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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2019

Enigmas and Images: Studies in Honor of Tryggve Mettinger by
Esther, Queen of the Jews by Davidovich, Tal
Découverte d'Un Squelette Humain de l'Époque Paléolithique Dans Les Cavernes Des Baoussé-Roussé: Dites Grottes de Menton. 2e Édition by Radiguet, Rivière, Émile, Anfossi, Jean Baptiste Photographe
Instruments de Silex Dans Le Diluvium by Evans, John, Ferguson, S.
Histoire Ancienne, Jusqu'au Xe Siècle. 3e Édition: Les Origines de Rome, La Conquête Romaine, l'Empire, Les Barbares, Les Arabes, l'Empire Byzantin by Gagnol, Paul
Les Antiquitez d'Arles Traitées En Matière d'Entretien, Et d'Itinéraire. Livre 1 by Seguin, Joseph
Description Historique Et Critique Et Vues Des Monuments Religieux Et Civils Les Plus Remarquables: Du Calvados Bâtis Au Moyen Âge Et Ceux de la Renai by de Jolimont, Théodore
Derniers Temps de l'Âge de la Pierre Polie Dans l'Aveyron: La Grotte Sépulcrale de Saint-Jean d'Alcas Et Les Dolmens de Pilande Et Des Costes by Cazalis de Fondouce, Paul
5e Session, Compte-Rendu. Bologne, 1871 by Congres d'Anthropologie
Compte-Rendu de la 8e Session. Budapest, 1876 by Rómer, Flóris
7e Session, Compte-Rendu. Stockholm, 1874. Tome 2 by Congres d'Anthropologie
Les Parois Gravées Et Peintes de la Grotte de la Mouthe, Dordogne. 2e Édition by Rivière, Émile
Statistique Monumentale Du Calvados. Tome 3 by de Caumont, Arcisse
Statistique Monumentale Du Calvados. Tome 4 by de Caumont, Arcisse
Statistique Monumentale Du Calvados. Tome 5 by de Caumont, Arcisse
Statistique Monumentale Du Calvados. Tome 2 by de Caumont, Arcisse
Fantômes d'Antinoë, Les Sépultures de Leukyoné Et Myrithis by Gayet, Albert
Voyage de la Grèce. 2e Édition. Tome 3 by Dupré, Jules, Motte, Charles, Feuquières, Antoine de Pas
10e Session, Compte-Rendu. Paris, 1889 by Congrès International d'Anthropologie Et d'Archéologie Préhi
Histoire Ancienne, Grecque Et Romaine. 3e Édition by Regnault-Warin, Jean-Joseph
The Cambridge History of Religions in the Ancient World by
Tragedy, Ritual and Money in Ancient Greece: Selected Essays by Seaford, Richard
Classical Culture and Witchcraft in Medieval and Renaissance Italy by Montesano, Marina
Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus: The History of the Man and the Character Behind the Most Popular Christmas Traditions by Charles River
Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus: The History of the Man and the Character Behind the Most Popular Christmas Traditions by Charles River
Der Feldzug der Hunnen: Geschichtliche Betrachtung einer europäisch-asiatischen Expansion by Hoffmann, Christian
A Peep Into the Early History of India: From the Foundation of the Maurya Dynasty to the Downfall of the Imperial Gupta Dynasty (322 BC - circa 500 AC by Bhandarkar, R. G.
Politics: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Vlassopoulos, Kostas
Slavery: Antiquity and Its Legacy by DuBois, Page
Slavery: Antiquity and Its Legacy by DuBois, Page
Politics: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Vlassopoulos, Kostas
Religion: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Rüpke, Jörg
Luck, Fate and Fortune: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Eidinow, Esther
Luck, Fate and Fortune: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Eidinow, Esther
Gender: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Holmes, Brooke
The Afterlife in Early Christian Carthage: Near-Death Experiences, Ancestor Cult, and the Archaeology of Paradise by Potthoff, Stephen E.
