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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2016

Ancient Ghost Book No 9 Volume 1 by Jeppesen, Cowboy Bart
Voi chi dite che io sia?: L'indagine storica su Gesù di Nazaret by Pezzella, Luigi
Western-Pontic Culture Ambience and Pattern by
Chronique d'Abou Zakaria by Nawaw -Y-
Histoire de l'Europe Et de la France Jusqu'en 1270 by Hubault-G
Monuments Pour Servir À l'Histoire de l'Égypte Chrétienne by Amelineau-E
The Mingqi Pottery Buildings of Han Dynasty China, 206 BC -AD 220: Architectural Representations and Represented Architecture by Guo, Qinghua
History of the Maya by Kane, Njord
Archaeology by Stark, Rebecca
Les deux cousines, roman chinois by Julien, Stanislas
Introductory Guide to Ancient Civilizations by Loeffler, Helmut G., Enamorado III, Arturo H.
Between City and School: Selected Orations of Libanius by Libanius
Between City and School: Selected Orations of Libanius by Libanius
Vergleich von Jean Racines Tragödie Mithridate mit den antiken Quellen zu Mithridates VI. von Pontos by Lasic, Josip
Hidden in Mist by Spinka, Penina Keen
Hidden in Mist by Spinka, Penina Keen
Die Landnahme Lakoniens durch die Dorier. Das dreiteilige System als Frucht der Zuwanderung? by Bozkurt, Sevgi
Das Perserreich der Achämeniden. Dareios' Anfänge und seine Rolle in der Dynastie by Bozkurt, Sevgi
Noblesse Américaine, Roman by Coulevain, Pierre De
Der komoedianten Roman by Scarron, Paul
A Companion to Josephus by
Roman Festivals in the Greek East: From the Early Empire to the Middle Byzantine Era by Graf, Fritz
Nineveh: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Assyrian Capital by Charles River
The Origin Myths and Holy Places in the Old Testament: A Study of Aetiological Narratives by Niesiolowski-Spano, Lukasz, Laskowski, Jacek
Agency and Identity in the Ancient Near East: New Paths Forward by Ross, Jennifer C., Steadman, Sharon R.
Writing the Bible: Scribes, Scribalism and Script by
Reading the Letters of Pliny the Younger by Gibson, Roy K., Morello, Ruth
The Libraries of France at the Ascendancy of Mazarin by Montgomery, John Warwick
Beware the Evil Eye Volume 2 by Elliott, John H.
Beware the Evil Eye Volume 2 by Elliott, John H.
The Libraries of France at the Ascendancy of Mazarin by Montgomery, John Warwick
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice by Jackson, Peter
Early American Civilization (Mayans, Incas and Aztecs): 2nd Grade History Book Children's Ancient History Edition by Baby Professor
Latin Pronunciation, a Brief Outline of the Roman, Continental and English Methods by King, D. B.
Comparing Strategies of the 2nd Punic War: Rome's Strategic Victory Over the Tactical/Operational Genius, Hannibal Barca by U. S. Army War College
Die Völker des südlichen Russlands in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung by Neumann, Karl Friedrich
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Ancient Israel by
My People as Your People: A Textual and Archaeological Analysis of the Reign of Jehoshaphat by McKinny, Chris
Frauenleben im Reiche der Azteken by Seler-Sachs, Caecilie
It's A Mystery: Ancient Sites: Ancient Sites by Pula, Cheryl
It's A Mystery: UFOs: UFOs by Pula, Cheryl
Journal of Theological Interpretation Supplements: A Theological Interpretation by Peterson, Ryan S.
