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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2022

Global Humanities Reader: Volume 1 - Engaging Ancient Worlds and Perspectives by
The Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia by
Die Grenzen der antiken Welt. Die Entwicklung des griechischen geographischen Weltbilds zwischen dem 5. und 3. Jahrhundert v. Chr. by Sundermann, Judith
The Age of the Parákletos: A Historical Defense of Rabbinic Knowledge by Naiweld, Ron
Der Feldzug Alexanders des Großen in Kleinasien by Stangneth, Denny
The History of Ancient Israel: Completely Synchronizing the Extra-Biblical Apocrypha Books of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees: Book 3 From Abraham to Isr by Lilburn, Ahava
Der Aufstieg Octavians im Spiegel der Res gestae divi Augusti by Lühr, Ferris
Marking Place: New Perspectives on Early Neolithic Enclosures by
The Mythology Book by DK
The Phoenicians: Lost Civilizations by Jigoulov, Vadim S.
Kellis by
Music and Memory in the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds by
Callimachi Fragmenta Nuper Reperta by
Das Signalement in Den Papyrusurkunden by Hasebroek, Johannes
Filosofia Giapponese: 4 libri in 1: Ikigai, Kaizen, Kintsukuroi, Shirin-Yoku - Un percorso pratico di crescita personale per sviluppare forz by Okada, Joji, Amato, Andrea
de l'Ultramontanisme Et Du Gallicanisme, Point de Vue Providentiel Dans La Question Romaine by Valin, Claude-Marie
Jewish-Christianity and the History of Judaism by Reed, Annette Yoshiko
Der Limes unter Kaiser Hadrian by Pfeiffer, Sascha
Der Parthenonfries. Kunst und Architektur im Athen des Perikles by Mujzer, Daniel
Opferedikt und die Religionspolitik unter Kaiser Decius. Handelte es sich um eine gezielte Christenverfolgung? by Ziesemeier, Mario
Ziele der Dokimasie. Analysen ausgewählter Reden des Lysias by Schaller, Paul
Die Iden des März. Wie wurde Caesar ermordet und welche Anzeichen gab es dafür? by Galbas, Dennis
A Companion to the Political Culture of the Roman Republic by
Building in Words: The Process of Construction in Latin Literature by Reitz-Joosse, Bettina
Rigorism: The Influence of Willpower Upon History by Svensson, Lennart
The Horned God of Wytches by Fraser, Zan
The Hera of Zeus by Pironti, Gabriella, Pirenne-Delforge, Vinciane
Tatian's Diatessaron: Composition, Redaction, Recension, and Reception by Barker, James W.
The Olmec Civilization: An Enthralling Overview of the History of the Olmecs, Starting from Agriculture in Mesoamerica to the Fall of La Venta by History, Enthralling
La Civilización Tolteca: Un Apasionante Resumen de la Historia de los Toltecas, Desde el Período Clásico Maya en Mesoamérica hasta el Auge del by History, Enthralling
La civilización maya: Una apasionante visión de la historia maya, desde la dominación de los olmecas en el México antiguo hasta la llegada d by History, Enthralling
The Poetry of Ennodius: Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Mulligan, Bret
The Courts of Philip II and Alexander the Great: Monarchy and Power in Ancient Macedonia by
Song Regained: Working with Greek Poetic Fragments by
Witnesses and Evidence in Ancient Greek Literature by
Reading History in the Roman Empire by
The Yoruba People: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Yorubas and Yoruba Mythology by History, Captivating
Mesopotamian Cities: A Captivating Guide to Eridu, Uruk, Ur, Akkad, Assur, Lagash, Babylon, Nippur, Nimrud, and Nineveh by History, Captivating
Timbuktu: A Captivating Guide to an Important Ancient City and How It Became a Part of the Wealthy Mali Empire during the Reign by History, Captivating
The Forgotten Reign of the Emperor Jovian (363-364): History and Fiction by Drijvers, Jan Willem
Hunter-Gatherer Ireland: Making Connections in an Island World by Warren, Graeme
The Semantics of Word Division in Northwest Semitic Writing Systems: Ugaritic, Phoenician, Hebrew, Moabite and Greek by Crellin, Robert S. D.
