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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2021

Petites Notes d'Archéologie Charentaise. Numéro 2 by Chauvet, Gustave
Petites Notes d'Archéologie Charentaise. Numéro 3 by Chauvet, Gustave
Une Excursion Archéologique En Vendée by Charbonneau-Lassay, Louis
Le Tumulus de la Hague À Fontenay-Le-Marmion, Calvados by Coutil, Léon, Baudouin, Docteur
Christian Emperors and Roman Elites in Late Antiquity by Testa, Rita Lizzi
Priorities in Nuclear Technology: Program Prosperity and Decay in the United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1956-1971 by Bupp, Irvin C.
Igni Ferroque: Great Battles of the Ancient World I by Butler, William, Granillo, Manuel
The Ancient History of Odisha: History of Odisha (from Earliest Times to 1434 A.D.) by Mohapatra, Deepak
Kyniska von Sparta. Mutige Pionierin oder Instrument des spartanischen Staates? by Uppenbrink, Yannick
Historia Secreta de Los Aztecas by Lutz, Bruno, Ugalde, Israel
La Vida Contada Por Un Sapiens a Un Neandertal / Life as Told by a Sapiens to a Neanderthal by Millas, Juan Jose, Arsuaga, Juan Luis
Tiberius Gracchus und die Agrarreform. Motive und Hintergründe by Meinhardt, Caroline
Public Spectacles in Roman and Late Antique Palestine by
The Rhetoric of Roman Transportation by Hudson, Jared
Archaeology in the Zitava Valley I: The Lbk and Zeliezovce Settlement Site of Vráble by
Archaeology in the Zitava Valley I: The Lbk and Zeliezovce Settlement Site of Vráble by
El Desafío: El conflicto entre cristianismo y gnosticismo en los primeros siglos de la Iglesia - Ensayo by Guido Pagliarino
Die barkidische Herrschaft in Iberien. Intention und Konsequenzen by Rickert, Jannik
The Bedside Book of World History: An understandable overview of the human experience by Maxwell, Michael
Mitología mesoamericana: Una guía fascinante de la mitología maya, la mitología azteca, la mitología inca y los mitos centroamericanos by Clayton, Matt
A Cultural History of Hair in Antiquity by
Sappho and Catullus in Twentieth-Century Italian and North American Poetry by Piantanida, Cecilia
Alétida: El Secreto del Mesías by Campoy Ruy, Xavier
Ancient African Kingdoms: From the Kingdom of Kush to the Mali Empire, Discover the History of Classical African Civilization by Barrow, Jim
Bronze Age Lives by Harding, Anthony
Concepts and Functions of Philhellenism: Aspects of a Transcultural Movement by
Synchrony and Diachrony of Ancient Greek: Language, Linguistics and Philology by
Wege Zum Frieden Im Nachrömisch-Gotischen Italien: Programmatik Und PRAXIS Gesellschaftlicher Kohärenz in Den Variae Cassiodors by Boßhammer, Steffen
Mesopotamische Schöpfungstexte in Ritualen: Methodik Und Fallstudien Zur Situativen Verortung by Maiwald, Kerstin
The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia by Emberling, Geoff, Williams, Bruce
Persian Mythology: Captivating Myths of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Legendary Creatures by Clayton, Matt
On the Origin of Language and Intelligence: Understand the role of this evolution for Mythology, Religion, Science, and our fascinating history by Kelly, Maxwell
Forbidden Books Of The Original New Testament: Illustrated by Wake, William
Prehistoric Maritime Cultures and Seafaring in East Asia by
Greek Theater in Ancient Sicily by Bosher, Kathryn G.
Catullus and Roman Comedy by Polt, Christopher B.
Archaic Greek Epigram and Dedication by Day, Joseph W.
