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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2015

Kinetic Landscapes by
David's Jerusalem: Between Memory and History by Pioske, Daniel
Zur Geographie und Geschichte von Alt-Italien by Grotefend, Georg Friedrich
Ägyptische Und Griechische Inschriften Und Graffiti Aus Den Steinbrüchen Des Gebel Silsile (Oberägypten): Nach Den Zeichnungen Von Georges Legrain by
The Holy Sepulchre and the Temple at Jerusalem by Fergusson, James
Discoveries at Ephesus by Wood, John Turtle
Homer between History and Fiction in Imperial Greek Literature by Kim, Lawrence
Code of Hammurabi by Hammurabi
The History of Babylonia by Winckler, Hugo
The History of Assyria by Rogers, Robert William
A History of Sumer and Akkad: An Account of the Early Races of Babylonia from Prehistoric Times to the Foundation of the Babylonian Monarchy by King, Leonard W.
The Hittites: The Story of a Forgotten Empire by Sayce, A. H.
Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) by Laozi
Die Rolle der Frau im antiken Griechenland by Halvali, Ayca
Brände und Überschwemmungen im Rom der Kaiserzeit by Orbán, Tímea
Creation and Death of Dinosaurs by Preston, Steve
Römer, Germanen und der Limes: Wirtschaftlicher Austausch und grenzüberschreitender Handel im Herzen Europas vom 1. bis zum 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. by Kade, Thorsten
Das Kaiserideal des spätantiken Sophisten Libanios by Triepel, Tanja
Aristophanes "Die Vögel". Eine Analyse by Freudenstein, Manuel
Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World by Kyle, Donald G.
Hallowe'en in a Nutshell by McCann, Bill
The Cambridge Prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean by
Wesley: Apostolic Man by Thompson, Edgar W.
Coup d'oeil sur l'histoire du peuple juif by Darmesteter, James
Symbole Der Alten Kirche by
Sallust und die catilinarische Verschwörung. Ein Spiegelbild seiner Sicht auf die Geschichte? by Anonymous
Das antike Sparta. Der Einfluss der griechischen Poleis Sparta auf die letzten 2500 Jahre hinsichtlich gesellschaftlicher Ereignisse und Kampfkunst by Anonymous
Lysias und Perikles. Ein Kunstwerk der Rhetorik oder Geschichtsschreibung? by Anonym
Pantheism: Its Story and Significance by Picton, J. Allanson
Olmec Language and Literature by Winters, Clyde
Anthropology and Global History: From Tribes to the Modern World-System by Carmack, Robert M.
Ancient China Simplified by Parker, Edward Harper
The Mystery of the Land of Punt Unravelled by Awale, Ahmed Ibrahim
Who Stole the Fez, Moors or Shriners? by Adwo El, Kudjo
Is There Theology in the Hebrew Bible? by Schmid, Konrad
The Dresden Codex: Full Color Photographic Reproduction by Unknown
The Archaeology of Early China by Shelach-Lavi, Gideon
The Hittites: The History and Legacy of the Bronze Age's Forgotten Empire by Charles River
The Archaeology of Early China by Shelach-Lavi, Gideon
Law and Legality in the Greek East: The Byzantine Canonical Tradition, 381-883 by Wagschal, David
Tracking the Neolithic House in Europe: Sedentism, Architecture and Practice by
Power and Politics in Palestine: The Jews and the Governing of Their Land, 100 BC-AD 70 by McLaren, James S.
Materiale Textkulturen by
Karolingische Klöster by
The Knights of Aristophanes by
Competitive Archaeology in Jordan: Narrating Identity from the Ottomans to the Hashemites by Corbett, Elena D.
Die Agrarreform von 133 v.Chr. Die Motive der Senatorengruppe um Tiberius Gracchus by Gotter, Rebekka
Medea by Euripides
Han Material Culture: An Archaeological Analysis and Vessel Typology by Psarras, Sophia-Karin
Corneille expliqué aux enfants by Faguet, Emile
The Punic Mediterranean by
Politics Strangely Warmed: Political Theology in the Wesleyan Spirit by Coates, Gregory R.
Abrégé de l'histoire romaine by Florus
The Greatest Story NEVER Told: The Assured Triumph of Human Inevitability and Superiority by Newman, Elvis
Der Mythos Atlantis by Fidelak, Marcel
The Final Pagan Generation: Rome's Unexpected Path to Christianity Volume 53 by Watts, Edward J.
Statements in Stone: Monuments and Society in Neolithic Brittany by Patton, Mark
The Origins of Business by Roberts, Keith
London Before the Conquest by Lethaby, W. R.
