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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Greece in 2024

Sappho and Phaon by Robinson, Mary
Divine Might: Goddesses in Greek Myth by Haynes, Natalie
Divine Might: Goddesses in Greek Myth by Haynes, Natalie
The Greek Histories: The Sweeping History of Ancient Greece as Told by Its First Chroniclers: Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, and Plutarch by
The Discourses of Epictetus (Book 1) - From Lesson To Action!: Adapted For Today's Reader Bringing Stoic Philosophy to the Present by Epictetus
The Discourses of Epictetus (Book 2) - From Lesson To Action!: Adapted For Today's Reader Bringing Stoic Philosophy to the Present by Epictetus
The Discourses of Epictetus (Book 4) - From Lesson To Action!: Adapted For Today's Reader Bringing Stoic Philosophy to the Present by Epictetus
Les Discours d'Épictète (Livre 1) - De la leçon à l'action !: Adapté au lecteur d'aujourd'hui La philosophie stoïcienne au présent by Epictetus
Les Discours d'Épictète (Livre 2) - De la leçon à l'action !: Adapté au lecteur d'aujourd'hui La philosophie stoïcienne au présent by Epictetus
Les Discours d'Épictète (Livre 4) - De la leçon à l'action !: Adapté au lecteur d'aujourd'hui La philosophie stoïcienne au présent by Epictetus
Localism in Hellenistic Greece by
Ancient Science and Material Theory by Lewis, Steven J.
Pytheas: Explorateur Du Grand Nord by Herbaux, Francois
The Secret History: New Large Print Edition (Large Print Edition) by Procopius
The Secret History: New Large Print Edition (Large Print Edition) by Procopius
How to Survive in Ancient Greece by Garland, Robert
How to Survive in Ancient Greece by Garland, Robert
Streams of Gold, Rivers of Blood: The Rise and Fall of Byzantium, 955 A.D. to the First Crusade by Kaldellis, Anthony
Streams of Gold, Rivers of Blood: The Rise and Fall of Byzantium, 955 A.D. to the First Crusade by Kaldellis, Anthony
A Treatise on Government: Or: Politics by Aristotle
Die Reden des Epiktet (Buch 3) - Stoizismus Von der Lektion zur Aktion!: Stoische Philosophie für den zeitgenössischen Leser Stoizismus verdaut für da by Epiktet
La constitution de Sparte: La loi de Lycurgue reconstituée by de Visme, Grégoire
I discorsi di Epitteto (Libro 1) - Dalla lezione all'azione!: Adattato per il lettore di oggi La filosofia stoica al presente by Epicteto
I discorsi di Epitteto (Libro 2) - Dalla lezione all'azione!: Adattato per il lettore di oggi La filosofia stoica al presente by Epicteto
I discorsi di Epitteto (Libro 3) - Dalla lezione all'azione!: Adattato per il lettore di oggi La filosofia stoica al presente by Epicteto
I discorsi di Epitteto (Libro 4) - Dalla lezione all'azione!: Adattato per il lettore di oggi La filosofia stoica al presente by Epicteto
Der Archaische Heiligtumsbefund Vom Taxiarchis-Hugel in Didyma: Teilband 2: Das Fundmaterial Aus Den Archaischen Kontexten Des Taxiarchis-Hugels, Teil by Kaiser, Ivonne, Ehrhardt, Norbert, Jeske, Olivia
Aristotle: The Complete Works by Aristotle
Dionysos et ses avatars by de Visme, Grégoire
Norse Mythology: A Concise Guide to Gods and Beliefs of Norse Mythology (A Guide Into Norse Gods and Goddesses, Viking Warriors and Magical Creatures) by Gregory, Alfred
Money and Honor in Ancient Athletics by
Dokumentarische Texte Der Berliner Papyrussammlung Aus Byzantinischer Und Früharabischer Zeit: Zur Wiedereröffnung Des Neuen Museums by
