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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2002

Controlling Corporeality: The Body and the Household in Ancient Israel by Berquist, Jon L.
L. Annaei Senecae Opera Quae Supersunt: Volumen I by Lucius Annaeus Seneca
L. Annaei Senecae Opera Quae Supersunt: Supplementum by Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Life in Biblical Israel by King, Philip J., Stager, Lawrence E.
Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity by
The Hand of Cicero by Butler, Shane
The Odyssey: Structure, Narration, and Meaning by Louden, Bruce
Among Women: From the Homosocial to the Homoerotic in the Ancient World by
Facts on the Ground: Archaeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning in Israeli Society by Abu El-Haj, Nadia
Bewegte Antike: Antike Themen Im Modernen Film by
Die Metrischen Trikliniusscholien Zur Byzantinischen Trias Des Euripides by Faveri, Lorena Di
Martyrdom and Noble Death: Selected Texts from Graeco-Roman, Jewish and Christian Antiquity by Willem Van Henten, Jan, Avemarie, Friedrich
Martyrdom and Noble Death: Selected Texts from Graeco-Roman, Jewish and Christian Antiquity by Willem Van Henten, Jan, Avemarie, Friedrich
Odysseus and the Sea Peoples: A Bronze Age History of Scotland by Nyland, Edo
Landscapes of the Living, Landscapes of the Dead: The location of chambered cairns of Northern Scotland by Phillips, Tim
Die Singulären Iterata Der Ilias: Bücher 11-15 by Csajkas, Peter
Zur Griechischen Philosophie by Heitsch, Ernst
Euhemeros Von Messene by Winiarczyk, Marek
Vertis in Usum: Studies in Honor of Edward Courtney by
Ancient China and Its Enemies: The Rise of Nomadic Power in East Asian History by Di Cosmo, Nicola
Arthur's Britain: History and Archaeology A D 367-634 by Alcock, Leslie
Galeno a Patrofilo sulla costituzione della medicina by Galenus
Hippocrates On head wounds by
The Archaeology of Tribal Societies by
The Nasca by Silverman, Helaine, Proulx, Donald
The Archaeology of Tribal Societies by
Finding God: Selected Responses (Revised Edition) by Sonsino, Rifat
Slavery in Early Christianity by Glancy, Jennifer A.
Behind Wooden Walls - Neolithic Palisaded Enclosures in Europe by
The Ancient Economy by
Griechische Urkunden Der Papyrussammlung Zu Leipzig: P.Lips. II by
Theologica: Volume II by Michael Psellus
Kommentar Zur 4. Philippischen Rede Des Demosthenes by Hajdu, Istvan
(Rabdos - Tokos) by
The Early History of Heaven by Wright, J. Edward
The Roman Era: The British Isles: 55 BC-AD 410 by
Augustus Und Die Begründung Des Römischen Kaisertums by Schäfer, Thomas, Bringmann, Klaus
Da 'Tragedia' E 'Commedia' a 'Lode' E 'Biasimo': Letture Arabe Della Poetica by
Spoudaiogeloion: Form Und Funktion Der Verspottung in Der Aristophanischen Komödie by
Monuments and Landscape in Atlantic Europe: Perception and Society During the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age by
The First Jewish Revolt: Archaeology, History and Ideology by Berlin, Andrea M., Overman, J. Andrew
Monuments and Landscape in Atlantic Europe: Perception and Society During the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age by
Assyrian Discoveries: An Account of Explorations and Discoveries on the Site of Nineveh by Smith, George
The Nestorians or the Lost Tribe by Grant, Asahel
Structure and Scale in the Roman Economy by Richard, Duncan-Jones, Duncan-Jones, Richard
Seahenge: a quest for life and death in Bronze Age Britain by Pryor, Francis
Mouvements ou déplacements de populations animales en Méditerranée au cours de l'Holocène: Séminaire de recherche du thème 15, Archéologie de l'Animal by
The Politics of Immorality in Ancient Rome by Edwards, Catharine
Lending and Borrowing in Ancient Athens by Millett, Paul
Slaves, Warfare, and Ideology in the Greek Historians by Peter, Hunt, Hunt, Peter
The Roman Channel Crossing of A.D. 43: The constraints on Claudius's naval strategy by Grainge, Gerald
The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount by Gorenberg, Gershom
The Complete Poetry of Catullus by Catullus
The Roman Frontier on the Gask Ridge: Perth and Kinross: An interim report on the Roman Gask Project 1995-2000 by Woolliscroft, D. J.