Letters, Literacy and Literature in Byzantium by Mullett, Margaret
Translation as Scholarship: Language, Writing, and Bilingual Education in Ancient Babylonia by Crisostomo, Jay
Zerstörung Von Geschriebenem: Historische Und Transkulturelle Perspektiven by
Early Modern Britain's Relationship to Its Past by Robinson-Self, Philip Mark
ʿĪsā Ibn ʿalī's Book on the Useful Properties of Animal Parts: Edition, Translation and Study of a Fluid Tradition by Raggetti, Lucia
Vulgärlateinisches Übungsbuch by
Vulgärlateinisches Übungsbuch by
Philetairos, Begründer der Attalidendynastie. Eine Untersuchung zur Herausbildung der Unabhängigkeit Pergamons by Richter, Martin
A Concise Survey of Western Civilization: Supremacies and Diversities throughout History by Pavlac, Brian A.
A Concise Survey of Western Civilization: Supremacies and Diversities throughout History by Pavlac, Brian A.
A Concise Survey of Western Civilization: Supremacies and Diversities throughout History by Pavlac, Brian A.
Römer in Germanien. Waldgirmes - auf dem Weg zu einer rechtsrheinischen römischen Provinz? by Kogan, Katharina
Die Prätorianergarde. Politikum der römischen Kaiserzeit: Eine Fallstudie zur Herrschaft des Augustus, Tiberius und Caligula by Stockrahm, Rick
Foundation Myths and Politics in Ancient Ionia by Mac Sweeney, Naoíse
Women and Modesty in Late Antiquity by Wilkinson, Kate
Os Apócrifos da Bíblia: A História dos Antigos Textos Apócrifos Deixados do Antigo Testamento e do Novo Testamento by Vazquez-Lozano, Gustavo, Charles River
Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk by
Athenian Democracy at War by Pritchard, David M.
Libanius by
State Pilgrims and Sacred Observers in Ancient Greece by Rutherford, Ian
The Early Textual History of Lucretius' De rerum natura by Butterfield, David
The Greek Epic Cycle and its Ancient Reception by
Cicero and the Rise of Deification at Rome by Cole, Spencer
Los apócrifos de la Biblia: la historia de los antiguos textos apócrifos dejados fuera del Antiguo Testamento y el Nuevo Testamento by Charles River, Vazquez-Lozano, Gustavo
The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Archaeology by
Damascus: A History by Burns, Ross
Gold in der europäischen Heldensage by
Sacred Scripture / Sacred Space: The Interlacing of Real Places and Conceptual Spaces in Medieval Art and Architecture by
Regímenes políticos en el Mediterráneo Antiguo by
Conceptions of Dreaming from Homer to 1800 by Pigman III, G. W.
Greek Tragedy After the Fifth Century by
The Senses in Antiquity Paperback Set by
Prophecy and Propaganda: Images of Enemies in the Book of Isaiah by Eidevall, Goeran
Translation Technique and Theological Exegesis: Collected Essays on the Septuagint Version by Olofsson, Staffan
Drought, Death, and the Sun in Ugarit and Ancient Israel: A Philological and Comparative Study by Wikander, Ola
Damascus: A History by Burns, Ross
Bishops, Saints, and Historians: Studies in the Ecclesiastical History of Medieval Britain and Italy by Brentano, Robert, North, William L.
Empire of Letters: Writing in Roman Literature and Thought from Lucretius to Ovid by Frampton, Stephanie Ann
Nicholas Mesarites: His Life and Works (in Translation) by Angold, Michael
Becoming a Woman and Mother in Greco-Roman Egypt: Women's Bodies, Society and Domestic Space by Nifosi, Ada
Exploring the Holy Land: 150 Years of the Palestine Exploration Fund by
The Art of War in the Middle Ages: A.D. 378-1515 by Oman, C. W. C.
Antiquities of India: An account of the history and culture of ancient Hindustan by Barnett, Lionel D.
