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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2017

Oeuvres Complètes de A.-F. Ozanam. T11 by Ozanam, Frédéric
Lettres À Émilie Sur La Mythologie T03 by Demoustier, Charles-Albert
Les Vestiges de la Période Néolithique Comparés À Ceux Des Âges Antérieurs by Piette, Édouard
Exploration de Quelques Tumulus Situés Sur Les Territoires de Pontacq Et de Lourdes by Piette, Édouard
Monumens Anciens Essentiellement Utiles À La France, Aux Provinces de Hainaut, Flandre,: Brabant, Namur, Artois, Liége, Hollande, Zélande, Frise, Colo by de Saint-Genois de Grand-Breucq, François-Joseph
Note Sur Le Monument Des Sources de la Seine: Lue À La Société Parisienne d'Archéologie Et: D'Histoire: Paris Le 12 Mai, 14 Juillet, 11 Août, Et 8 Déc by Lucas, Charles
Étude Archéologique Sur l'Abbaye de Notre-Dame Des Vaux de Cernay: de l'Ordre de Cîteaux: Au Diocèse de Paris, Résumé Historique Et Description Du Mon by Morize, L.
Etudes Archéologiques: Abbaye de Maubuisson by Hérard
Koische Forschungen und Funde by Herzog, Rudolf
American Journal of Ancient History 12.2 by
American Journal of Ancient History 14.1 by
American Journal of Ancient History 15.1 by
American Journal of Ancient History 15.2 by
American Journal of Ancient History 13.2 by
American Journal of Ancient History 14.2 by
Machu Picchu: La historia y misterio de la ciudad inca by Charles River, Harasta, Jesse
Susa: The History and Legacy of the Elamite Capital in the Ancient Near East by Charles River
Machu Picchu: The History and Mystery of the Incan City by Charles River, Harasta, Jesse
The Emperor and the Army in the Later Roman Empire, AD 235-395 by Hebblewhite, Mark
Η Απέναντι Ήπειρος by ΒΑΡΒΑΡΟΥΣΗ
The Assyrians: The History of the Most Prominent Empire of the Ancient Near East by Charles River
Die marianische Heeresreform by Witte, Kevin
Studien zur Geschichte des griechischen Alphabets by Kirchhoff, Adolf
Religion, Society and Culture at Dura-Europos by
Ancient History: History of the Ancient World: Ancient Civilizations, and Ancient Empires. History that Defined our World by Dean, Robert
Leben und Sitten der Griechen by Blümner, Hugo
Die Ortsnamen des Metzer Landes: und ihre geschichtliche und ethonographische Bedeutung by Schiber, Adolf
The Hittites: The History and Legacy of the Bronze Age's Forgotten Empire by Charles River
Ur: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Sumerian Capital by Charles River
Triskaidekadische Studien by Weinreich, Otto
Assurbanipal Und Die Letzten Assyrischen Könige Bis Zum Untergange Niniveh's: Teil 1. Einleitung by Streck, Maximilian
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the 5th-2nd Centuries BCE by
History with a Grain of Salt: Book Four: Book Four: Renaissance by Singer, Zeno
The Anglo-Saxon Age: The Birth of England by Wall, Martin
A Guide to Neo-Latin Literature by
Die Pest in Athen. Quelleninterpretation von Thuk. 2,48-53 by Meyer, Gernot
Eurasia at the Dawn of History by
Nínive: la historia y el legado de la antigua capital asiria by Charles River
Nínive: la historia y el legado de la antigua capital asiria by Charles River
Lyric Texts & Consciousness by Miller, Paul
Authority and Expertise in Ancient Scientific Culture by
Die Römer im Cheruskerlande nach den unverfälschten Quellen dargestellt: Nebst beigefügter Uebersetzung jener Quellen und der Germania des Tacitus von by Schierenberg, G. August B.
Vergil und die epische Kunst by Plüss, Hans Theodor
Kleinasiatische Studien: Untersuchungen zur Griechisch-Persischen Geschichte des IV. jahrhunderts v. Chr by Judeich, Walther
Los antiguos cananeos: la historia de las civilizaciones que vivieron en Canaan antes de los israelitas by Charles River
Los antiguos cananeos: la historia de las civilizaciones que vivieron en Canaan antes de los israelitas by Charles River
Understanding Latin Literature by Braund, Susanna Morton
The Diffusion of Neolithic Practices from Anatolia to Europe: A contextual study of residential construction, 8,500-5,500 BC cal. by Brami, Maxime Nicolas
Petra: The History of the Rose City, One of the New Seven Wonders of the World by Charles River
Plotinus: A Visionary Recital by Casey, Mary
Plotinus: A Visionary Recital by Casey, Mary
The Early Dynasties of Sumer and Akkad by Gadd, C. J.
