• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 1994

Iugum - Laboro by
Alligo - Amitto by
Subjekt und Unsterblichkeit bei Pietro Pomponazzi by Wonde, Jürgen
Untersuchungen Zu Giannozzo Manetti, de Dignitate Et Excellentia Hominis: Ein Renaissance-Humanist Und Sein Menschenbild by Glaap, Oliver
Die dramatische Technik des Aischylos by Court, Barbara
Non verba sed vim by Lennartz, Klaus
Untersuchungen Zu Nikolaus Von Kues de Theologicis Complementis by Bormann-Kranz, Diana
Einleitung Und Kommentar Zu Den Kapiteln 1-73 by Hillgruber, Michael
Senecas Trostschrift an Polybius. Dialog 11: Ein Kommentar by Kurth, Thomas
Pensio - Perdomo by
Staat und Gesellschaft der Griechen by
Erschliessung der Antike by Latacz, Joachim
Three Studies in Athenian Dramaturgy by Scullion, Scott
Erneuerung der Vergangenheit by Hose, Martin
Vergewaltigung in der Antike by Doblhofer, Georg
Die Äußerungen Des Aristoteles Über Dichter Und Dichtung Außerhalb Der Poetik by Moraitou, Despina
Taufe Und Versuchung Jesu in Den Evangeliorum Libri Quattuor Des Bibeldichters Juvencus (1, 346-408) by Fichtner, Rudolf
Die Sprüche der sieben Weisen by Tziatzi-Papagianni, Maria
Women in Prehistory: North America and Mesoamerica by
Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaissance by Riddle, John M.
Queen Moo's Talisman: The Fall of the Maya Empire by Le Plongeon, Alice Dixon
The Ancient Orient: An Introduction to the Study of the Ancient Near East by Von Soden, Wolfram
Travel in the Ancient World by Casson, Lionel
The Archaeology of Ancient Israel by
Origen and the Life of the Stars: A History of an Idea by Scott, Alan
Gerätegeld Sichel by Sommerfeld, Christoph
Pindar's Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past by Nagy, Gregory
Villagers of the Sierra de Gredos: Transhumant Cattle-raisers in Central Spain by Kavanagh, William
History of Women in the West by
The Economy of Roman Palestine by Safrai, Ze'ev
Space, Time and Man: A Prehistorian's View by Clark, Grahame, Grahame, Clark
Lyric Texts & Consciousness by Miler, Paul Allen
Namenkundliche Studien zum Germanenproblem by Udolph, Jürgen
The Metamorphoses of Ovid by Ovid
Lyric Texts and Lyric Consciousness: The Birth of a Genre from Archaic Greece to Augustan Rome by Miller, Paul Allen
The Aegean Bronze Age by Dickinson, Oliver
The Rhetoric of the Babylonian Talmud, Its Social Meaning and Context by Lightstone, Jack N.
The Prehistoric Exploration and Colonisation of the Pacific by Irwin, Geoffrey
Faith, Tradition, and History: Old Testament Historiography in Its Near Eastern Context by
I Studied Inscriptions from Before the Flood: Ancient Near Eastern, Literary, and Linguistic Approaches to Genesis 1-11 by
Among the Host of Heaven: The Syro-Palestinian Pantheon as Bureaucracy by Handy, Lowell K.
Poetics and Interpretation of Biblical Narrative by Berlin, Adele
Studien Zum Altgermanischen: Festschrift Für Heinrich Beck by
Women in Late Antiquity: Pagan and Christian Lifestyles by Clark, Gillian
Kings of Celtic Scotland by Hudson, Benjamin
1994 by
A. D. Momigliano: Studies on Modern Scholarship by
A. D. Momigliano: Studies on Modern Scholarship Volume 58 by
A Guide to the Study of Greco-Roman and Jewish: and Christian History and Literature by Jacobs, Philip Walker
Ovidius Redivivus: Von Ovid Zu Dante. M&p Schriftenreihe by
2 Thessalonians by Menken, Maarten J. J.
Divine Heiress: The Virgin Mary and the Making of Christian Constantinople by Limberis, Vasiliki
Realistische Themen in der griechischen Kunst der archaischen und klassischen Zeit by Himmelmann, Nikolaus
The First Christians in Their Social Worlds: Social-Scientific Approaches to New Testament Interpretation by Esler, Philip F.
The Jews Among Pagans and Christians in the Roman Empire by
Subversive Virtue: Asceticism and Authority in the Second-Century Pagan World by Francis, James A.
Ephesians by Kitchen, Martin, Kitchen, Canon Martin
John's Gospel by Stibbe, Mark W. G., Stibbe, Revd Mark W. G.
Runische Schriftkultur in kontinental-skandinavischer und -angelsächsischer Wechselbeziehung by
The Stones of Time: Calendars, Sundials, and Stone Chambers of Ancient Ireland by Brennan, Martin
The Edges of the Earth in Ancient Thought: Geography, Exploration, and Fiction by Romm, James S.
Sex and Eroticism in Mesopotamian Literature by Leick, Gwendolyn
Euhemerismus - Fichte by
Women and Politics in Ancient Rome by Bauman, Richard a.
A New History of Classical Rhetoric by Kennedy, George A.
The Cambridge Ancient History by
Pars Meridionalis Conventus Tarraconensis by
Philosophumena by Maximus Tyrius
Xenophon of Ephesus by O'Sullivan, James N.
Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire: The Development of Christian Discourse by Cameron, Averil
Ambrose of Milan: Church and Court in a Christian Capital Volume 22 by McLynn, Neil B.
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Erste Reihe.Band XXI, 2: Polemon-Pontanene (1952) by Pauly-Wissowa
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Zweite Reihe.Band VII A, 2: Tullius-Valerius (1948) by Pauly Wissowa
A Phenomenology of Landscape: Places, Paths and Monuments by Tilley, Christopher
The Ancient Novel: An Introduction by Holzberg, Niklas
The Ancient Novel: An Introduction by Holzberg, Niklas
Discovery by Design: The identification of secular élite settlements in western Britain A.D. 400-700 by Rainsbury Dark, Kenneth
La Sociedad de los Campos de Urnas en el nordeste de la Peninsula Iberica: La necropolis de El Calvari (El Molar, Priorat, Tarragona) by Castro Martinez, Pedro V.
The Harbours of Caesarea Maritima: Results of the Caesarea Ancient Harbour Excavation Project 1980-85-Volume II-The Finds and the Ship by Sherwood, Andrew N., Oleson, John P., Fitzgerald, Michael A.
The Neolithic-Bronze Age Transition in Britain: A critical review of some archaeological and craniological concepts by Brodie, Neil
Castillo de Doña Blanca: Archaeo-environmental investigations in the Bay of Cádiz, Spain (750-500 B.C.) by