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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2023

Xenophon: Hellenica Books V-VII by Edwin, Charles, Bennett, Xenophon
A Skeleton Outline of Greek History Chronologically Arranged by Abbott, Evelyn
De Tribus Laminis Aureis Quae in Sepulcris Thurinis Sunt Inventae by Wieten, Jan Hermannus
Études sur le Péloponèse by (Charles-Ernest), Beulé M.
La Polis Grecque by Francotte, Henri
Oedipus Rex by Sophocles
Religion and Cult in the Dodecanese During the First Millennium BC: Proceedings of the International Archaeological Conference by
Une mission géologique en Grèce: Suivi de: L'Île de Chypre, souvenirs d'une mission scientifique by Gaudry, Albert
Minor Attic Orators: With an English Translation by K. J. Maidment; 1 by Maidment, Kenneth John
Minor Attic Orators: With an English Translation by K. J. Maidment; 1 by Maidment, Kenneth John
Beyond Jesus: Apollonius of Tyana and Lost Messiah Figures by Washington, John T.
The Voyage of Aeneas of Troy by Jones, Bernard
The Nourisher of Apollo: Miletos from Xerxes to Diocletian by Nawotka, Krzysztof
Vikings: The Most Badass Vikings in History (A Captivating Guide to the Viking Age and Norse Mythology) by McKinney, Shawn
Mitología Griega: Cuentos del panteón griego by Andino, Adam
Mitología Griega: Cuentos del panteón griego by Andino, Adam
The Voyage of Aeneas of Troy by Jones, Bernard
Of Sky, Sea, and Grove: The Pantheon of the Deities in Greek Religion by Ruscsak, M. L.
From Mycenae to Olympus: Tracing the Evolution of Greek Religion by Ruascsak, M. L.
Of Sky, Sea, and Grove: The Pantheon of the Deities in Greek Religion by Ruscsak, M. L.
The Sea-Kings of Crete by Baikie, James
Ancient Alignments: Mindfulness in Archaeology and Antiquities by Robinson, Paul
Trojan War: How the Greeks Won the Trojan War (The History and Legacy of the Mythical Legends About the Battle for Troy) by Melton, Thomas
Atlantis Uncovered: Untold Stories of a Lost Empire by McDonald, Joyce
Myths and Border Conflicts in Greece by Rosenthal, Andrew A.
The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
Sparta by
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: A Captivating Guide to the Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Temple of Artemis, Statue of Zeus, M by History, Captivating
The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
Atheism at the Agora: A History of Unbelief in Ancient Greek Polytheism by Ford, James C.
Divination in Antiquity: Volume 1 of 4: Greek Divination by Bouché-LeClercq, Auguste
Hellas Und Das Grosse Ganze: Die Alten Griechen in Weltgeschichten Zwischen Geschichtswissenschaft, Buchverlagen Und Historischer Bildung by Walter, Uwe
The Diffusion of Classical Art in Antiquity by Boardman, John
From Mycenae to Olympus: Tracing the Evolution of Greek Religion by Ruscsak, M. L.
Greek Religion in Tauric Chersonesos by Shevchenko, Tetiana
The Armenian History, Narrated by the Armenian Historian of the 7th Century: In English and Russian. by Sebeos
Qədim alimlər türk xalqları haqqında. Cild 2. by Sanducci, A.
Neighbourhoods and City Quarters in Antiquity: Design and Experience by
Ages in Chaos IV: The Dark Age of Greece by Velikovsky, Immanuel
Ages in Chaos IV: The Dark Age of Greece by Velikovsky, Immanuel
Alexander the Great: The History and Legacy of the Macedonian King (How the Greatest Military Leader Expanded the Borders of the Known Worl by Dugas, Thomas
Trojumanna Saga by Owens, J. Jasper
Geographies of Myth and Places of Identity: The Strait of Scylla and Charybdis in the Modern Imagination by Carbone, Marco Benoît
Military Departures, Homecomings and Death in Classical Athens: Hoplite Transitions by Rees, Owen
Greek Ancient Origins: Stories of People & Civilization by
Die Peloponnes: Ein Archaologischer Reisefuhrer by Ronnberg, Maximilian
The History & Development of the Doctrine of the Trinity by Gill, Steven
Von Stadten, Staatenbunden Und Bundesstaaten: Ausgewahlte Schriften Zur Griechischen Geschichte by Funke, Peter
Greek Mythology: The Myths of Ancient Greece from the Origin of the Cosmos and the Appearance of the Titans to the Time of Gods and Men by Magna, Aula
Atlantis, the Amazons, and the Birth of Athene: The True Story by Costa, Nicholas
À propos du Dieu de Socrate by Apulée
Florides by Apulée
Dante's Inferno by Alighieri, Dante
Dante's Inferno by Alighieri, Dante
The Athenian Empire by
The Culture of Athens by
John Chrysostom: Embracing Greek Wisdom by Curry, Darren L.