Herculanum et Pompeia. by Freville, Valentin
F. C. Lesser's Historische Nachrichten von der ehemals kaiserlichen und des heil. röm. Reichs freien Stadt Nordhausen umgearbeitet und fortgesetzt von by Haacke, August, Lesser, Friedrich Christian, Foerstemann, Ernst Guenther
Ephemeris Für Semitische Epigraphik; Volume 1 by Lidzbarski, Mark
Im afrikanischen Urwald. Meine Reise nach dem Kongo und der Mongalla im Jahre 1896 ... Mit ... 87 Lichtdrucktafeln und 3 Karten. by Thonner, Franz
El Moghreb al Aksa. Une mission belge au Maroc. by Picard, Edmond
Weltgeschichte ... Dritte verbesserte Auflage. (Fortgesetzt von Dr. Richard V. Kralik, Bd. 23, etc.).ZWANZIGSTER BAND by Weiss, Johann, Kralik Von Meyrswalden, Richard
Paul Soleillet en Afrique ... Illustrations, etc. [A narrative of P. Soleillet's travels in Africa, with copious extracts from his journals, and a bio by Gros, Jules, Soleillet, Jean Joseph Marie Michel Paul
Ueberblick der Urgeschichte des Menschen. by Woldrich, Jan Nepomuk
Die Denkmaler und Inschriften an der Mündung des Nahr El-Kelb by Weissbach, Franz Heinrich
Titus Livius Römische Geschichte. Übersetzt mit kritischen und erklärenden Anmerkungen von K. Heusinger. Erster Band by Heusinger, Conrad, Livy
Le Sahara de Constantine. Notes et souvenirs. by Féraud, Laurent Charles
Die alte Geographie Arabiens als Grundlage der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Semitismus. Mit einer lithographirten Karte. by Sprenger, Aloys
Die Römer im Cheruskerlande nach den unverfälschten Quellen dargestellt nebst beigefügter Uebersetzung jener Quellen und der Germania des Tacitus. Mit by Tacitus, Cornelius, Schierenberg, G. August B.
Juden und Griechen vor der makkabäischen Erhebung by Willrich, Hugo
Studien zur Byzantinisch-Jüdischen Geschichte by Krauss, Samuel
When Kings Rode to Delhi by Festing, Gabrielle
Die Beschreibung der Gewalt in Homers "Ilias" und Analyse von Achills Charakter und seiner Rolle im Werk by Ziewitz, Michael
La Cordelière de Portzmoguer - Corsaire du Pays d'Iroise by Kévorkian, Georges
Un Voyage à Sparte by Barrès, Maurice
Die Person Thukydides und die Bewertung seiner Geschichtsschreibung by Huesmann, Karl
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Russland, Staatliches Historisches Museum Moskau: Münzen Des Nördlichen Schwarzmeergebietes by
Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, "Doutes sur Galien" by Koetschet, Pauline
A Prosopography to Martial's Epigrams by Fernández Valverde, Juan, Moreno Soldevila, Rosario, Marina Castillo, Alberto
A Sketch of the Modern Languages of the East Indies by Cust, Robert Needham
A Sketch of the Modern Languages of the East Indies by Cust, Robert Needham
Les Hétéens: Histoire d'un Empire Oublié by Sayce, Archibald Henry
Die Stempel der Römischen Augenärzte by Grotefend, Carl Ludwig
Les Hétéens: Histoire d'un Empire Oublié by Sayce, Archibald Henry
The Bondage and Travels Johann Schiltberger: A Native of Bavaria, In Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1396-1427 by Telfer, J. Buchan
Beacon Lights of History; Volume II by Lord, John
The Holy Land: Containing Geographical and Historical Sketches, for Sunday by Emerson, George Homer
The Holy Land: Containing Geographical and Historical Sketches, for Sunday by Emerson, George Homer
Reflections and New Perspectives on Virgil's Georgics by
Homer on the Gods and Human Virtue by Ahrensdorf, Peter J.
