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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2001

Contributions to the early history of Perth Amboy and adjoining country, by Whitehead, William a. (William Adee)
The Gentile nations by Smith, George
Isis Regina - Zeus Sarapis: Die Griechisch-Agyptische Religion Nach Den Quellen Dargestellt by Merkelbach, Reinhold
A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus: A History of Phallic Worship by Knight, Richard Payne
Robes and Honor: The Medieval World of Investiture by
Gender and Power in Prehispanic Mesoamerica by Joyce, Rosemary a.
Order, Legitimacy, and Wealth in Ancient States by
Between Rome and Jerusalem: 300 Years of Roman-Judaean Relations by Sicker, Martin
Aurignacian Lithic Economy: Ecological Perspectives from Southwestern France by Blades, Brooke S.
A Study of Lower Palaeolithic Stone Artefacts from Selected Sites in the Upper and Middle Thames Valley by Woo Lee, Hyeong
Maritime Tel Michal and Apollonia: Results of the underwater survey 1989-1996 by Grossmann, Eva
Desire of the Everlasting Hills: The World Before and After Jesus by Cahill, Thomas
Quetzalcoatl and the Irony of Empire: Myths and Prophecies in the Aztec Tradition, Revised Edition by Carrasco, Davíd
Prostitution in der römischen Antike by Stumpp, Bettina Eva
El ritual funerario en la Prehistoria Reciente en el Sur de la Península Ibérica by Cámara Serrano, Juan Antonio
König Herodes: Der Mann Und Sein Werk by Schalit, Abraham
Investigations along Monnow Street, Monmouth by
The Impact of Rome on Settlement in the Northwestern and Danube Provinces: Lectures held at the Winckelmann-Institut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berli by
Science, Style and the Study of Community Structure by Lipo, Carl Philipp
Erscheinungsformen komischen Sprechens bei Aristophanes by Kloss, Gerrit
Longin, Philologe Und Philosoph: Eine Interpretation Der Erhaltenen Zeugnisse by Männlein-Robert, Irmgard
Es hat sich viel ereignet, Gutes wie Böses by
Tragisches Handeln in Raum Und Zeit: Raum-Zeitliche Tragik Und Ästhetik in Der Sophokleischen Tragödie Und Im Griechischen Theater by Heuner, Ulf
Antisthenes of Athens: Setting the World Aright by Navia, Luis
[A - K]: Halbbd. 1 by Schrader, Otto
The World of the Aramaeans, Volume 2: Studies in Honour of Paul-Eugène Dion, Volume 2 by
Time, History, and Belief in Aztec and Colonial Mexico by Hassig, Ross
The Great Maya Droughts: Water, Life, and Death by Gill, Richardson B.
Treasures of the Lost Races by Noorbergen, Rene
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 by Plutarch
Early Civilizations of the Old World: The Formative Histories of Egypt, The Levant, Mesopotamia, India and China by Maisels, Charles Keith
The Cambridge Ancient History by
Die Regionen des Reiches by
Archäologie - Naturwissenschaften - Umwelt: Beiträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Römische Archäologie" auf dem 3. Deutschen Archäologenkongreß in Heidelb by
Vici in Roman Gaul by Rorison, Monica
Medical Ethics in the Ancient World by Carrick, Paul J.
What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It?: What Archeology Can Tell Us about the Reality of Ancient Israel by Dever, William G.
Royal Courts Of The Ancient Maya: Volume 2: Data And Case Studies by Inomata, Takeshi, Houston, Stephen D.
The Craft of Zeus: Myths of Weaving and Fabric by Scheid, John, Svenbro, Jesper
Altamira - neue Erkenntnisse by Wirth, Heinz Willi
The Oxford Illustrated History of Prehistoric Europe by
Tacitus: Dialogus de Oratoribus by Tacitus
Comoedia Dorica Mimi Phlyaces by
Jahrbuch des Historischen Kollegs, Jahrbuch des Historischen Kollegs (2000) by
A History of Roman Britain by Salway, Peter
The World of the Aramaeans, Volume 3: Studies in Honour of Paul-Eugène Dion, Volume 3 by
Holiness: Rabbinic Judaism in the Graeco-Roman World by Harrington, Hannah K.
The Oxford History of the Biblical World by
Augustine: A Very Short Introduction by Chadwick, Henry
Die Agonszenen Bei Euripides: Untersuchungen Zu Ausgewählten Dramen by Dubischar, Markus
Plotins Schrift Über Den Geist, Die Ideen Und Das Seiende: Enneade V 9 [5]; Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar by Vorwerk, Matthias
Dorische Posse, Epicharm Und Attische Komödie by Kerkhof, Rainer
Nunc Phalaris doctum protulit ecce caput by Hinz, Vinko
Die lateinische Poetik des Marco Girolamo Vida und ihre Rezeption bei Julius Caesar Scaliger by Rolfes, Susanne
Herrscherideologie in Der Spätantike by Kolb, Frank
Decipherment of Ancient Maya Writing by
Eine hervorragend nationale Wissenschaft by
Women and Slaves in Greco-Roman Culture: Differential Equations by
Early Bronze and Iron Age Animal Exploitation in Northeastern Anatolia: The faunal remains from Sos Höyük and Büyüktepe Höyük by Howell-Meurs, Sarah
Göttliche Unterweisungen in Kurzform by Lactantius, Lucius Caelius Firmianus
Landscapes of Power, Landscapes of Conflict: State Formation in the South Scandinavian Iron Age by Thurston, Tina L.
Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan by
Poet, Public, and Performance in Ancient Greece by
Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting by Gill, David W. J.
Collapse of the Bronze Age: The Story of Greece, Troy, Israel, Egypt, and the Peoples of the Sea by Robbins, Manuel
Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotamia by Bottéro, Jean
Pro Rabirio Postumo by Siani-Davies, Mary, Cicero
Zum Frühgriechischen Epos by Heitsch, Ernst
Classical Art: From Greece to Rome by Henderson, John
Die Juden im christlichen Imperium Romanum (4. bis 6. Jahhrundert) by Noethlichs, Karl Leo
The Making of the Slavs: History and Archaeology of the Lower Danube Region, C.500 700 by Curta, Florin, Florin, Curta
Skywatchers: A Revised and Updated Version of Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico by Aveni, Anthony F.
Mayan Visions: The Quest for Autonomy in an Age of Globalization by Nash, June C.
Alexias by Anna Komnene
Landschaftsrecht - Loxstedt by
Ethnoarchaeology in Action by Kramer, Carol, Nicholas, David, David, Nicholas
ROM Und Das Perserreich: Zwei Weltmächte Zwischen Konfrontation Und Koexistenz by Winter, Engelbert, Dignas, Beate
Arabia and the Arabs: From the Bronze Age to the Coming of Islam by Hoyland, Robert G.
Arabia and the Arabs: From the Bronze Age to the Coming of Islam by Hoyland, Robert G.
Archäologie Der Westlichen Slawen: Siedlung, Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft Im Früh- Und Hochmittelalterlichen Ostmitteleuropa by Brather, Sebastian
Roles and Performances in Apuleius' Metamorphoses by Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Early Christian Inscriptions of Munster: A Corpus of the Inscribed Stones (Excluding Oghams) by Okasha, Elizabeth
Pictorial History of Iran: Ancient Persia by Sam, Nic Amini
A History of the African-Olmecs: Black Civilizations of America from Prehistoric Times to the Present Era by Barton, Paul Alfred
From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race by Collins, Andrew
Homo Pictor by
Selected Dialogues of Plato: The Benjamin Jowett Translation by Plato
Archaeology of the Matienzo Depression, North Spain by Ruiz Cobo, Jesus, Smith, Peter
Brot Und Politik: Ernährung, Tafelluxus Und Hunger Im Antiken ROM by Fellmeth, Ulrich
Aspects of the Relationship between the Central and Gallic Empires in the Mid to Late Third Century AD with Special Reference to Coinage Studies by Bourne, Richard John
The Roman Pottery Production Site at Wickham Barn, Chiltington, East Sussex by Lyne, Malcolm, Butler, Chris
'The Missing Period': Middle Bronze Age Lake-Dwellings in the Alps by Menotti, Francesco
East Asia at the Center: Four Thousand Years of Engagement with the World by Cohen, Warren I.
Michaelis Choniatae Epistulae by
Language in Vergil's Eclogues by Lipka, Michael
Who's Who in the Ancient Near East by Leick, Gwendolyn
Texte Zum Johannesevangelium by
Pity Transformed by Konstan, David
From Polis to Empire--The Ancient World, C. 800 B.C. - A.D. 500: A Biographical Dictionary by
Themistokles, Sieger von Salamis und Herr von Magnesia. Die Anfänge der athenischen Klassik zwischen Marathon und Salamis by Behmel, Albrecht
The Sacred Isle: Belief and Religion in Pre-Christian Ireland by Hogain, Dáithí O.
Urgeschichten Der Moderne: Die Antike Im 20. Jahrhundert by
Demos Pyknites: Untersuchungen Zur Darstellung Des Demos in Der Alten Komödie by Reinders, Peter
Rezeption Des Antiken Dramas Auf Der Bühne Und in Der Literatur by
Papyri Graecae Magicae / Die Griechischen Zauberpapyri. Band II by
Papyri Graecae magicae / Die griechischen Zauberpapyri. Band I by
The Phoenicians and the West: Politics, Colonies and Trade by Aubet, Maria Eugenia
The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands: An Inventory of the Structures and Their Contents by Ritchie, J. N. Graham, Henshall, Audrey S.
Plant Exploitation on Epipalaeolithic and Early Neolithic Sites in the Levant by Colledge, Sue
Moralia: Volume VI/Fasc 1 by Plutarchus
de Bellis Libri I-IV by Procopius
de Bellis Libri V-VIII by Procopius
Historia Quae Dicitur Arcana by Procopius
Thebais by Statius, Publius Papinius
Moralia: Volume III by Plutarchus
Moralia: Volume V/Fasc 1 by Plutarchus
Moralia: Volume VI/Fasc 2 by Plutarchus
The Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods in the Southern Levant: New data from the site of Teleilat Ghassul, Jordan by Lovell, Jaimie L.
