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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2020

Les Aventures d'Un Pamphlet Antidemocratique: Transmission Et Reception de la Constitution Des Atheniens Du Pseudo-Xenophon (Ve Siecle Avant J.-C. - X by
Histoire de Jules César. Tome 1 by Napoléon III
Essai Sur La Politique Et La Législation Des Romains. Traduit de l'Italien by Botton de Castellamont, Jacques-Hugues-Vincent-Emmanuel- Mar, Jansen, Hendrik, Quétant, François-Antoine
Manuel de Numismatique Ancienne. Tome II. Nomenclature by Hennin, Michel
Manuel de Numismatique Ancienne. Tome III. Atlas by Hennin, Michel
Manuel de Numismatique Ancienne. Tome I. Élémens by Hennin, Michel
Étude Sur Les Variations Du Polythéisme Grec by Bernard, Thalès
L'Homme Fossile En Europe, Son Industrie, Ses Moeurs, Ses Oeuvres d'Art. 5e Édition: Avec Une Notice Biographique Et Des Notes Paléontologiques Et Arc by Le Hon-H
Histoire de Jules César. Tome 2 by Napoléon III
Euripides: Ion by Euripides
Euripides: Ion by Euripides, Gibert, John C.
The Archaeology of the Bronze Age Levant by Greenberg, Raphael
The Mesopotamian Tale: An Origin Story by Brenner, Mike
Techniques, innovations et développement de l'art Mésopotamien entre le VIII e millénaire et le V e siècle by Halley, Anthony
The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours by Nagy, Gregory
Rome: The history of the Roman Empire and its Emperors. Includes The Roman Empire and Caesar Augustus. by Wings, Peter
Aufklärung und Folgen von Hermenfrevel und Mysterienprofanation 415 v. Chr. Der Prozess in den Schilderungen des Thukydides, Andokides und Plutarch by Konrad, Maximilian
Greeks and Romans on the Latin American Stage by
Classical Antiquity in Video Games: Playing with the Ancient World by
Mirrors and Mirroring from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period by
Why Odysseus Came Home as a Stranger and Other Puzzling Moments in the Life of Buddha, Socrates, Jesus, Abraham, and other Great Individuals by Abramovitch, Henry
Parthian Empire: A Captivating Guide to the Enemy of the Roman Republic and Roman Empire by History, Captivating
Gilgamesh: A Captivating Guide to Gilgamesh the King and the Epic of Gilgamesh by History, Captivating
Hammurabi: A Captivating Guide to the Sixth King of the First Babylonian Dynasty, Including the Code of Hammurabi by History, Captivating
The Persian Empire: A Captivating Guide to the History of Persia, Starting from the Ancient Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sassanian Empires to by History, Captivating
Mesoamerican History: A Captivating Guide to Four Ancient Civilizations that Existed in Mexico - The Olmec, Zapotec, Maya and Aztec Civiliza by History, Captivating
Ur: A Captivating Guide to One of the Most Important Sumerian City-States in Ancient Mesopotamia by History, Captivating
Ancient Civilizations: A Captivating Guide to the Ancient Canaanites, Hittites and Ancient Israel and Their Role in Biblical History by History, Captivating
A Babylon Calendar Treatise: Scholars and Invaders in the Late First Millennium BC: Edited with Introduction, Commentary, and Cuneiform Texts by Reynolds, Frances
Spoleczenstwo Afryki pólnocnej w twórczosci Apulejusza z Madaury by Świerk, Martyna
Zwei rivalisierende Erben. Octavian und Antonius: Mai 44 v.Chr. bis Ende Juli 44 v.Chr. by Müller, Philipp
Libraries Before Alexandria: Ancient Near Eastern Traditions by
de Philosophorum Graecorum Silentio Mystico by Casel, Odo
Mathematics, Metrology, and Model Contracts: A Codex from Late Antique Business Education (P.Math.) by
Bedeutung der Sizilienexpedition Athens für den Verlauf des Peloponnesischen Krieges by Spiekermann, Nils
Pindar and the Emergence of Literature by Maslov, Boris
Los hititas y los lidios: la historia y el legado de las civilizaciones más influyentes de la antigua Anatolia by Charles River
Der Mailänder Synagogenstreit von 388 und die Religionspolitik des Kaisers Theodosius by Klimanski, Moritz
Ancient Theatre and Performance Culture Around the Black Sea by
Afterlives of the Roman Poets: Biofiction and the Reception of Latin Poetry by Goldschmidt, Nora
M. I. Finley by
Classical Literature on Screen by Winkler, Martin M.