The >Magister Equitum: The Evolution of an Extraordinary Magistracy by Jordan, Bradley
How Pytheas the Greek Discovered Iron-Age Britain, Stonehenge and Thule by Meaden, Terence
How Pytheas the Greek Discovered Iron-Age Britain, Stonehenge and Thule by Meaden, Terence
Vikings: The True and Surprising History of The Vikings (The Stick Man with a Big Bum and the Viking Adventure) by Provost, Lewis
The Bronze Coins of Eastern Mount Ossa in the Thessalian Perioikic Region of Magnesia: Homolion, Eureai, Eurymenai, and Meliboia by Blomley, Anna Magdalena
The Introduction to Greek and Roman History Series: Golden Laurels, Silver Seas + The Wolves of Mars - Greek and Roman History from the Bronze Age to by Aeon History
Exploring Greece: A Comprehensive Travel Guide by Jones, William
The World's Greatest Books (Ancient and Mediaeval History) by Various
The World's Greatest Books (Ancient and Mediaeval History) by Various
The Killing Ground: A Biography of Thermopylae by Cole, Myke, Livingston, Michael
Festivals, Feasts, and Gender Relations in Ancient China and Greece by Zhou, Yiqun
The Shadows of Socrates: The Heresy, War, and Treachery Behind the Trial of Socrates by Gatton, Matt
Phryne: A Life in Fragments by Funke, Melissa
Astrología Avanzada: Técnicas y Predicciones Astrológicas: 2da. Edición by Kardya, Ignacio
Daring Dreams of the Future: Slovenian Mass Migrations 1870-1945 by Kalc, Aleksej, Milharčič Hladnik, Mirjam
Colorful Adventures: Ancient Greece by Lau Filho, Waldy Luiz
Marginalised Populations in the Ancient Greek World: The Bioarchaeology of the Other by Weaver, Carrie L. Sulosky
Xenophon's Anabasis: A Socratic History by Brennan, Shane
The Aristotelian Mirabilia and Early Peripatetic Natural Science by
Greek Gods & Monsters: A Quick Read by Bonham, Allison, Links, Academic, Bonham, Brooke
Blessed Thessaly: The Identities of a Place and Its People from the Archaic Period to the Hellenistic by Aston, Emma
Polybios: Leben Und Werk Im Banne ROMs by Dreyer, Boris
Sparta and the Commemoration of War by Sears, Matthew A.
Greek Mythology: A Timeless Collection of Greek Myths and Legends by Danvers, Adrian
The Oxford Handbook of Pre-Roman Italy (1000--49 Bce) by
Cómo Meter Toda La Antigua Grecia En Un Elevador: Conectar Con La Antigüedad Para Reconectar Contigo / How to Cram All of Ancient Greece Into an Eleva by Papakostas, Teodoro
Leisure with Dignity: Essays in Celebration of Charles R. Kesler by
Baltic Human-Animal Histories: Relations, Trading, and Representations by
Bohm, Tiersymbolik Im Archaischen Griechenland by Bohm, Stephanie
Die Verwendung Und Bedeutung Von Losverfahren in Athen Und Im Griechischen Raum Vom 7. Bis 5. Jahrhundert V. Chr. by Gebler, Aaron
Aspects of Death and the Afterlife in Greek Literature by
The Pharos Lighthouse in Alexandria: Second Sun and Seventh Wonder of Antiquity by Chugg, Andrew Michael
Remnants of Wehrmacht Soldiers: Burial and Commemoration Practices of German Soldiers of the Second World War in Russia and Europe, 1941 - 2023 by Janz, Nina
Herodotus and the Presocratics by Kingsley, K. Scarlett
To the Ends of the Earth: How Ancient Conquerors, Explorers, Scientists, and Traders Connected the World by Schulz, Raimund J., Savage, Robert
J.D. Ponce on Epictetus: An Academic Analysis of Arrian's Discourses of Epictetus by Ponce, J. D.
