• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2009

The Carpenter Prophet: A Life Of Jesus Christ And A Discussion Of His Ideals (1902) by Pearson, Charles William
Tales From The Arabic Of The Breslau And Calcutta V3: 1814-18, Editions Of The Book Of The Thousand Nights And One Night (1901) by
Reflections On The Politics, Intercourse, And Trade Of The Ancient Nations V1 (1832) by Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig
Sid Mohamed El Mangali, Traite De Venerie (1880) by Pharaon, Florian, Mankali, Mohammad Ibn
Tales From The Cyropaedia Of Xenophon (1894) by Keene, Charles Haines, Xenophon
The Children Of Holy Scripture (1880) by Massey, Lucy Fletcher
Sallust Jugurtha (1902) by Sallust, Smedley, Isaac Frank
The Apothecary, Ancient And Modern, Of The Society, London, Blackfriars (1885) by Corfe, George
F. A. W. Miguel's Homerische Flora (1836) by Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm, Laurent, Johann Christian Moritz
Losmaschine, Wasseruhr und Stimmsteine: Techniken im Dienste der Demokratie by Krüger, Alexandra
Kinder auf dem Kaiserthron: Theodosius II by Hardenberg, Jennifer
Fluch und Gebet: Magische Manipulation versus religiöses Flehen? by Versnel, H. S.
The World's Oldest Literature: Studies in Sumerian Belles-Lettres by Hallo, William W.
Unterrichtsstunde: Die Phylenreform des Kleisthenes - (k)ein Schritt zur Demokratie?!: Geschichte Klasse 11 by Diedrich, Janine
Time, Space and Innovation: an Archaeological Case Study on the Romanization of the North-Western Provinces (50 BC to AD 50) by Dürrwächter, Claudia
Römische Villen in Nordafrika: Untersuchungen zu Architektur und Wirtschaftsweise by Rind, Mareike
Territorio Neolítico: Las primeras comunidades campesinas en la fachada oriental de la península Ibérica (ca. 5600-2800 cal BC) by García Atiénzar, Gabriel
2009 by
'A Hybrid Burial Practice': Situated Practices and the Production of Situated Knowledges in the Archaeology of the Vestland Cauldron by Hjørungdal, Tove
2009 by
No Roads Lead to Rome by Gompertz, R. S.
Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia by Leick, Gwendolyn
Technology and Science in Ancient Civilizations by
Styles of Enlightenment: Taste, Politics, and Authorship in Eighteenth-Century France by Russo, Elena
Ctesias' 'History of Persia': Tales of the Orient by Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd, Robson, James
Métallurgie des dépôts de bronzes à la fin de L'Age du Bronze final (IXᵉ-VIIIᵉ av. J.-C.) dans le domaine Sarre-Lorraine by Véber, Cécile
Theodosius der Große und die Erhebung des Christentums zur Staatsreligion: Handlungsspielräume eines Kaisers im sozialen Kontext by Pankop, Niko
The Gaza Strip: Its History and Politics - From the Pharaohs to the Israeli Invasion of 2009 by Shachar, Nathan
The Gaza Strip: Its History and Politics - From the Pharaohs to the Israeli Invasion of 2009 by Shachar, Nathan
Die Schlachten von Philippi (42 v. Chr.) by Wansel, Philipp
Die Rezeption Neros in der Moderne anhand von Lion Feuchtwangers Roman "Der falsche Nero" by Greuel, Michael
Naturkatastrophen in der Epoche Iustinians - Deutung und Umgang by Gamperl, Michael
Wahnsinn und Wirklichkeit: Der Germanien- und Britannienfeldzug des Kaisers Caligula by Noack, Stefan
Sardinia In Ancient Times (1917) by Bouchier, Edmund Spenser
The Ancient Vellum Book Of The Honorable Artillery Company: Being The Roll Of Members From 1611 To 1682 (1890) by
Studies In Ancient Persian History (1905) by Kershasp, P.
The Ancient Liturgies Of The Gallican Church (1855) by Forbes, George Hay, Neale, John Mason
The House Of The Lord: A Study Of Holy Sanctuaries Ancient And Modern (1912) by Talmage, James Edward
The Ancient Port Of Whitby And Its Shipping: With Some Subjects Of Interest Connected Therewith (1908) by
The Argument Of The Book Of Job Unfolded (1873) by Green, William Henry
The Beauty Of Wisdom: A Volume Of Daily Readings From Some Ancient Writers For Family School, And Private Meditation (1903) by
The Aqueducts Of Ancient Rome: Traced From Their Sources To Their Mouths (1876) by Parker, John Henry
The Gospel Of St. Matthew: Illustrated From Ancient And Modern Authors (1848) by Ford, James
The Ancient And Honorable Mechanical Company, Of Baltimore: Historical Sketch (1901) by McCreary, George Washington
The House Of The Lord: A Study Of Holy Sanctuaries Ancient And Modern (1912) by Talmage, James Edward
Stories Of The Cave People (1917) by Marcy, Mary E.