Modeling Time and Transition in Prehistory: The Jordan Valley Chalcolithic (5500-3500 BC) by Blackham, Mark
The Cemeteries at Marki: Using a looted landscape to investigate prehistoric Bronze Age Cyprus by Sneddon, Andrew C.
Aberglasney House and Gardens: Archaeology, history and architecture by Blockley, Kevin, Halfpenney, Ian
The Past in Prehistoric Societies by Bradley, Richard
The Cambridge Companion to Ovid by
Civilizations: Culture, Ambition, and the Transformation of Nature by Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe
Propertius in Love: The Elegies by Propertius, Sextus
The Invention of Saintliness by
Demetrii Chomateni Ponemata diaphora by Demetrius, Chomatianus
Sheba: Through the Desert in Search of the Legendary Queen by Clapp, Nicholas
Textgeschichte Und Rezeption Der Plautinischen Komödien Im Altertum by Deufert, Marcus
European Prehistory: A Survey by Milisauskas, Sarunas
The Bible and the Ancient Near East: Collected Essays by Roberts, J. J. M.
Aramaic Documents from Egypt: A Key-Word-in-Context Concordance by Porten, Bezalel, Lund, Jerome A.
Sacred Time, Sacred Place: Archaeology and the Religion of Israel by
Riches Hidden in Secret Places: Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Memory of Thorkild Jacobsen by
The Phoenicians in Spain: An Archaeological Review of the Eighth-Sixth Centuries B.C.E. -- A Collection of Articles Translated from Spanish by
The Myth of a Gentile Galilee by Mark a., Chancey, Chancey, Mark A.
The Math of Ancient History: Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving Strategies with History by Fischer, Max W.
Imperiale Politik und provinziale Entwicklung by Gebhardt, Axel
Music in Ancient Israel/Palestine: Archaeological, Written and Comparative Sources by Braun, Joachim
Revelation and the God of Israel by Samuelson, Norbert M.
God, Gender and the Bible by Sawyer, Deborah
God, Gender and the Bible by Sawyer, Deborah
Sacrificing the Self: Perspectives on Martyrdom and Religion by
Trauer im humanistischen Dialog by Schaeben, Ulrike
Scripta minora et fragmenta (Large Print Edition) by Flavius Arrianus
Alexandri anabasis (Large Print Edition) by Flavius Arrianus
Odyssea. Responsio Ulixis AD Penelopen: Die Humanistische Odyssea Decurtata Der Berliner Handschrift Diez. B Sant. 41 by
Solons politische Elegien und Iamben (fr. 1-13, 32-37 W.) by Mülke, Christoph
Ancient Macedonians: Differences Between The Ancient Macedonians and The Ancient Greeks by Gandeto, J. S.
Chronische Krankheiten III-V. Indizes by
Anacalypsis Part 1 An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions by Higgins, Godfrey
Anacalypsis Part 2 An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions by Higgins, Godfrey
Ancient Faiths Embodied in Ancient Names Part 1 by Inman, Thomas
The Code of Hammurabi King of Babylon by Harper, Robert Francis
Tragic Narrative: A Narratological Study of Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus by Markantonatos, Andreas
Le Paléolithique moyen du massif du Vercors (Préalpes du Nord): Etude des systèmes techniques en milieu de moyenne montagne by Bernard-Guelle, Sébastien
Xenophon's Spartan Constitution: Introduction. Text. Commentary by Lipka, Michael
The Pillars of the Temple by Vallette, D. E.
