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Ancient History General in 2005

Aeneis: Lateinisch - Deutsch by Vergil
The Trojan War by Thomas, Carol G., Conant, Craig
Mapungubwe: Ancient African Civilisation on the Limpopo by Huffmann, Thomas
Flag Fen: Life and Death of a Prehistoric Landscape by Pryor, Francis
Iron Age Communities in Britain: An Account of England, Scotland and Wales from the Seventh Century BC Until the Roman Conquest by Cunliffe, Barry
Three Lectures On The Ancient Regime As It Existed On The Continent Before The French Revolution by Kingsley, Charles
The Rosetta Stone by British Museum
The Religion Of The Veda The Ancient Religion Of India by Bloomfield, Maurice
The Origin Of The Aryans An Account Of The Prehistoric Ethnology And Civilization Of Europe by Taylor, Isaac
Extinct Monsters And Creatures Of Other Days: A Popular Account Of Some Of The Larger Forms Of Ancient Animal Life by Hutchinson, H.
The History of Esarhaddon: Son of Sennacherib King of Assyria BC 681 to 668 by
The Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar by Lewin, Thomas
The Religion Of The Veda The Ancient Religion Of India by Bloomfield, Maurice
The Mediterranean: Its Storied Cities and Venerable Ruins by Ball, E. A. R., Bonney, T. G.
Buried Cities And Bible Countries by St Clair, George
Aristotle And Ancient Educational Ideals by Davidson, Thomas
A Classical Dictionary: Containing The Principle Proper Names Mentioned In Ancient Authors Part One by Anthon, Charles
A Classical Dictionary: Containing The Principle Proper Names Mentioned In Ancient Authors Part Two by Anthon, Charles
The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon by Shonagon, Sei
Die R Mischen Heroa Von Milet by Weber, Berthold F.
A Mighty Fortress: A New History of the German People by Ozment, Steven
Commentarium de oratione et de octo partibus orationis artis secundae Donati by Sergius
The Argonautica of Apollonius by Hunter, Richard, Hunter, R. Lanny
Indische Geschichte bis 1750 by Kulke, Hermann
A Symposion of Praise: Horace Returns to Lyric in Odes IV by Johnson, Timothy
The Emperor Justinian and the Byzantine Empire by Evans, James Allan, Evans, J. a. S.
Über das Vergnügen an tragischen Gegenständen by Seidensticker, Bernd
De consolatione philosophiae. Opuscula theologica by Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus
The Chinese Neolithic: Trajectories to Early States by Liu, Li
Myths of the Archaic State: Evolution of the Earliest Cities, States, and Civilizations by Norman, Yoffee, Yoffee, Norman
The Seleukid Royal Economy by Aperghis, G. G.
Historical Fictions and Hellenistic Jewish Identity: Third Maccabees in Its Cultural Context by Johnson, Sara Raup
Chalcolithic Anthropomorphic Figurines from Ilgynly-depe, Southern Turkmenistan: Classification, analysis and catalogue by Solovyova, Natalia F.
L'âge du bronze en Europe et en Méditerranée / The Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean by
A Compulsion for Antiquity: Freud and the Ancient World by Armstrong, Richard H.
The Songs of Homer by Kirk, G. S., G. S., Kirk
Interpreting the Axe Trade: Production and Exchange in Neolithic Britain by Bradley, Richard, Edmonds, Mark
The Rhetoric of Manhood: Masculinity in the Attic Orators by Roisman, Joseph
Ritual and Domestic Life in Prehistoric Europe by Bradley, Richard
Ritual and Domestic Life in Prehistoric Europe by Bradley, Richard
The Last American: A Fragment From The Journal Of Khan Li, Prince Of Dimph Yoo Chur And Admiral In The Persian Navy by Mitchell, J. A.
Zur Metamorphose Des Politischen Systems in Der Römischen Kaiserzeit: Die Entstehung Einer Personalen Bürokratie Im Langen Dritten Jahrhundert by Eich, Peter
From Tribe to Empire by Davy, G., Moret, A.
Palgrave Advances in Byzantine History by Harris, J.
The Establishment of the Han Empire and Imperial China by Kinney, Anne Behnke, Hardy, Grant, Kinney, Anne
When Children Became People: The Birth of Childhood in Early Christianity by Bakke, O. M.
