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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2000

Cavidades en Extremadura (España): Patrimonio natural y arqueológico by Algaba Suárez, Milagros, Collado Giraldo, Hipólito, Fernández Valdés, José María
Approches du comportement au Moustérien by Otte, Marcel
La Segunda Edad del Hierro en el Centro de la Península Ibérica: Un estudio de Arqueología Espacial en la Mesa de Ocaña, Toledo, España by Urbina Martínez, Dionisio
Aprovisionamiento e Intercambio: Análisis petrológico del utillaje pulimentado en la Prehistoria Reciente del País Valenciano (España) by Orozco-Köhler, Teresa
Espacios de producción y uso de los útiles de piedra tallada del Neolítico: El poblado de "Los Castillejos de Las Peñas de Los Gitanos" (Granada, Espa by Sánchez Romero, Margarita
Mediterranean Pottery in Wessex Households (13th to 17th Centuries) by Gutiérrez, Alejandra
El Campaniforme en La Meseta Central de la Península Ibérica (c. 2500-2000 AC.) by Garrido-Pena, Rafael
Lithic Technology of Neolithic Syria by Nishiaki, Yoshihiro
Tierdarstellungen der prähistorischen Metallzeiten in Bayern by Wagner, Manuela
Reconnaître des tactiques d'exploitation du milieu au Paléolithique Moyen: La contribution de l'analyse fonctionnelle - Etude fonctionnelle des indust by Lemorini, Cristina
Human Ecology and Neolithic Transition in Eastern County Donegal, Ireland: The Lough Swilly Archaeological Survey by Kimball, Michael J.
Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Settlement Patterns of the Coast Lands of Western Rough Cilicia by Blanton, Richard E.
The Nature of Difference by Tomásková, Silvia
Virtual Reality in Archaeology: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology by
The Prehistory and Early History of Atlantic Europe by
The Foreign Relations of the "Hyksos": A neutron activation study of Middle Bronze Age pottery from the Eastern Mediterranean by McGovern, Patrick E.
Caa 96: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1996 by
Northern Pasts: Interpretations of the Later Prehistory of Northern England and Southern Scotland by
The Late Roman Transition in the North: Papers from the Roman Archaeology Conference, Durham 1999 by
Les structures de l'habitat rural protohistorique dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre et le nord-ouest de la France by Arbousse Bastide, Tristan
The Settlement Patterns in the Jordan Valley in the Mid- to Late Islamic Period by Kareem, Jum'a Mahmoud H.
Une approche des enclos du nord de la Bretagne by Arbousse Bastide, Tristan
Mesopotamian Magic: Textual, Historical and Interpretative Perspectives by Abusch, Tzvi, Van Der Toorn, Karel
The Lost Language of Symbolism: An Inquiry Into the Origin of Certain Letters, Words, Names, Fairy-Tales, Folklore, and Mythologies by Bayley, Harold
Archaeological Field Survey of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Settlement Sites in Kyrenia District, North Cyprus by Şevketoğlu, Müge
Luminous Debris: Reflecting on Vestige in Provence and Languedoc by Sobin, Gustaf
Die Augenheilkunde Des Aetius Aus Amida by
Text and Sign-Lift by
The Early History of Heaven by Wright, J. Edward
Noah's Flood: The New Scientific Discoveries about the Event That Changed History by Ryan, William, Pitman, Walter
(Alpha-Gamma) by
Das mathematische Weltbild der Maya by Schalley, Andrea
Europe Before History by Kristiansen, Kristian
Sacred Institutions with Roman Counterparts by Brown, John Pairman
(Q - R) by
Die Entstehung Und Entwicklung Der Klassisch-Syrischen Glyptik by Otto, Adelheid
Planet Of The Greeks: The Great Time-Warp Of History by Weche, Meres J.
Antiquity and its Interpreters by
Arabia Felix from the Time of the Queen of Sheba: Eighth Century B.C. to First Century A.D. by Breton, Jean-Francois
Arabia Felix From The Time Of The Queen Of Sheba: Eighth Century B.C. to First Century A.D. by Breton, Jean-Francois
Theodisca: Beiträge Zur Althochdeutschen Und Altniederdeutschen Sprache Und Literatur in Der Kultur Des Frühen Mittelalters. Eine by
Eustathii Thessalonicensis Opera minora by Eustathius Thessalonicensis
Ägypten. Kultur Und Lebenswelt in Griechisch-Römischer Zeit: Eine Darstellung Nach Den Demotischen Quellen by Hoffmann, Friedhelm
Herodotus by Gould, John
Das Tragische by
From Melos to My Lai: A Study in Violence, Culture and Social Survival by Tritle, Lawrence a.
From Melos to My Lai: A Study in Violence, Culture and Social Survival by Tritle, Lawrence A.
The Near East: The Cradle of Western Civilization by Salem, Sema'an I.
The Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica: A Reader by
Corrupting Sea Mediterranean H by Purcell, Nicholas, Horden, Peregrine
Cyril of Alexandria by Russell, Norman
The Mummies of Urumchi by Barber, Elizabeth Wayland
Galen on the Elements According to Hippocrates by
The Pre-Islamic Middle East by Sicker, Martin
Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients by Childress, David Hatcher
Cosmology and Political Culture in Early China by Wang, Aihe
Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Caesarea Maritima by
Hobel - Iznik by
Antike Topoi in Der Deutschen Philhellenenliteratur: Untersuchungen Zur Antikerezeption in Der Zeit Des Griechischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges (1821-1829 by Löbker, Friedgar
Sampling in Archaeology by Orton, Clive
The Roman-Jewish Wars and Hebrew Cultural Nationalism, 66-2000 CE by Aberbach, D.
Technology, Style and Society: Contributions to the Innovations between the Alps and the Black Sea in Prehistory by
Sampling in Archaeology by Orton, Clive
European Societies in the Bronze Age by A. F., Harding, Harding, A. F.
Ioannis Malalae Chronographia by Ioannes Malalas
Le Mésolithique Moyen du Nord-Cotentin, Basse-Normandie, France by Lefèvre, Philippe, Marcigny, Cyril, Ghesquière, Emmanuel
Stone Age Living Spaces in Western Norway by Nærøy, Arne Johan
Euripides- Philoktet by
Alemannen Und Franken by Siegmund, Frank
Studien Zur Isländersaga: Festschrift Für Rolf Heller by
Historische Und Archäologische Auswertung: Band 1: Geben Und Nehmen. Band 2: Geschenke Erhalten Die Freundschaft by Bringmann, Klaus, Schmidt-Dounas, Barbara
Titulos Magistratuum Populi Romani Ordinum Senatorii Equestrisque Thesauro Schedarum Imagiumque Ampliato by
Actor as Anti-Character: Dionysus, the Devil, and the Boy Rosalind by Soule, Lesley Wade
Wisdom, Gods and Literature: Studies in Assyriology in Honour of W. G. Lambert by
Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles by Grayson, A. Kirk
Reconsidering Israel and Judah: Recent Studies on the Deuteronomistic History by
A Smith in Lindsey: The Anglo-Saxon Grave at Tattershall Thorpe, Lincolnshire (The Society for Medieval Archaeology Monographs 16) by Hinton, David A.
Time Kai Doxa: Ehrungen Für Hellenistische Herrscher Im Griechischen Mutterland Und in Kleinasien Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung D by Kotsidu, Haritini
The First Dynasty of Islam: The Umayyad Caliphate AD 661-750 by Hawting, G. R.
Bestattungen mit Pferdegeschirr u. Waffenbeigabe des 8.-6. Jhd's v. Chr. zwischen ... by Feld, Salomé
The Greek Kingdom of Bactria: From Alexander to Eucratides the Great by Sidky, H.
The First Dynasty of Islam: The Umayyad Caliphate AD 661-750 by Hawting, G. R.
Buddhist Epistemology by Bhatt, S., Mehrotra, Anu
Coins and Power in Late Iron Age Britain by Creighton, John
Becoming Roman: The Origins of Provincial Civilization in Gaul by Woolf, Greg, Greg, Woolf
Zur Funktion historischer Beispiele in Ciceros Briefen by Oppermann, Irene
Die Metaphysik Theophrasts: Edition, Kommentar, Interpretation by Henrich, Jörn
Fairytale in the Ancient World by Anderson, Graham
Fairytale in the Ancient World by Anderson, Graham
The Cynics: The Cynic Movement in Antiquity and Its Legacy Volume 23 by
Herodotus in Context: Ethnography, Science and the Art of Persuasion by Thomas, Rosalind
Following the Ark of the Covenant: The Treasure of God by Boren, Kerry Ross
A History of Israel by Bright, John
Inscriptiones Sami Insulae: Decreta. Epistulae. Sententiae. Edicta Imperatoria. Leges. Catalogi. Tituli Atheniensium. Tituli Honorarii. Tituli Ope by
Exploitation de l'analyse quantitative des retouches pour la caractérisation des industries lithiques du Moustérien: Application au faciès Quina de la by Yvorra, Pascale
Paléolithique Inférieur du Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (SW du Maroc): Analyse techno-typologique by Nocairi, Mohamed
Philogelos by Philagrius, Hierocles
Jadwingen - Kleindichtung by
Dramatische Spannung: Moderner Begriff - Antikes Konzept by Fuchs, Andreas
Il Passaggio Di Parola Sulla Scena Tragica: Didascalie Interne E Struttura Delle Rheseis by Ercolani, Andrea
Europe's First Farmers by Price, T. Douglas
Imperfect Balance: Landscape Transformations in the Pre-Columbian Americas by
Neoplatonic Saints: The Lives of Plotinus and Proclus by Their Students by
Mysteries of the Hopewell: Astronomers, Geometers, and Magicians of the Eastern Woodlands by Romain, William F.
