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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2011

Leptiminus (Lamta): The Field Survey by Ben Lazreg, N., Stone, David L., Mattingly, D. J.
First Steps in the Physical and Classical Geography of the Ancient World. by Pillans, James
Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, ... Illustrated by Drawings, Etc. 3 Vol. (a Second Series of the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyp by Wilkinson, John Gardner
Some Ancient English Homes, and Their Associations. Illustrated by S. J. Loxton. by Hodges, Elizabeth, Loxton, Samuel Joseph
Researches Concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America. with Descriptions and Views of ... Scenes in the Cordiller by Williams, Helen Maria, Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander V.
The Land of the Pharaohs. Egypt and Sinai: Illustrated by Pen and Pencil. by Lovett, Richard, Manning, Samuel
Glimpses at Greece, To-Day and Before Yesterday. by Janeway, Catherine
Curiosities of Savage Life. Third Edition. with Woodcuts and Designs by Harden S. Melville. by Melville, Harden S., Greenwood, James
Beneath Parnassian Clouds and Olympian Sunshine. by Forster, C. G. Saunders
What Is Masculinity?: Historical Dynamics from Antiquity to the Contemporary World by
Bonds of Blood: Gender, Lifecycle and Sacrifice in Aztec Culture by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Researches Concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America. with Descriptions and Views of ... Scenes in the Cordiller by Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander V., Williams, Helen Maria
Reading and Writing in Babylon by Charpin, Dominique
Animals in Greek and Roman Thought: A Sourcebook by Newmyer, Stephen T.
Michael and Christ by Hannah, Darrell D.
The Vikings of the Baltic. a Tale of the North in the Tenth Century. Vol. II. by Dasent, George Webbe
Economies Beyond Agriculture in the Classical World by
Geheimnisse der Steinzeit mit Blick auf die Evolution des Menschen: Begleitband zur Ausstellung in Lampertheim, aus der Sammlung Emil Hoffmann by Hoffmann, Emil
Die politische Geschichte Griechenlands 386-362 v.u.Z.: Zwischen Hegemonie und Polisautonomie by Keil, André
Hagia Sophia - Ein Versuch über Sinn und Bedeutung zur Zeit Justinians I by Steller, Thomas
The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man. Mental and Social Condition of Savages. by Lubbock, John Baron Avebury
A Month at Constantinople. by Smith, Albert Richard
The Great Palace at Constantinople ... Translated ... by W. Metcalfe ... with a Map. by Metcalfe, William M., Paspates, Alexandros Georgios
The Greek and the Turk; Or, Powers and Prospects in the Levant. by Crowe, Eyre Evans
Three Years in Constantinople: Or, Domestic Manners of the Turks in 1844. by White, Charles
The Land and the Book; or, Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery, of the Holy Land. by Thomson, William McClure
Prehistoric Man: researches into the origin of civilisation in the old and the new world. by Wilson, Daniel
The Land of Bondage, Its Ancient Monuments and Present Condition: Being the Journal of a Tour in Egypt. by Wainwright, Jonathan Mayhew
Among the Turks. by Hamlin, Cyrus
The Remote Antiquity of Man Not Proven: Primeval Man Not a Savage. by B. C. Y. by Young, Benjamin Charles
Letter Addressed to J. Tindall ... Relating to the Remains of an Ancient Village Near Cloughton. [with a Plate.] by Atkinson, William
The Childhood of the World; A Simple Account of Man in Early Times.Vol.I by Clodd, Edward
Two Years Before the Mast; Or, a Voice from the Forecastle: Being a Sailor's Life at Sea. by Dana, Richard Henry
The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man. Mental and social condition of savages. by Lubbock, John
Prehistoric Man: researches into the origin of civilisation in the old and the new world. VOLUME II by Wilson, Daniel
Manners and Customs of the ancient Egyptians, ... Illustrated by drawings, etc. 3 vol. (A second series of the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyp by Wilkinson, John Gardner
Indo-Aryans: contributions towards the elucidation of their ancient and mediæval history. by Anonymous
The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man. Mental and Social Condition of Savages. by Lubbock, John Baron Avebury
The Queen of the Adriatic; Or, Venice, Mediaeval and Modern ... Illustrated. by Clement, Clara Erskine
Curiosities of Savage Life, Third Edition. with Woodcuts and Designs by Harden S. Melville. by Greenwood, James, Melville, Harden S.
