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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2008

Les Rituels de Naissance Kizzuwatniens: Un Exemple de Rite de Passage En Anatolie Hittite by Mouton, A.
Folly and Fortune in Early British History: From Caesar to the Normans by Henshall, K.
Republikanische Religion und Augusteischer Prinzipat by Seifert, Anke
The Seer in Ancient Greece by Flower, Michael
Äsop und die Fabel - Gattung und Funktion der Fabel im antiken Griechenland by Denefleh, Sonja
The Bible Story (1915) by Canton, William
Olympias - Die Mutter Alexander des Großen by Schmid, Josef A.
The Myth of Sacred Prostitution in Antiquity by Budin, Stephanie Lynn
Roman Military Service by Phang, Sara Elise
Das Gabenkonzept von Marcel Mauss und seine anthropologische Inkonsistenz zu den unveräußerlichen heiligen Objekte des Baruya-Stammes in Neuguinea by Petzold, Volker
Plague and the End of Antiquity: The Pandemic of 541-750 by
Agathokles - Tyrann oder höchster Beamter: Gründe für die syrakusanische Herrschaft und des Feldherren Charakter by Skorupa, Holger
Eine römische Statthalterschaft. Plinius der Jüngere in Pontus et Bithynia by Wehmann, Philipp
Creationism and Its Critics in Antiquity: Volume 66 by Sedley, David
Paradigms and Methods in Early Medieval Studies by
Libertas as a Political Idea at Rome During the Late Republic and Early Principate by Wirszubski, Ch
Cultural Studies of the Modern Middle Ages by
Cultural Studies of the Modern Middle Ages by
History of the Britons (Historia Brittonum) by Nennius
Earth, Man, & Devolution by Pilotte, R.
Mapping Ancient Landscapes in Northamptonshire by Foard, Glenn, Deegan, Alison
Opera by Horatius Flaccus, Quintus
Der Zweite Punische Krieg by Hornung, Esther
The Early Christian Book by Klingshirn, William E., Safran, Linda
Politics and Society in Ancient Greece by Jones, Nicholas F.
Warhorse: Cavalry in Ancient Warfare by Sidnell, Phil
Pompeius' Weg ins so genannte Erste Triumvirat - Folge einer Schwäche des Feldherrn oder Eingeständnis der Übermacht der Gegner? by Huber, Axel
The World from Beginnings to 4000 BCE by Tattersall, Ian
The World from Beginnings to 4000 BCE by Tattersall, Ian
Die Schlacht von Marathon als Lieu de memoire by Kragans, Martin
Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Eliten und gesellschaftlichem Wandel im vorkleisthenischen Athen by Pfeiffer, Mathias
The Fall of the Roman Household by Cooper, Kate
Thinking about Property: From Antiquity to the Age of Revolution by Garnsey, Peter
Thinking about Property by Garnsey, Peter
The Philosopher and the Druids: A Journey Among the Ancient Celts by Freeman, Philip
Außenpolitik, Bünde Und Reichsbildung in Der Antike by Baltrusch, Ernst
The Recent Origin of Man, as Illustrated by Geology and the Modern Science of Pre-Historic Archeology by Southall, James Powell Cocke
Socio-Economic Aspects of Chalcolithic (4500-3500 BC) Societies in the Southern Levant: A lithic perspective by Hermon, Sorin
The Aegean Bronze Age in relation to the Wider European Context by
Chasser les chevaux à la fin du Paléolitique dans le Bassin parisien: Stratégie cynégétique et mode de vie au Magdalénien et à l'Azilien ancien by Bignon, Olivier
Mesolithic Europe by
Jewish Perspectives on Hellenistic Rulers: Volume 50 by
Das Perserreich im 6. Jahrhundert v. Chr.: Eroberung und Strukturierung der griechischen Siedlungen im kleinasiatischen Bereich by Forouher, Laura
Die Ernennung Vespasians zum Feldherren in Judäa: Quellenanalyse by Buchholz, Matthias
Die Symmachie der Hellenen gegen die Perser by Wehmann, Philipp
Entstehung und Entwicklung des antiken griechischen Theaters by Galle, Christoph
Herrschaftslegtimation in der römischen Kaiserzeit: August, Vespasian, Hadrian - ein Vergleich by Loock, Kevin
Types Of Jewish-Palestinian Piety From 70 B. C. E. To 70 C. E: The Ancient Pious Men (1922) by Buchler, Adolf
The Noble And Gentle Men Of England: Or Notes Touching The Arms And Descents Of The Ancient Knightly And Gentle Houses Of England (1859) by Shirley, Evelyn Philip
Glimpses Of Erin: Containing An Account Of The Ancient Civilization, Manners, Customs, And Antiquities Of Ireland (1889) by Milligan, Alice L., Milligan, Seaton F.