Classics and Celtic Literary Modernism by Baker, Gregory
Reis naar het oude Griekenland by Olsen, William
Viaggio nell'antica Grecia by Olsen, William
Barrows at the Core of Bronze Age Communities: Petersfield Heath Excavations 2014-18 in Their Regional Context by Needham, Stuart, Anelay, George
Barrows at the Core of Bronze Age Communities: Supplementary Material by Needham, Stuart, Anelay, George
Barrows at the Core of Bronze Age Communities: Supplementary Material by Anelay, George, Needham, Stuart
A Completely Normal Practice: The Emergence of Selective Metalwork Deposition in Denmark, North-West Germany, and the Netherlands Between 2350-1500 by Visser, Marieke
Catalogue d'antiquités égyptiennes et grecques, sphinx en granit vert by Maison Rollin
Histoire Des Tems Anté-Diluviens Ou Antérieurs Au Déluge d'Yao, Arrivé l'An 2298 Avant Notre Ère by Fortia d'Urban, Agricol-Joseph-François-Xavier-Pierre-Esprit
Notes sur Saint-Pierre de Burlats, Tarn by Laran, Jean
Musées et collections archéologiques de l'Algérie et de la Tunisie. Supplément II by Martin, Jean, Cagnat, René
Congrès international d'anthropologie et d'archéologie préhistoriques, session de Stockholm by Cotteau, Gustave
Thèse. Les Consolations Chez Les Grecs Et Les Romains by Boyer, Édouard
Inventaire, avec cartes, des monuments mégalithiques du Morbihan by Gaillard, Félix
La pierre de Gap dédiée à la terre et au ciel. Deua Andarta, Deuos Loukos by Manteyer, Georges
Etymological Dictionary of the Sumerian Language, Part 3: Linguistic Analysis, Addenda and Corrigenda by Parpola, Simo
Миграции носителей Y-хро&#1084 by Байтасов, &#
The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings: Volume 3, Christ: Through the Nestorian Controversy by
Of Priests and Kings: The Babylonian New Year Festival in the Last Age of Cuneiform Culture by Debourse, Céline
Histoire de la Gaule by Roman-D+y
Unterhaltung bei Tisch über die Arbeit von Sklaven als Musiker bei den Gastmählern in der römischen Antike by Von Roda, Vincenz
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples: A Neurocognitive Approach by Panagiotidou, Olympia
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples: A Neurocognitive Approach by Panagiotidou, Olympia
The History & Development of the Doctrine of the Trinity by Gill, Steven N.
Instructions of Shuruppak: The First Book of Men by Snow, Amber
Euripides' Medea: Translation and Theatrical Commentary by Ewans, Michael
Euripides' Medea: Translation and Theatrical Commentary by Ewans, Michael
Chocolate Runs Through My Veins: The Insightfull History of the Women of Chocolate by Spenuzza, Connie
Prehistory Decoded by Sweatman, Martin
Slavery in the Late Antique World, 150 - 700 CE by
Deep History and the Ages of Man (second edition) by Gaffney, Mark H.
Mission de Phénicie. Texte by Sans Auteur
La Stèle Chrétienne de Si-Ngan-Fou. T. 1 by Havret-H
La Stèle Chrétienne de Si-Ngan-Fou. T. 3 by Havret-H
Le Parti Catholique, CE Qu'il a Été, CE Qu'il Est Devenu (Deuxième Édition) by de Falloux-A
Lyon, miroir de Rome by Audin-A
Carthage by Lancel-S
Ulysse le Crétois by Faure-P
Inscriptions Antiques de Nîmes (Éd.1893) by Germer Durand F
Ilios, Ville Et Pays Des Troyens: Résultat Des Fouilles Sur l'Emplacement de Troie (Éd.1885) by Schliemann H
Invitation to Syriac Christianity: An Anthology by
St. Paul: The Apostle We Love to Hate by Armstrong, Karen
Mission: Atlantis: Scientific evidence of Plato's lost island empire by Martin, Rod, Jr.
Invitation to Syriac Christianity: An Anthology by
Absolute Egyptian chronology: From Narmer (2838-2808) to Nakhtnebef II (360-342) by Gertoux, Gerard
A Cultural History of Peace in Antiquity by
The Gods of Nibiru in the Ancient Near East by Moorhen, Ryan
Visualizing Harbours in the Classical World: Iconography and Representation Around the Mediterranean by Ugolini, Federico
Derrycarhoon: A later Bronze Age copper mine in south-west Ireland by O'Brien, William
Cultures of Mobility, Migration, and Religion in Ancient Israel and Its World by Trinka, Eric M.
