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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2014

Britain Begins by Cunliffe, Barry
Hapo Zamani za Kale: Zamani Sana by Chipungahelo, Charles Yonjolo
Space and Time in Ancient Greek Narrative by Purves, Alex C.
P. Vergili Aeneidos Liber Primus by
Classical Greek Rhetorical Theory and the Disciplining of Discourse by Schiappa, Edward, Timmerman, David M.
Life and Letters in the Fourth Century by Glover, Terrot Reaveley
Mobile Pastoralism and the Formation of Near Eastern Civilizations: Weaving Together Society by Porter, Anne
Nicander: The Poems and Poetical Fragments by Scholfield, A. F., Gow, A. S. F.
Greek Tragedy in Vergil's Aeneid: Ritual, Empire, and Intertext by Panoussi, Vassiliki
Late Roman Towns in Britain by Rogers, Adam
The Knights Templars by Addison, C. G.
The Philosophy of Gemistos Plethon: Platonism in Late Byzantium, between Hellenism and Orthodoxy by Hladký, Vojtech
Practical Predestinarians in England, C. 1590�1640 by Dixon, Leif
Pliny the Younger: 'Epistles' Book II by Pliny the Younger
Ovid's Revisions by Martelli, Francesca K. a.
Paleolithic Landscapes of Iran by Heydari-Guran, Saman
Material Images of Humans from the Natufian to Pottery Neolithic Periods in the Levant by Orrelle, Estelle
Latin Explorations (Routledge Revivals): Critical Studies in Roman Literature by Quinn, Kenneth
Mediterranean Heritage (Routledge Revivals) by Fox, David Scott
Five Partings of Way in World History: A Comparison- Translated by Bradley Schmidt and Bryn Roberts by Schramm, Gottfried
Geld und Sprache: Die Auswirkungen der Catilinarischen Verschwörung in den Briefen Ciceros by Dölle, Hannes
Belief and Religion in Barbarian Europe C. 350-700 by Dunn, Marilyn
Explaining the Cosmos: Creation and Cultural Interaction in Late-Antique Gaza by Champion, Michael W.
Ancient Persia by Waters, Matt
Religious Networks in the Roman Empire by Collar, Anna
Cursed Are You! by Kitz, Anne Marie
From the Depths of Despair to the Promise of Presence: A Rhetorical Reading of the Book of Joel by Barker, Joel
Ancient Persia by Waters, Matt
Death of Prehistory C by
Ancient History You Might Not Know by Mason, Fergus, Warner, Jennifer, Slane, Ross
Prolegomena Ad Homerum: Sive, de Operum Homericorum Prisca Et Genuina Forma Variisque Mutationibus Et Probabili Ratione Emendandi by Wolf, Friedrich August
Monumental Polovtsian Statues in Eastern Europe: The Archaeology, Conservation and Protection by Golebiowska-Tobiasz, Aneta
Die Apologie des Apuleius von Madaura und die antike Zauberei by Abt, Adam
The Red-Haired Giants: Atlantis in North America by Sutherland, Mary
Eine Untersuchung zur Attraktivität des Mithraskultes by Delcheva, Galina
Ancestral Fault in Ancient Greece by Gagné, Renaud
Aquincum. Das römische Militärlager by Prilasnig, Fabian
Ravenna in Late Antiquity by Deliyannis, Deborah Mauskopf
Personal Names in Ancient Anatolia by
Thinking, Recording, and Writing History in the Ancient World by Raaflaub, Kurt A.
Religion, Language and Community in the Roman Near East: Constantine to Muhammad by Millar, Fergus
Vandals by Miles, Richard, Merrills, Andrew
Anunnaki Legacy of the Gods by Lessin, Janet Kira, Lessin Ph. D., Sasha (Alex)
Travel in the First Century After Christ by Skeel, Caroline A. J.
Frauenleben im Reiche der Azteken by Seler-Sachs, Caecilie
Eine Untersuchung zur Attraktivität des Mithraskultes by Delcheva, Galina
Thinking Being: Introduction to Metaphysics in the Classical Tradition by Perl, Eric
Der Flow. Ein Erklärungsmuster für den Ausbruch des Ersten Punischen Krieges by Zwanzig, Cordula
Die griechische Kolonie Syrakus: Die Intentionen der Kolonisten by Glaß, Lukas
Geschichte 7. Klasse Gynmasium: Lösungsversuche der sozialen Krise in der späten Republik: Die Errichtung des Prinzipats by Bauermeister, Ines
Herrscherkult im Zeitalter des Augustus by Koop-Lampe, Hendrik
Religion at Work in a Neolithic Society by
Religion at Work in a Neolithic Society by
The Great Wall of China: The History of China's Most Famous Landmark by Charles River
Rousseau und Athen: Bezüge zur Demokratie des klassischen Griechenland in Jean-Jacques Rousseaus Konzept der Volkssouveränität in "Du Cont by Dingeldey, Philip J.
