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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 1999

Die Kirchengeschichte by
Martianus Capella - de Nuptiis Philologiae Et Mercurii: Darstellung Der Sieben Freien Künste Und Ihrer Beziehungen Zueinander by Grebe, Sabine
Carcer. Prison Et Privation de Liberte Dans l'Antiquite Classique: Prison Et Privation de Liberte Dans l'Antiquite Classique. Actes Du Colloque de Str by
The Excavation Near Wijnaldum by Besteman, J. C., Bos, J. M., Besteman J C
Baptized for Our Sakes by Martinez, David G.
Die Opferung der Iphigenia in Aulis by Aretz, Susanne
Versus Balnearum: Die Antike Dichtung Über Bäder Und Baden Im Römischen Reich by Busch, Stephan
Kommentar Zu Den Kapiteln 74-218 by Hillgruber, Michael
Der fragende Sokrates by
Geschichte und Theorie der Gattung Paian by Schröder, Stephan
Dianoemata by Baltes, Matthias
Xenophons Symposion by Huss, Bernhard
Claudians praefationes by Felgentreu, Fritz
Disputationes graecae contra ludaeos by Külzer, Andreas
Aspasius: The Earliest Extant Commentary on Aristotle's Ethics by
Literate Education in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds by Morgan, Teresa
The Archaeology of the Iberians by Ruiz, Arturo, Ruiz, Artie, Molinos, Manuel
Hippokrates Über die Umwelt by
La Néolithisation de l'ouest de la France: Caractérisation des industries lithique by Marchand, Grégor
Finding the Walls of Troy: Frank Calvert and Heinrich Schliemann at Hisarlik by Allen, Susan Heuck
Canaanites: Volume 2 by Tubb, Jonathan N.
Germanenprobleme in heutiger Sicht by
Early Civilizations of the Old World: The Formative Histories of Egypt, the Levant, Mesopotamia, India and China by Maisels, Charles Keith
The Ancient Economy: Volume 43 by Finley, M. I.
Time's Pendulum: From Sundials to Atomic Clocks, the Fascinating History of Tfrom Sundials to Atomic Clocks, the Fascinating History of by Barnett, Jo Ellen
Ancestral Geographies of the Neolithic: Landscapes, Monuments and Memory by Edmonds, Mark
Ancestral Geographies of the Neolithic: Landscapes, Monuments and Memory by Edmonds, Mark
Tragedy and Civilization by Segal, Charles
Der Chor Im Antiken Und Modernen Drama by
Geschichte Chinas Bis Zur Mongolischen Eroberung 250 V.Chr.-1279 N.Chr. by Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig
The Neolithic Flint Mines of England by Field, David, Topping, Peter, Barber, Martyn
Raphael's Ancient Manuscript of Talismanic Magic by de Laurence, L. W.
Prosodie Und Metrik Der Römer by Boldrini, Sandro
Wege in Die Antike: Kleine Einführung in Die Archäologie Und Die Altertumswissenschaft by Henderson, John, Bahn, Paul, Beard, Mary
Bibliographie Zur Antiken Numismatik Thrakiens Und Moesiens by Schönert Geiß, Edith
The Four Stages of Rabbinic Judaism by
When Men Were Men: Masculinity, Power and Identity in Classical Antiquity by
Chinese Mythology: An Introduction by Birrell, Anne M.
Making Places in the Prehistoric World: Themes in Settlement Archaeology by Bruck, Joanna, Goodman, Melissa
The Sacred Isle: Belief and Religion in Pre-Christian Ireland by Hogain, Dáithí O.
Making Places in the Prehistor by Bruck, Joanna, Goodman, Melissa
The Huns by Thompson, E. A.