The Apocryphal Gospels: The History of the New Testament Apocrypha Not Included in the Bible by Charles River, Vazquez Lozano, Gustavo
The Sword, the Armor and the Shield: An Exploration of the Warrior Archetype Across Cultures and its Meaning for Contemporary Men by Escandon, Robert J.
Geschichte des Volkes Israel by Guthe, Hermann
Pangaea Flood Mystery Solved by Grayson, Norman
Die Bücher der Könige by Benzinger, Immanuel
The Sea Peoples: The Mysterious Nomads Who Ushered in the Iron Age by Charles River
The Ancient Canaanites: The History of the Civilizations That Lived in Canaan Before the Israelites by Charles River
Las diez tribus perdidas: Historia y misterio de las diez tribus de Israel by Charles River
The Great Wall of China: The History of China's Most Famous Landmark by Charles River
The Ancient Bosnian Pyramids: The History and Mystery Over the Controversial Pyramids in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Charles River
The Phoenicians: The History and Culture of One of the Ancient World's Most Influential Civilizations by Charles River
Las diez tribus perdidas: Historia y misterio de las diez tribus de Israel by Charles River
The Ten Lost Tribes: The History and Mystery of the Lost Tribes of Israel by Charles River
Eridu: The History and Legacy of the Oldest City in Ancient Mesopotamia by Charles River
The Greatest Civilizations of Ancient Mesopotamia: The History and Legacy of the Sumerians, Babylonians, Hittites, and Assyrians by Charles River
Eridu: The History and Legacy of the Oldest City in Ancient Mesopotamia by Charles River
Babylon: The Rise and Fall of Ancient Mesopotamia's Greatest City by Charles River
Ancient Britain by Dyer, James
Leben, Schriften und Philosophie des Plutarch: von Chaeronea Plutarchs Leben und Schriften by Volkmann, Richard
Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls by VanderKam, James C.
When the Earth Exploded: The Pacific Ocean Was Formed by Preston, Steve
Sextus Julius Africanus und die byzantinische Chronographie by Gelzer, Heinrich
Leontios von Neapolis Leben des heiligen Johannes des Barmherzigen,: Fünftes Heft by Gelzer, Heinrich, Leontius, Bishop of Neapolis
Leontios' von Neapolis: Leben des heiligen Johannes des Barmherzigen by Gelzer, Heinrich, Leontius, Bishop of Neapolis
The Hittites: The Story of a Forgotten Empire by Sayce, A. H.
The Five Empires by Wilberforce, Robert Isaac
The Empire of the Hittites by Wright, William
The Five Empires by Wilberforce, Robert Isaac
Magicians of the Gods: Updated and Expanded Edition - Sequel to the International Bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods by Hancock, Graham
Griechische Geschichte by Beloch, Julius
Luther by Lindsay, Thomas M.
The Helvetic Reformation by Whitney, J. P.
Calvin and the Reformed Church by Fairbairn, A. M.
The Reformation under Edward VI by Pollard, A. F.
The Anglican Settlement and the Scottish Reformation by Maitland, F. W.
Le Moniteur Prussien de Versailles. Tome 2 by Heylli, Georges
Rapport Sur Le Concours Départemental d'Animaux Reproducteurs, Tenu À Lille En 1860 by Charles, Achille
Mémoire Sur La Musique À l'Abbaye de Fécamp: Reproduction d'Un Manuscrit Inédit de DOM Guillaume Fillastre by Fillastre, Guillaume
Souvenirs d'Une Excursion Archéologique En Espagne by Chevalier, Ulysse
La Christiade, Ou Le Paradis Reconquis, Pour Servir de Suite Au Paradis Perdu de Milton.Tome 1 by de la Baume-Desdossat, Jacques-François
Luther by Lindsay, Thomas M.
The Helvetic Reformation by Whitney, J. P.
Calvin and the Reformed Church by Fairbairn, A. M.
The Reformation under Edward VI by Pollard, A. F.
The Anglican Settlement and the Scottish Reformation by Maitland, F. W.