The Smugglers: Picturesque Chapters In The Story Of An Ancient Craft (1909) by Harper, Charles George
Hellenism In Ancient India (1920) by Banerjee, Gauranga Nath
The Mediaeval Boroughs Of Snowdonia: A Study Of The Rise And Development Of The Municipal Element In The Ancient Principality Of North Wales (1912) by Lewis, Edward Arthur
Ancient Ballads And Songs Of The North Of Scotland V1: Hitherto Unpublished, With Explanatory Notes (1828) by Buchan, Peter
Select Proverbs of All Nations: Wise Sayings and Maxims of the Ancient Fathers, and the Economy of Human Life (1854) by Wade, John, Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope
The Lake Dwellings Of Ireland: Or Ancient Lacustrine Habitations Of Erin, Commonly Called Crannogs (1886) by Wood-Martin, William Gregory
The Poems Of Thomas Babington Macaulay: Lays Of Ancient Rome, Miscellaneous Poems (1911) by Macaulay, Thomas Babington
The Elegies Of Propertius: With Notes (1895) by Propertius, Sextus
The Teaching Of The Twelve Apostles: With Introduction, Translation, Notes And Illustrative Passages (1885) by De Romestin, H.
The Ancient City: A Study On The Religion, Laws, And Institutions Of Greece And Rome (1882) by De Coulanges, Fustel
Von der Philotasaffäre bis zur Meuterei von Opis - Fehltritte oder reines Machtkalkül, Herrschaftssicherung auf dem Perserfeldzug Alexanders des Große by Kühne, Christian
Espionage in the Ancient World: An Annotated Bibliography of Books and Articles in Western Languages by Sheldon, R. M.
Der Widerstand gegen die Herrschaft Roms in Britannien by Kapolnasi, Gergely
Die Rolle des römischen Senats unter der Herrschaft des Augustus by Hahn, Tobias
Die athenischen Beamten als Manifestation des Demokratiegedankens by Ley, Jochen O.
2007 by
Zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter by
Untersuchungen Zur Gestaltung Und Zum Historischen Stoff Der Johannis Coripps by Gärtner, Thomas
Pseudo-Dionysius as Polemicist: The Development and Purpose of the Angelic Hierarchy in Sixth Century Syria by Arthur, Rosemary A.
A Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscape in Northamptonshire: Volume 1: The Raunds Area Project by Harding, Jan, Healy, Frances
Das Verhalten Philipps II. von Makedonien gegenüber den Griechen nach der Schlacht von Chaironeia und das Ermöglichen des gemeinsamen Persienfeldzuges by Linsenmeier, Johannes
Politics and Society in Ancient Greece by Jones, Nicholas
Die makedonische Armee - 359 bis 334 v. Chr. by Gräßler, Martin Johannes
Kingdom of Priests: A History of Old Testament Israel by Merrill, Eugene H.