Rethinking the Gods by Van Nuffelen, Peter
El culto del toro Apis: la historia y el legado del animal sagrado más famoso del antiguo Egipto by Charles River
El culto del toro Apis: la historia y el legado del animal sagrado más famoso del antiguo Egipto by Charles River
Los misterios de Eleusis: la historia de los ritos religiosos más famosos de la antigua Grecia by Charles River
Los misterios de Eleusis: la historia de los ritos religiosos más famosos de la antigua Grecia by Charles River
Die Krisis der Griechischen Welt und die Frage nach der Schuld by Daniel, Sebastian
On the origin of free-masonry: followed by an article by W. L. Wilmshurts: Freemasonry In Relation To The Ancient Mysteries (Large Print Edition) by Paine, Thomas, Wilmshurst, W. L.
On the origin of free-masonry: followed by an article by W. L. Wilmshurts: Freemasonry In Relation To The Ancient Mysteries (Large Print Edition) by Wilmshurst, W. L., Paine, Thomas
The Ciceronian Tradition in Political Theory by
Culture of Defeat by
A Literary Commentary on Panegyrici Latini Vi(7): An Oration Delivered Before the Emperor Constantine in Trier, Ca. AD 310 by
Against Apion: Flavius Josephus, On The Antiquity Of The Jews, Against Apion Translated By William Whiston by Josephus, Flavius
L'Homme Fossile Des Cavernes de Lombrive Et de Lherm, Ariège: Avec Une Introduction Historique En Critique by Rames, Jean-Baptiste, Filhol, Henri, Garrigou, Félix
Estat Des Missions de Grèce Présenté À Nos Seigneurs Les Archevesques, Evesques: Et Députéz Du Clergé de France, En l'Année 1695 by D' Armenonville, Thomas-Charles Fleuriau
Recherches Sur l'Évolution Du Moustérien Dans Le Gisement de la Quina, Charente: L'Homme Fossile by de Mortillet, Adrien, Martin, Henri
Ive Congrès de l'Union Historique Et Archéologique Du Sud-Ouest. Biarritz, 30 Juillet-3 Août 1911 by Union Historique Et Archéologique Du Sud-Ouest
Recherches Sur l'Évolution Du Moustérien Dans Le Gisement de la Quina, Charente: Industrie Lithique by Martin, Henri, de Mortillet, Adrien
Recherches Sur l'Évolution Du Moustérien Dans Le Gisement de la Quina, Charente: L'Enfant Fossile de la Quina by Martin, Henri, de Mortillet, Adrien
Recherches Sur l'Évolution Du Moustérien Dans Le Gisement de la Quina, Charente: Industrie Osseuse by de Mortillet, Adrien, Martin, Henri
Itinéraire Archéologique de Paris by de Guilhermy, Jules, Fichot, Charles
Antiquitez Profanes Et Sacrées de la Ville de Lyon: Avec Quelques Singularitez Remarquables Recueillies Et Présentées a Monseigneur Le Duc de Bourgogn by de Dominique
Ireland: Ur of the Chaldees by Wilkes, Anna
Names And Places In The Old And New Testament And Apocrypha, With Their Modern Identifications by Armstrong, George
Mythology Coloring Book: Egypt, Norse and Greek Mythology Coloring Book for Adults by Coloring, Shut Up
Persian Mythology: Captivating Myths of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Legendary Creatures by Clayton, Matt
Rulers and Ruled in Ancient Greece, Rome, and China by
The Rhesus Attributed to Euripides by
The Amorites and the Bronze Age Near East by Burke, Aaron A.
Life Fighting: Why We Must Sometimes Fight, and How to Do So Well by Sweet, Robert W.
Daniel: A Chronology: Jewish Prophet To The Gentiles Of The End Times by Rosado, August Nelson, Jr.