Cuneiform Texts and the Writing of History by Van De Mieroop, Marc
Who's Who in the Ancient Near East by Leick, Gwendolyn
Cuneiform Texts and the Writing of History by Van De Mieroop, Marc
Food and Society in Classical Antiquity by Garnsey, Peter
Food and Society in Classical Antiquity by Garnsey, Peter
Titel und Text by Schröder, Bianca-Jeanette
Apollodoros Against Neaira [D 59]: Ed. with Introduction, Translation and Commentary by Konstantinos A. Kapparis by Kapparis, Konstantinos A.
The New Complete Works of Josephus by
Memory and Gender in Medieval Europe, 900-1200 by Van Houts, Elisabeth
Women's Roles in Ancient Civilizations: A Reference Guide by
Lykophrons 'Odyssee' by
The Code of Kings: The Language of Seven Sacred Maya Temples and Tombs by Schele, Linda, Mathews, Peter
The New Complete Works of Josephus by Josephus, Flavius
Ancient Mesopotamia by Pollock, Susan
Ancient Mesopotamia by Pollock, Susan, Susan, Pollock
The Road to Ubar: Finding the Atlantis of the Sands by Clapp, Nicholas
Understanding the Neolithic by Thomas, Julian
Understanding the Neolithic by Thomas, Julian
Warfare, State And Society In The Byzantine World 565-1204 by Haldon, John
Women's Roles in Ancient Civilizations: A Reference Guide by
Born in Heaven, Made on Earth: The Making of the Cult Image in the Ancient Near East by
Israel's Past in Present Research: Essays on Ancient Israelite Historiography by
Ancient Mesopotamian Materials and Industries: The Archaeological Evidence by Moorey, P. R. S.
Atra-Hasis: The Babylonian Story of the Flood, with the Sumerian Flood Story by Civil, Miguel, Lambert, Wilfred G., Millard, Alan R.
Born in Heaven, Made on Earth: The Making of the Cult Image in the Ancient Near East by
Medizin Und Pharmakologie: Heilmittel Aus Dem Pflanzenreich by Plinius Secundus Der Ältere
Cato der Ältere über das Alter by Cicero
The Four Stages of Rabbinic Judaism by
Enuma Elish: The Seven Tablets of Creation: The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind. by
Enuma Elish: The Seven Tablets of Creation: Or the Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind; English Transl by
Enuma Elish: The Seven Tablets of Creation: The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind by
Worlds of Bronze and Bamboo: Sima Qian's Conquest of History by Hardy, Grant
Studien zu dem kaiserzeitlichen Quellopferfund von Bad Pyrmont by Teegen, Wolf-Rüdiger
In Search of God the Mother: The Cult of Anatolian Cybele by Roller, Lynn E.
Writing Ancient History by Morley, Neville
Enuma Elish: The Seven Tablets of Creation Volumes 1 and 2 bound together by
The Çatalhöyük Flint and Obsidian Industry: Technology and Typology in Context by Conolly, James
Sources of Chinese Tradition: Volume 1 by
Die Aktualität der Saga by
Der Horazkommentar des Porphyrio im Rahmen der kaiserzeitlichen Schul- und Bildungstradition by Diederich, Silke
Faunal Extinction in an Island Society: Pygmy Hippopotamus Hunters of Cyprus by Simmons, Alan H.
Stonehenge: Making Space by Bender, Barbara
Re-Reading Sappho: Reception and Transmission Volume 3 by
Greifvögel - Hardeknut by
Art of Memory by Yates, F. A.
Oppianus: Halieutica: Einführung, Text, Übersetzung in Deutscher Sprache, Ausführliche Kataloge Der Meeresfauna by
Antike Stätten Am Mittelmeer: Metzler Lexikon by Eichler, Stefanie, Krebs, Ralf, Stein, Nicole
Griechisch-Römische Komödie Und Tragödie III by
Le Seconde Parabasi Di Aristofane by Totaro, Piero
Naturkatastrophen in Der Antike: Wahrnehmung - Deutung - Management by Sonnabend, Holger
The Celestial Key to the Vedas: Discovering the Origins of the World's Oldest Civilization by Sidharth, B. G.