Paradise Found. The cradle of the human race at the North Pole. A study of the prehistoric world. ... With original illustrations. by Warren, William Fairfield
The World's Inhabitants; Or, Mankind, Animals and Plants. with Illustrations. by Bettany, George Thomas
Cyprus Guide and Directory. by Anonymous
A Vindication of the Celts. with Observations on Mr. Pinkerton's Hypothesis Concerning the Origin of the European Nations, in His Modern Geography, an by Pinkerton, John
Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, ... Illustrated by Drawings, Etc. 3 Vol. (a Second Series of the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyp by Wilkinson, John Gardner
On the Quartzite Pebbles Contained in the Drift and in the Triassic Strata of England; And Their Derivation from Ancient Land Barrier in Central Engla by Harrison, William Jerome
Der lange Weg nach Rom: Die politische Geschichte der Jahre 308 bis 312 nach Christus anhand ausgewählter Quellen by Kramer, Martin
Das Christentum im Römischen Reich: In der Bewertung zeitgenössischer Autoren by Kaiser, Lena
Now and Rome: Lucan and Vergil as Theorists of Politics and Space by Willis, Ika
Diokletian und die Christenverfolgung by Anonymous
Scythians and Greeks by Minns, Ellis Hovell
Die Münzen Von Pergamon by Fritze, Hans Von
Schliemanns Grabungen in Troia - eine Leistung für die Nachwelt oder Fehleinschätzung der Geschichte? by Krause, Udo
Iberia Before the Iberians by Straus, Lawrence Guy
A History of Early Southeast Asia: Maritime Trade and Societal Development, 100-1500 by Hall, Kenneth R.
A History of Early Southeast Asia: Maritime Trade and Societal Development, 100-1500 by Hall, Kenneth R.
Die Außenpolitik des Augustus im Spiegel der res gestae by Birli, Marion
Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten in den Monarchien Caesars und Augustus': Eine vergleichende Analyse der staatsrechtlichen Stellungen Caesars und Au by Ebert, Philipp
Religion und Staat im antiken Griechenland: Was trug Religion zur Herausbildung einer griechischen Identität bei und wie wirkte sich Religion bei der by Kersten, Martin
Song Exchange in Roman Pastoral by Karakasis, Evangelos
Rom und das Partherreich von der Zeit des Pompeius bis zum Beginn des Prinzipats by Müller, Bianca
The Other British Isles: A History of Shetland, Orkney, the Hebrides, Isle of Man, Anglesey, Scilly, Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands by Moore, David W.
A Policy Approach to Political Representation: Lessons from the Four Corners States by McCain, John R., Ingram, Helen M., Laney, Nancy K.
The Columbia River Treaty: The Economics of an International River Basin Development by Krutilla, John V.
Die Scipionenprozesse - Versuch der Darstellung eines politischen Machtkampfes: Im republikanischen Rom des 2. Jahrhundert vor Christus by Harzmeyer, Bernd
In Freedom's Cause by Henty, G. a.
Die Seeschlachten des Dekeleischen Kriegs (413 - 404 v. Chr.) by Neudeck, Eckhard
Die Lyder in der griechischen Literatur by Sönnichsen, Sönke
Roman Egypt by Capponi, Livia
Aeneis by Vergilius Maro, Publius
Lupercalia - Ein altrömisches Fest: Eine Analyse des römischen Lupercalienfestes, basierend auf den altrömischen Quellen, sowie ein kurzer einführende by Jäger, Oliver
Kleopatra VII. - intelligente und begabte Selbstdarstellerin: Wie es ihr gelang die Interessen der Männer für sich zu nutzen by Keller, Vanessa
When Men Were Men: Masculinity, Power and Identity in Classical Antiquity by
Women of Babylon: Gender and Representation in Mesopotamia by Bahrani, Zainab
Ancient Israel, Its Life and Institution by De Vaux, Roland
Chronicle of Pseudo-Zachariah by
The Gladiators: A Tale of Rome and Jud A. by Melville, George John Whyte
The Athen Um Press Series. G. L. Kittredge and C. T. Winchester, General Editors. by Winchester, Caleb Thomas, Kittredge, George Lyman
Farmers in Prehistoric Britain by Pryor, Francis
Ordained Women in the Early Church: A Documentary History by
The First Jewish Revolt: Archaeology, History and Ideology by Overman, J. Andrew, Berlin, Andrea M.