Recovering the Ancient Magic by Long, Max Freedom
Foundations of Social Archaeology: Selected Writings of V. Gordon Childe by Orser, Charles E., Jr.
Hannibal by Abbott, Jacob
Old Testament History for Schools by Fry, Reverend T. C.
Palgrave Advances in Byzantine History by Harris, J.
The Morality of Paul's Converts by Freed, Edwin D.
The Cultural Turn in Late Ancient Studies: Gender, Asceticism, and Historiography by
Rethinking the Mediterranean by
Secret Societies of the Middle Ages: The Assassins, the Templar & the Secret Tribunals of Westphalia by Keightley, Thomas
A Chalcolithic Marble Workshop at Kulaksızlar in Western Anatolia: An analysis of production and craft specialization by Takaoglu, Turan
Techniques et sociétés néolithiques by Croutsch, Christophe
Bronze Age Settlement in the Welsh Marches by Halstead, John
Medieval Fabrications: Dress, Textiles, Clothwork, and Other Cultural Imaginings by
Germanien an der Zeitenwende: Studien zum Kulturwandel beim Übergang von der vorrömischen Eisenzeit zur älteren römischen Kaiserzeit in der Germania by Völling, Thomas
Medieval Fabrications: Dress, Textiles, Clothwork, and Other Cultural Imaginings by
Engaging Moments: The Origins of Medieval Bridal-Quest Narrative by Bornholdt, Claudia
de Finibus Bonorum Et Malorum by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Von Gnathon Zu Saturio: Die Parasitenfigur Und Das Verhältnis Der Römischen Komödie Zur Griechischen by Antonsen-Resch, Andrea
Camb Companion to Age of Justinian by
Les premiers peuplements en Europe by
Prehistoric Figurines: Representation and Corporeality in the Neolithic by Bailey, Douglass
Prehistoric Figurines: Representation and Corporeality in the Neolithic by Bailey, Douglass
Seddin - Skiringssal by
Meet the Philosophers of Ancient Greece: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Ancient Greek Philosophy but didn't Know Who to Ask by
Debating Orientalization: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Processes of Change in the Ancient Mediterranean by
Three Sevens: A Story of Ancient Initiation by Phelons
Three Sevens: A Story of Ancient Initiation by Phelons
Aphrodite: Ancient Manners by Louys, Pierre
Biography of the Bible by Bates, Ernest Sutherland
Old Testament History by Spencer, F. Ernest
Ancient Ideals Part Two by Taylor, Henry Osborn
Warfare, Violence and Slavery in Prehistory by
Cronología Absoluta y Periodización de la Prehistoria de las Islas Baleares by MICó Pérez, Rafael
Unidad y diversidad en el Arco Atlántico en época romana by
The Bible in the Making in the Light of Modern Research by Smyth, J. Paterson
Rechtspluralismus in der Islamischen Welt by
Dawn of European Civilization by Childe, V. Gordon
Ancient Warfare: A Very Short Introduction by Sidebottom, Harry
Holy Bishops in Late Antiquity: The Nature of Christian Leadership in an Age of Transition Volume 37 by Rapp, Claudia
Native Religion under Roman Domination: Deities, springs and mountains in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula by Richert, Elizabeth A.
Âge du Fer en Europe / The Iron Age in Europe: Sessions générales et posters / General Sessions and Posters by
The Reconstruction of Archaeological Landscapes through Digital Technologies by
Visual Culture and the German Middle Ages by Starkey, K.
[Pi - Sigma] by
Reading the Maya Glyphs by Van Stone, Mark, Coe, Michael D.
The Aztecs: New Perspectives by Van Tuerenhout, Dirk
Myth and Legend of Ancient Israel Volume 2 by Rappoport, Angelo S.
Myth and Legend of Ancient Israel Volume 3 by Rappoport, Angelo S.
Laokoon And How The Ancients Represented Death by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Myth and Legend of Ancient Israel V1 by Rappoport, Angelo S.
Fingerprints of Bible People by Banks, Florence Aiken
Myth and Legend of Ancient Israel Volume 1 by Rappoport, Angelo S.