Aesthetic Experiences and Classical Antiquity by Grethlein, Jonas
Hellenistic Epigram by Cairns, Francis
Eurasian Empires in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages by
Carthage in Virgil's Aeneid by Giusti, Elena
The Reception of Cicero in the Early Roman Empire by Keeline, Thomas J.
Virgil's Ascanius by Rogerson, Anne
Latin Literature and its Transmission by
Competition Between Humans and Large Carnivores: Case studies from the Late Middle and Upper Palaeolithic of the Central Balkans by Milosevic, Stefan
Homicide in the Attic Orators: Rhetoric, Ideology, and Context by Plastow, Christine
Rome, Parthia, and the Politics of Peace: The Origins of War in the Ancient Middle East by Schlude, Jason M.
Geography, Religion, Gods, and Saints in the Eastern Mediterranean by Ferg, Erica
Archaeology: What You Need to Know by Tee, David
Noah's Flood Did Take Place: An Examination of the Non Scientific Evidence by Tee, David
Histoire Ecclésiastique, Français-Grec, Tome 1: Livres 1 à 3 by de Césarée, Eusèbe, Grapin, Émile
In the Footsteps of Honor Frost: The Life and Legacy of a Pioneer in Maritime Archaeology by
Thinking in Cases: Ancient Greek and Imperial Chinese Case Narratives by
Narrating Law and Laws of Narration in Medieval Scandinavia by
Politische Gedichte: Lateinisch - Deutsch by Claudius Claudianus
Rabbinic Drinking: What Beverages Teach Us about Rabbinic Literature by Rosenblum, Jordan D.
Rabbinic Drinking: What Beverages Teach Us about Rabbinic Literature by Rosenblum, Jordan D.
Plato's Caves: The Liberating Sting of Cultural Diversity by Lemoine, Rebecca
Narratives of Time and Gender in Antiquity by
Das Königreich der Vandalen unter Geiserich: Mutwillige Zerstörer oder wanderndes Volk? by DCV, Theresa
Ancient Anatolia: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Civilizations of Asia Minor, Including the Hittite Empire, Arameans, Luwians, Neo-Assyr by History, Captivating
History of society and democracy: before new epoch: The Dawn of Europe: Middle Ages and Renaissance by Buychik, Alexander
History of society and democracy: before new epoch: Ancient Rome: Transformation of Stolen Democracy by Buychik, Alexander
History of society and democracy: before new epoch: Classical Democracy non-stop: Ancient Athens by Buychik, Alexander
God's Library: The Archaeology of the Earliest Christian Manuscripts by Nongbri, Brent
Weibliche Gladiatoren in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Opfer oder Täter? by Arslan, Özlem
Septimius Severus und Clodius Albinus. Eine Quellenbetrachtung by Strohmeier, Tim
A Companion to Ancient Thrace by
Virgil: Aeneid Book XI by
Description Historique Et Géographique Des Plaines d'Héliopolis Et de Memphis by Fourmont, Claude-Louis
Monuments Primitifs Des Îles Baléares. Texte by Cartailhac, Émile
Les Temps Préhistoriques En Suède Et Dans Les Autres Pays Scandinaves by Montelius, Oscar
Monuments Primitifs Des Îles Baléares. Planches by Cartailhac, Émile
Les Stations de l'Âge Du Renne Dans Les Vallées de la Vézère Et de la Corrèze: Stations Solutréennes Et Aurignacciennes by Girod, Paul
Hurrian Arrapha by Maya Gambashidze, Erekle Astakhishvili
Medieval Ukraine: The History of the Region and the Civilizations that Fought to Control It Before the Advent of the Russian Empire by Charles River
deCODE by Boccaletti, Alessandro
Oedipus: The Ancient Legend and Its Later Analogues by Edmunds, Lowell
Zoroastrian Scholasticism in Late Antiquity: The Pahlavi Version of the Yasna Haptaŋhāiti by Zeini, Arash
Before Shackles & Chains by Laurore, Reuben
Sophocles by Finglass, P. J.