Ruling Roman Britain: Kings, Queens, Governors and Emperors from Julius Caesar to Agricola by Braund, David
An Introduction to the Study of Justinian's Digest by Roby, Henry John
Restless Youth in Ancient Rome by Eyben, Emiel
A Chronology of the Roman Empire by
Euripides, Women and Sexuality by
Additional Notes on the Measurements of Ptolemy and of the Antonine Itinerary, by G. M. Hills. ... S[ussex] A[rchaeological] C[ollections]. XXXI., 58 by Napper, H. F., Hills, Gordon MacDonald
Bible and Democracy: The Story of the First Democratic Culture by Doron, Hagai
From Foraging to Farming in the Andes by
Benares, Ancient and Medieval: A Monograph. by Hall, Fitz-Edward Hal
Cannae - Vorbereitung und Verlauf der Schlacht von Cannae by Miething, André
Algoa Bay. Africa.-South-East Coast ... Trade and Statistics of Port Elizabeth, the Sea-Port of Algoa Bay. [With a Chart.] by Fleming, William
Plutarchs Vita des Agesilaos: Interpretation und Hintergrund der Darstellung des Werks von Plutarchos by Cuno, Juliane
Augustus - Vom Triumvirat zum Prinzipat 30-27 v. Chr. by Wiegner, Jörg
Biblical Bethsaida: A Study of the First Century CE in the Galilee by Savage, Carl E.
Thukydides' Werk im Spiegel seiner Zeit: Beitrag zur Mentalitätsforschung zwischen Thukydides' Werk und dem Denken im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. by Stenz, Mario
Early Greek Warfare: Horsemen and Chariots in the Homeric and Archaic Ages by Greenhalgh, P. A. L.
Abusive Mouths in Classical Athens by Worman, Nancy
Aeschyli Tragoediae Quae Supersunt 4 Volume Paperback Set by
A History of Classical Scholarship 3 Volume Set by Sandys, John Edwin
Die Lex Vatinia de Imperio Caesaris by Köhnlein, Dagmar
From Scholars to Scholia: Chapters in the History of Ancient Greek Scholarship by
Sonne und Mond, Kalender und Uhr by Wolkenhauer, Anja
Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, Mythology, Religion, Literature and Art by Seyffert, Oskar
Aeschyli Tragoediae Quae Supersunt by
A History of Classical Scholarship - Volume 1 by Sandys, John Edwin
A History of Classical Scholarship - Volume 2 by Sandys, John Edwin
A History of Classical Scholarship - Volume 3 by Sandys, John Edwin
Aeschyli Tragoediae Quae Supersunt - Volume 4 by Aeschylus
Aeschyli Tragoediae Quae Supersunt by
Aeschyli Tragoediae Quae Supersunt: Volume 3 by Aeschylus
On Yuan Chwang's Travels in India, 629-645 A. D. by Watters, Thomas
The Voyage by Harris, Philip H.
The Voyage by Harris, Philip H.
Pertinax und die Markomannenkriege by Homburg, Martin
The Athenæum Press Series. G. L. Kittredge and C. T. Winchester, general editors. by Winchester, Caleb Thomas, Kittredge, George Lyman
Die Christianisierung des römischen Eherechts in der Spätantike by Blaschke, André
Scribes and Schools in Monarchic Judah, Second Edition: A Socio-archeological Approach by Jamieson-Drake, David W.