Studia Epigraphica Et Militaria: In Memoriam Miroslava Mirkovic by
A Companion to Aristophanes by
The Ancient Art of Thinking for Yourself: The Power of Rhetoric in Polarized Times by Reames, Robin
Sparta's Soul: Embark on a Journey to the Heart of Ancient Valour by Brady, Mark R.
Aeschylus' Oresteia: Translation and Theatrical Commentary by Ewans, Michael
Aeschylus' Oresteia: Translation and Theatrical Commentary by Ewans, Michael
Schreiben im eigenen Zimmer: Studien zu Autorinnen und Werken des deutschen, oesterreichischen und spanischen Exils by
The Campaigns of Alexander (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Arrian
Mitteilungen Des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung by
1st August by Queen, Tomyris
Louis Wolowski (1810-1876): A Biography by Dobek, Rafal
Cathedral Rituals and Chanting Practices among the Medieval Orthodox Slavs - Kondakarnoie Pienie: The Forefeast, Christmas and Epiphany Cycles by Myers, Gregory
What's In A Life by Karras, Mark Athanasios C.
Musealisation of Communism in Poland and East Central Europe by Ziębińska Witek, Anna
Sparta's Last Stand by Dimond, Alex
Hellenica (Royal Collector's Edition) (Annotated) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Xenophon
The Art of Running: Learning to Run Like a Greek by Marcolongo, Andrea
Honeyvoiced: A Translation of Pindar's Songs for Athletes by Wells, James Bradley
La Chute de l'Empire Athenien: Nouvelle Histoire de la Guerre Du Peloponnese. Tome IV by Kagan, Donald
Plato and Demosthenes: Recovering the Old Academy by Altman, William H. F.
Poesia Degli Indovini Selvaggi: Le Tavolette Di Maledizione in Lingua Greca Come Fonti Di Poesia Sommersa (VI-I Secolo A.C.) by Bertani, Francesco
Caesar Versus Pompey: Determining Rome's Greatest General, Statesman & Nation-Builder by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Caesar Versus Pompey: Determining Rome's Greatest General, Statesman & Nation-Builder by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Rethinking Violence in Valencia and Catalonia: Fourteenth to Seventeenth Century by
La civilización occidental: Una fascinante guía sobre las antiguas civilizaciones griega y romana, el cristianismo, la Europa medieval y los tiemp by History, Captivating
Trickery, Treachery, and Deceit in Ancient Conflict by
Footprints of Progress: A Journey Through World History by Sreekumar, V. T.
On the Balkan Stage: Romanian Diplomacy during World War II by Nistor, Ionuț
Defixiones Atticae by
Graham Greene, Ireland and the Honorary Consul: A View from the South of France by Joannon, Pierre
Memorabilia (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Dakyns, Henry Graham, Xenophon
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: An Extraordinary New Journey Through History's Greatest Treasures by Hughes, Bettany
Apollonius of Tyana by Mead, George Robert Stowe
Zeit Und Zeitgeschehen in Der Periodischen Presse Des 17.-19. Jahrhunderts: Fallstudien Zu Perzeption Und Reflexion by
J.D. Ponce sobre Epicteto: Un Análisis Académico de Los Discursos Arrianos de Epicteto by Ponce, J. D.
The Oxford History of the Archaic Greek World: Volume I: Argos to Corcyra by
Fiktionen über den Holocaust: Zu der Notwendigkeit und den Grenzen von Geschichten über Geschichte by Kitzinger, Charlotte
Ancient Greek Holidays by Borden, Mab
A Cultural History of Color in Antiquity by
Apotropaia and Phylakteria: Confronting Evil in Ancient Greece by
In the Mind, in the Body, in the World: Emotions in Early China and Ancient Greece by
The Republic and Meditations by Aurelius, Marcus, Plato
J.D. Ponce über Epiktet: Eine Akademische Analyse von Lehrgesprächen by Ponce, J. D.