Gudernes vrede: Om guder, helte og konger i græsk mytologi by Agergaard, Erling
Perikles. Monarch oder Mann des Volkes? by Anonymous
Antonius Diogenes, "Die unglaublichen Dinge jenseits von Thule" by Schmedt, Helena
From Memory to Marble: The Historical Frieze of the Voortrekker Monument Part I: The Frieze by Rankin, Elizabeth, Schneider, Rolf Michael
Histoire Ecclésiastique, Français-Grec, Tome 3: Livres 8 à 10 by de Césarée, Eusèbe, Grapin, Émile
Maya History: A Captivating Guide to the Maya Civilization, Culture, Mythology, and the Maya Peoples' Impact on Mesoamerican History by History, Captivating
Readings of Plato's Apology of Socrates: Defending the Philosophical Life by
Sumerios: Una guía fascinante acerca de la historia sumeria antigua, la mitología sumeria y el imperio mesopotámico de la civili by History, Captivating
Olmecas: Una Guía Fascinante de la Civilización Antigua Más Importante Conocida En México by History, Captivating
Civilización Zapoteca: Una Fascinante Guía al Pueblo de las Nubes Precolombino Que Dominó el Valle de Oaxaca en Mesoamérica by History, Captivating
Incas: Una Fascinante Guía sobre la Historia del Imperio y la Civilización Inca by History, Captivating
Civilización Maya: Una guía fascinante de la historia y la mitología maya by History, Captivating
New Approaches to Greek and Roman Warfare by
The Ancient Canaanites: A Captivating Guide to the Canaanite Civilization that Dominated the Land of Canaan Before the Ancient Israelites by History, Captivating
Antiguas Civilizaciones: Una Fascinante Guía sobre la Historia de los Mayas, Aztecas y el Imperio Inca by History, Captivating
The Mysterious Druids by Donoghue, Clayton N.
Hittites: A Captivating Guide to the Ancient Anatolian People Who Established the Hittite Empire in Ancient Mesopotamia by History, Captivating
The Mysterious Druids by Donoghue, Clayton N.
Early Israelites: Two Peoples, One History by Lipovsky, Igor P.
Azteca: Una Guía Fascinante De La Historia Azteca y la Triple Alianza de Tenochtitlán, Tetzcoco y Tlacopan by History, Captivating
Olmecs: A Captivating Guide to the Earliest Known Major Ancient Civilization in Mexico by History, Captivating
Saber-Toothed Tigers and Woolly Mammoths: The History of the World's Most Famous Prehistoric Mammals by Charles River
Saber-Toothed Tigers and Woolly Mammoths: The History of the World's Most Famous Prehistoric Mammals by Charles River
Perceptions of the Second Sophistic and Its Times - Regards Sur La Seconde Sophistique Et Son Époque by Fleury, Pascale, Schmidt, Thomas
A Social and Economic History of the Theatre to 300 BC by Csapo, Eric, Wilson, Peter
Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity by Monnickendam, Yifat
Der Aufstieg des Augustus in den Jahren von 31 v. Chr. bis 27 v. Chr. und der Weg zur Legitimierung seiner Macht by Anonymous
Ancient Civilizations: A Captivating Guide to Mayan History, the Aztecs, and Inca Empire by History, Captivating
Experience, Narrative, and Criticism in Ancient Greece: Under the Spell of Stories by
African Mythology and Folklore: The Origins and History of Legends and Myths across Africa by Charles River
Achaemenid Empire: A Captivating Guide to the First Persian Empire Founded by Cyrus the Great, and How This Empire of Ancient Persia Foug by History, Captivating
Sumerians: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Sumerian History, Sumerian Mythology and the Mesopotamian Empire of the Sumer Civilizat by History, Captivating
Aztec History: A Captivating Guide to the Aztec Empire, Mythology, and Civilization by History, Captivating
Der Arzt bei Hippokrates. Konstruktion und Intention eines Idealbildes by Bouras, Helen
Koine Eirene? Voraussetzungen und Nachhaltigkeit der Friedensbemühungen von 387/86 v. Chr.: Der Königsfrieden und die Rolle Spartas als Friedenshüter by Conradi, Leonard
Zapotec Civilization: A Captivating Guide to the Pre-Columbian Cloud People Who Dominated the Valley of Oaxaca in Mesoamerica by History, Captivating
Expanding Bible History: Answering Questions to Understand Its Meaning by Preston, Steve
The People and the Peoples: Syriac Dialogue Poems from Late Antiquity by Brock, Sebastian P.