The Early Byzantine Christian Church: An Archaeological Re-assessment of Forty-Seven Early Byzantine Basilical Church Excavations Primarily in Israel by Mulholland, Bernard
Second Temple Studies IV: Historiography and History by
Opuscula 3 Volume Set by Haupt, Moritz
Opuscula: Volume 1 by Haupt, Moritz, Haupt, Moriz
Opuscula: Volume 2 by Haupt, Moritz, Haupt, Moriz
Opuscula: Volume 3, Pars Prior by Haupt, Moritz, Haupt, Moriz
Lateglacial and Postglacial Pioneers in Northern Europe by
Khashabian: A Late Paleolithic Industry from Dhofar, southern Oman by Hilbert, Yamandú Hieronymus
Caesar als Ethnograph. Das Germanenbild in "De Bello Gallico" by Offermanns, Sandra
Purity, Body, and Self in Early Rabbinic Literature by Balberg, Mira
Stonehenge: A History in Photographs by Richards, Julian
Excavations and Surveys at the Law Ting Holm, Tingwall, Shetland: An Iron Age settlement and medieval assembly site by Coolen, Joris, Mehler, Natascha
The Library of Alexandria: The History and Legacy of the Ancient World's Most Famous Library by Charles River
Antiochos IV. im Buch Daniel: Tyrann oder Realpolitiker? by Romanowsky, Patricia
Die Rolle der Frau in der athenischen Demokratie by Akin, Hilal
Gottes Werk und Teufels Wirken by Krönung, Bettina
Homer: Odyssey XIII and XIV by Homer
State Pilgrims and Sacred Observers in Ancient Greece by Rutherford, Ian
The Stonehenge Codes: A New Light On Ancient Science by Gregg, David P.
Mitos y misterios del mundo by Silva, Pedro
State Correspondence in the Ancient World: From New Kingdom Egypt to the Roman Empire by
Geschichte der sozialen Frage: Antiker Kommunismus und Sozialismus by Von Pohlmann, Robert
Attila und der Mythos "flagellum Dei" by Müller, Mario
Judaism and Imperial Ideology in Late Antiquity by Sivertsev, Alexei M.
Pliny's Women: Constructing Virtue and Creating Identity in the Roman World by Carlon, Jacqueline M.
Die gesellschaftliche und politische Rolle der Cornelia - Tochter des Scipio Africanus und Mutter der Gracchen by Thiele, Simon
Die Luxusgesetze. Ein Überblick mit Betrachtung ihrer Intention und Wirkung by Wernet, Verena Caroline
Theoderic and the Roman Imperial Restoration by Arnold, Jonathan J.
Cicero and the Rise of Deification at Rome by Cole, Spencer
Homer: Odyssey XIII and XIV by Homer
The Land Between Two Rivers: Early Israelite Identities in Transjordan by Petter, Thomas D.
Panem et circenses: Das "Brot und Spiele"-System in der römischen Kaiserzeit by Prilasnig, Fabian
The Gondi: Family Strategy and Survival in Early Modern France. Joanna Milstein by Milstein, Joanna
Seneca's Tragedies and the Aesthetics of Pantomime by Zanobi, Alessandra
Paris: The 'New Rome' of Napoleon I by Rowell, Diana
Neo-Babylonian Trial Records by Holtz, Shalom
Neo-Babylonian Trial Records by Holtz, Shalom
Der Händler im antiken Griechenland der vorhellenistischen Zeit (ca. 750 - 360 v. Chr.): Die soziale Stellung des Händlers im Rahmen der griechischen by Beiser, Emanuel
Die Entwicklung des Heermeisteramtes in der Spätantike by Heckl, Christoph
Menander: Samia (The Woman from Samos) by Menander
Thukydides - Geschichtsbild und Methodik by Schmid, Sebastian
Das Goldene Vlies in der Kolchis: Zum Hintergrund und zur Geographie der Argonautensage by Schmidt, Ninette
Die archaischen Metopen von Selinunt by Schmidt, Ninette
Social Mobility in Late Antique Gaul: Strategies and Opportunities for the Non-Elite by Jones, Allen E.