The Legend Of Mary, Queen Of Scots: And Other Ancient Poems (1810) by Wenman, Thomas
Prophets, Poets, And Philosophers Of The Ancient World (1915) by Taylor, Henry Osborn
The Influence Of The Septuagint Upon The Pesitta Psalter (1895) by Berg, Joseph Frederic
The Cyropaedia Of Xenophon: According To The Text Of L. Dindorf, With Notes (1859) by Xenophon
The Foreign Empire: 200 To 60 B.C. (1899) by Atkinson, Harold Waring
The Unsealed Bible V30: Revelation, Or The Book Of Consummations (1902) by Chainey, George
The Liber Custumarum: The Book Of The Ancient Usages And Customs Of The Town Of Northampton (1895) by
The Uttara-Ramacharita Of Bhavabhuti (1899) by Bhavabhuti
The Wards, Divisions, Parishes And Townships Of Northumberland: According To The Ancient And Modern Divisions (1833) by Dickson, William
Some Account Of Parish Clerks: More Especially Of The Ancient Fraternity (1893) by Christie, James
Types Of Mankind: Or Ethnological Researches, Based Upon The Ancient Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, And Crania Of Races (1854) by Gliddon, George Robins, Nott, Josiah Clark
Some Account Of The Council Of Nicaea: In Connection With The Life Of Athanasius (1853) by Kaye, John
Sunday, The True Sabbath Of God: Or Saturday Proven To Be Neither The Sabbath Of The Old Testament, Nor The Sabbath Of The Ancients (1900) by Gamble, Samuel Walter
The Greek Heroes: Stories Translated From Niebuhr (1910) by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg
Plutarch's Lives by Plutarch
Greek Tragedy by Herington, G. J., Gould, T. F., Herington, C. J.
Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt by Clarysse, Willy, Thompson, Dorothy J.
Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt by Clarysse, Willy, Thompson, Dorothy J.
Die relative Datierung der Tragödien Senecas by Dingel, Joachim
Aristophanes: Essays in Interpretation by Henderson, Jeffrey
The Myth of Sacred Prostitution in Antiquity by Budin, Stephanie Lynn
Evolution de l'économie alimentaire et des pratiques d'élevage de l'Antiquité au haut Moyen Age en Gaule du nord: Une étude régionale sur la zone limo by Pigière, Fabienne
The Urnfield Culture in Continental Croatia by Karavanic, Snjezana
A Connecting Sea: Maritime Interaction in Adriatic Prehistory by
I Progimnasmi di Severo di Alessandria (Severo di Antiochia?) by Ventrella, Gianluca, Amato, Eugenio
Jenseits der Grenzen by
Die modernen Väter der Antike by
Völkerwanderungszeitliche "Blechfibeln" by Gauß, Florian
De Natura Animalium by Aelianus, Claudius
Der Anfang vom Ende der Ottonen by Schulmeyer-Ahl, Kerstin
History and Hagiography from the Late Antique Sinai by
Die Varusschlacht als Gründungsereignis eines Deutschen Nationalbewusstseins: Für und Wider der populären Theorie des 19. Jahrhunderts by Meyer, Nicolai, Weitschat, Marcel
Tiberius Gracchus und die lex Sempronia agraria: Der Versuch einer Agrarreform by Janz, Hermann D.
Ist eine Trennung Ilias - Troja möglich? by Köckert, Pierre
A Journey Into the Sun by Kamel, Yasser
Die Sozialmaßnahmen der flavischen Kaiser bei Sueton by Stramm, Daniela
Schild - Schwert by
Die justinianische Pest 542 by Bönner, Andreas
Steuersystem und Rechtssprechung in der Provinz Ägypten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Romanisierungsgedankens by Gamperl, Michael
Die spätantiken Literaturquellen: Bestand und Verfall der antiken Literatur im 4. und 5. Jahrhundert by Bergmeier, Rolf
Die Krise Roms: Die Schlacht von Cannae und ihre Folgen by Droick, Carolin
Der Einfluss von Religion und Kultur auf den Untergang des Aztekenreiches by Brüning, Petra
Das Preisedikt des Diokletian: Ein Spiegel für soziale Strukturen im römischen Reich? by Kurzke, Erik
The Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the Classical World by
The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect, Volume I: Early Neolithic Sites on the Territory of Bulgaria by
The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect: Volume V: Settlement of the Linear Pottery Culture in Southeastern Poland by Czekaj-Zastawny, Agnieszka
Understanding Landscape Values: A Scottish Highland Case Study by Priede, Camilla
Reconstructing Late Pleistocene Human Behavior in the Jordan Rift Valley: The Middle Paleolithic stone tool assemblage from Ar Rasfa by Sabri Ahmad, Ghufran, Shea, John J.
The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXXIII by Obbink, D., Gonis, N.
Hjemkomst: Roman by Levy, Louis
Mollusk Shells in Troia, Yenibademli and Ulucak by Çakirlar, Canan
1753-1756 by