A Short History of Babylon by Radner, Karen
A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period, Volume 3: The Maccabaean Revolt, Hasmonaean Rule, and Herod the Great (175-4 Bce) by Grabbe, Lester L.
The Hasmoneans and Their Neighbors: New Historical Reconstructions from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Classical Sources by Atkinson, Kenneth
Economic Theory and the Roman Monetary Economy by Elliott, Colin P.
Cicero: Brutus and Orator by Kaster, Robert A.
Ancient South Arabia: From the Queen of Sheba to the Advent of Islam by Schippmann, Klaus
Borderline Virginities: Sacred and Secular Virgins in Late Antiquity by Undheim, Sissel
Discovering Babylon by Thelle, Rannfrid
Epicurus on the Self by Németh, Attila
Hermes by Allan, Arlene
Challenges of Mapping the Classical World by Talbert, Richard J. a.
Die Darstellung Alexanders des Großen in den historischen Quellen. Welches Bild zeichnen die Historiker von Alexander bei der Philotas-Verschwörung? by Anonymous
Mesopotamian Myths: A Captivating Guide to Myths from Mesopotamia and Sumerian Mythology by Clayton, Matt
Mesoamerican Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Maya Mythology, Aztec Mythology, Inca Mythology, and Central American Myths by Clayton, Matt
Sumerian Mythology: Captivating Myths of Gods, Goddesses, and Legendary Creatures of Ancient Sumer and Their Importance to the Sumerians by Clayton, Matt
Mesopotamian Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Near Eastern Myths by Clayton, Matt
Crazy Quest for Ireland and America: Twisted Truth Behind the Story by Preston, Steve
Inca Mythology: Captivating Inca Myths of Gods, Goddesses, and Legendary Creatures by Clayton, Matt
Aztec Mythology: Captivating Aztec Myths of Gods, Goddesses, and Legendary Creatures by Clayton, Matt
Maya Mythology: Captivating Maya Myths of Gods, Goddesses and Legendary Creatures by Clayton, Matt
Mitología Romana: Una Guía Fascinante de los Dioses Romanos, Diosas y Criaturas Mitológicas by Clayton, Matt
Mitología Griega: Fascinantes Mitos de Dioses, Diosas, Monstruos y Héroes Griegos by Clayton, Matt
Celtic Mythology: Captivating Celtic Myths of Celtic Gods, Goddesses, Heroes and Legendary Creatures by Clayton, Matt
The Roman Empire and the Plague: The History of the Worst Pandemics to Strike Rome and the Byzantines in Antiquity and the Middle Ages by Charles River
Bronze Age Combat: An experimental approach by Hermann, Raphael, Crellin, Rachel J., Uckelmann, Marion
Celtic Mythology: A Captivating Guide to the Gods, Sagas and Beliefs by Clayton, Matt
Monumens Antiques Inédits Ou Nouvellement Expliqués. Tome 1 by Millin, Aubin-Louis
Monumens Antiques Inédits Ou Nouvellement Expliqués. Tome 2 by Millin, Aubin-Louis
Lettre de Brutus, Sur Les Chars Anciens Et Modernes by DeLisle de Sales, Jean-Baptiste-Claude
Catalogue d'Actes Des Comtes de Brienne, 950-1356 by D' Arbois de Jubainville, Henri
Deuxième Philippique. Nouvelle Édition: Avec Une Introduction, Des Notes Et Un Appendice Sur l'Éloquence de Cicéron by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Lanson, Gustave
Foyers Divers de Silex Taillés En Périgord by de Gourgues, Alexis
L'Homme Préhistorique de Gravenoire by Gautier, Paul, Girod, Paul
Der Albigenserkreuzzug: Inwieweit untergrub der Katharismus die Autorität der römisch-katholischen Kirche und wie reagierte diese darauf? by Anonymous
Athenian Democracy at War by Pritchard, David M.