Knowledge by Ritual by Johnson, Dru
Die letzte Reckenburgerin, Roman by Francois, Louise Von
Une Histoire des Premières Communautés Mésolithiques au Portugal by Araújo, Ana Cristina
On Civic Republicanism: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics by
Die gesellschaftliche Schicht der Freigelassenen. Schriftlichkeit bei der Grabgestaltung der "liberti" im antiken Rom by Ellert, Sylvia
The Last Trojan Hero: A Cultural History of Virgil's Aeneid by Hardie, Philip
Universities, Ancient and Modern by Moore, Benjamin
Oeuvres Complètes de A.-F. Ozanam. T09 by Ozanam, Frédéric
Oeuvres Complètes de A.-F. Ozanam. T04 by Ozanam, Frédéric
Oeuvres Complètes de A.-F. Ozanam. T01 by Ozanam, Frédéric
Oeuvres Complètes de A.-F. Ozanam. T02 by Ozanam, Frédéric
Oeuvres Complètes de A.-F. Ozanam. T10 by Ozanam, Frédéric
Oeuvres Complètes de A.-F. Ozanam. T03 by Ozanam, Frédéric
Histoire Ancienne Des Peuples de l'Orient 11E Édition by Maspero
Éclaircissements Géographiques Sur l'Ancienne Gaule: Précédés d'Un Traité Des Mesures Itinéraires Des Romains Et de la Lieue Gauloise by D' Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon
Timgad: Une Cité Africaine Sous l'Empire Romain by Boeswillwald, Émile
Trésor de l'Abbaye de Saint-Maurice d'Agaune by Aubert, Édouard
Oeuvres Complètes de A.-F. Ozanam. T05 by Ozanam, Frédéric
Oeuvres Complètes de A.-F. Ozanam. T06 by Ozanam, Frédéric
Introduction À l'Étude Des Pierres Gravées by Millin, Aubin-Louis
Promenades Archéologiques: Rome Et Pompéi by Boissier, Gaston
Histoire Des Religions de la Grèce Antique. Tome 1 by Maury-A
Voyage Du Jeune Anacharsis En Grèce Dans Le Milieu Du Quatrième Siècle Avant l'Ère Vulgaire T01 by Barthelemy-J-J
Voyage Du Jeune Anacharsis En Grèce Dans Le Milieu Du Quatrième Siècle Avant l'Ère Vulgaire T02 by Barthelemy-J-J
Le Roi Voyageur, Ou Examen Des Abus de l'Administration de la Lydie by Perreau, Jean-André
de la Noblesse Chez Les Romains by Naudet, Joseph
Oeuvres Diverses. Vol. 2 by Baillet, Auguste
Histoire de la Conquête Romaine de la Dacie Et Des Corps d'Armée Qui Y Ont Pris Part by Vaschide
Histoire Des Religions de la Grèce Antique. Tome 2 by Maury-A
L'Histoire Romaine À Rome. Tome 2 by Ampère, Jean-Jacques
The Return of the Buddha: Ancient Symbols for a New Nation by Ray, Himanshu Prabha
Phéniciens À l'Île d'Haïti Et Sur Le Continent Américain: Les Vaisseaux d'Hiram Et de Salomon: Au Fleuve Des Amazones Ophir, Tarschich, Parvaïm by Onffroy de Thoron, Enrique
Spiritual Taxonomies and Ritual Authority: Platonists, Priests, and Gnostics in the Third Century C.E. by Marx-Wolf, Heidi
Edipo Rey by Sófocles
The Relations between the Laws of Babylonia and the Laws of the Hebrew Peoples by Johns, C. H. W.
Analogy and Philosophical Language by Burrell, David B.
Myths & Myth-Makers: Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology by Fiske, John
Lukas Hochstrassers Haus ein Roman by Zahn, Ernst
The Image of the Jews in Greek Literature: The Hellenistic Period Volume 51 by Bar-Kochva, Bezalel
The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women Across the Ancient World by Mayor, Adrienne
To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science by Weinberg, Steven
Spindle and Bow by Longstreth, Bevis
Western Perspectives on the Mediterranean: Cultural Transfer in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, 400-800 AD by
Ancient Education and Early Christianity by
Julian Apostata. Der letzte heidnische Kaiser des romanischen Imperiums: Die Rolle der blutigen Opfer in der Theologie und religiösen Praxis by Potrykus, Janina
Mustard Seed: A Comprehensive Guide To The Growth Of Earliest Christianity by Stites, Tod
Household Gods: Private Devotion in Ancient Greece and Rome by Sofroniew, Alexandra
The Fall of Cities in the Mediterranean by
Ancestral Journeys: The Peopling of Europe from the First Venturers to the Vikings by Manco, Jean
Der Zeremonienmeister, Roman by Ompteda, George
Early Quakers and Islam by Meggitt, Justin J.
"Ambitus" in den "comitia centuriata". Die Bedeutung von "ambitus" für das Machtverhältnis in den Zenturiatcomitie by Anonym
Die Patria Potestas in der antiken römischen Familie by Anonym
The Keramion, Lost and Found: A Journey to the Face of God by Dayvault, Philip E.