Global Classics by Bromberg, Jacques A.
Alexander the Great and Propaganda by
Hellenism and the Primary History: The Imprint of Greek Sources in Genesis - 2 Kings by Gnuse, Robert Karl
Epigraphic Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean in Antiquity by
Seven Against Thebes: The Quest of the Original Magnificent Seven by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Seven Against Thebes: The Quest of the Original Magnificent Seven by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Seven Against Thebes: The Quest of the Original Magnificent Seven by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Seven Against Thebes: The Quest of the Original Magnificent Seven by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Sparta's Sicilian Proxy War: The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta, 418-413 B.C. by Rahe, Paul A.
Das Bucolicum Carmen des Petrarca: Einfuehrung, lateinischer Text, Uebersetzung und Kommentar zu den zwoelf Eklogen by Berghoff-Bührer, Margrith
Mitteilungen Des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung by
The Eleusinian Method and The Philosopher's Way by Smith, Ralf
Alexander the Great Avenger: The Campaign That Felled Achaemenid Persia by Kambouris, Manousos E.
The Cities of the Plain: Urbanism in Ancient Western Thessaly by Rönnlund, Robin
Tokens in Classical Athens and Beyond by
Tokens in Classical Athens and Beyond by
The Family, Women and Death: Comparative Studies by Humphreys, S. C.
Alexander the Great: The Great Leader and Hero of Macedonia (The Journey of the Macedonian Conqueror Who United East and West) by DeWitt, Steven
More than Alive: The Dead, Orthodoxy and Remembrance in Post-Soviet Russia by Bogumil, Zuzanna, Voronina, Tatiana
The Hero Cults of Sparta: Local Religion in a Greek City by Pavlides, Nicolette A.
Connecting Communities in Archaic Greece by Loy, Michael
The Economy of Classical Athens: Organization, Institutions and Society by Economou, Emmanouil M. L.
Making and Unmaking Ancient Memory by
Greek Mythology: The Myths of Ancient Greece from the Origin of the Cosmos and the Appearance of the Titans to the Time of Gods and Men by Magna, Aula
L'Athenaion Politeia Dello Pseudo-Senofonte E Il Suo Tempo: Contesto, Lessico E Ideologia by Porceddu, Maria Lavinia
Dionysius and the City of Rome: Portraits of Founders in the Roman Antiquities by Poletti, Beatrice
How to Be: Life Lessons from the Early Greeks by Nicolson, Adam
How to Be: Life Lessons from the Early Greeks by Nicolson, Adam
Demetrius: Sacker of Cities by Romm, James
How to Be: Life Lessons from the Early Greeks by Nicolson, Adam
Chronicles of Human History: Exploring the Tapestry of Civilizations by Karakas, Osman
Jokes in Greek Comedy: From Puns to Poetics by Scott, Naomi
Die Östliche Marmarica ALS Archäologisches Problem: Band 2: Keramik Von Ptolemäischer Bis in Die Spätrömische Zeit - Nordwestägyptens Randgebiet ALS P by Möller, Heike
Homer and His Iliad by Fox, Robin Lane
Despotiko, the Site of Mandra: The 'Temple' Complex and Its Deposits by
L'Odyssée by Homère
Hymnes homériques by Homère
What's in the Past: Symbols, Rituals and Folkloric Imagery in Historical-Comparative Perspective by Buttitta, Ignazio E.
Mnemonic Governance: Politics of History, Transitional Justice and the Law by
On Cyprian Norwid. Studies and Essays: Vol. 4. Contexts by
A Smaller History of Greece from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest by Smith, William
The Greek Tyrants by Andrewes, A.
Body Technologies in the Greco-Roman World: Technosôma, Gender and Sex by
Orphee. Poemes Magiques Et Cosmologiques by
Divination in Antiquity: Volume 3 of 4: Oracles of Apollo, et al. by Bouché-LeClercq, Auguste
Der Rastlose Sisyphos: Mentalitat, Lebensideale Und Politik Bei Den Griechen Der Antike by Bernhardt, Rainer
A Guide to Relocating to Greece: Embrace the Mediterranean Dream by Jones, William
L'Organisation Militaire de la Confederation Beotienne (447-171 Av. J.-C.) by Lucas, Thierry
Quintus of Smyrna's 'Posthomerica': Writing Homer Under Rome by
Generalship in Ancient Greece, Rome and Byzantium by
Apuleius: The Story of Cupid and Psyche by May, Regine
Agony: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & the Ancient Greeks by Larmour, David, Kulseth, Joshua
Eco-Consciousness in American Culture: Imperatives in the Age of the Anthropocene by
In Fretta Le Navi Correvano I Sentieri Pescosi': Un'ipotesi Di Ricostruzione Delle Rotte Di Collegamento Fra Area Egea E Mediterraneo Orientale (1700 by Querci, Angiolo
Masculine Ideals and Alexander the Great: An Exemplary Man in the Roman and Medieval World by Peltonen, Jaakkojuhani
The Military Legacy of Alexander the Great: Lessons for the Information Age by Worthington, Ian, Ferguson, Michael P.