Against Apion by Josephus, Flavius
Against Apion by Josephus, Flavius
Book of Mormon Ecology: What the Text Reveals About the Land and Lives of the Record Keepers by Crookston, R. Kent
The Wars of the Jews; Or, The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem by Josephus, Flavius
The Wars of the Jews; Or, The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem by Josephus, Flavius
Re-Writing History: Changing Perceptions of the Past by Harding, Dennis
Das antike Athen. Stellung der Frauen by Max, Thomas
Das Martyrium Des Konon Von Bidana in Isaurien: Einleitung, Text Und Übersetzung by
Die Bedeutung von Caesars Darstellungen für die Ausprägung eines antiken Germanenbildes/-topos by Anonymous
The Life Of Jesus by Renan, Ernest
The Praise Of Folly: Translated By John Wilson With An Introduction By Mrs. P. S. Allen by Erasmus, Desiderius
The Lusitanian War: Roman Conquest of Lusitania 155 Bce - 139 Bce by Silva, Luis M.
"Dolos" und "Woikeus". Unfreiheit in der Gesetzesinschrift von Gortyn by Anonymous
The Lusitanian War: Roman Conquest of Lusitania 155 Bce - 139 Bce by Silva, Luis M.
Underworld Gods in Ancient Greek Religion: Death and Reciprocity by Mackin Roberts, Ellie
Das Gräberfeld von Trebur. Bestattungsplatz der Hinkelstein- und der Großgartacher-Kultur by Richardt, Daniel
Les origines du régime féodal by De Coulanges, Fustel
Apollonius Rhodius, Herodotus and Historiography by Morrison, A. D.
Der Alltag und die Rolle der Frau in der Antike by Gveric, Amra
Die Schlacht bei Chaironeia 338 v. Chr.: Welche Faktoren haben zum Sieg Philipp II. beigetragen? by Bothe, Nico
Virgil: Aeneid Book XI by
Ovid on Screen: A Montage of Attractions by Winkler, Martin M.
Libanius: Ten Mythological and Historical Declamations by
Basque Country: The Turbulent History and Legacy of the Basque Autonomous Community in Spain by Charles River
Die Akropolis unter Perikles. Ein Bauwerk für die Ewigkeit by Pelzmann, Anja
Basque Country: The Turbulent History and Legacy of the Basque Autonomous Community in Spain by Charles River
Mansa Musa: Emperor of The Wealthy Mali Empire by Titans, History
Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History by Masalha, Nur
Der Weg in den 2. Punischen Krieg: Der Ebrovertrag und die Rolle Sagunts im Kontext der Kriegsschuldfrage by Klinkenberg, Niklas
An Ancient Dream Manual: Artemidorus' the Interpretation of Dreams by Thonemann, Peter
Die griechischen Stämme und ihre Besiedelung Kleinasiens von 1200 bis 800 v. Chr.: Versuch einer Rekonstruktion der Entstehung unter Berücksichtigung by Suntken, Onno
Der Canossagang. Darstellung und Vergleich der zeitgenössischen Quellen Gregors VII. und Lamperts von Hersfeld by Bente, Julian
The Poetics in its Aristotelian Context by
Das Höchstpreisedikt von 301 n. Chr. und die Auslegung durch Fulvius Asticus by Posch, Maximilian
The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews by Kraemer, Ross Shepard
A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythodology and Religion, Geography, History, and Literature by Dowson, John
A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythodology and Religion, Geography, History, and Literature by Dowson, John
Untersuchungen Zur Iatromagie in Der Byzantinischen Zeit: Zur Tradierung Gräkoägyptischer Und Spätantiker Iatromagischer Motive by Grimm-Stadelmann, Isabel
Aspasii in Ethica Nicomachea Quae Supersunt Commentaria by
A Human Environment: Studies in Honour of 20 Years Analecta Editorship by Prof. Dr. Corrie Bakels by
A Human Environment: Studies in Honour of 20 Years Analecta Editorship by Prof. Dr. Corrie Bakels by
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