Krise und Reformen im 2. Jahrhundert by Schulz, Marco
Lykurg und die Große Rhetra: Apoll und sein Gehilfe by Reggentin, Claudia
Rituals of War: The Body and Violence in Mesopotamia by Bahrani, Zainab
Acta Proconsularia Sancti Cypriani - Die prokonsularischen Akten des Hl. Cyprian by Boettcher, Alexander
Are All Warriors Male?: Gender Roles on the Ancient Eurasian Steppe by
Les débuts du Paléolithique supérieur dans l'Est des Balkans: Réflexion à partir de l'étude taphonomique et techno-économique des ensembles lithiques by Tsanova, Tsenka
Prácticas alimentarias en el mundo ibérico by
Nomen et Fraternitas by
Der Autor und sein Text = Falsification and Distortion of an Original Text as Judged by Authors in Antiquity by Mülke, Markus
Plutarchs Vita des Artaxerxes = Plutarch's 'Life of Artaxerxes' by Binder, Carsten
Studien Zum 9. Buch Von Lucans Bellum Civile: Mit Einem Kommentar Zu Den Versen 1-733 by Seewald, Martin
Hannibal Hardcover: The African Warrior Hardcover by Abbott, Jacob
Hannibal: The African Warrior by Abbott, Jacob
Slave Systems: Ancient and Modern by
The First Writing: Script Invention as History and Process by
Slave Revolts in Antiquity by Urbainczyk, Theresa
Der Mythos vom Troianischen Krieg in der Antike by Uhl, Fabian
(Vor-)Stufen der Schrift: Informationsvermittlung in Höhlenmalereien: Ein Vergleich by Röbkes, Marion
Der Ursprung Spartas - Historischer Prozess und Analyse by Seidler, Felix
Dramatische Figuren als personifizierte Träger gesellschaftlich-politischer Prinzipien in der "Antigone" des Sophokles by Goldbrunner, Evi
Die Interpretatio Romana am Beispiel Germaniens - Ein Beitrag zur römischen Religionsgeschichte by Büttner, Roman
Die griechische Tyrannis - Die Tyrannis in archaischer Zeit: Peisistratos (561/60; 545/540 - 528/527) by Düvelmeyer, Britta
Genese und Entwicklung der Heiligenlegende - Am Beispiel der Alexiusvita by Röbkes, Marion
European Paganism by Dowden, Ken
Untersuchungen über die Neuregelung der Herrschaft nach dem Tod Alexanders des Großen in Babylon by Huhmann, Johannes
Kleisthenes - Motive und Vorbilder seiner Reform by Bender, Simone
The Medieval Chastity Belt: A Myth-Making Process by Classen, A.
Graphical Markers and Megalith Builders in the International Tagus, Iberian Peninsula Bar Is1765 by
The Monetary Systems of the Greeks and Romans by
Theurgisches Denken: Zur Kirchlichen Hierarchie Des Dionysius Areopagita by Stock, Wiebke-Marie
Une anthropologie des manifestations esthétiques du Mésolithique européen de la fin du Tardiglaciaire et durant le Postglaciaire by Bouvry, Florence
Die römische Wirtschaft in der Provinz Germanien zur Kaiserzeit by Veser, Benjamin
Konstantin der Große und Licinius: "Dyarchen" und Widersacher by Behm, Stefan
Alexander der Große in der mittelhochdeutschen Literatur am Beispiel des Straßburger Alexanders by Jakob, Claus Carl
The Origins and Character of the Ancient Chinese City: Volume 1, The City in Ancient China by Wheatley, Paul
The Killing of Paradise Planet by Gray, Jonathan
The Origins and Character of the Ancient Chinese City: Volume 2, The Chinese City in Comparative Perspective by Wheatley, Paul
Daily Life in the New Testament by Ermatinger, James
Daily Life in the Hellenistic Age: From Alexander to Cleopatra by Evans, James
The Killing of Paradise Planet by Gray, Jonathan
Reading Catullus by Godwin, John
Reading Catullus by Godwin, John
Der erste Punische Krieg: Vom Kriegsausbruch bis zum Friedensvertrag by Venetz, David
Prehistoric and Protohistoric Cyprus: Identity, Insularity, and Connectivity by Knapp, A. Bernard
Höhensiedlungen Zwischen Antike Und Mittelalter Von Den Ardennen Bis Zur Adria by
Historiographie in der Antike by
Namenstudien Zum Altgermanischen by Neumann, Günter
A Dictionary of the Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen [With CDROM] by Unschuld, Paul U., Tessenow, Hermann
Traf der Speer oder traf er nicht? Zur Darstellung des Protagoras von Abdera in der Perikles-Vita von Plutarch by Theilen, Katharina
Zu Leben und Werk des Titus Livius by Schleich, Isabelle
Pepouza and Tymion: The Discovery and Archaeological Exploration of a Lost Ancient City and an Imperial Estate by Tabbernee, William, Lampe, Peter
Luke the Priest: The Authority of the Author of the Third Gospel by Strelan, Rick
Der Brand Roms - Das Problem der Schuldigen und die Folgen by Dahmen, Stephanie
Israel in Transition: From Late Bronze II to Iron Iia (C. 1250-850 Bce): 1 the Archaeology by
Household and Family Religion in Antiquity by
Archives, Ancestors, Practices: Archaeology in the Light of its History by
Ancient And Modern Imperialism (1910) by Cromer, The Earl of
The Poems Of Thomas Babington Macaulay: Lays Of Ancient Rome, Miscellaneous Poems (1911) by Macaulay, Thomas Babington
The Extinction Of The Ancient Hierarchy: An Account Of The Death In Prison Of The Eleven Bishops Honored At Rome Amongst The Martyrs Of The Elizabetha by Phillips, G. E.