Le Bombardement de Verdun Du 13 Au 15 Octobre 1870 Et Les Causes de Son Insuccès by Daudignac, Édouard
Un Mot Sur Le Pont Nouveau À Construire À Rouen by Sans Auteur
The Family Romance of Martyrdom in Second Maccabees by Janowitz, Naomi
Leben, Schriften und Philosophie des Plutarch von Chaeronea: Plutarchs Philosophie. Theil 2 by Volkmann, Richard
Leontios' von Neapolis Leben des heiligen Johannes des Barmherzigen by Leontius, Bishop of Neapolis, Gelzer, Heinrich
Oxford Handbook of Ancient Iran by
Description Des Plantes de l'Amérique, Avec Leurs Figures by Plumier, Charles
Die Gründung der Stadt Alexandreia in Ägypten durch Alexander den Großen by Engels, Pascal
Transantiquity: Cross-Dressing and Transgender Dynamics in the Ancient World by
Because They Endured . . . We Are! by Lewis, Robert
Because They Endured . . . We Are! by Lewis, Robert
Das Beständige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer Veränderlichkeit by Bastian, Adolf
Epigraphische Reiseberichte aus Spanien und Portugal by Hübner, Emil
Damascus: The History and Legacy of the Syrian Capital from Antiquity to Today by Charles River
Damascus: The History and Legacy of the Syrian Capital from Antiquity to Today by Charles River
Studien Zu Anastasios Sinaites: Mit Einem Anhang Zu Anastasios I. Von Antiochien by Uthemann, Karl-Heinz
Lehrbuch der alten Geographie by Kiepert, Heinrich
Animals in the Ancient World from A to Z by Kitchell, Kenneth F., Jr.
Apostle: Travels Among the Tombs of the Twelve by Bissell, Tom
Understanding Latin Literature by Braund, Susanna Morton
The Land of Canaan in the Late Bronze Age by
Los Asirios: Historia del más prominente imperio del antiguo cercano oriente by Charles River
Los Asirios: Historia del más prominente imperio del antiguo cercano oriente by Charles River
Lehrbuch der neutestamentlichen Zeitgeschichte by Schürer, Emil
Lehrbuch der biblischen Geschichte alten Testamentes: 2. Band by Köhler, August
Auszüge aus syrischen Akten persischer Märtyrer by Hoffmann, Georg
Die Genesis der byzantinischen Themenverfassung by Gelzer, Heinrich
Aeschylus and War: Comparative Perspectives on Seven Against Thebes by
The Lost Book of King Og: The Only Written Words of the Rephaim by Demmon
The Norse Myths: A Guide to the Gods and Heroes by Larrington, Carolyne
Ancient Gods: Lost Histories, Hidden Truths, and the Conspiracy of Silence by Willis, Jim
Woodland in the Neolithic of Northern Europe: The Forest as Ancestor by Noble, Gordon
Gods, Genes and Climate: An alternative history of the last 100,000 years. by Broadie, Roger
La batalla de las Termópilas: El heroico sacrificio de Leónidas y sus 300 espartanos by 50minutos
Excavating Pilgrimage: Archaeological Approaches to Sacred Travel and Movement in the Ancient World by
Praxagoras of Cos on Arteries, Pulse and Pneuma: Fragments and Interpretation by Lewis, Orly
The Babylonian Disputation Poems: With Editions of the Series of the Poplar, Palm and Vine, the Series of the Spider, and the Story of the Poor, Forlo by Jiménez, Enrique
The Sea in History - The Ancient World by
The Principality of Antioch and Its Frontiers in the Twelfth Century by Buck, Andrew D.
The Slave Boy by Eiland Jr, Murray Lee
Reading Eustathios of Thessalonike by
Les Épigrammes de Maxime Planude by Taxidis, Ilias
Neue Texte Und Studien Zu Den Antiken Und Frühmittelalterlichen Glaubensbekenntnissen by Kinzig, Wolfram
Studies on Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production by
Mitteilungen aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer by Karabacek, Joseph
The Towns of Roman Britain by
Iterum Or A Further Discussion Of The Roman Fate by Heitland, W. E.
The Emergence of Islam in Late Antiquity by Al-Azmeh, Aziz
The Books of the Prophets in their Historical Succession by Findlay, George Gillanders
Beiträge zur Geographie und Ethnographie Babyloniens: im Talmud und Midrash by Berliner, Abraham
Asien und Europa nach altägyptischen Denkmälern by Müller, Wilhelm Max
The Fourth Crusade: Event, Aftermath, and Perceptions: Papers from the Sixth Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin Eas by
Plotinus on the Appearance of Time and the World of Sense: A Pantomime by Majumdar, Deepa
Mythology and Lament: Studies in the Oracles about the Nations by Geyer, John B.