Ancient America, in Notes on American Archaeology by Baldwin, John D.
Mysterious Pyramids by Preston, Steve
Euripides: Hecuba by Foley, Helene P.
Euripides: Hecuba by Foley, Helene P.
Ovid Recalled by Wilkinson, L. P.
The Greek Bucolic Poets by
Classical Literary Careers and their Reception by
Bronze Age Cultures in France by Sandars, N. K.
Babylonians and Assyrians, Life and Customs by Sayce, Rev A. H.
World War With Heaven by Preston, Steve
Scripture and Its Readers: Readings of Israel's Story in Nehemiah 9, Ezekiel 20, and Acts 7 by Ooi, Vincent K. H.
S. W. S. and Co.'s Handbook for South Africa. ... With new map and a gazetteer. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Silver, Stephen William
The History of Rome by Titus Livius. Translated from the original, with notes and illustrations, by G. Baker. VOL. V, THE THIRD EDITION - Scholar's Ch by Baker, George A. M., Livy
Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With the notes by H. H. Milman. With illustrations VOL. IV. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Gibbon, Edward
The History of the Roman Emperors from Augustus to the death of Marcus Antoninus ... Edited by J. T. White. Vol. II. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Lynam, Robert, White, John Tahourdin
A History of Colonization on the Western Coast of Africa. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Alexander, Archibald
Ancient History: From the Dispersion of the Sons of Noe to the Battle of Actium and Change of the Roman Republic Into an Empire. - Scho by Fredet, Peter
The History of Catiline's Conspiracy, and the Jugurthine War. with a New Translation of Cicero's Four Orations Against Catiline. to Which Is Prefixed, by Rose, William M. a., Sallustius Crispus, Caius
The Ancient History of the Maori, His Mythology and Traditions. Horo-Uta or Taki-Tumu Migration. Eng. and Maori.Vol.VI - Scholar's Choice Edition by White, John
Anatolica; Or, the Journal of a Visit to Some of the Ancient Ruined Cities of Caria, Phrygia, Lycia, and Pisidia. [with Plates and Maps.] - Scholar's by Davis, Edwin John
Letters from Crete. Letters Written During the Spring of 1886. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Edwardes, Charles
The Downfall of Lobengula: The Cause, History, and Effect of the Matabeli War with Contributions by P. W. Forbes, Sir J. C. Willoughby, H. R. Hag by Wills, William Arthur, Collingridge, Leonard Thomas
The War of the Worlds. - War College Series by Wells, H. G.
Chronicles of the Castle of Amelroy, or Ammerzode; With Some Notices of Its Ancient Barons. Illustrated by Photographic Views and Portraits from Origi by Box, John, Duerer, Albrecht
Egypt and Nubia, with Illustrations. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Saint John, James Augustus
Materials for the History of the Athenian Democracy from Solon to Pericles. Collected from ancient authors. Gr. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Case, Thomas
Caesar's Seventh Campaign in Gaul. B.C. 52. de Bello Gallico Lib. VII. Edited, with Notes, Excursus, and Tables of Idioms, by W. Cookworthy Compton. w by Compton, William, Caesar, Caius Julius
Civil Wars and Monarchy in France in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: a History of France principally during that period. Translated by M. A. by Ranke, Leopold Von, Garvey, Michael Angelo
The Nine Books of the History of Herodotus, Translated from the Text of T. Gaisford. with Notes Illustrative and Critical, a Geographical Index, an In by Laurent, Peter Edmund, Herodotus
A History of Greece for High Schools and Academies - Scholar's Choice Edition by Botsford, George Willis
The Pharaohs and Their People. Scenes of Old Egyptian Life and History. with Numerous Illustrations. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Berkley, E.
History of the Boers in South Africa with Three Maps - Scholar's Choice Edition by Theal, George McCall
Livy's History of Rome, Book XXII. with English Notes and Literal Translation, by a Graduate. Third Edition. Revised by C. A. M. Fennell. - Scholar's by Fennell, Charles Augustus Maude, Livy
Views of Rome. Drawn and Engraved by B. Pinelli. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Pinelli, Bartolomeo
British Guiana; Or, Work and Wanderings Among the Creoles and Coolies, the Africans and Indians of the Wild Country. Illustrated - Scholar's Choice Ed by Crookall, Lawrence
Introductory Lecture on the Origin and Migrations of the Different Families of the Human Race as Illustrated by Their Languages Delivered on the Occas by De Chaumont, Francis Stephen Bennet Fran
On the Knowledge Possessed by the Ancient Chinese of the Arabs and Arabian Colonies, and Other Western Countries, Mentioned in Chinese Books. - Schola by Bretschneider, Emil
Atlantida Si Alte Lumi Disparute: Enigme in Istoria Lumii by Apostol, Dan
Numantia: Das Buch des Konsuls by Hauptmann, Ralph
Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries within the pyramids, temples, tombs, and excavations, in Egypt and Nubia]. - Scholar's Choice Editi by Belzoni, Giovanni Battista
Das frühe Christentum und das Römische Reich by Fidelak, Marcel
Des aqueducs de la ville de Rome by Frontin
Les Stratagèmes by Frontin
Past Times: Ancient Board Games by Johnston, Jeffrey S.