Venus and Aphrodite: A Biography of Desire by Hughes, Bettany
Mouldmade Bowls of the Black Sea Region and Beyond: From Prestige Object to an Article of Mass Consumption by Guldager Bilde, Pia
Listening to the Philosophers: Notes on Notes by Cribiore, Raffaella
Listening to the Philosophers: Notes on Notes by Cribiore, Raffaella
Exploring the Sacred Landscape of the Ancient Peloponnese: Cults and Sacred Places by Marantou, Eleni
Hippodamos de Milet: Imaginaire Social Et Planification Urbaine Dans La Grece Classique by Greco, Emanuele
Tragedy, Philosophy, and Political Education in Plato's Laws by Balot, Ryan K.
The Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Ceramic Sequence at Tell Fekheriye (Syria) by Coppini, Costanza
The Music of Tragedy: Performance and Imagination in Euripidean Theater by Weiss, Naomi A.
Daphnis and Chloe (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Longus
Drawing Lots: From Egalitarianism to Democracy in Ancient Greece by Malkin, Irad, Blok, Josine
The Rise and Fall of Athens: Nine Greek Lives: Theseus, Solon, Themistocles, Aristides, Cimon, Pericles, Nicias, Alcibiades, Lysander, with Excerpt by Plutarch
Out of One, Many: Ancient Greek Ways of Thought and Culture by Roberts, Jennifer T.
Stories of Greek Gods, Heroes, and Men: A Primer of the Mythology and History of the Greeks (Illustrated in color - Easy to Read Layout) (Large Print Edition) by Harding, Caroline Hirst, Harding, Samuel Bannister
Un Saggio Sulle Radici Della Riflessione Storica a Roma: Studi Su Cassio Emina by Stucchi, Silvia
J.D. Ponce sur Épictète: Une Analyse Académique des Entretiens by Ponce, J. D.
John the Baptist as a Rewritten Figure in Luke-Acts by Michelsen Chauchot, Christina
Poverty in Ancient Greece and Rome: Realities and Discourses by
Out of One, Many: Ancient Greek Ways of Thought and Culture by Roberts, Jennifer T.
The Seer and the City: Religion, Politics, and Colonial Ideology in Ancient Greece by Foster, Margaret
Out of One, Many: Ancient Greek Ways of Thought and Culture by Roberts, Jennifer T.
Medea: Queen of Witches by Matyszak, Philip
More Than a Church: Late Antique Ecclesiastical Complexes in Cyprus by Keane, Catherine T.
Looking at Persians by
The Tiled-Roof Phenomenon in Early Helladic Greece: Evidence from Zygouries by Jazwa, Kyle A.
Plato's Reasons: Logician, Rhetorician, Dialectician by Tindale, Christopher W.
Greek & Roman Myths & Legends by Guerber, Hélène Adeline
Polis: A New History of the Ancient Greek City-State from the Early Iron Age to the End of Antiquity by Ma, John
Ancient Phokis: New Approaches to Its History, Archaeology and Topography. International Conference, Dai Athens, 30 March-1 April 2017 by
Strabo's Geography: A Translation for the Modern World by Strabo
The Greek Mythology Coloring Book: Epic Scenes from Olympus and Beyond by Yoon, Jen
Ancient Worlds in Perspective: Contextualizing Herodotus by
Myth and Territory in the Spartan Mediterranean by Malkin, Irad
Myth and Territory in the Spartan Mediterranean by Malkin, Irad
Artemis: Virgin Goddess of the Hunt & Moon by D'Este, Sorita
Antiquity Resurrected: Ancient Greece & Rome by Old Writers by Arouet (Voltaire), François-Marie, Henty, G. a., Trollope, Anthony
J.D. Ponce sobre Epicteto: Uma Análise Acadêmica dos Discursos Arrianos de Epicteto by Ponce, J. D.