The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era: Exploring the Background & Early Christianity by Jeffers, James S.
Prolegomena by Zwierlein, Otto
Magic in the Ancient World by Graf, Fritz
Kaiser Und Gott: Herrscherkult Im Römischen Reich by Clauss, Manfred
The Voyage of the Argo: The Argonautica of Gaius Valerius Flaccus by
Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity by
Vergils Äneis Und Die Antike Homerexegese: Untersuchungen Zum Einfluß Ethischer Und Kritischer Homerrezeption Auf Imitatio Und Aemulatio Vergils by Schmit-Neuerburg, Tilman
Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancient World by
Politics and Religion in Ancient and Medieval Europe and China by
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Zweite Reihe.Band IX A, 1: Vindelici-Vulca (1961) by Pauly Wissowa
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Supplementband.XV: 1676 Acilius-Zoilos (1978) by Pauly Wissowa
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Erste Reihe.Band IV, 1: Claudius-Cornificius by Pauly-Wissowa
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Erste Reihe.Band VI, 2: Euxantios-Fornaces by Pauly-Wissowa
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Erste Reihe.Band VII, 1: Fornax-Glykon by Pauly-Wissowa
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Erste Reihe.Band X, 2: Ius Liberorum-Katochos by Pauly-Wissowa
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Erste Reihe.Band XIII, 1: Libanos-Lokris by Pauly-Wissowa
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Erste Reihe.Band XVI, 2: Mystagogos-Nereae by Pauly-Wissowa
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Erste Reihe.Band II, 2: Artemisia-Barbaroi by Pauly-Wissowa
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Supplementband.I: 374 Aba-Demokratia by Pauly Wissowa
Inscriptiones Lyncestidis, Heracleae, Pelagoniae, Derriopi, Lychnidi by
Kanon und Kultur by Stroumsa, Guy G.
Judaism and Islam in Practice: A Sourcebook by Neusner, Jacob, Brockopp, Jonathan E., Sonn, Tamara
The Moche by Bawden, Garth
Lokale Autonomie und Ordnungsmacht in den kaiserzeitlichen Provinzen vom 1. bis 3. Jahrhundert by
Ovids Amores by Weinlich, Barbara
Kleine Schriften Zur Antiken Literatur Und Geistesgeschichte by Müller, Carl Werner
Topographie und Geschichte der Region am ersten Nilkatarakt in griechisch-römischer Zeit by
Klassische Vorbilder mittelalterlicher Trojaepen by Gärtner, Thomas
Johannes Philoponos. De opificio mundi by Fladerer, Ludwig
Latin: A Fresh Approach Book 2 by Seigel, Mike
Latin: A Fresh Approach Book 1 by Seigel, Mike
La Magie, Dans, L'Antiquite, Greco-Romaine: Ideologie Et Pratique by Graf, Fritz
Harfe Und Leier - Hludana Hloðyn by
The Greek and Roman Stage by Taylor, David
Ancient History: Key Themes and Approaches by Morley, Neville
Ancient History: Key Themes and Approaches by Morley, Neville
The Ancient Mesopotamian City by Van de Mieroop, Marc
Prodeo - Progenies by
The Palaeolithic Societies of Europe by Gamble, Clive
Technologie de l'ivoire au Paléolithique supérieur: Caractérisation physico-chimique du matériau et analyse fonctionnelle des outils de transformation by Christensen, Marianne
Bronze Age Metalwork in Northern East Anglia: A study of its distribution and interpretation by Pendleton, Colin F.
El Poblamiento de Montaña en el Sector Central de la Cordillera Cantábrica (España): Fuentes escritas y arqueológicas. El ejemplo de la comarca de La by Cisneros Cunchillos, Miguel, Aja Sánchez, José Ramón, Diez Castillo, Agustín
Late La Tène Pottery of the Nene and Welland Valleys, Northamptonshire: With particular reference to Channel-rim Jars by Friendship-Taylor, R. M.