Hours With the Bible, Or, The Scriptures in the Light of Modern Knowledge; Volume I by Geikie, Cunningham
Archaeology of Play: The Re-Discovery of Platonic-Aristotelian Tripartivism in Interdisciplinary Discourses by Lesigues, Lope
On the Edge of Empires: North Mesopotamia During the Roman Period (2nd - 4th C. Ce) by Palermo, Rocco
Historical sketches of ancient Dekhan by Aiyer, K. V. Subrahmanya
The Nemesis of Nations: Studies in History by Paterson, William Romaine
A Survey of the Early Geography of Western Europe by Long, Henry Lawes
India of my Dreams by Gandhi, M. K.
Indian shipping: a history of the sea-borne trade and maritime activity of the Indians from the earliest times by Mookerji, Radhakumud
Indian travels of Apollonius of Tyana, and the Indian embassies to Rome from the reign of Augustus to the death of Justinian by Priaulx, Osmond De Beauvoir
Les Langues Perdues de la Perse & de L'Assyrie by Menant, Joachim
Archeology's Solution of Old Testament Puzzles: How Pick and Spade Are Answering the Destructive Cri by Urquhart, John
Susa: Eine Studie zur Alten Geschichte Westasiens by Billerbeck, Adolf
The Orient in Bible Times by Grant, Elihu
Koische Forschungen und Funde by Herzog, Rudolf
Becherwahrsagung bei den Babyloniern: Nach Zwei Keilschrifttexten aus der Hammurabi-Zeit by Hunger, Johannes
Ansichten über die Keltischen Alterthümer, die Kelten Überhaupt und Besonders in Teutschland. [No Mo by Keferstein, Christian
Delle Prose Volgari di Monsignor Giovanni Della Casa by Casa, Giovanni Della
Koische Forschungen und Funde by Herzog, Rudolf
Die Sprache der Kossäer by Delitzsch, Friedrich
L'Asie Occidentale Dans les Inscriptions Assyriennes by Delattre, Alphonse J.
Studies in Ancient Persian History by Kershasp, P.
Letters on Ancient History by Wilson, Anne
El aprovisionamiento de sílex durante la Prehistoria reciente en la comarca del Guadalteba (Málaga): Un análisis desde la arqueometría y la tecnología by Becerra Martín, Serafín
Early Bronze IV Village Life in the Jordan Valley: Excavations at Tell Abu en-Ni'aj and Dhahret Umm el-Marar, Jordan by Fall, Patricia L., Falconer, Steven E.
Studies in Ancient Persian History by Kershasp, P.
Master Clues in World History by Cowan, Andrew Reid
A History of the Roman Equestrian Order by Davenport, Caillan
Eusebius and Empire by Corke-Webster, James
The Archaeology of Late Bronze Age Interaction and Mobility at the Gates of Europe: People, Things and Networks Around the Southern Adriatic Sea by Iacono, Francesco
Beyond Orality: Biblical Poetry on Its Own Terms by Vayntrub, Jacqueline
A History of Classical Scholarship: From the End of the Sixth Century B.C. to the End of the Middle Ages Volume 1 by Sandys, John Edwin
The early history of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan conquest, including the invasion of Alexander the Great by Smith, Vincent a.
A History of Classical Scholarship: From the revival of learning to the end of the eighteenth century (in Italy, France, England, and the Netherlands) by Sandys, John Edwin
Report of a Tour in the Central Provinces in 1873-74 and 1874-75; Volume IX by Cunningham, Alexander
The Books of the Prophets in Their Historical Succession; Volume III by Findlay, George Gillanders
Cassiodor, "Variae" 6 by Gatzka, Friederike
Horace's Sermones Book 1: Credentials for Maecenas by Weeda, Leendert
Inschriftenkulturen im kommunalen Italien by
Outlines of Lectures on Ancient History by Abraham, C. J.