A History of Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae 2 Volume Set by Newton, Charles Thomas, Pullan, Richard Popplewell
Die Platzhallen Und Die Zugeh Rigen Annexbauten in R Mischer Zeit by Hoffmann, Adolf, Luca, Gioia De
2009 by
The Freedman in the Roman World by Mouritsen, Henrik
Two Lectures on the Native Tribes of the Interior, Etc. by Solomon, Edward
First Steps in the Physical and Classical Geography of the Ancient World. Thirteenth Edition ... Enlarged ... by T. Fawcett. by Pillans, James, Fawcett, Thomas
The Ancient History of the Maori, His Mythology and Traditions. Horo-Uta or Taki-Tumu Migration. by White, John
The Alps of Hannibal by Law, William John
The History of Greece by Mitford, William
A History of Greece, from the Earliest Times to the Present with Maps and Illustrations Vol. I. by Timayenis, Telemachus T.
The History of Greece by Mitford, William
The History of Greece, from the Earliest State, to the Death of Alexander the Great to Which Is Added, a Summary Account of the Affairs of Greece from by Goldsmith, Oliver
Stories from English History, During the Middle Ages. ... Revised by D. M. Smith. by Smith, David, Hack, Maria
The History of Greece by Mitford, John, Mitford, William, K, W.
Researches on America. ... by an Officer of the United States Army. [J. H. Mac Culloh.] by Macculloh, James H.
Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen. by Stephen, Leslie, Davis, Henry William Carless, Lee, Sidney
The Roman History, from the Foundation of the City of Rome, to the Destruction of the Western Empire. by Goldsmith, Oliver
A History of Greece by Thirlwall, Connop
A Smaller History of Greece. New Edition, Thoroughly Revised by G. E. Marindin, Etc. by Smith, William, Marindin, George Eden
The Roman and the Teuton: A Series of Lectures Delivered Before the University of Cambridge. by Kingsley, Charles
The Roman History, from the Foundation of the City of Rome, to the Destruction of the Western Empire. by Goldsmith, Oliver
The Transvaal from Within ... Sixth Impression. by Fitzpatrick, James Percy
The Grecian History, from the Earliest State, to the Death of Alexander the Great ... a New Edition. by Goldsmith, Oliver
Storia Diplomatica Dell'antica Abbazia Di S. Michele Della Chiusa, Con Documenti Inediti. by Claretta, Gaudenzio Giuseppe Luigi Mar
The History of Greece by Mitford, William
The History of Greece by Mitford, William
The History of Greece. by Mitford, William
The Grecian History, from the Earliest State, to the Death of Alexander the Great. Eleventh Edition, Vol. II by Goldsmith, Oliver
A History of Greece, from the Earliest Times to the Present with Maps and Illustrations by Timayenis, Telemachus T.
Society in Rome Under the C Sars by Inge, William Ralph K. C. V. O.
The Roman History, from the Foundation of the City of Rome, to the Destruction of the Western Empire. by Goldsmith, Oliver
The Gladiators: A Tale of Rome and Jud A. by Melville, George John Whyte
The History of Greece by Mitford, William
Sherbro and the Sherbros; Or, a Native African's Account of His Country and People. with a Memoir of the Author by W. McKee by Mackee, William, Wilberforce, Daniel Flickinger
The Grecian History, from the Earliest State, to the Death of Alexander the Great. a New Edition by Goldsmith, Oliver
The History of Greece by Mitford, William
The Grecian History, from the Earliest State, to the Death of Alexander the Great. a New Edition by Goldsmith, Oliver
The Land of the Pharaohs. Egypt and Sinai: Illustrated by Pen and Pencil. by Manning, Samuel
From Olympus to Hades. by Forrester
A History of the Egyptian Revolution, from the Period of the Mamelukes to the Death of Mohammed Ali; From Arab and European Memoirs. by Paton, Andrew Archibald
A History of the Egyptian Revolution, from the Period of the Mamelukes to the Death of Mohammed Ali; From Arab and European Memoirs. by Paton, Andrew Archibald
Rambles in the Old World by Terry, Milton Spenser
A History of Rome from the Earliest Times to the Death of Domitian. [With a Map.] by Browne, Robert William