Laokoon And How The Ancients Represented Death by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Pindar's Nemeans by
Kurt Latte: Opuscula inedita by
Surviving Sacrilege by Weitzman, Steven
Text and History: Historiography and the Study of the Biblical Text by Kofoed, Jens Bruun
Canaan in the Second Millennium B.C.E.: Collected Essays Volume 2 by Na'aman, Nadav
Text and History: Historiography and the Study of the Biblical Text by Kofoed, Jens Bruun
Liturgy in the Life of the Synagogue: Studies in the History of Jewish Prayer by
Ancient Israel and Its Neighbors: Interaction and Counteraction by Na'aman, Nadav
Creation and Destruction: A Reappraisal of the Chaoskampf Theory in the Old Testament by Tsumura, David Toshio
Canaan in the Second Millennium B.C.E.: Collected Essays Volume 2 by Na'aman, Nadav
Wisdom of Ancient Sumer by Alster, Bendt
Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature by Foster, Benjamin R.
Inscriptiones Graecae. Partim Consilio Et Auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Borussicae Editae. Partim Consilio Et Auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Ber by
Sexual Life in Ancient India V2: A Study in the Comparative History of Indian Culture by Meyer, Johann Jakob
The Handbook to Life in the Ancient Maya World by Foster, Lynn Vasco
The Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia by Bertman, Stephen
Hellenic Colonization in Euxeinos Pontos: Penetration, early establishment, and the problem of the "emporion" revisited by Petropoulos, Elias K.
Monuments, Ritual and Regionality: The Neolithic of Northern Somerset by Lewis, Jodie
Les industries lithiques aurignaciennes de l'abri Pataud, Dordogne, France: Les fouilles de Hallam L. Movius Jr. by Chiotti, Laurent
Epinoemata by Baltes, Matthias
Ancient Mesopotamia: New Perspectives by McIntosh, Jane
Fronto, Marc Aurel und kein Konflikt zwischen Rhetorik und Philosophie im 2. Jh. n. Chr. by Kasulke, Christoph Tobias
Apollonios Dyskolos. Über das Pronomen by Brandenburg, Philipp
Orphicorum et Orphicis similium testimonia et fragmenta by
Cinematic Storytelling by Van Sijll, Jennifer
Pre Historic Times As Illustrated By Ancient Remains And The Manners And Customs Of Modern Savages by Lubbock, John
Early Village Life at Beidha, Jordan: Neolithic Spatial Organization and Vernacular Architecture: The Excavations of Mrs. Diana Kirkbride-Helbæk by Byrd, Brian F.
The Curse of Ham: Race and Slavery in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by Goldenberg, David M.
Heracles and Euripidean Tragedy by Papadopoulou, Thalia
The Portland Vase: The Extraordinary Odyssey of a Mysterious Roman Treasure by Brooks, Robin
Medieval Paradigms: Volume I: Essays in Honor of Jeremy Duquesnay Adams by
Images and Artefacts of the Ancient World by
Medieval Paradigms: Volume II: Essays in Honor of Jeremy Duquesnay Adams by
Early Mesolithic Britain: Origins, development and directions by Reynier, Michael
Cornish Bronze Age Ceremonial Landscapes c. 2500-1500 BC by Jones, Andy M.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle by
Pollentia: A Roman Colony on the Island of Mallorca Bar 1404 by Doenges, Norman A.
Kbor Klib and Battle of Zama Bar1399 by Ross, Duncan
Eigi Einhamr: Beiträge Zum Weltbild Der Eyrbyggja Und Anderer Isländersagas by Böldl, Klaus
Renal and Rectal Disease Texts by Geller, Markham Judah
Phylakes und Phylakon-Steuer im griechisch-römischen Ägypten by Homoth-Kuhs, Clemens
L. Caelius Firmianus Lactantius: Diuinarum Institutionum Libri Septem, Fasc. 1 Libri I Et II by Lucius Caelius Firmianus Lactantius
Ancient and Medieval Memories: Studies in the Reconstruction of the Past by Coleman, Janet
Early Babylonian History by Radau, Hugo
Skírnismál - Stiklestad by
Der hagiographische Topos by Pratsch, Thomas
Lucien Et La Tragédie by Karavas, Orestis
Aphrodite und Eros in der antiken Tragödie by Bittrich, Ursula
Gegenwärtige Antike - antike Gegenwarten by
Römische Werte ALS Gegenstand Der Altertumswissenschaft by
Thinking Medieval: An Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages by Bull, M.