History With a Grain of Salt: Book Three by Singer, Zeno
Das Bild der mutterländischen Griechen von der Magna Graecia by Tintel, Florian
Neo-Assyrian Historical Inscriptions and Syria-Palestine by Kuan, Jeffrey Kah-Jin
The Illusion of Us: The Suppression and Evolution of Human Consciousness by LaCroix, Matthew
Tumulus as Sema: Space, Politics, Culture and Religion in the First Millennium BC by
Menschen und Heroen by Müller, Felix
Nein und ja Roman by Flake, Otto
Blue Mountain Mist by Ilkin, Yildiz
History, Archaeology and the Bible Forty Years After Historicity: Changing Perspectives 6 by
Biblical Interpretation Beyond Historicity: Changing Perspectives 7 by
Observations on the Greek and Roman Classics by Hill, John
Herrscherkult des Augustus. Das Bauprogramm by Beuster, Diana
The Emergence of Israel in Ancient Palestine: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives by Pfoh, Emanuel
Lord Of The Sabbath: Jesus And The Messianic Expectation by Stites, Tod
A Short History of Rome by Bryant, E. E.
Die makedonischen Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftssysteme und die griechischen Poleis im 5. - 4. Jh. v. Chr. Eine Gegenüberstellung by Grohmann, Gregor
Glandorf, Ein Roman by Lenzen, Maria
Book Of Medicines by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Der Ebro-Vertrag und seine Bedeutung für den Ausbruch des Zweiten Punischen Kriegs by Wilms, Gabriel
Wana, roman by Pastor, Willy
Aristote Et l'Histoire de la Constitution Athénienne by Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire, Jules
Oeuvres Des Égyptologues Français Tome 3 by de Rougé, Emmanuel
Le Voyage de Platon En Italie by Cuoco, Vincenzo
Études d'Ethnographie Préhistorique by Piette, Édouard
Règlement de la Mission de Mandchourie Adopté À La Réunion Générale Des Missionnaires. Année 1881 by Collectif
Les Fraudes Archéologiques En Palestine, Suivies de Quelques Monuments Phéniciens Apocryphes by Clermont-Ganneau, Charles
Le Voyage de Platon En Italie by Cuoco, Vincenzo
Études d'Ethnographie Préhistorique by Piette, Édouard
Les Commentaires de César by César, Jules
Histoire Des Conquêtes Et de l'Administration de la Compagnie Anglaise Au Bengale by Bolts, William
Traité Des Chiens de Chasse, Contenant l'Histoire Générale de l'Espèce by Rousselon, H.
Tableau Chronologique Des Archontes Éponymes d'Athènes Postérieurs À La Cxxiie Olympiade by Ruelle, Charles-Émile
Vie d'Al-Hadjdjâdj Ibn Yousof: 41-95 de l'Hégire, 661-714 de J.-C., d'Après Les Sources Arabes by Périer, Jean-Baptiste
Histoire Du Château de Brugny Depuis Le Xve Siècle Jusqu'à Nos Jours by Bourgeois, Armand
Rapport Des Délégués de l'Union Des Tisseurs Et Similaires de Lyon À l'Exposition Universelle by Simond
L'Horloge Et Les Cloches de la Bastille, d'Après Les Manuscrits Des Archives by Vuillaume, Maxime
Histoire Des Machabées Ou Princes de la Dynastie Asmonéenne by Saulcy, Félicien de
L'Archéologie Dite Préhistorique, La Race Celtique by Robiou, Félix
Museum Étrusque de Lucien Bonaparte Prince de Canino, Fouilles de 1828 À 1829. by C. Tosoni
Les Sépultures Préhistoriques, Spécialement En Bretagne by Robiou, Félix
Trois Monuments Phéniciens Apocryphes by Clermont-Ganneau, Charles
L'État Major Et Les Équipages Dans Les Flottes Romaines: La République Et de l'Empire by Robiou, Félix
La Montagne d'Espiaup by Piette, Édouard
Principes Du Nivellement Pour La Figurée Composée de la Terre by Rohde
Oeuvres, Traduites Par C.-L.-F. Panckoucke Tome 1 by Tacite
Le Traité Des Fleuves de Plutarque by Mély, Fernand de
Mémoire Sur La Compagnie Des Indes, Les Droits Et Les Intérêts Des Actionnaires by Brancas, Louis-Léon-Félicité
Études d'Ethnographie Préhistorique by Piette, Édouard
Antiquités Grecques. Tome 2 by Schoemann
Hiatus Et Lacune: Vestiges de la Période de Transition Dans La Grotte Du Mas d'Azil by Piette, Édouard
