• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 1984

Romano-British Mosaics: A reassessment and critique of some notable stylistic affinities by Cookson, Neil Andrew
Doppelbesetzung oder Ehrentitulatur - Zur Stellung des westgotisch-arianischen Episkopates nach der Konversion von 587/89 by Mikat, Paul
Gerundivum und Gerundium by Risch, Ernst
Critobuli Imbriotae Historiae by
Neolithic Studies: A Review of Some Current Research by
Die Entwicklung Der Frühgeschichtlichen Kulturlandschaft Auf Dem Territorium Der DDR Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Siedlungsgebiete by Gringmuth-Dallmer, Eike
Altbabylonische Texte Aus Babylon by Klengel, Horst
Klio. Band 65, Heft 1 by
Klio. Band 65, Heft 2 by
A Study of Daphnis and Chloe by Hunter, R. Lanny
Josephus and Modern Scholarship (1937-1980) by Feldman, Louis H.
Klagegesang - Libanon by
Studien zur Chronologie der Völkerwanderungszeit im südöstlichen Mitteleuropa by Kaltofen, Andrea
Ausgewählte Philologische Schriften by Schmid, Wolfgang P.
Metrische Analysen Zu Vergil Aeneis Buch V by Ott, Wilhelm
Metrische Analysen Zu Vergil Aeneis Buch VII by Ott, Wilhelm
Der Aristotelismus im I. und II. Jh. n.Chr by Moraux, Paul
Late Roman Amphorae in the Western Mediterranean by Keay, S. J.
Creswell Crags: Late Pleistocene Sites in the East Midlands by Jenkinson, R. D. S.
Ancient and Medieval Theatre: A Historiographical Handbook by Vince, Ronald
Studien Zum PROLOG Der Euripideischen Tragödie by Erbse, Hartmut
Greek and Roman Mechanical Water-Lifting Devices: The History of a Technology by Oleson, John Peter
A K-means Approach to the Analysis of Spatial Structure in Upper Palaeolithic Habitation Sites: Le Flageolet I and Pincevent Section 36 by Simek, Jan F.
Pictish Studies: Settlement, Burial and Art in Dark Age Northern Britain by
Rituals and Power by Price, S. R. F.
The Cambridge Ancient History: Plates to Volume 7, Part 1 by
Chronos - Dona by
Ancient Astronauts, Cosmic Collisions by Stiebing, William H.
Aristophanes Testimonia et Fragmenta by
The European Iron Age by Collis, John
Mesolithic Social Territories in Northwestern Europe by Gendel, Peter A.
Burgerroth: Eine spätneolithische Höhensiedlung in Unterfranken by Spennemann, Dirk R.
Saint Germanus of Auxerre and the End of Roman Britain by Thompson, E. a.
The Cambridge Ancient History by
Royal Inscriptions on Clay Cones from Ashur Now in Istanbul by Donbaz, Veysel, Grayson, A. Kirk
The Jewish and Christian World 200 BC to Ad 200 by Leaney a R C, Leaney, Alfred R.
Late Quaternary Environments and Man in Holderness by Gilbertson, D. D., Briggs, D. J., Flenley, J. R.
Bronze Age Round Cairns in Dumfries and Galloway: An inventory and discussion by Yates, M. J.
Meroitistische Forschungen 1980: Akten Der 4. Internationalen Tagung Für Meroitistische Forschungen Vom 24. Bis-29. November 1980 in Berlin by