• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 1985

The Bible in American Law, Politics, and Political Rhetoric by
Liber - Linearius by
Erogo - Etiamnun by
Exhorresco - Expavesco by
M. Iuniani Iustini epitoma Historiarum Philippicarum Pompei Trogi by Iustinus, Marcus Iunianus
Klio. Band 66, Heft 1 by
Klio. Band 66, Heft 2 by
Darstellung Der Altertumswissenschaft Nach Begriff, Umfang, Zweck Und Wert by
The Military Institutions of the Romans by Renatus, Flavius Vegetius
Callimachus: Hymn to Demeter by Callimachus
Jews and Christians: Volume 6: Graeco-Roman Views by Whittaker, Molly
Henrici de Gandavo Quodlibet XIII by
Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals from the Marcopoli Collection by Teissier, Beatrice
La signification culturelle des industries lithiques: Actes du Colloque de Liège du 3 au 7 octobre 1984 by
Diodori Bibliotheca historica, Vol. V, Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana by Siculus Diodorus
Metrische Analysen Zu Vergil Aeneis Buch VIII by Ott, Wilhelm
Metrische Analysen Zu Vergil Aeneis Buch IX by Ott, Wilhelm
Die Klosterkirche Der Kosmosoteira in Bera (Vira) by Sinos, Stefan
Agios Petros: A Neolithic site in the Northern Sporades - Aegean Relationships during the Neolithic of the 5th Millennium by Efstratiou, Nikos
Harbour Archaeology: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Ancient Mediterranean Harbours, Caesarea Maritima, 24 -28.6.83 by
Platon Und Die Schriftlichkeit Der Philosophie: Interpretationen Zu Den Frühen Und Mittleren Dialogen by Szlezák, Thomas a.
Hunting in the Ancient World: by Anderson, J. K.
Callimachus: The Fifth Hymn: The Bath of Pallas by Callimachus
Lukians Parasitendialog by Nesselrath, Heinz-Günther
per - pyxis by
Carthage and Her Remains by Davis, Nathan
Temples and Temple-Service in Ancient Israel: An Inquiry into Biblical Cult Phenomena and the Historical Setting of the Priestly School by Haran, Menahem
Temples and Temple-Service in Ancient Israel: An Inquiry Into Biblical Cult Phenomena and the Historical Setting of the Priestly School by Haran, Menahem
Aristoteles: Eine Einführung in Sein Philosophieren by Ackrill, John L.
Death and Renewal: Volume 2: Sociological Studies in Roman History by Hopkins, Keith
The Origin and Function of the Earthen Long Barrows of Northern Europe by Midgley, Magdalena S.
The Golan: A profile of a region during the Roman and Byzantine periods by Urman, Dan
Prehistoric Farming in Europe by Barker, Graeme
Rituals and Power by Price, S. R.
Aristoteles - Werk und Wirkung, Band I, Aristoteles und seine Schule by
Interpreting the Landscape: Landscape Archaeology and Local History by Aston, Michael
Holocene Settlement in North Syria: Résultats de deux prospections archéologiques effectuées dans la région du nahr Sajour et sur le haut Euphrate syr by
En Shadud: Salvage Excavations at a Farming Community in the Jezreel Valley, Israel by Braun, Eliot
Marshfield - Ironmongers Piece Excavations 1982-3: An Iron Age and Romano-British Settlement in the South Cotswolds by Blockley, Kevin
Amphoras from the 1970 Excavations at Colchester Sheepen by Sealey, Paul R.
Upland Settlement in Britain: The Second Millennium B.C. and after by
Town and Country in Roman Tripolitania: Papers in honour of Olwen Hackett by
Belegstellenverzeichnis Altgriechischer Sozialer Typenbegriffe Von Homer Bis Aristoteles, Teil 2 by
L'Acheuléen Récent Évolué de Syrie by Muhesen, Sultan
Belegstellenverzeichnis Altgriechischer Sozialer Typenbegriffe Von Homer Bis Aristoteles, Teil 2 by
Ägypter Und Meroiten Im Dodekaschoinos: Untersuchungen Zur Typologie Und Bedeutung Der Demotischen Graffiti by Burkhardt, Adelheid
Belegstellenverzeichnis Altgriechischer Sozialer Typenbegriffe Von Homer Bis Aristoteles, Teil 1 by
Die Altertumswissenschaften an Der Berliner Akademie: Wahlvorschläge Zur Aufnahme Von Mitgliedern Von F. A. Wolf Bis Zu G. Rodenwaldt, 1799-1932 by