The Ancient Fragments Containing What Remains of the Writings of Sanchoniatho, Berossus, Abydenus, Megasthenes, and Manetho by Cory, I. P.
A History of the Babylonians and Assyrians by Goodspeed, George Stephen
Der Friedensvertrag von Kadesch by Schmidt, Ninette
Das Charakterbild Kaiser Othos by Schmidt, Ninette
Birth of the Symbol: Ancient Readers at the Limits of Their Texts by Struck, Peter
A History of Pergamum: Beyond Hellenistic Kingship by Evans, Richard
The Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome: A Brief History by Schwartzwald, Jack L.
The Homeric Hymns: A Translation, with Introduction and Notes by Rayor, Diane J.
Topografía cristiana de las ciudades hispanas durante la Antigüedad tardía by Ramos, Isabel Sánchez
Unearthing Late Medieval Children: Health, status and burial practice in Southern England by Dawson, Heidi
Herodot. Geschichtsschreiber oder Scharlatan? by Buchmann, Eric
Constituent, Confederate, and Conquered Space: The Emergence of the Mittani State by
Spatial Analysis and Social Spaces: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Interpretation of Prehistoric and Historic Built Environments by
Music in Antiquity by
Antike Religion by Linke, Bernhard
The Making of Many Books: Printed Works on Ecclesiastes 1523--1875 by Weeks, Stuart
Der Jihad im 12. Jahrhundert. Von seinen Ursprüngen und seiner Rolle im Kampf gegen die Kreuzfahrer by Zumberi, Suad
Roman Aeneas: Selections from Virgil's 'Aeneid' (I-VI) with a Connecting Narrative in English by
Die Rolle der Frau in Sparta im Licht der zeitgenössischen Kritik by Priebst, Benjamin
The Undying Stars by Mathisen, David Warner
A History of Sicily by Allcroft, A. H.
Wise Woman: The Green Lady of Louth by Finan, John
The Many-Headed Muse by Leven, Pauline A.
Florida by Apuleius, Lucius
De mundo by Apuleius, Lucius
Das Gilgamesch Epos. Inhaltszusammenfassung und Interpretation von Enkidos Tod: Analyse anhand der Sterbephasen nach Kübler-Ross by Finck, Benedikt
Die Eroberung Jerusalems durch die Kreuzfahrer 1099: Lehrprobe Geschichte, 10. Klasse by Hirschle, Nina
Violence and Belief in Late Antiquity: Militant Devotion in Christianity and Islam by Sizgorich, Thomas
Stonehenge - A New Understanding: Solving the Mysteries of the Greatest Stone Age Monument by Parker Pearson, Mike
Ireland's Ancient Schools and Scholars by Healy, John
The Book: Why the First Books of the Bible Were Written and Who They Were Written For by Wright, Allen
The Book: Why the First Books of the Bible Were Written and Who They Were Written For by Wright, Allen
A Short History Of The Bible: Being A Popular Account Of The Formation And Development Of The Canon by Keeler, Bronson C.
The Unknown Life Of Jesus Christ 1890 by Notovitch, Nicolas
The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament and Apocrypha V2: With an English Translation and with Various Readings and Critical Notes by Anonymous
The Life of Jesus Christ by Stalker, James
The Development Of Religion And Thought In Ancient Egypt by Breasted, James
The Submerged Continents of Atlantis and Lemuria: Being Chapters from the Akashic Records by Steiner, Rudolf
Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated V2: The Complete Ritual Of The Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite by Blanchard, John
Ancient Tales And Folklore Of Japan by Smith, Richard Gordon
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah V1 by Edersheim, Alfred
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah V2 by Edersheim, Alfred
Scotland In Pagan Times: The Bronze And Stone Ages by Anderson, Joseph
Ancient Records Of Egypt V4: Historical Documents From The Earliest Times To The Persian Conquest: The Twentieth To The Twenty-Six Dynasties by Breasted, James Henry
A Collection of Emblems: Ancient and Modern by Wither, George
Lays of Ancient Rome with Ivry and the Armada by Macaulay, Thomas Babington
The Sword of Moses an Ancient Book of Magic by Gaster, M.
Eleusinian Mysteries and Rites by Wright, Dudley
Bacstrom's Alchemical Anthology by Hamilton-Jones, J. W.
