of Philip V. of Macedonia by Kent, Roland Grubb
The International law and Custom of Ancient Greece and Rome; Volume 1 by Phillipson, Coleman
The Story of King Constantine as Revealed in the Greek White Book by Willmore, John Selden
Die Pest Des Thukydides. (Die Attische Seuche.): Eine Geschichtlich-Medicinische Studie by Ebstein, Wilhelm
The Story of King Constantine as Revealed in the Greek White Book by Willmore, John Selden
Die Inschrift von Gortyn by Baunack, Theodor Baunack Johannes
Poine: A Study in Ancient Greek Blood-vengeance by J, Treston Hubert
Famous Men of Rome by Haaren, John Henry
Die Tektonik der Hellenen, Erster Band by Bötticher, Karl Gottlieb Wilhelm
Die Tektonik der Hellenen, Erster Band by Bötticher, Karl Gottlieb Wilhelm
Nicephori Gregorae Byzantina Historia: Graece Et Latine, Volume 1; Volume 25 by Bekker, Immanuel, Gregoras, Nicephorus, Niebuhr, Barthold Georg
Greek Oligarchies: Their Character and Organization by Whibley, Leonard
A Short Popular History of Crete by Freese, John Henry
Nouvelles Recherches Historiques Sur La Principauté Française De Morée Et Ses Hautes Baronnies. [With] Atlas by Buchon, Jean Alexandre C.
Zur Geschichte der Athos-Klöster. by Gass, Wilhelm
Handbuch Der Griechischen Epigraphik by Larfeld, Wilhelm
The Odes of Pindar by
A History Of Greece To The Death Of Alexander The Great; Volume 2 by Bury, John Bagnell
The Odes of Pindar by
The Story Of The Byzantine Empire by Oman, Charles
The Story Of The Byzantine Empire by Oman, Charles
Alexander: A History Of The Origin And Growth Of The Art Of War From The Earliest Times To The Battle Of Ipsus, B.c. 301, With A by Dodge, Theodore Ayrault
The Greek Exile; or, A Narrative of the Captivity and Escape of Christophorus Plato Castanis, During the Massacre on the Island of Scio, by the Turks, by
A History of Greece From the Time of Solon to 403 B.C. Condensed and Edited With Notes and Appendices by J.M. Mitchell and M.O.B. Caspari by Grote, George 1794-1871, Mitchell, John Malcolm 1879-
Nicephori Gregorae Byzantina Historia: Graece Et Latine by Bekker, Immanuel, Schopen, Ludwig, Gregoras, Nicephorus
Herodotus, the Seventh, Eighth, & Ninth Books: With Introduction, Text, Apparatus, Commentary, Appendices, Indices, Maps, Volume 1, part 1 by Macan, Reginald Walter, Herodotus
Herodotus, the Seventh, Eighth, & Ninth Books: With Introduction, Text, Apparatus, Commentary, Appendices, Indices, Maps, Volume 1, part 1 by Herodotus, Macan, Reginald Walter
Letters and Journals of Samuel Gridley Howe; Volume 1 by Howe, Samuel Gridley
A History of Thessaly: From the Earliest Historical Times to the Accession of Philip V. of Macedonia by Kent, Roland Grubb
Hellas and the Balkan Wars by Cassavetti, Demetrius John
Délos, Colonie Athénienne by Roussel, Pierre
Belagerung und Eroberung Constantinoples by Mordtmann, Andreas David
De Proxenia Attica ... by Schubert, Johann Georg
The History of the Peloponnesian War; Volume 2 by Arnold, Thomas, Thucydides
Bilder aus Griechenland. by Steub, Ludwig
An Autumn In Greece: Comprising Sketches Of The Character, Customs, And Scenery Of The Country by
A Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Greece, With a Map and Plan of Athens by Cramer, J. a.
Greece, Pictorial, Descriptive, & Historical ... & a History of the Characteristics of Greek Art by Wordsworth, Christopher
La Restauration Démocratique à Athènes en 403 avant J.-C by Cloché, Paul
Epiménide De Crète by Hubert, Demoulin
Pausanias Description of Greece; Volume 2 by Jones, W. H. S. 1876-1963, Ormerod, Henry Arderne, Pausânias, Pausânias
Researches in the Highlands of Turkey Including Visits to Mounts Ida Athos Olympus and Pelion, T by Tozer, Henry Fanshawe
The Ionian Islands In Relation To Greece by Gardner, John Dunn
Researches in the Highlands of Turkey Including Visits to Mounts Ida Athos Olympus and Pelion, T by Tozer, Henry Fanshawe
History Of Greece; Volume 9 by Grote, George
Histoire Du Droit Privé De La République Athénienne ... by Beauchet, Ludovic
Les Métaux Dans L'antiquité: Origines Religieuses De La Métallurgie...... by Rossignol, Jean-Pierre
Impressions of Greece by Wyse, Thomas
Picturesque Sketches Of Greece And Turkey: In 2 Vol; Volume 2 by
Discourses Of Epictetus: Selections by
Famous Men of Rome by Haaren, John Henry
Ancient Greek Female Costume by Moyr, Smith J.