Prudentius' Psychomachia by Mastrangelo, Marc
Arya-Dharma, l'héritage indo-européen: Peuples, spiritualités, mythes et divinités by de Visme, Grégoire
Byzantine Rome by Labatt, Annie Montgomery
Bulletin de la Société Archéologique Du Finistère by Societe Du Finistere
Bulletin mensuel de numismatique et d'archéologie by Serrure, Raymond, Serrure, Constant Antoine
Bulletin mensuel de numismatique et d'archéologie by Serrure, Constant Antoine, Serrure, Raymond
Bulletin mensuel de numismatique et d'archéologie by Serrure, Raymond, Serrure, Constant Antoine
Bulletin mensuel de numismatique et d'archéologie by Serrure, Constant Antoine, Serrure, Raymond
Bulletin mensuel de numismatique et d'archéologie by Serrure, Constant Antoine, Serrure, Raymond
Bulletin mensuel de numismatique et d'archéologie by Serrure, Constant Antoine, Serrure, Raymond
Bulletin mensuel de numismatique et d'archéologie by Serrure, Constant Antoine, Serrure, Raymond
Bulletin mensuel de numismatique et d'archéologie by Serrure, Raymond, Serrure, Constant Antoine
Bulletin mensuel de numismatique et d'archéologie by Serrure, Constant Antoine, Serrure, Raymond
Bulletin mensuel de numismatique et d'archéologie by Serrure, Constant Antoine, Serrure, Raymond
Bulletin mensuel de numismatique et d'archéologie by Serrure, Constant Antoine, Serrure, Raymond
Exploring Gender Diversity in the Ancient World by
Vedic Cosmos by Romano, Henry
The History of the Diadochoi in Book XIX of Diodoros' >Bibliotheke: A Historical and Historiographical Commentary by Meeus, Alexander
Der Rat der 500. Wie demokratisch war Athen wirklich?: Von Disproportionalität und geheimen Treffen by Killat, Paul
Alexandra: Griechisch - Deutsch by Lykophron
Graffiti Images From Around The World by
The Akkadian Empire: An Enthralling Overview of the Rise and Fall of the Akkadians by History, Enthralling
Chaldea from the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria by Ragozin, Z. A.
The Social Dynamics of Roman Imperial Imagery by
Music and Metamorphosis in Graeco-Roman Thought by Leven, Pauline A.
Children and Family in Late Antique Egyptian Monasticism by Schroeder, Caroline T.
Rulers and Ruled in Ancient Greece, Rome, and China by
Greek Theater in Ancient Sicily by Bosher, Kathryn G.
The Future of Rome by
Catullus and Roman Comedy by Polt, Christopher B.
The Resurrection of Homer in Imperial Greek Epic by Greensmith, Emma
Social Control in Late Antiquity by
Oppian's Halieutica by Kneebone, Emily
The Rhetoric of Roman Transportation by Hudson, Jared
Religious Violence in the Ancient World by
Solo Dance in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature by Olsen, Sarah
L'Agide di Alfieri e il mito degli ultimi Re di Sparta by Fantuzzi, Martine Chantal
Empires to Be Remembered: Ancient Worlds Through Modern Times by
The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Archaeology by Davis, Thomas W., Pettegrew, David K., Caraher, William R.
Aspasia von Milet: Hetäre und Ghostwriter?: Eine kritische Gegenüberstellung von historischer Persönlichkeit und literarischer Kunstfigur by Paul, Timmy
Jerusalem: History of a Global City by Berthelot, Katell, Lemire, Vincent
Barrows at the Core of Bronze Age Communities: Petersfield Heath Excavations 2014-18 in Their Regional Context by Needham, Stuart, Anelay, George
The Anunnaki Sumerians by Moorhen, Ryan
The Myth of the Twelve Tribes of Israel by Tobolowsky, Andrew
Mythologies of the Ancient World by Moorhen, Ryan
Sleep and Dreams in Early Greek Thought: Presocratic and Hippocratic Approaches by Holton, Stephanie
Renuo - Repressio by
Vita Apollonii Tyanei by
[Set Enzyklopädie Der Griechisch-Römischen Antike, 6, 9, 10,13] by
Discovering Rome's Eastern Frontier: On Foot Through a Vanished World by Mitford, Timothy Bruce
The Inca: Lost Civilizations by Lane, Kevin
The 2006 Season at Tall Al-'Umayri and Subsequent Studies by
Horace: Odes Book III by
Palaeolithic Europe by French, Jennifer C.
Horace: Odes Book III by
Sybil, Queen of Jerusalem, 1186-1190 by Nicholson, Helen J.
The Mask of Socrates: The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity Volume 59 by Zanker, Paul
The Mask of Socrates: The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity Volume 59 by Zanker, Paul
From Avaris to Alabama: The Travels of the Hebrews by Yisrael, Yeshiah
Pliny and the Eruption of Vesuvius by Foss, Pedar W.
Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse in Monjukli Depe: Eine Analyse Des Sozialen Zusammenlebens in Einer Neolithisch-Äneolithischen Siedlung in Turkmenistan by Eger, Jana
Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse in Monjukli Depe: Eine Analyse Des Sozialen Zusammenlebens in Einer Neolithisch-Äneolithischen Siedlung in Turkmenistan by Eger, Jana
La Edad del Hierro en el Alto Duero (Siglos VII a.n.e. - I n.e.) by Liceras-Garrido, Raquel
Aristotle and the Animals: The Logos of Life Itself by Zatta, Claudia
Celtic Mythology: A Guide to Celtic History, Gods, and Goddesses by Parr, Jordan
Celtic Mythology: A Guide to Celtic History, Gods, and Goddesses by Parr, Jordan
Norse Mythology: A Guide to Norse History, Gods, and Goddesses by Parr, Jordan
Norse Mythology: A Guide to Norse History, Gods, and Goddesses by Parr, Jordan
The Akkadian Empire: An Enthralling Overview of the Rise and Fall of the Akkadians by History, Enthralling
Homo Migrans: Modeling Mobility and Migration in Human History by
Settlement and Urbanization in Early Islamic Palestine, 7th-11th Centuries: Texts and Archaeology Contrasted by Nol, Hagit
Der Neue Overbeck: Die Antiken Schriftquellen Zu Den Bildenden Künsten Der Griechen by
[Set Griechische Geschichte Ca. 800-322 V. Chr.] by Schulz, Raimund, Walter, Uwe
Griechische Geschichte Ca. 800-322 V. Chr.: Band 2: Forschung Und Literatur by Walter, Uwe, Schulz, Raimund
Darstellung by Schulz, Raimund, Walter, Uwe
An Illustrated Guide to Samurai History and Culture: From the Age of Musashi to Contemporary Pop Culture by Blair, Gavin
The Descent of the Sumerian Civilization and the Rise of the Akkadian Empire by Moorhen, Ryan
Vom Kollektiv Zum Individuum: Transformationsprozesse Am Übergang Vom 4. Zum 3. Jahrtausend V. Chr. in Der Deutschen Mittelgebirgszone by Drummer, Clara
Vom Kollektiv Zum Individuum: Transformationsprozesse Am Übergang Vom 4. Zum 3. Jahrtausend V. Chr. in Der Deutschen Mittelgebirgszone by Drummer, Clara
The Enigma of Sumerian Gods by Moorhen, Ryan
Tenue Est Mendacium: Rethinking Fakes and Authorship in Classical, Late Antique, & Early Christian Works by
Konsolidierung statt Expansion? Kaiser Hadrian und die Idee einer "grand strategy" by Hutschenreuter, Felix
The Smells and Senses of Antiquity in the Modern Imagination by
Teaching Latin: Contexts, Theories, Practices by Hunt, Steven
Greek Epitaphic Poetry by
Greek Epitaphic Poetry by
Themistokles. Retter der Griechen oder nur ein nachträglich verherrlichter Politiker? by Hutschenreuter, Felix
Das Entscheidungsdilemma der Griechischen Poleis zu Beginn des ersten Römisch-Pontischen Krieges by Vormann, Laura
From Ishtar to Eostre: Reframing the Near Eastern Origins of an Anglo Saxon Goddess by V. Scott, Steff
From Ishtar to Eostre: Reframing the Near Eastern Origins of an Anglo Saxon Goddess by V. Scott, Steff
Die Kleisthenischen Reformen im Diskurs. Das Werk "Athenaion politeia" by Sağkaya, Kemal-Alp
Notes de voyage by Kraszewski, Józef Ignacy
Congrès international d'anthropologie et d'archéologie préhistoriques, compte rendu by de Baye, Joseph
Essai sur les rites funéraires en Suisse des origines à la conquête romaine by Viollier, David
Le cimetière d'Herpes, suite aux fouilles et collection de Ph. Delamain by Collectif
Daniel 11: A Message for God's End-time People by Louden, Perry F., Jr.
Der Limes. Befestigter "Grenzwall" zwischen dem Römischen Imperium und dem Freien Germanien?: Schriftliche Hausarbeit im Rahmen der Ersten Staatsprüfu by Beste, Alexander
Buried Cities and Bible Countries by St Clair, George
Die verschiedenen Darstellungen der Lucretia. Ovid, Cassio Dio und Livius by Berghea, Maria
Anunnaki Lands in the Ancient Near East by Zamani, Faruq
Persians: The Age of the Great Kings by Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd
Destructive and Formidable: British Infantry Firepower, 1642-1765 by Blackmore, David
Apostolic Church History: Volume 1 by Roop, William J.
Augustus Ehegesetze und die Wiederherstellung der mos maiorum. Eine exemplarische Untersuchung anhand Augustus Rede in Cassius Dio 56,2-10 by Truelsen, Paula
Origin of the Nephilim In Mesopotamia by Zamani, Faruq
Synkretismus des Hekate-Kults in der griechischen Antike. Einfluss anderer Göttinnen des griechischen Pantheons auf die Prägung der antiken Hekate by Thormann, Pauline
Transcendental Sages: And How the Bhagavatam Came to Be by Priya, Madhava
Die politische Organisation eines hellenistischen Koinon. Am Beispiel des Achaiischen Bundes by Anonymous
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