• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 1977

The Earlier Neolithic of Southern England and its Continental Background by Whittle, A. W. R.
Gatcombe: The excavation and study of a Romano-British villa estate, 1967-1976 by Branigan, Keith
Religionsfreiheit Und Toleranz Im Altertum: 27. Jahresfeier Am 18. Mai 1977 in Düsseldorf by Kötting, Bernhard
Byzantinistik heute by Beck, Hans-Georg
Die Gräber Der Älteren Ockergrabkultur Zwischen Dnepr Und Karpaten by Häusler, Alexander
Philologus. Band 120, Heft 2 by
Das Ideal Der Allseitig Entwickelten Persönlichkeit: Seine Entstehung Und Sozialistische Verwirklichung by
Klio. Band 58, Heft 1 by
Mittelassyrische Rechtsurkunden Und Verwaltungstexte by Freydank, Helmut
1976 by
Tituli Sepulcrales. Tituli Memoriales by
Inscriptiones Epidauri by
Inscriptiones Aetoliae by
Decreta Anno 229/8 A. Chr. Posteria. Leges Sacrae by
Tabulae Magistratuum by
Catalogi Nominum. Instrumenta Iuris Privati by
Dedicationes. Tituli Honoarii. Tituli Sacri by
Hymnen: Einleitung Und Kritischer Text by
Repertorium der sumerischen und akkadischen Texte by Borger, Rykle
Die Dichtkunst Virgils: Bild Und Symbol in Der Äneis by Pöschl, Viktor
The Royal Dynasties in Ancient Israel by Ishida, Tomoo
Theologie Und Philosophie in Byzanz: Der Streit Um Die Theologische Methodik in Der Spätbyzantinischen Geistesgeschichte (14./15. Jh.), Seine Systemat by Podskalsky, Gerhard
Untersuchungen zur textkritischen Methode des Zenodotos von Ephesos by Nickau, Klaus
Structures sociales "orientales" et "occidentales" dans l'Espagne musulmane by Guichard, Pierre
Urkunden der Ptolemäerzeit, Erster Band, Papyri aus Unterägypten by
Urkunden der Ptolemäerzeit, Zweiter Band, Papyri aus Oberägypten by
Griechische Kleidung by Bieber, Margarete
Handlungsverlauf und Komik in den frühen Komödien des Aristophanes by Landfester, Manfred
Die Fragmente Des Grammatikers Dionysios Thrax. Die Fragmente Der Grammatiker Tyrannion Und Diokles. Apions Glossai Homerikai by
Fellahs tunisiens by Valensi, Lucette
Scholia AD Libros Y - Ω Continens by
Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization by Oppenheim, A. Leo
The Cambridge Ancient History: Plates to Volumes 1 and 2 by
Spanos by
The Emperor Gaius (Caligula). by Balsdon, J. P. V. D., Balsdon, John Percy Vyvian Dacre, Unknown
Rhetoric in Greco-Roman Education by Clark, Donald Lemen, Unknown
Bronze Age Spearheads from Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire by Ehrenberg, Margaret R.
Roman Lead Coffins and Ossuaria in Britain by Toller, Hugh
Bronze Boar Figurines in Iron Age and Roman Britain by Foster, Jennifer
Beakers in Britain and Europe - Four Studies: Contributions to a Symposium organised by the Munro Lectureship Committee, Edinburgh University by
The Chronology of the Early Iron Age in the Socialist Republic of Serbia by Vasic, Rastko
Urkunden Dramatischer Aufführungen in Griechenland by Mette, Hans Joachim
Gewalt Und Herrschaft: Das Provinziale Herrschaftssystem Der Römischen Republik by Dahlheim, Werner
The History and Literature of the Palestinian Jews from Cyrus to Herod 550 BC to 4 BC by McCullough, W. S.
Associations and Law: The Classical and Early Christian Stages by Gierke, Otto
World Prehistory: In New Perspective by Clark, Grahame
The Medieval Moated Sites of South-Eastern Ireland: Counties Carlow, Kilkenny, Tipperary and Wexford by Barry, Terence B.
Studia Codicologica by