Catalogue Des Plombs de l'Antiquité, Du Moyen Âge Et Des Temps Modernes by Rostovcev, Mihail Ivanovi
Le Voyage de Platon En Italie by Cuoco, Vincenzo
L'Invasion Des Barbares: Son Vrai Caractère by Sepet, Marius
Deux Lettres À Mylord Comte d'Aberdeen by Raoul-Rochette
Trois Inscriptions Relatives À Des Reliques Rapportées de Constantinople Par Des Croisés Allemands by Riant, Paul
Les Lois Démographiques d'Auguste by Bouché-LeClercq, Auguste
Études d'Ethnographie Préhistorique by Piette, Édouard
Études d'Ethnographie Préhistorique by Piette, Édouard
Apostle: Travels Among the Tombs of the Twelve by Tom Bissell
A People's History of India 3: The Vedic Age by Thakur, Vijay, Habib, Irfan
A People's History of India 3a: The Age of Iron and the Religious Revolution, C. 700 - C. 350 BC by Shrimali, Krishna Mohan
Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery. by Gibson, David
Plato and Pythagoreanism by Horky, Phillip Sidney
Die Entschlüsselung der altägyptischen Schriftsprache durch Jean-François Champollion by Beljanski, Sascha
Peripheral Concerns by Cohen, Susan
Formation of the Islamic Jurisprudence: From the Time of the Prophet Muhammad to the 4th Century by Bsoul, Labeeb Ahmed
Caesars Rede zu Ariovist aus dem "Bellum Gallicum". Legitmierte Macht oder Selbstdarstellung? by Reden, Alexander
Roms Aufstieg zur Seemacht im Ersten Punischen Krieg by Pfeiffer, Christian
Ein Vergleich der Baupolitik des Vespasians und des Domitians by Mangold, Christian
The Pursuit of the Sacred by Chitakure, John
The Pursuit of the Sacred by Chitakure, John
Archaeology, Anthropology and Cult: The Sanctuary at Gilat, Israel by Levy, Thomas Evan
Syria-Palestine in the Late Bronze Age: An Anthropology of Politics and Power by Pfoh, Emanuel
Le Roman français au dix-neuvième siècle by Le Breton, Andre
Die Tabula Peutingeriana. Übersicht zu wissenschaftlichen Theorien, Entstehungszeit, Bedeutung und Nutzen by Sikora, Nina
Nero und die panhellenischen Spiele. Über Kaiser Neros Verhältnis zu den Agonen: Eine Übersicht by Anonym
Die Bedeutung von Träumen in der Antike. Das Traumorakel von Oropos by Naglik, Sarah
Relations of Power in Early Neo-Assyrian State Ideology by Karlsson, Mattias
The Sublime in Antiquity by Porter, James I.
The Hellenistic World by Thonemann, Peter
The Hellenistic World by Thonemann, Peter
Der Alexanderzug als Beginn einer neuen Ära by Harth, Melanie
Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan by Dutt, Toru
Die Gred, Roman Aus Dem Alten Nürnberg by Ebers, Georg
The Ancient Halls of the City Guilds by Way, Thos R.
Death Rituals, Social Order and the Archaeology of Immortality in the Ancient World by
Faszikel 1: Text Und Übersetzung. Faszikel 2: Kommentar by
Leben und Sitten der Griechen by Blümner, Hugo
The Vikings: An Introduction to: The Vikings by Tyrell, James
Flow and Flux in Plato's Philosophy by Mason, Andrew J.
Pennine Dragon by Keegan, Simon
Neue Untersuchungen über die Entstehung der Buchstabenschrift: und die Person des Erfinders by Faulmann, Karl
Discovering the City of Sodom: The Fascinating, True Account of the Discovery of the Old Testament's Most Infamous City by Collins, Steven, Scott, Latayne C.
Duell und Ehre Roman by Meyr, Melchior
Histoire de la Grèce by Ségur, Comte de
Finding Myth and History in the Bible by West
Transnational Legal Orders by
Judges: That Ye Be Judged by Alvin, David
The Roman state, from 1815 to 1850 - Vol. III by Farini, Luigi Carlo
Imperial Matter: Ancient Persia and the Archaeology of Empires by Khatchadourian, Lori
Evagrius and Gregory: Mind, Soul and Body in the 4th Century by Corrigan, Kevin
The Students' Illustrated Historical Geography of the Holy Land by Smith, William Walter
The Ancient Hebrew Law of Homicide by Sulzberger, Mayer
Der Congress zu Wien historischer Roman by Breier, Eduard
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