Subject, Definition, Activity: Framing Avicenna's Science of the Soul by Alpina, Tommaso
La Condizione giuridica delle Vestali by Pelliccioni, Riccardo
The Oak Island Connection to North Africa & the Illinois Caves Discovery by Macnab, Jack
Grundlagen der Besiedlung Alt-Kairos by Anonymous
Orator Demades C by Dmitriev, Sviatoslav
The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Biography by
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician: On Canaanite-Phoenician Trade-nets by Regev, Dalit
Der Zweite Punische Krieg. Wieso prägte sich dieser Krieg so tief in das kollektive Gedächtnis der Römer ein? by Brust, Stella
On the Explanation of Chess and Backgammon: Abar Wizārisn ī Čatrang Ud Nihisn Nēw-Ardaxsīr by
Philostratus by
The World History of the Black Race by Winters, Clyde
The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire by Hollingsworth, Jim
Book of Life's Cycles and Other Mysteries by Decker, Kevin Ray
Screening Divinity by Maurice, Lisa
Themes in Greek Society and Culture: An Introduction to Ancient Greece by Vester, Christina, Glazebrook, Allison
Law and (Dis)Order in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the 59th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Held at Ghent, Belgium, 15-19 July 2013 by
La Edad Media: tiempos de luces y sombras: Historia by Macchi, Julio A., Jousset, Mónica
Ein Kaiser innerhalb oder außerhalb der Tetrarchie? Die dynastische Herrschaftslegitimation Konstantins des Großen (306-312) by Kroth, Julian
The Burgundians: The History of the Early Kingdoms of Burgundy in the Middle Ages by Charles River
Pre-Bronze Age Kingdoms by Preston, Steve
The Burgundians: The History of the Early Kingdoms of Burgundy in the Middle Ages by Charles River
2020 by
Kaiser Konstantin der Große und die Religionen: Religionspolitik in den Jahren 306-324 by Dück, Anna
Landscapes of War in Greek and Roman Literature by
The_Land_Between_The_River - The Bosnian Pyramid - by Lehmann, Noah Francis
Justinian's Indecision by Powell, Joshua McKay
A Classical Dictionary Of Hindu Mythology And Religion, Geography, History, And Literature by Dowson, John
The Middle Maccabees: Archaeology, History, and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom by
Der Untergang des Weströmischen Reiches in "Romulus der Große" von Friedrich Dürrenmatt und der Altertumswissenschaft: (Pazifistische) Wende oder Fort by Tufan, Lauritz
The Middle Maccabees: Archaeology, History, and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom by
Jesus: A New Vision by Strieber, Whitley
Commentary on Demosthenes' Against Androtion: Introduction, Text, and Translation by Giannadaki, Ifigeneia
Études Sur Les Barbares Et Le Moyen Âge by Littré, Émile
Thèse de Doctorat Ès-Lettres. Du Type d'Hercule Dans La Littérature Grecque: Depuis Les Origines Jusqu'au Siècle Des Antonins by Des Essarts, Emmanuel
Le Préhistorique, Antiquité de l'Homme. 2e Édition by de Mortillet, Gabriel
Lucianity: The Perverse Religion of Christians by Byer, John
A New Perspective on the Use of Paul in the Gospel of Mark by Ferguson, Cameron Evan
Historical Accuracy by Campbell, Steve
Atletenu by Ratti, Diego
The Lombards: The History and Legacy of the Germanic Group that Dominated Italy after the Fall of Rome by Charles River
Los misterios de Mitra: la historia y el legado del culto religioso más misterioso de la antigua Roma by Charles River
Los misterios de Mitra: la historia y el legado del culto religioso más misterioso de la antigua Roma by Charles River
Die Herrschaftspolitik des Pyrrhos und sein Italien-Feldzug (280-275 v. Chr.) by Anonymous
Germanische Altertumskunde Im Wandel: Archäologische, Philologische Und Geschichtswissenschaftliche Beiträge Aus 150 Jahren by
Sidelights on Greek Antiquity: Archaeological and Epigraphical Essays in Honour of Vasileios Petrakos by
Die Stadt ALS Beschriebener Raum: Die Beispiele Pompeji Und Herculaneum by Opdenhoff, Fanny
Experiencing Dodona: The Development of the Epirote Sanctuary from Archaic to Hellenistic Times by Chapinal-Heras, Diego
Gefängnis ALS Schwellenraum in Der Byzantinischen Hagiographie: Eine Untersuchung Früh- Und Mittelbyzantinischer Märtyrerakten by Papavarnavas, Christodoulos
The Indus: Lost Civilizations by Robinson, Andrew
Sumerian Origins by Romney, Norah
Empire of Horses: The First Nomadic Civilization and the Making of China by Man, John
The Super Summary of Western History by Daniel, Alan Dale
The Moundbuilders: Ancient Societies of Eastern North America by Milner, George R.
The Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas in Late Antiquity by
Serving Athena by Shear, Julia L.
Ancient Greek Lists by Kirk, Athena
The Discovery of the Ancient Flood by Moorhen, Ryan
The Assyrian Legends of the Creation by Moorhen, Ryan
Noah's Land by Aldworth, John D.
Das Opferedikt als Christenverfolgung. Eine gezielte oder reichspolitische Maßnahme? by Anonymous
Doctrine and Power: Theological Controversy and Christian Leadership in the Later Roman Empire Volume 51 by Galvao-Sobrinho, Carlos R.
Persian and Caucasus Myths: A Captivating Guide to Persian Mythology and Tales from Circassia, Armenia, and Georgia by Clayton, Matt
Tales from the Caucasus: Captivating Myths and Legends from Circassia, Armenia, and Georgia by Clayton, Matt
Minoan Crete by Watrous, L. Vance
Minoan Crete: An Introduction by Watrous, L. Vance
New Directions in the Study of Women in the Greco-Roman World by
Ancestry by Spencer, David
Ancient Africa - 2 Books in 1: African Mythology and Ancient African Kingdoms by Barrow, Jim
Yājñavalkya Dharmaśāstra by
Stephanos Von Byzanz: Grammatiker Und Lexikograph by Billerbeck, Margarethe, Neumann-Hartmann, Arlette
The Second History of Man by Bershof, John Fox
The Sumerians: Lost Civilizations by Collins, Paul
Exploring the Mid-Republican Origins of Roman Military Administration: With Stylus and Spear by Pearson, Elizabeth H.
Lucianity: The Perverse Religion of Christians by Byer, John
Simplicity and Humility in Late Antique Christian Thought by Maxwell, Jaclyn L.
Uncovering Norse Mythology: A Guide Into Norse Gods and Goddesses, Viking Warriors and Magical Creatures by Russo, Lucas
Phoenicians: Lebanon's Epic Heritage by Holst, Sanford
Tu'i Tonga: ..a commentary... by Pone, Semisi
Pyrrhonian Buddhism: A Philosophical Reconstruction by Kuzminski, Adrian
Democracies and Republics Between Past and Future: From the Athenian Agora to e-Democracy, from the Roman Republic to Negative Power by Pelloso, Carlo
Sentinels of Light by Hegland, Tj
The Sorrows of Mattidia: A New Translation and Commentary by Hutt, Curtis
The Earth Shakers of Madagascar: An Anthropological Study of Authority, Fertility and Creation by Woolley, Oliver
Villagers of the Sierra de Gredos: Transhumant Cattle-raisers in Central Spain by Kavanagh, William
Latin Poetry and Its Reception: Essays for Susanna Braund by
Using Computers in the Translation of Literary Style: Challenges and Opportunities by Youdale, Roy
Hopliten in der Archaik. Die militärische Bedeutung bei Homer und die politischen Folgen by Baumann, Florian
Les Antiquitez d'Arles Traitées En Matière d'Entretien Et d'Itinéraire: Où Sont Décrites Plusieurs Nouvelles Découvertes Qui n'Ont Pas Encore Veu Le J by Seguin, Joseph
Petite Bibliothèque Économique Et Portative Ou Collection de Résumés Sur l'Histoire Et Les Sciences: Tome III. Histoire Ancienne by Collectif
Cours d'Archéologie Sacrée, À l'Usage Des Séminaires Et de MM. Les Curés. Partie 1 by Godard, Léon
Cours d'Archéologie Sacrée, À l'Usage Des Séminaires Et de MM. Les Curés. Partie 2 by Godard, Léon
Âge de la Pierre Polie Dans Les Cavernes Des Pyrénées Ariégeoises by Garrigou, Félix, Filhol, Henri
Dictionnaire Archéologique de la Gaule, Époque Celtique. Tome II. H-Z by Cartailhac, Émile
The Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia by
Alternative Iron Ages: Social Theory from Archaeological Analysis by
Horace: Satires Book II by Horace
Horace: Satires Book II by Horace
Killing Civilization: A Reassessment of Early Urbanism and Its Consequences by Jennings, Justin
Histoire de la procédure civile chez les Romains: Magistrats et juges by Walter, Ferdinand
Before Kṛṣṇa: Religious Diversity in Ancient Mathura by Kishore Saxena, Kanika
Identities, Ethnicities and Gender in Antiquity by
Das Spätantike ROM Und Die Stadtrömische Senatsaristokratie (395-455 N. Chr.): Eine Althistorisch-Archäologische Untersuchung by Wagner, Hendrik
The Embodied Self in Plato: Phaedo - Republic - Timaeus by Karatzoglou, Orestis
Classical Scholarship and Its History: From the Renaissance to the Present. Essays in Honour of Christopher Stray by
Temples of The African Gods: Decoding The Ancient Ruins of Southern Africa by Tellinger, Michael
Greek Myth by Edmunds, Lowell
Großarmenien zwischen Imperium Romanum und Partherreich. Von der Artaxiden-Dynastie bis zur Krönung Tiridates I. by Topuz, Marcus
A Study of Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in China by Pei, Anping
Communicative Approaches for Ancient Languages by
Monasteries and the Care of Souls in Late Antique Christianity by Dilley, Paul C.
Communicative Approaches for Ancient Languages by
Der Friedensgedanke in Aristophanes Komödien: Eine Analyse von "Die Acharner", "Der Frieden" und "Lysistrata" by Eggert, Lisa-Marie
Historical Dictionary of Ancient Nubia by Lobban, Richard A., Jr.
Mythes des origines de la littérature sumérienne by Galador, Louis
Revolviendo el cajón de la historia by , Documentalium
Utopia: The Influential Classic by More, Thomas
Year 1: A Philosophical Recounting by Buck-Morss, Susan
Histoire de la Démocratie Athénienne: société, institutions, culture by Filon, Auguste
Las civilizaciones más grandiosas del mundo: la historia de los godos by Charles River
Lucretius on Disease: The Poetics of Morbidity in >De Rerum Natura by Kazantzidis, George
Ibn Bāǧǧa, Commentary on Aristotle's >On Generation and Corruption: Critical Edition and Translation with an Introduction and Glossarie by Martire, Corrado La
L'Algèbre Arithmétique Au Xiie Siècle: >Al-Bāhir by Rashed, Roshdi
Herakleios, Der Schwitzende Kaiser: Die Oströmische Monarchie in Der Ausgehenden Spätantike by Viermann, Nadine
Das Bild Von >Africa: Poetische Konstruktionen Eines Geographischen Raumes (Vergil, >Aeneis by Hesekamp, Ingrid
Avicenna, >The Healing, Logic: Isagoge: A New Edition, English Translation and Commentary of the Kitāb Al-Madḫal of Avicenna's Kitāb A by Di Vincenzo, Silvia, Avicenna
Stolen Legacy by George G. M James: illustrated edition by James, George G. M.
Ritual in Deuteronomy: The Performance of Doom by Ramos, Melissa D.
The Babylonian Legends of the Creation by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Record-Making and Record-Keeping in Early Societies by Yeo, Geoffrey
Classical Antiquity in Heavy Metal Music by
One Arrow, One Kill: Jai Shri Ram by Satsangi, Aditya
Choral Constructions in Greek Culture by Steiner, Deborah Tarn
Nero by Drinkwater, John F.
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