International Relations in the Ancient Near East by Liverani, M.
Rural Settlement in Hellenistic and Roman Crete by Raab, Holly Alane
Archéologie de l'art rupestre: Analyse du bestiaire gravé du Présahara marocain by Kaache, Bouchra
Ethno-Archaeology and its Transfers by
Greek and Roman Medicine by King, Helen
Ancient Mysteries: Discover the latest intriguiging, Scientifically sound explanations to Age-old puzzles by Thorpe, Nick, James, Peter
Ancient Greek Love Magic by Faraone, Christopher A.
War and Society in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds: Asia, the Mediterranean, Europe, and Mesoamerica by
Encyclopedia of Prehistory: Volume 4: Europe by
Classical Archaeology in the Field: Approaches by Hill, S. J., Wardle, Diana, Bowkett, L. C.
The Culture of Sex in Ancient China by Goldin, Paul R.
Poverty and Leadership in the Later Roman Empire by Brown, Peter
Education in Greek and Roman Antiquity by
Charts of Ancient and Medieval Church History [With CD-ROM] by Hannah, John D.
Römische Geschichte Und Heilsgeschichte by Timpe, Dieter
Alexander von Aphrodisias by Moraux, Paul
One Land, Many Landscapes by
Ancient Abila: An Archaeological History by Wineland, John D.
The Visibility of Imported Wine and Its Associated Accoutrements in Later Iron Age Britain by Carver, Emma
The Mycenaean Cemetery at Pylona on Rhodes by Karantzali, Efi
Die Bekehrung Des Synesios Von Kyrene: Politik Und Philosophie, Hof Und Provinz ALS Handlungsräume Eines Aristokraten Bis Zu Seiner Wahl Zum Metropoli by Schmitt, Tassilo
Griechische Papyrusurkunden Spätrömischer Und Byzantinischer Zeit Aus Hermupolis Magna: (Bgu XVII) by
Glossaria bilinguia altera by
Literarische Vitruvrezeption in Leon Battista Albertis 'De re aedificatoria' by Wulfram, Hartmut
Filippo Beroaldo Der Ältere Und Sein Beitrag Zur Properz-Überlieferung by Rose, Anna
Il ruolo dei patroni nelle relazioni politiche fra il mondo greco e Roma in età repubblicana ed augustea by Canali De Rossi, Filippo
Law and Empire in Late Antiquity by Harries, Jill
Galeni. de Foetuum Formatione: Über Die Ausformung Der Keimlinge by
Cyprian the Bishop by Burns, J. Patout, Jr.
Satires of Rome: Threatening Poses from Lucilius to Juvenal by Freudenburg, Kirk
The Medieval Life of King Alfred the Great: A Translation and Commentary on the Text Attributed to Asser by Smyth, A.
The Medieval Life of King Alfred the Great: A Translation and Commentary on the Text Attributed to Asser by Smyth, A.
Die Restitutionsmünzen Der Frühen Kaiserzeit: Aspekte Der Kaiserlegitimation by Komnick, Holger
Gods of Our Fathers: The Memory of Egypt in Judaism and Christianity by Gabriel, Richard A.
Mesoamerica's Ancient Cities: Aerial Views of Pre-Columbian Ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras by Ferguson, William M., Adams, Richard E. W.
Kontinuitäten und Brüche in der Religionsgeschichte by
Annae Comnenae Alexias: Pars Prior: Prolegomena Et Textus. Pars Altera: Indices by
Mythen in nachmythischer Zeit by
The Roman House in Britain by Perring, Dominic
Pestifer - Pictor by
Inscriptiones Insularum Maris Ionii by
Greek Science of the Hellenistic Era: A Sourcebook by Keyser, Paul T., Irby-Massie, Georgia L.
Nab - Nuzi by
Archaeological Theory and Scientific Practice by Jones, Andrew
La Ceramica a Tenda: Diffusione e centri di produzione by Fabbricotti, E., Martella, G.
El análisis de la relación forma-contenido de los conjuntos cerámicos del yacimiento arqueológico del Cerro de la Encina (Granada, España) by Jiménez, Gonzalo Aranda
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen funktionaler Interpretation an Keramik Experimente, Beobachtungen, Analysen by Naschinski, Anja
Catalogo delle Lucerne di Tolemaide (Cirenaica) by Fabbricotti, Emanuela
Zooarqueología de la Península Ibérica: Implicaciones tafonómicas y paleoecológicas en el debate de los homínidos del Pleistoceno Medio-Superior by Yravedra Saínz de Los Terreros, José
Deconstructing the Celts: A skeptic's guide to the archaeology of the Auvergne by Jones, Stephen D.
Visigodos, Hispano-romanos y bizantinos en la zona valenciana en el siglo VI (España) by Martí Matias, Miquel Ramon
The Early Neolithic Architecture of the South Downs by Russell, Miles
The Water Supplies and Related Structures of Roman Britain by Burgers, Alfonso