The Ambivalence of Creation: Debates Concerning Innovation and Artifice in Early China by Puett, Michael J.
SOMA 2001 - Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology by
Judas Maccabaeus: The Jewish Struggle Against the Seleucids by Bar-Kochva, B., Bar-Kochva, Bezalel
Interpreting a Classic: Demosthenes and His Ancient Commentators by Gibson, Craig A.
Die Südküste Kleinasiens, Syrien und Palaestina by
Writing, Society and Culture in Early Rus, c.950-1300 by Franklin, Simon
Der Prozeß des Paulus by Omerzu, Heike
Judaism When Christianity Began: A Survey of Belief and Practice by Neusner, Jacob
Amarna Diplomacy: The Beginnings of International Relations by
101 Myths of the Bible: How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History by Greenberg, Gary
Polyeideia: The Iambi of Callimachus and the Archaic Iambic Tradition Volume 35 by Acosta-Hughes, Benjamin
Settlement and Social Organization: The Merovingian Region of Metz by Halsall, Guy
The Babylonians: An Introduction by Leick, Gwendolyn
The Babylonians: An Introduction by Leick, Gwendolyn
Fifth-Century Gaul: A Crisis of Identity? by
Pompey the Great by Seager, Robin
Landscapes of Imperialism: Roman and native interaction in the East Anglian Fenland by Fincham, Garrick
The Affinities and Antecedents of Medieval Settlement: Topographical perspectives from three of the Somerset hundreds by Corcos, Nick
Orator (Large Print Edition) by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Women Writing Latin: Early Modern Women Writing Latin by
Naualia - ØStfold by
Plato: Statesman by Plato
Polybius, Rome and the Hellenistic World: Essays and Reflections by Walbank, Frank, Walbank, F. W.
Sophokles, König Ödipus: Neuübersetzung in Jamben by Zingg, Reto
War, Women, and Druids: Eyewitness Reports and Early Accounts of the Ancient Celts by Freeman, Philip
Geschichte Der Antiken Biographie: Von Isokrates Bis Zur Historia Augusta by Sonnabend, Holger
Martyrdom and Rome by Bowersock, G. W.
Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans and Ancient Egyptians: Consisting of Ancient Greeks, Ancient Romans, and Ancient Egyptians 3-Volume Set by Baker
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World by Jordan, Paul
Hippocrate La Nature de L'Homme by
The Role of American Archeologists in the Study of the European Upper Paleolithic by
Three-Dimensional Imaging in Paleoanthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology by
Old Civilizations of Inca Land by Mead, Charles W.
Angelo Camillo Decembrio De politia litteraria by Angelus Decembrius
Frauengestalten im Geschichtswerk des T. Livius by Kowalewski, Barbara
Die Auf Papyri Erhaltenen Kommentare Zur Alten Komödie: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Antiken Philologie by Trojahn, Silke
Götter, Geister und Dämonen by Geisser, Franziska
Das Verbot Der Eigenmächtigen Besitzumwandlung Im Römischen Privatrecht: Ein Beitrag Zur Rechtshistorischen Spruchregelforschung by Böhr, Richard
The Pesharim and Qumran History: Chaos or Consensus? by Charlesworth, James H.
Self-Intellection and Its Epistemological Origins in Ancient Greek Thought by Crystal, Ian M.
The Arabs in Antiquity: Their History from the Assyrians to the Umayyads by Retso, Jan
A Review of the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri Published in 1986-87 by Llewelyn, Stephen
Chiliostichos Theologia by Leon Magistros Choirosphaktes
The Indus Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective by Possehl, Gregory L.
A Brief History of Ancient Israel by Matthews, Victor H.
The Cypro-Phoenician Pottery of the Iron Age by Schreiber, Nicola
Solomon, Pharaoh of Egypt: The United Monarchy in Egypt by Ellis, Ralph
Josephus and the New Testament by Mason, Steve
The Philosopher's Secret Fire: A History of the Imagination by Harpur, Patrick
Hannibal by Ecker, Brigitte
The Indus Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective by Possehl, Gregory L.