The Iron Age Settlement at 'Ain Dara, Syria: Survey and Soundings by Stone, Elizabeth C., Zimansky, Paul E.
Castulo, Jaén, España, II: El conjunto arquitectónico del Olivar by Pérez, María Paz García-Gelabert, Martínez, José María Blázquez
La II Edad del Hierro en Segovia (España): Estudio arqueológico del territorio y la cultura material de los pueblos preromanos by Barrio Martín, Joaquín
The Role of the Traditional Mediterranean Diet in the Development of Minoan Crete: Archaeological, Nutritional and Biochemical Evidence by Riley, F. R.
Archaeology in Bath by Davenport, Peter
The Adriatic Islands Project Volume 2 - The Archaeological Heritage of the Island of Brač, Croatia by Stančič, Zoran, Vujnovic, Niksa, Kirigin, Branko
Piedra a Piedra: Historia de la construcción del Paleolítico en la Península Ibérica by Estévez, Jordi, Vila, Assumpció
Kulubnarti III: The Cemeteries by Adams, Nettie K., Van Gerven, Dennis P., Adams, William Y.
Preferred Economies: The nature of the subsistence base throughout mainland Britain during prehistory by Richmond, Andrew
Obtención de metales en la Prehistoria de la Península Ibérica by Gómez Ramos, Pablo
Los Orígenes de la Estratificación Social by Sanjuán, Leonardo García
The Eastern Wing of the Fertile Crescent: Late prehistory of Greater Mesopotamian lithic industries by Kozlowski, Stefan Karol
A Study of Inscribed Material from Roman Britain: An inquiry into some aspects of literacy in Romano-British society by Raybould, Marilynne E.
Animal Husbandry Regimes in Iron Age Britain: A comparative study of faunal assemblages from British Iron Age sites by Hambleton, Ellen
Culverwell Mesolithic Habitation Site, Isle of Portland, Dorset: Excavation report and research studies by Palmer, Susann
Exchange and Cultural Interactions by Pydyn, Andrzej
Colonia - municipium - vicus: Struktur und Entwicklung städtischer Siedlungen in Noricum, Rätien und Obergermanien by
Approche taphonomique des restes humains: Le cas des Mésolithiques de la grotte des Perrats et le problème du cannibalisme en préhistoire récente euro by Boulestin, Bruno
Les industries à galets aménagés du littoral sud-armoricain (France) au Paléolithique inférieur: Étude techno-typologique, rapports avec l'Acheuléen e by Molines, Nathalie
Mesolithic Northern England: Environment, population and settlement by Spikins, Penny
Recent Archaeological Research on the Isle of Man by
New Techniques for Old Times - CAA 98: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology by
A Landscape Archaeological Study of the Mesolithic-Neolithic in the Milfield Basin, Northumberland by Waddington, Clive
Production and Exchange of Bifacial Flaked Stone Artifacts during the Portuguese Chalcolithic by Forenbaher, Staso
Die Befunde der Insula 39 in der Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten) by Kraus, Kerstin
The Palaeolithic of the Hampshire Basin: A regional model of hominid behaviour during the Middle Pleistocene by Hosfield, Robert
Sumaqa: A Roman and Byzantine Jewish village on Mount Carmel, Israel by Dar, Shimon
La Edad del Hierro en el Sistema Ibérico Central, España by Arenas Esteban, Jesús Alberto
La Cerámica Protohistórica a Torno de Mallorca (s. VI-I a.C.) by Guerrero Ayuso, Víctor M.
Rohstoff, Form und Funktion: Fünf Studien zum Neolithikum Mitteleuropas by Winiger, Josef
The Balkans in Later Prehistory: Periodization, Chronology and Cultural Development by Nikolova, Lolita