An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic on the Basis of Recently Discovered Texts by Jastrow, Morris, Jr., Clay, Albert T.
Heraldry: Ancient And Modern, Including Boutell's Heraldry by
Ephesus And The Temple Of Diana by Falkener, Edward
The Religion Of The Ancient Celts by MacCulloch, J. a.
A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients from Circa B.C. 700 to A.D. 1 by Head, Barclay V.
Archaeologiae Philosophicae: Or The Ancient Doctrine Concerning The Originals Of Things by Burnet, Thomas
Application Of The Mosaic System Of Chronology In The Elucidation Of Mysteries Pertaining To The Bible In Stone by Latch, Edward B.
The Chronology Of Ancient Kingdoms Amended by Newton, Issac
Voyages And Travels Ancient And Modern: V33 Harvard Classics by
On The Ancient British, Roman And Saxon Antiquities And Folklore Of Worcestershire by Allies, Jabez
The Chronology Of Ancient Nations by
Modern Greek Folklore And Ancient Greek Religion: A Study In Survivals by Lawson, John Cuthbert
The Testaments Of The Twelve Patriarchs by
The Anwar-I-Suhaili: Or Lights Of Canopus Commonly Known As Kalilah And Damnah by Mulla Husain Bin Ali Al Waiiz-Al-Kashifi
The House Of Seleucus V2 by Bevan, Edwyn Robert
The Authoress of the Odyssey: Where and When She Wrote, Who She Was, the Use She Made of the Iliad and How the Poem Grew Under Her Hands by Butler, Samuel
Raphael's Ancient Manuscript Of Talismanic Magic by De Laurence, L. W.
Lizard People by Preston, Steve
The Relation Of Ancient Masonry To Modern Science And Religion by Fielding, S. G.
Mahabone: Or the Grand Lodge Door Open'd, Wherein Is Discovered the Whole Secrets of Free-Masonry, Both Ancient and Modern by Anonymous
Ancient Faiths And Modern by Inman, Thomas
Ancient Records of Egypt V4: Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest: The Twentieth to the Twenty-Six Dynasties by Breasted, James Henry
The Ancient Hebrew Tradition As Illustrated By The Monuments by Hommel, Fritz
Ancient Faiths Embodied In Ancient Names V1 by Inman, Thomas
The Ancient Coptic Churches Of Egypt by Butler, Alfred J.
Ancient Ideals V2 by Taylor, Henry Osborn
The Ancient Scriptures and the Modern Jew by Baron, David
Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of England by Allerton, Lord, Wilson, Richard
Ancient Records of Egypt V1: Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest: The First to the Seventeenth Dynasties by Breasted, James Henry
The Ancient Road: Or the Development of the Soul 1918 by Swiney, Frances
Ancient Art and Its Remains or a Manual of the Archaeology of Art by Muller, Friedrich
Ancient Faiths Embodied in Ancient Names V3 by Inman, Thomas
Analogy of Ancient Craft Masonry to Natural and Revealed Religion by Scott, Charles
Ancient India: Its Language and Religions 1898 by Oldenberg, H.
Ancient Crosses and Other Antiquities in the West of Cornwall by
Two Ancient Legends Concerning the First Temple Termed Solomon's Temple by Yarker, John Jr.
Ancient Religion and Modern Thought by Lilly, William Samuel
Ancient and Modern Ships V2: The Era of Steam, Iron and Steel by Holmes, George C. V.
Ancient Records of Egypt V2: Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest: The Eighteenth Dynasty by Breasted, James Henry
Ancient Ideals V1 by Taylor, Henry Osborn
Ancient Bards of Britain by Evans, D. Delta
Ancient Faiths Embodied In Ancient Names V2 by Inman, Thomas
Ancient America in Notes on American Archaeology by Baldwin, John D.
The Ancient Egyptians and Their Influence Upon the Civilization of Europe 1911 by Smith, G. Elliot
Ancient Furniture and Other Works of Art by Robinson, Vincent J.
A Straight Deal: Or The Ancient Grudge by Wister, Owen
Woman: Her Position and Influence in Ancient Greece and Rome by Donaldson, James
The Spartan And Theban Supremacies by Sankey, Charles
Platonism: Chief Ancient Philosophies by Strong, Thomas B.
The Cross: Ancient and Modern by Blake, Willson W.
Shinto: The Ancient Religion of Japan by Aston, W. G.
Statutes and Regulations, Institutes, Laws and Grand Constitutions of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by Supreme Council
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