The Military Legacy of Alexander the Great: Lessons for the Information Age by Worthington, Ian, Ferguson, Michael P.
Ars Notoria: The Notory Art of Solomon: A Medieval Treatise on Angelic Magic and the Art of Memory by
Ancient Greece: Shipping and Trading Lessons from History by Nejem, Mustafa
Maritime Energy Management in Greece by the Use of Green Practices at Greek Ports by Nejem, Mustafa
A View of the English Editions, Translations and Illustrations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors: With Remarks by Brüggemann, Lewis William
A Supplement to the View of the English Editions, Translations and Illustrations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors: With Remarks by Brüggemann, Lewis William
A View of the English Editions, Translations and Illustrations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors: With Remarks by Brüggemann, Lewis William
A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Traveling the Hellenistic World: An Odyssey Through Political Dynasties and Cultural Mosaics by Haynes, Dominic
The Greeks in Iberia and Their Mediterranean Context by
A Supplement to the View of the English Editions, Translations and Illustrations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors: With Remarks by Brüggemann, Lewis William
A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Traveling the Hellenistic World: An Odyssey Through Political Dynasties and Cultural Mosaics by Haynes, Dominic
Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 8 2023 by
Gendered Politics in Sophocles' Trachiniae by Seferiadi, Gesthimani
Knossos: Myth, History and Archaeology by Whitley, James
Flying Myths Coloring Book for Adults: Greek Mythology Coloring Book Fantasy Coloring Book for Adults Icarus, Griffin, Phoenix Coloring Book by Publishing, Monsoon
Plato's Reasons: Logician, Rhetorician, Dialectician by Tindale, Christopher W.
The Visual Legacy of Alexander the Great from the Renaissance to the Age of Revolution by Mínguez, Víctor, Rodríguez-Moya, Inmaculada
Making Time for Greek and Roman Literature by
Astrology in European Religious History: Its Philosophical Foundations Through the Ages by Schoener, Gustav-Adolf
The Poetics Of Aristotle by Aristotle
Antigua Grecia: 500 datos interesantes sobre la historia de Grecia by Publications, Ahoy
Antigua Grecia: 500 datos interesantes sobre la historia de Grecia by Publications, Ahoy
Rulers of the Sea: Maritime Strategy and Sea Power in Ancient Greece, 550-321 Bce by Nash, John
Age, Gender and Status in Macedonian Society, 550-300 Bce: Intersectional Approaches to Mortuary Archaeology by Salminen, Elina M.
Greek Mythology: A Collection of the Best Greek Myths by Dodd, Jason
Greek Mythology: A Collection of the Best Greek Myths by Dodd, Jason
The Greeks: A Global History by Beaton, Roderick
Ephorus of Cyme and Greek Historiography by Parmeggiani, Giovanni
The Retrospective Muse: Pathways Through Ancient Greek Literature and Culture by Zeitlin, Froma I.
Anatolia in the Iron Age: The History of the Empires that Dominated the Region Before Alexander the Great by Charles River
Plato's Letters: The Political Challenges of the Philosophic Life by Plato
Inscriptiones in Vallibus Fluviorum Axii, Astibi, Strumicae Inventae by
Humanism: The Greek Ideal and Its Survival by Hadas, Moses
Selene: The Moon Goddess and the Cave Oracle by Moore, Steve
Polen und Deutsche im Angesicht revolutionaerer Umwaelzungen by
The Armenian Empire: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Kingdom of Greater Armenia by Charles River
Tios/Tieion on the Southern Black Sea in the Broader Context of Pontic Archaeology by
Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics by Rowe, Christopher
Innocence and Experience: Childhood and the Refugees from Nazism in Britain by
Greek Unseen Translation by Taylor, John, Anderson, Stephen
Historia de Grecia: Un apasionante recorrido por la historia de Grecia by Wellman, Billy
Polemone Di Ilio. I Frammenti Degli Scritti Periegetici: Introduzione, Testo Greco, Traduzione E Commento by Angelucci, Mariachiara
The Late Geometric and Early Archaic North-Eastern Aegean: Through the Emergence, Distribution and Consumption of 'g 2-3 Ware' by Ilieva, Petya Velichkova
From One Shore to the Other: New Perspectives on Funerary and Religious Practices in Ptolemaic and Roman Thebes. Proceedings of the International Conf by