The Apocalypse by Taylor, Donald R.
Universal Empire by
Old Japan - The Making and Shaping of the Nation by Von Brandt, Max
Selections from Virgil's Georgics by
De Vita Iulii Agricolae, de Origine et Moribus Germanorum by Tacitus, Cornelius
Cicero: The Philosophy of a Roman Sceptic by Woolf, Raphael
De Bello Civili Liber 8 by Lucan, M. Annaeus
Phormio by
Die Gewinnung von Rohstoffen zur Kleiderherstellung im Antiken Griechenland: Über Schafwolle, Flachs, Baumwolle und Seide by Scheffler, Sebastian
A Concise Survey of Western Civilization: Supremacies and Diversities Throughout History by Pavlac, Brian A.
A Concise Survey of Western Civilization: Supremacies and Diversities Throughout History by Pavlac, Brian A.
Skepticism and Political Thought in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by
Aspekte eines soziokulturellen Analyserahmens für die Entstehung der römischen Literatur im dritten und zweiten Jahrhundert vor Christus by Kehl, Christoph
The Eternal Word of Yah 49-2-E2 by Almighty Yah
Point of Origin: Gobekli Tepe and the Spiritual Matrix for the World's Cosmologies by Scranton, Laird
The Age of Pericles: A History of the Politics and Arts of Greece from the Persian to the Peloponnesian War. Vol. II - War College Series by Lloyd, William Watkiss
The Age of Pericles: A History of the Politics and Arts of Greece from the Persian to the Peloponnesian War Vol. I. - War College Series by Lloyd, William Watkiss
History of the Later Roman Commonwealth, from the End of the Second Punic War to the Death of Julius Cæsar; And of the Reign of Augustus: With a Life by Price, Bonamy, Arnold, Thomas D. D.
Der 6. Syrische Krieg. Seine Folgen für das Machtgefüge im östlichen Mittelmeerraum by Welker, Alexander
Ancient Mines of Kitchi-Gummi: Cypriot / Minoan Traders in North America by Jewell, Roger L.
Cicero: The Philosophy of a Roman Sceptic by Woolf, Raphael
Classical Humanism and the Challenge of Modernity: Debates on Classical Education in 19th-Century Germany by Bommel, Bas Van
Athenische Außenpolitik während des Dreißigjährigen Friedens zwischen Athen und Sparta (446/45 v. Chr.) by Hainke, Frank
Legends of Babylon and Egypt in Relation to Hebrew Tradition by King, Leonard
Seduction and Power: Antiquity in the Visual and Performing Arts by
El Vaso de Largo Bordo Horizontal: Un Trazador Cultural del Noroeste de la Península Ibérica en el II Milenio BC by Prieto Martínez, M. P., Nonat, L., Liz, P. Vázquez
The Bronze Age Metalwork of South Western Britain: A corpus of material found between 1983 and 2014 by Pearce, Susan, Knight, Matthew G., Ormrod, Theresa
Babel Und Bibel 8: Studies in Sumerian Language and Literature: Festschrift Joachim Krecher by
The Lost World of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2-3 and the Human Origins Debate by Walton, John H.
Children and Asceticism in Late Antiquity: Continuity, Family Dynamics, and the Rise of Christianity by Vuolanto, Ville
Cereals of Antiquity and Early Byzantine Times: Wheat and Barley in Medical Sources (Second to Seventh Centuries) by
Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations by Sayce, A. H.
Sex Crazed Angels: History of the Nephadim by Preston, Steve
Collecting Early Christian Letters by
A People's History of India 1: Prehistory by Habib, Irfan
Fastorum Libri Sex 5 Volume Set: The Fasti of Ovid by Ovid
The History of Assyria by Winckler, Hugo
Fastorum libri sex - Volume 5 by Ovid
A History of the Eastern Roman Empire by Bury, J. B.