Alexander by Dodge, Theodore Ayrault
Chroniques Gréco-Romanes: Inédites Ou Peu Connues, Pub. Avec Notes Et Tables Généalogiques by Hopf, Carl Hermann Friedrich Johann
Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Bible History for the Little Ones by Mary, Yonge Charlotte
Alexander the Great by Russell, Ada 1879-
Xenophon by Xenophon
Herodotus by Henry George Woods, Herodotus
Travels Of Anacharsis The Younger In Greece: During The Middle Of The Fourth Century Before The Christian Æra by Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques
Story Of Greek People: An Elementary History Of Greece by Tappan, Eva March
The History of Greece by Goldsmith, Oliver
Alexander und Aristoteles in Ihren Gegenseitigen Beziehungen by Geier, Robert
Pindare: Les Olympiques, Les Pythiques, Les Néménnees, Les Isthmques by Sommer, Édouard
Ancient Athens by Gardner, Ernest Arthur
Voyage pittoresque de la Grèce; Tome 2 by
Hippocrate by Jouanna, Jacques
The History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides, Third Edition; Volume I by Thucydides
Travels In Epirus, Albania, Macedonia, And Thessaly. With 4 Engravings by
Plato and Demosthenes: Recovering the Old Academy by Altman, William H. F.
Amnesty and Reconciliation in Late Fifth-Century Athens: The Rule of Law Under Restored Democracy by Joyce, Christopher J.
From Chaadayev to Solovyov: Russian Modern Thinkers Between East and West by Przebinda, Grzegorz
Reading Heliodorus' Aethiopica by
The Ancient Greek Trireme: A New Analysis by Lorence, Terence
Herodotus: Histories Book I by
Ignorance, Irony, and Knowledge in Plato by Crotty, Kevin
The Homeric Question Revisited: An Essay on the History of the Ancient Greeks by Michalopoulos, Dimitris G.
A Parsi Son of a Persi: The Secrets of Cyrus the Great by Dehghani, Babak
A Parsi Son of a Persi: The Secrets of Cyrus the Great by Dehghani, Babak
Looking at Persians by
Die Drehbuchautorin Thea von Harbou (1888-1954): Eine Biografie by Giannotti, Nicole
Hesiod - Theogeny; Works & Days: Illustrated, with an Introduction by H.G. Evelyn-White by Hesiod
The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides, Thucydides
The Gods and Goddesses of Greece and Rome by Matyszak, Philip
The Concept of Honor in the Language of Early Arabic Poetry: A Cultural Linguistic Study by Pietrzak, Bartosz
Inventing the Philosopher: An Essay on the Dialogues of Plato by Dixsaut, Monique
The Greeks and the Rational: The Discovery of Practical Reason Volume 76 by Ober, Josiah
The Greeks and the Irrational by Dodds, E. R.
The Greeks and the Irrational by Dodds, E. R.
Experiencing the Landscape in Antiquity 2 by
Matriarchal Societies of the Past and the Rise of Patriarchy: West Asia and Europe by Goettner-Abendroth, Heide
Athens After Empire: A History from Alexander the Great to the Emperor Hadrian by Worthington, Ian
Lesser Hippias by Plato
Visions of Atlantis: Reclaiming our Lost Ancient Legacy by Le Flem, Michael
Persian Empire: The Conflicts Between the Achaemenid Empire and the Greek City-states (Starting From the Achaemenid Empire Through the by Neill, Essie
Sculptures from Roman Syria II: The Greek, Roman and Byzantine Marble Statuary by
Women in the Law Courts of Classical Athens by Kapparis, Konstantinos
Ancient Greece for Children by Richardson, John
The Diplomacy of Ancient Greece: A Short Introduction by Berridge, G. R.
The Greeks and the Irrational by Dodds, E. R.
Insults in Classical Athens by Kamen, Deborah
Timaeus and Critias (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Plato
A Cultural History of Western Empires in Antiquity by
Cultures of Resistance in the Hellenistic East by
Fighting Hardship, Keeping Hope: The Transylvanian Home Front During the Great War by
Who Do People Say the Son of Man it?: Beyond Indiana Jones (BIJ), Vol. 6 by Bierling, Neal
Old and New Insights on the History of Intelligence and Diplomacy in the Balkans by
Aetia. Iambi. Lyric Poems by Callimachus
The Battle of Salamis: The Naval Encounter That Saved Greece -- And Western Civilization by Strauss, Barry
The Battle of Salamis: The Naval Encounter That Saved Greece -- And Western Civilization by Strauss, Barry
Hecale. Hymns. Epigrams by Callimachus
Miscellaneous Epics and Elegies. Other Fragments. Testimonia by Callimachus
Inscriptiones Scythiae Minores: Sectio 1: Callatis Et Ager Callatianus by
Greek Mythology: From Aphrodite to Zeus - The Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Monsters of Ancient Greece by History Activist Readers
Mitología griega: De Afrodita a Zeus - Los dioses, diosas, héroes y monstruos de la antigua Grecia by History Activist Readers
Mythologie grecque: D'Aphrodite à Zeus - Les dieux, déesses, héros et monstres de la Grèce antique by History Activist Readers
Mitologia greca: Da Afrodite a Zeus - Gli dei, le dee, gli eroi e i mostri dell'antica Grecia by History Activist Readers
Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean: Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries by
Heinrich Dressels Edition Der Amphoren-Aufschriften Aus ROM in CIL XV: Wie Wissen Entsteht: Von Der Gelatine Ins Buch by Ehmig, Ulrike
Mitologia Grega: De Afrodite a Zeus - Os Deuses, Deusas, Heróis e Monstros da Grécia Antiga by History Activist Readers