The Byzantine Army: The History and Legacy of the Byzantine Empire's Military during the Middle Ages by Charles River
The Byzantine Army: The History and Legacy of the Byzantine Empire's Military during the Middle Ages by Charles River
Die Griechische Übersetzung der Viri Inlustres des Hieronymus by Wentzel, Georg
Einleitung in das Studium der alten Geschichte by Wachsmuth, Curt
The Emperor in the Byzantine World: Papers from the Forty-Seventh Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies by
The Gentile Nations or the History and Religion by Smith, George
Die Griechische Übersetzung der Viri Inlustres des Hieronymus by Wentzel, Georg
The Persian Heroine: A Tragedy by Jodrell, Richard Paul
The New Cratylus: Or, Contributions Towards a More Accurate Knowledge of the Greek Language by Donaldson, John William
Ira et anxius moliri. Die Rolle der Natur des Menschen in Sallusts "Bellum Iugurthinum" by Hasler, Johann B.
The Ship "Tyre" by Schoff, Wilfred H.
Érân, das Land Zwischen dem Indus und Tigris by Spiegel, Friedrich
Homer: Iliad Book XVIII by Homer
Homer: Iliad Book XVIII by Homer
Aristotle and Early Christian Thought by Edwards, Mark
Realencyclopädie Der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft: Zweite Reihe, Band IV A, 2: Symposion - Tauris by
Intermediate Grade Lessons for the Sunday School First Year by Fergusson, E. Morris
Historia Pittoresca by Campos, Alfredo
The Bible and Modern Discoveries by Harper, Henry A.
Plinius der Jüngere und die Stadtverwaltung by Baydinc, Volkan
The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece by Ormand, Kirk
Documents of the Rise of Christianity by Kaatz, Kevin W.
Classbook of Old Testament History by Hodges, George
Konstantin der Große. War er ein Heiliger? by Siemens, Christopher
The Quest of the Historical Jesus: Its Purpose, Historical Development, and the Work of the Jesus Seminar by Dmin, Timothy Gordon
Mord(s)bilder - Aufzählungen von Gewalt bei Seneca und Lucan by Backhaus, Maria
Kleine Schriften Zur Antiken Medizin by Kollesch, Jutta
King Arthur: Debated and Disputed by Hour, The History
Mathematische Modellierung bei Platon zwischen Thales und Euklid by Lattmann, Claas
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde im antiken Griechenland by Kvapil, Teresa
Combined Arms Warfare in Ancient Greece: From Homer to Alexander the Great and His Successors by Wrightson, Graham
Antipodean Antiquities: Classical Reception Down Under by
Animals and Their Relation to Gods, Humans and Things in the Ancient World by
Blockbusters and the Ancient World: Allegory and Warfare in Contemporary Hollywood by Davies, Chris
The Geographical System Of Herodotus Examined And Explained: By A Comparison With Those Of Other Ancient Authors, And With Modern Geography; Volume 1 by Rennell, James
The Works Of Flavius Josephus ...: To Which Are Added, Three Dissertations, Concerning Jesus Christ, John The Baptist, James The Just, God's Command T by Josephus, Flavius
The History Of Rome, Volume 2... by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg
Sprache und Sprachen Assyriens... by Hitzig, Ferdinand
The History Of Rome, Volume 2... by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg
Attila Dans Les Gaules En 451 Par Un Ancien Elève De L'école Polytechnique... by
Die Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament, Dritte Auflage by Schrader, Eberhard
The Works Of Josephus: With A Life Written By Himself; Volume 1 by Josephus, Flavius
The Works Of Josephus: With A Life Written By Himself; Volume 1 by Josephus, Flavius
Finding, Inheriting or Borrowing?: Construction and Transfer of Knowledge in Antiquity and the Middle Ages by
Roman Domestic Medical Practice in Central Italy: From the Middle Republic to the Early Empire by Draycott, Jane
The Gaṇitatilaka and its Commentary: Two Medieval Sanskrit Mathematical Texts by Petrocchi, Alessandra
Flinders Petrie: The Life and Legacy of the Father of Modern Egyptology by Charles River
Flinders Petrie: The Life and Legacy of the Father of Modern Egyptology by Charles River
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