The History of Tacitus Translated Into English by A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. with Notes and a Map. Life of Tacitus by Tacitus, Cornelius Annales B., Church, Alfred John, Brodribb, William Jackson
From Olympus to Hades. by Forrester
On the Desert: With a Brief Review of Recent Events in Egypt. by Field, Henry Martyn
The History of Rome.Translated with Additions, by W. P. Dickson. with a Preface by L. Schmitz.. Index, Etc. by Wrightson, Richard Heber
The History of Greece. the Second Volume. by Mitford, William
The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece. by Saint John, James Augustus
The Gladiators: A Tale of Rome and Jud A. by Melville, George John Whyte
In Africa with the Union Jack, Etc. by Pimblett, W. Melville
The History of Herodotus, Translated from the Greek. with Notes. by Herodotus, Beloe, William
Greek Writers of Roman History. Some Reflections Upon the Authorities Used by Plutarch and Appianus by Vollgraff, Johann Christoph
The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece. by Saint John, James Augustus
A History of the Egyptian Revolution, from the Period of the Mamelukes to the Death of Mohammed Ali; From Arab and European Memoirs, Etc. by Paton, Andrew Archibald
The History of Greece. the Fifth Volume by Mitford, William
A History of the Egyptian Revolution, from the Period of the Mamelukes to the Death of Mohammed Ali; From Arab and European Memoirs, Etc. by Paton, Andrew Archibald
My Command in South Africa. 1874-78. Comprising Experiences of Travel in the Colonies of South Africa and the Independent States ... with Maps. by Cunynghame, Arthur Augustus Thurlow
An Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages, 375-814 by Emerton, Ephraim
The Holy Roman Empire. Arnold Prize Essay. 1863 by Bryce, James
Matababeleland and How We Got It. with Notes on the Occupation of Mashunaland and an Account of the 1893 Campaign by the British South Africa Company, by Newman, Charles L. Norris
The Gladiators: A Tale of Rome and Jud A. by Melville, George John Whyte
The Alps of Hannibal by Law, William John
Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters. by Howard, George William Frederick
The Anabasis of X.: Chiefly According to the Text of Hutchinson. with Explanatory Notes. by F. C. Belfour. Second Edition. Gr. by Xenophon, Belfour, F. C.
The Ancient World; Or, Picturesque Sketches of Creation. by Ansted, David Thomas
The Chronicles of Kent. Lib. II. (from the Invasion of Julius C Sar to the Invasion of Aulus Plautius.) Reprinted from "The Dover Chronicle.'. by Dunkin, Alfred John
de Scriptoribus Rerum Alsaticarum Historicis Inde a Primordiis Ad S Culi XVIII. Exitum. by Reuss, Rudolf
Egypt Under Ismail Pacha. Being Some Chapters of Contemporary History, Etc. by Jerrold, William Blanchard
Egypt Under Ismail. a Romance of History ... with an Appendix of Official Documents. by Maccoan, James Carlile
Arnold Historical Essay, 1870. the Scythic Nations, Down to the Fall of the Western Empire. by Gent, John
The Chronology of the Ancient World; A Lecture, Etc. by Alexander, William Henry
[The Chichester Guide: Containing, an Account of the Antient and Present State of the City of Chichester and Its Neighbourhood, Etc.] [By Ale by Hay, Rev Alexander, Anonymous
Ethiopi Oriental. by Santos, Joa O.
Ethiopi Oriental. by Santos, Joa O.
England and South Africa. by Gibbs, Edward J.
An Account of the Ancient Town of Frodsham, in Cheshire. by Beamont, William
The End of the Middle Ages. Essays and Questions in History by Duclaux, Agnes Mary Francis
Considerations on the Military and Political Events Accompanying the Conquest and Settlement of the Island of Britain. with an Introductory Chapter on by Jones, William Prime
The Ancient World; Or, Picturesque Sketches of Creation. by Ansted, David Thomas
A Chronological Record: Containing the Remarkable Events from the Creation of the World to the Present Time, Etc. by O'Gorman, Daniel
Chronological Tables of Greek History. Translated by G. Chawner by Peter, Carl Rector, Chawner, George
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