El Mundo Helenístico: Una Apasionante Guía de la Historia Antigua del Mediterráneo, desde Alejandro Magno hasta el Imperio Romano by Wellman, Billy
The Oxford Handbook of Galen by
Small Numbers, Big Presence: Jews in Poland after World War II by
The Staszic Palace as Affective Heterotopia: New Category of Spatial Description by Wójtowicz, Aleksandra
Selected Discourses - The Wisdom of Epictetus: The Stoic Classic by Butler-Bowdon, Tom, Epictetus
Myth Unleashed: Rediscovering the Legends of Hercules and the Pantheon by Sage, Myrddin
Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean World by
The Clouds by Aristophanes
Battle for Thermopylae by Nakamoto, Hitori
Alexander at the End of the World: The Forgotten Final Years of Alexander the Great by Kousser, Rachel
The Iliad of Homer: Rage, Glory, and Gods: Experience the Epic Battles of the Iliad by Homer
Decius: Ein roemischer Kaiser zwischen Tradition und Restauration by Selinger, Reinhard
Polis Und Metropolis Im Römischen Ägypten: Städtisches Selbstverständnis in Hermupolis Magna by Free, Alexander
The Athenians and Their Graves (1000-300 Bc) by Walter-Karydi, Elena
Cypria: A Journey to the Heart of the Mediterranean by Christofi, Alex
Technical Automation in Classical Antiquity by Gerolemou, Maria
The Embers of the Silver Age. by Borlace, Merilla A.
Bows and Arrows of Antiquity by Bulanda, Edmund
Central Europe in Symbolic and Literary Geography by Zelenka, Milos
Rainer Maria Rilke und Rudolf Bodlaender: Briefe in schwierigen Zeiten by Unglaub, Erich
The Tyrants of Corinth: Legends of Cypselus and Periander by Ogden, Daniel
The Tyrants of Corinth: Legends of Cypselus and Periander by Ogden, Daniel
Moeller van den Bruck Le troisième Reich by Grunewald, Michel
Patriarchs and Heroes: Two Worlds Collide by Cortez, Alan B.
Products, Users, and Popular Luxury in Early Modern Greece by Yagou, Artemis
Collection of Hesiod, Homer and Homerica by Anonymous
Euripides and Quotation Culture by Wright, Matthew
Café com Estoicos: A Filosofia de Zenão, Sêneca, Epiteto e Marco Aurélio by
Leonidas and the 300 spartans: The battle of thermopylae by Markos, Alexander
Laws by Plato
Amnesty and Reconciliation in Late Fifth-Century Athens: The Rule of Law Under Restored Democracy by Joyce, Christopher J.
Contested Cures: Identity and Ritual Healing in Roman and Late Antique Palestine by Nutzman, Megan
The Politics of Viewing in Xenophon's Historical Narratives by Harman, Rosie
Goddess Athena Alchemy And Magic by Lynn, Amy
Phryne of Thespiae: Courtesan, Muse, and Myth by McClure, Laura
Classical Myth: An Introduction by Powell, Barry B.
Philebus by Plato
Phaedrus by Plato
Euthyphro by Plato
Pyrrhus by Abbott, Jacob
Hannibal by Abbott, Jacob
Racialized Commodities: Long-Distance Trade, Mobility, and the Making of Race in Ancient Greece, C. 700-300 Bce by Parmenter, Christopher Stedman
Phaedrus by Plato
Timaeus by Plato
Hannibal by Abbott, Jacob
The Genocide of the Christian Populations in the Ottoman Empire and its Aftermath (1908-1923) by
The Province of Achaea in the 2nd Century CE: The Past Present by
Ancient Greek Religion by Rose, H. J.
The Ancient City of Athens: Its Topography and Monuments by Hill, Ida Thallon
The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
Unoriginelle Literatur um 1800: Nachahmung nach der Nachahmungspoetik by
The Trial and Death of Socrates by Plato
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