Ancient Rome: In The Light Of Recent Discoveries (1888) by Lanciani, Rodolfo Amedeo
Hellenism In Ancient India (1920) by Banerjee, Gauranga Nath
The Story Of Parthia (1893) by Rawlinson, George
A View Of The Arts And Sciences: From The Earliest Times To The Age Of Alexander The Great (1785) by Bannister, James
The Syriac Chronicle: Known As That Of Zachariah Of Mitylene (1899) by Mitylene, Zachariah Of
A Review Of Ancient And Modern Violin Making (1899) by Oakes, W. W.
Ancient Tales From Many Lands: A Collection Of Folk Stories (1922) by Fleming, Rachel Mary
Select Proverbs Of All Nations: Wise Sayings And Maxims Of The Ancient Fathers, And The Economy Of Human Life (1854) by Wade, John, Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope
Ephod And Ark: A Study In The Records And Religion Of The Ancient Hebrews (1917) by Arnold, William Rosenzweig
Dr. Pusey And The Ancient Church (1866) by Allies, T. W.
The History And Literature Of The Israelites V1, The Historical Books: According To The Old Testament And The Apocrypha (1870) by De Rothschild, C., De Rothschild, A.
Gentilism: Religion Previous to Christianity (1876) by Thebaud, Augustus J.
A Comparative Grammar Of Sanskrit, Greek And Latin V1 (1869) by Ferrar, William Hugh
Notes On The Hebrew Text Of The Books Of Kings, With An Introduction And Appendix (1903) by Burney, Charles F.
An Ethiopian History Written In Greek By Heliodorus (1895) by Heliodorus
A Homiletical Commentary On The Book Of Ezra: With Critical And Explanatory Notes, Illustrations And Indexes (1881) by Jones, William
Egypt Ancient Sites And Modern Scenes (1910) by Maspero, Gaston
The Unity Of The Pentateuch: An Examination Of The Higher Critical Theory As To The Composite Nature Of The Pentateuch (1917) by Finn, Arthur Henry
A Source Book For Ancient Church History: From The Apostolic Age To The Close Of The Conciliar Period (1913) by Ayer, Joseph Cullen
The Sacred Tenth V2: Or Studies In Tithe-Giving, Ancient And Modern (1906) by Lansdell, Henry
Suggestive Illustrations On The Gospel Of John (1898) by Peloubet, F. N.
Types Of Jewish-Palestinian Piety From 70 B. C. E. To 70 C. E: The Ancient Pious Men (1922) by Buchler, Adolf
Library Of The World's Best Literature V30: Ancient And Modern (1896) by
The Gentile Nations: Or The History And Religion Of The Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes, Persians, Greeks And Romans (1853) by Smith, George
The Lake Dwellings Of Ireland: Or Ancient Lacustrine Habitations Of Erin, Commonly Called Crannogs (1886) by Wood-Martin, William Gregory
The Martyrs Of The Coliseum: Historical Records Of The Great Amphitheater Of Ancient Rome (1874) by O'Reilly, A. J.
The Masterpieces Of The Ohio Mound Builders: The Hilltop Fortifications, Including Fort Ancient (1916) by Randall, E. O.