Persuadeo - Pestifer by
Sources on the Alans: A Critical Compilation by Alemany, Agustí
Frauenwelten in Der Antike: Geschlechterordnung Und Weibliche Lebenspraxis by
The Socketed Bronze Axes in Ireland by Eogan, George
The Crucifixion of Hyacinth: Jews, Christians, and Homosexuals from Classical Greece to Late Antiquity by Puterbaugh, Geoff
Prehistory by Stone, Peter, Corbishley, Mike, Darvill, Timothy
Gegenwelten Zu Den Kulturen Griechenlands Und ROMs in Der Antike by
The Birth of the Gods and the Origins of Agriculture by Cauvin, Jacques
Engineering in the Ancient World by Landels, J. G.
The Treasure of Sutton Hoo: Ship-Burial for an Anglo-Saxon King by Grohskopf, Bernice
Athenaeus and His World: Reading Greek Culture in the Roman Empire by
Animals in the Steppe: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Later Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria by Cavallo, Chiara
Jews and Christians in the Holy Land by Stemberger, Gunter
Die technologische Fachliteratur der Antike by Meißner, Burkhard
Kabbalah and the Art of Being: The Smithsonian Lectures by Shokek, Shimon
Regional Approaches to Adaptation in Late Pleistocene Western Europe by
The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ: Volume 1 by Millar, Fergus, Vermes, Geza, Schürer, Emil
The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ: Volume 3.II and Index by Vermes, Geza, Schürer, Emil, Millar, Fergus
Exemplarisches Erzählen bei Ammianus Marcellinus by Wittchow, Frank
Patrii sermonis egestas by Fögen, Thorsten
Anonymi Professoris Epistulae by
Das Satirische in Juvenals Satiren by Schmitz, Christine
Des Niloten Horapollon Hieroglyphenbuch: Band I: Text Und Übersetzung by
Galen. on My Own Opinions by
Domos Theiou Basileos: Herrschaftsformen Und Herrschaftsarchitektur in Den Siedlungen Der Dark Ages by Weiler, Gabriele
Proles vaesana Philippi totius malleus orbis by Wiener, Claudia
Skaldsagas by
Von Thorsberg nach Schleswig by
Offerenteninschriften Auf Den Frühchristlichen Mosaikböden Venetiens Und Istriens by Zettler, Alfons
With Arrow, Sword, and Spear: A History of Warfare in the Ancient World by Bradford, Alfred
Royal Courts Of The Ancient Maya: Volume 1: Theory, Comparison, And Synthesis by Houston, Stephen D., Inomata, Takeshi
Ireland and the Classical World by Freeman, Philip
Britain in the First Millennium by James, Edward
The Lost Inca Gold Chain of Machu Picchu by Swagart, Gary F.
Greek Biography and Panegyric in Late Antiquity: Volume 31 by
Corp Inscr Lat Vol 16 Suppl ND by
Kulte im kaiserzeitlichen Sparta by Hupfloher, Annette
Kleinere Götter - Landschaftsarchäologie by
Ausgewählte Schriften Zur Geschichte Und Geschichtsschreibung: Band 3: Die Moderne Geschichtsschreibung Der Alten Welt by Momigliano, Arnaldo, Grafton, Anthony, Nippel, Wilfried
City of Sacrifice: The Aztec Empire and the Role of Violence in Civilization by Carrasco, David
The Cambridge Ancient History by
Germania inferior by
Ammonius and the Seabattle: Texts, Commentary and Essays by
The North African Stones Speak by Mackendrick, Paul Lachlan
Progenies - Pronuntiatus by
Polypleuros Nous: Miscellanea Für Peter Schreiner Zu Seinem 60. Geburtstag by
Sicily from Aeneas to Augustus: New Approaches in Archaeology and History by
Sicily from Aeneas to Augustus: New Approaches in Archaeology and History by
East Asia as the Center: Four Thousand Years of Engagement with the World by Cohen, Warren I.
Trajan: Optimus Princeps by Bennett, Julian
Kurgans, Ritual Sites, and Settlements: Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age by
Industria Y Artesanado Cerámico de Época Romana En El Nordeste de Cataluña by Trilla, Joaquim Tremoleda I.
Three Iron Age and Romano-British Rural Settlements on English Gravels: Excavations at Hatford (Oxfordshire), Besthorpe (Nottinghamshire) and Eardingt by
Church Monuments in Norfolk before 1850: An archaeology of commemoration by Finch, Jonathan
The Urban Dialogue: An analysis of the use of space in the Roman city of Empúries, Spain by Kaiser, Alan
The Prehistoric Landscapes of the Eastern Black Mountains by Olding, Frank