Transcaucasian Bronze Belts by Castelluccia, Manuel
The Copper Age in South-West Spain: A bioarchaeological approach to prehistoric social organisation by Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, Marta
Arquitectura, urbanismo y espacios domésticos en "El Castro", Pendia (Asturias, España). Siglos IV a. C.-II d. C. by del Cueto, Fernando Rodríguez
The Funerary Monuments of Rough Cilicia and Isauria by Er Scarborough, Yasemin
Philosophy Before the Greeks: The Pursuit of Truth in Ancient Babylonia by Van de Mieroop, Marc
Documents Juridiques de l'Assyrie Et de la Chaldée by Oppert, Jules
Ammien Marcellin, Ou Les Dix-Huit Livres de Son Histoire, Qui Nous Sont Restés. Tome 2 by Marcellinus, Ammianus
Ammien Marcellin, Ou Les Dix-Huit Livres de Son Histoire, Qui Nous Sont Restés. Tome 1 by Marcellinus, Ammianus
Ammien Marcellin, Ou Les Dix-Huit Livres de Son Histoire, Qui Nous Sont Restés. Tome 3 by Marcellinus, Ammianus
Collection d'Antiquités Égyptiennes de Tigrane Pacha d'Abro by Daninos-Pacha, Albert
Sépultures Des Boucicault En La Basilique de Saint-Martin, 1363-1490 by Nobilleau
Dinair Gueïkler, Célènes, Apamée Cibotos by Weber, Georg
Nouvelles Recherches À Baouit Haute-Egypte: Campagnes 1903-1904 by Clédat, Jean
Manuel Des Antiquités Romaines 8-9. l'Administration Romaine. Organisation Tome 2: de l'Empire Romain. by Marquardt, Joachim
Mémoire Sur l'Exploration d'Un Ancien Cimetière Romain Situé À Gièvres, Département de: Loir-Et-Cher, Et Sur La Découverte de l'Emplacement de l'Ancie by Jollois, Jean-Baptiste-Prosper
Halicarnassus: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Greek City and Home to One of the Seven Wonders of the World by Charles River
Imprints of Kinship: Studies of Recently Discovered Bronze Inscriptions from Ancient China by Shaughnessy, Edward
Sparta: Verfassungs- Und Sozialgeschichte Einer Griechischen Polis by Thommen, Lukas
Reading Ecclesiastes: A Literary and Cultural Exegesis by Mills, Mary E.
The Economy of Late Achaemenid and Seleucid Babylonia by Pirngruber, Reinhard
The Rabbula Corpus: Comprising the Life of Rabbula, His Correspondence, a Homily Delivered in Constantinople, Canons, and Hymns by Phenix, Robert R., Jr., Horn, Cornelia B.
The Book of Lord Shang: Apologetics of State Power in Early China by Shang, Yang
Biblos: Historia y legado de la más antigua ciudad fenicia by Charles River
Gallische Studien by Hirschfeld, Otto
Biblos: Historia y legado de la más antigua ciudad fenicia by Charles River
Nineveh and Babylon by Layard, Austen Henry
Nineveh and Babylon by Layard, Austen Henry
Die Stempel der römischen Augenärzte by Grotefend, Carl Ludwig
Die Sprache der Kossäer: linguistisch-historische Funde und Fragen by Delitzsch, Friedrich
Samarkand: The History and Legacy of One of Asia's Oldest Cities by Charles River
Samarkand: The History and Legacy of One of Asia's Oldest Cities by Charles River
Cyprus in the prehistory of wine: Archaeology, Legends and Archaeometry on a symbol of God by Lentini, Alessandro
Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations by Sayce, A. H.
Classic Essays in Early Rabbinic Culture and History by
Motherhood in Antiquity by
Sidón: Historia y legado de la Antigua ciudad fenicia by Charles River
Sidón: Historia y legado de la Antigua ciudad fenicia by Charles River
Strategika: Griechisch - Deutsch by Polyainos
Roman Rule in Asia Minor, Volume 2 (Notes): To the End of the Third Century After Christ by Magie, David
The Palaces of Crete: Revised Edition by Graham, James Walter
Past and Process in Herodotus and Thucydides by Hunter, Virginia J.
The Palaces of Crete: Revised Edition by Graham, James Walter
Past and Process in Herodotus and Thucydides by Hunter, Virginia J.
Roman Rule in Asia Minor, Volume 2 (Notes): To the End of the Third Century After Christ by Magie, David
Nonsense and Meaning in Ancient Greek Comedy by Kidd, Stephen E.
The Expert's Historian by Smith, Leonard S.
Mohenjo-daro: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Settlement of the Indus Valley Civilization by Charles River
The Expert's Historian by Smith, Leonard S.
Roman Geographies of the Nile: From the Late Republic to the Early Empire by Merrills, Andy
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