Die hallstattzeitliche Besiedlung im Maindreieck by Posluschny, Axel
Greek Settlements in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea by
Análisis Funcional: Su aplicación al estudio de sociedades prehistóricas by
Ein Spätantikes Wirtschaftsbuch Aus Diospolis Parva: Der Erlanger Papyruskodex Und Die Texte Aus Seinem Umfeld (P.Erl.Diosp.) by Mitthof, Fritz
Thomas Kruse: Der Königliche Schreiber Und Die Gauverwaltung. Band 2 by Kruse, Thomas
Kirchliche Amtsträger im spätantiken Ägypten by Schmelz, Georg
Der Kommentar Des Iohannes de Segarellis Zu Senecas 'Hercules Furens': Erstedition Und Analyse by Hafemann, Kerstin
Liber Epodon by Balde, Jakob
Troia and the Troad: Scientific Approaches by
The Great Armies of Antiquity by Gabriel, Richard A.
Rome and the Enemy: Imperial Strategy in the Principate by Mattern, Susan P.
Die Kleidung nach Quellen des frühen Mittelalters by Müller, Mechthild
Jerusalem: Portrait of the City in the Second Temple Period (Bce-70 Ce) by Levine, Lee I.
Memory and the Mediterranean by Braudel, Fernand
Hidden Gospels: How the Search for Jesus Lost Its Way by Jenkins, Philip
The Oxford History of Byzantium by
Kontinuität und Diskontinuität by
La faune du site néolithique de Sion-Avenue Ritz (Valais, Suisse): Histoire d'un élevage villageois il y a 5000 ans by Chenal-Velarde, Isabelle
La Representación del Cuerpo Femenino: Mujeres y Arte Rupestre Levantino del Arco Mediterráneo del Península Ibérica by Escoriza Mateu, Trinidad
Commentum in Ciceronis rhetorica by Grillius
Die römische Nobilität im Ersten Punischen Krieg by Bleckmann, Bruno
Indices by Diogenes Laertius
Poetae Elegiaci: Pars II by
Ferne und Nähe der Antike by
In Defense of Nature: The History Nobody Told You About by Pasichnyk, Richard Michael
In Defense of Nature: The History Nobody Told You About by Pasichnyk, Richard Michael
Petronius and the Anatomy of Fiction by Rimell, Victoria
Pronuntiatus - Propositio by
Geochemical Evidence for Long-Distance Exchange by
Men and Women of the Bible: A Reader's Guide by Tischler, Nancy Marie Patterson
A Palaeoecological Study of Raised Mires in the Humberhead Levels by Smith, Brian M.
Les Derniers "Sauvages": Territoires économiques et systèmes techno-fonctionnels mésolithiques by Philibert, Sylvie
Recherches sur le site fortifié de Strasbourg durant l'Antiquité tardive: Le castrum d'Argentoratum by Gissinger, Bastien
La Jerarquización Social en la Edad del Bronce del Alto Guadalquivir (España). El Poblado de Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, Jaén) by Contreras Cortés, Francisco, Cámara Serrano, Juan Antonio
The Bioarchaeology of Continental Croatia: An analysis of human skeletal remains from the prehistoric to post-medieval periods by Slaus, Mario
Das Tholosgrab E von Phourni bei Archanes: Studien zu einem frühkretischen Grabfund und seinem kulturellen Kontext by Panagiotopoulos, Diamantis
World Islands in Prehistory: International Insular Investigations. V Deia International Conference of Prehistory by
Fire in Archaeology by
The Canaanite Cultic Milieu: The zooarchaeological evidence from Tel Haror, Israel by Klenck, Joel D.
Ein Töpferort in Nordwest-Marokko aus Ethnoarchäologischer Perspektive by Schierenbeck, Silke