The Library Of Oratory V1: Ancient And Modern; With Critical Studies Of The World's Great Orators (1902) by
Biblical Lights And Side Lights: Ten Thousand Illustrations With Thirty Thousand Cross References Consisting Of Facts, Incidents And Remarkable Declar by Little, Charles Eugene
The Apophthegms Of The Ancients: Being An Historical Collection Of The Most Celebrated, Elegant, Pithy And Prudential Sayings Of All The Illustrious P by Erasmus, Desiderius
Poems And Translations: Including The First Four Books Of Ovid's Fasti; To Which Are Added The Ancient Roman Calendar (1839) by Ovid
The Testimony Of The Truth Of Scripture: Historical Illustrations Of The Old Testament, Gathered From Ancient Records, Monuments And Inscriptions (189 by Rawlinson, George
Writing Greek Law by Gagarin, Michael
The Aryan Debate by
Trials of Great Men of the Bible by Macartney, Clarence Edward
The Alphabet: A Key to the History of Mankind by Diringer, David
The History And Philosophy Of Education V2: Ancient And Medieval by Eby, Frederick, Arrowood, Charles Flinn
Studies In Early Chinese Culture: First Series by Creel, Herrlee Glessner
The Wisest Fool And Other Men Of The Bible by Macartney, Clarence Edward
Gems from Genesis: An Outlined Study by Heslop, William G.
Rogues of the Bible by Black, James
Early Civilization in Thessaly by Hansen, Hazel D.
The Progress of Romance and the History of Charoba, Queen of Aegypt by Reeve, Clara, McGill, Esther M.
The Heroic Age of Science: The Conception, Ideals and Methods of Science Among the Ancient Greeks by Heidel, William Arthur
Cosmic Forces as They Were Taught in Mu: The Ancient Tale That Religion and Science Are Twin Sisters by Churchward, James
The Letters Of Pliny The Younger: Selected And Edited Together With A Companion To Pliny's Letters by Tanzer, Helen H.
Wisdom From Atlantis by Drown, Ruth B.
Slavery In The Roman Empire by Barrow, R. H.
The Black Apostle: Ancient Biblical History Of The Black Or Negro Race, Proven By The Bible by Justice, J.
Pearls, Arms and Hashish: Pages from the Life of a Red Sea Navigator by De Monfreid, Henry
The Classical Pan African Kalenda, Year 32, 794 by Sa-Ra
Die "gute" Policey im Reichskreis, BAND IV, Die lokale Policey by
Band 1: Autoren, Stichwörter, Fachregister, Abkürzungsverzeichnis. Band 2: Alphabetisches Register by
Chrysostomosbilder in 1600 Jahren by
Wissensästhetik: Wissen Über Die Antike in Ästhetischer Vermittlung by
Sarmizegetusa Regia: Chancen und Grenzen zentraler Herrschaftsausübung im Kontext von stammesverbandlicher Ordnung by Ständner, Markus
Hérodote - Histoires: Histoire Ancienne by Schleich, Isabelle
Antike Militär-Logistik. Die Ernährung großer Heere während der Perserkriege und des Peloponnesischen Kriegs by Struck, Egon
Der Kalliasfrieden: Zwischen Dichtung und Wahrheit by Lachhein, Sven
Mass Oratory and Political Power in the Late Roman Republic by Robert, Morstein-Marx, Morstein-Marx, Robert
Der jugurthinische Krieg. Versagen der römischen Nobilität? by Weis, Jens
The Ancient Sources on the History, Geography and Ethnography of Ukraine - Latin Authors, Part 1 by Mason, Richard A.
Pomponius Mela über die Germanen: Eine ethnografische Betrachtung des römischen Germanenbildes anhand der Erd- und Völkerbeschreibung "De Chorographia by Elle, Saskia
Untersuchungen zur Gegnerschaft zwischen Marius und Sulla by Kemna, Regine
Octavian und Antonius - der Kampf um das Erbe Caesars by Lucke, Carolin
Apollodorus V2: The Library (1921) by Apollodorus
Apollodorus V1: The Library (1921) by Apollodorus
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