Thinking Medieval: An Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages by Bull, M.
Ancient Colonisations: Analogy, Similarity and Difference by
The Book Of Medicines by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Death Rituals, Ideology, and the Development of Early Mesopotamian Kingship: Toward a New Understanding of Iraq's Royal Cemetery of Ur by Cohen, Andrew C.
The Palgrave Atlas of Byzantine History by Haldon, J.
Prehistoric Settlements of Eastern Thrace by Erdogu, Burçin
Southern Turkmenistan in the Neolithic: A petrographic case study by Coolidge, Jennifer
Romanisierung - Romanisation: Theoretische Modelle und praktische Fallbeispiele by
La caracterización y el aprovisionamiento de los recursos abióticos en la Prehistoria de Cataluña: Las materias primas silíceas del Paleolítico Superi by Mangado Llach, Javier
Antike Fachtexte / Ancient Technical Texts by
Das frühmittelalterliche Königtum by
The Cave of John the Baptist: The First Archaeological Evidence of the Historical Reality of the Gospel Story by Gibson, Shimon
Lucan im 21. Jahrhundert by
Cassiodors Variae. Literatur und Politik im ostgotischen Italien by Kakridi, Christina
Dracontius Und Der Mythos: Christliche Weltsicht Und Pagane Kultur in Der Ausgehenden Spätantike by Simons, Roswitha
The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Civilizations by Haywood, John
(Poiema - Pos) by
The Mystery of Easter Island by Routledge, Katherine Pease
Ancient Britain: The Cradle of Civilization by Cooper, George H.
Ancient History: Monuments and Documents by Hedrick, Charles W.
Prioritizing Death and Society: The Archaeology of Chalcolithic and Contemporary Cemeteries in the Southern Levant by Nativ, Assaf
Ancient History by Hedrick, Charles W.
Ancient Middle Niger by McIntosh, Roderick J.
Ancient Middle Niger by McIntosh, Roderick J.
On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato, 4,1,2, Second Part: Books VI-IX by
On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato, 4,1,2, Third Part: Commenatry and Indexes by
Abandoned to Lust: Sexual Slander and Ancient Christianity by Knust, Jennifer
The Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic Farmers of Central and Southwest Anatolia: Household, community and the changing use of space by Cutting, Marion Valerie
Grillius: Überlieferung Und Kommentar by Jakobi, Rainer
Gendered Dynamics in Latin Love Poetry by
A Tall Order. Writing the Social History of the Ancient World: Essays in Honor of William V. Harris by
Poemata by Stilbes, Konstantinos
Die astrologische Lehre der Doryphorie by Denningmann, Susanne
Alcimus Ecdicius Avitus, De spiritalis historiae gestis, Buch 3 by Hoffmann, Manfred
Ein ptolemäisches Priesterdekret aus dem Jahr 186 v. Chr. by
Krieg - Gesellschaft - Institutionen: Beiträge Zu Einer Vergleichenden Kriegsgeschichte by
Frühe Direkte Auseinandersetzung Zwischen Christen, Heiden Und Häretikern by Aland, Barbara
A Handbook of Greek Constitutional History by Greenidge, A. H. J.
A Catalyst for Ideas: Anthropological Archaeology and the Legacy of Douglas W. Schwartz by
Architecture, Mysticism and Myth by Lethaby, W. R.
Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation by
Food in the Ancient World by Alcock, Joan P.
Magico-Medical Means of Treating Ghost-Induced Illnesses in Ancient Mesopotamia by Scurlock, Joann
Das Falken- Und Hundebuch Des Kalifen Al-Mutawakkil: Ein Arabischer Traktat Aus Dem 9. Jahrhundert by Muhammad Ibn 'Abdallah Al-Bazyar
The Ancient Literature Of Witchcraft by Adams, W. H. Davenport
The Appeal Of The Mystery Religions by Angus, Samuel
Ancient Chinese Songs Of The Various States by
Ancient Chinese Songs For The Lesser Festivals by
The Ancient Poets Of Arabia by
Ancient Moorish Literature by
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