Illustrations of Roman London by Smith, Charles Roach
Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments, of Great Britain by Evans, John
Der Propagandakrieg zwischen Octavian und M. Antonius by Schmitter, Niccolò
The Art of Euripides by Mastronarde, Donald J.
Strabonis Geographica: Graece Cum Versione Reficta by Strabo
Pollution and Crisis in Greek Tragedy by Meinel, Fabian
Cities and the Shaping of Memory in the Ancient Near East by Harmanşah, Ömür
Debating Archaeological Empiricism: The Ambiguity of Material Evidence by
Saul First King Book Two The Covenant and The Scrolls by Liebowitz Ed D., Steve
The Treasure of the Tigris by Ferryman, A. F. Mockler
Michael's Mission: A spot light on pre history by Steed, John Michael
The Greatest Civilizations of Ancient Mesopotamia: The History and Legacy of the Sumerians, Babylonians, Hittites, and Assyrians by Charles River
The Spirit of Rome by Lee, Vernon
Cyprus: Its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples by Cesnola, Luigi Palma Di
Salaminia (Cyprus) by Cesnola, Alexander Palma Di
Menaechmi by
They Wrote On Clay by Chiera, Edward
Dacia by Parvan, Vasile
The Week by Colson, F. H.
Ephesus, and the Temple of Diana by Falkener, Edward
The Frontiers of Ancient Science: Essays in Honor of Heinrich Von Staden by
Stonehenge and the Neolithic Cosmos: A New Look at the Oldest Mystery in the World by Wiseman, Nd
The Witchcraft Series Maqlû by Abusch, Tzvi
The Witchcraft Series Maqlû by Abusch, Tzvi
Through Trial and Error: Learning and Adaptation in the English Tactical System from Bannockburn to Poitiers by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Coll
Gründe für die Christenverfolgung zwischen 64 und 249 n. Chr. by Flock, Sebastian
Nero, ein beherrschter Herrscher. Die ersten Jahre der Herrschaft Kaiser Neros im römischen Reich by Lutz, Nathalie
The Ark Before Noah: Decoding the Story of the Flood by Finkel, Irving
In Praise of Later Roman Emperors: The Panegyrici Latini Volume 21 by Nixon, C. E. V., Rodgers, Barbara Saylor
Die Bedeutung der von Solon aufgestellten Regeln (Seisachtheia) für die griechische Polis by Vogelsang, Sabrina
Marruecos y su Historia: Siria Milinaria by Gastaldi, Ariel Marcelo
Das Prinzipat. Etablierung einer neuen Herrschaftsform im antiken Rom by Kramme, Robin
When Christians First Met Muslims: A Sourcebook of the Earliest Syriac Writings on Islam by Penn, Michael Philip
Anunnaki: False Gods by Lessin, Sasha (Alex), Lessin, Janet Kira
From Ancient to Modern: Archaeology and Aesthetics by
Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius by Aurelius, Marcus
Theoretical Archaeology by Dark, K. R.
Roman Republican Theatre by Manuwald, Gesine
The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ: Volume 1 by Millar, Fergus, Vermes, Geza, Schürer, Emil
The Vienna Epigrams Papyrus: (G 40611) by
Somewhere Beyond The Sea Les îles bretonnes (France): perspectives archéologiques, géographiques et historiques by
Women and Modesty in Late Antiquity by Wilkinson, Kate
Cracking the Philosophers' Stone: Origins, Evolution and Chemistry of Gold-Making (Paperback Color Edition) by Laport, J. Erik
Cracking the Philosophers' Stone: Origins, Evolution and Chemistry of Gold-Making (Hardcover Color Edition) by Laport, J. Erik
Cracking the Philosophers' Stone: Origins, Evolution and Chemistry of Gold-Making (Paperback Black & White Edition) by Laport, J. Erik
Runes by Findell, Martin
Cuneiform: Ancient Scripts by Finkel, Irving, Taylor, Jonathan
Two Glastonbury Legends by Robinson, J. Armitage
Die Apologie des Apuleius von Madaura und die antike Zauberei by Abt, Adam
Un voyage a Sparte by Barres, Maurice
Ephesus and the Temple of Diana by Falkener, Edward
Conflict and Conscience: Ideological War and the Albigensian Crusade by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Coll
Through Trial and Error: Learning and Adaptation in the English Tactical System from Bannockburn to Poitiers by United States Army Command and General S.
Shaka Zulu's Linkage of Strategy and Tactics: An Early Form of Operational Art? by United States Army Command and General S.
The Freedman in the Roman World by Mouritsen, Henrik
Reading Sin in the World by Dykes, Anthony
Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers by de Ligt, Luuk
Lucretius by Sikes, E. E.
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