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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2025

Gefässe und Geräte aus Bronze by
Bildung Im Gesprach: Die Sermones Des Petrus Chrysologus by Hantel, Lina
Zur Entzifferung Der Hittitischen Hieroglypheninschriften by Jensen, Peter
Platon Und Die Zeit by
The Art of Contextualizing Philo of Alexandria by
From the Mari Archives by Sasson, Jack M.
Purity in Ancient Judaism: Texts, Contexts, and Concepts by
Is It Good to Be Rich?: Answers from the Bible and Antiquity by
Witwen, Recht Und Gerechtigkeit: Diskurse Uber Witwen Im Fruhen Christentum ALS Rezeptionsorte Prophetischer Und Weisheitlicher Kulturkritik by Sommer, Michael
Eusebios, Porphyrios Und Augustin Im Kampf Um Deutungshoheit by
Die Strafe Des Exils in Der Spatantike: Kirchen- Und Rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen Zur Verbannung in Der Ersten Halfte Des Vierten Jahrhunderts by Schwarz, Florian
Ritual and Law in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East by
Okele by Sanni, Adenike
Three Myths of Kingship in Early Greece and the Ancient Near East by Metcalf, Christopher
Voice of Eternity: The Apocalypse of the Apostle Peter by Lane, Salomon
A Voz da Eternidade: Apocalípse do Apóstollo Pedro by Lane, Salomon
The Seafaring Saga of the Phoenicians by Smith, Fiona P.
The Sky People: The Book of Giants by Cyrus, Hanif
English is Hebrew by Myler, Damian P.
Strabo by Lightfoot, Jessica
Strabo by Lightfoot, Jessica
The Chora Monastery of Constantinople by Moutafov, Emmanuel S.
The Chora Monastery of Constantinople by Moutafov, Emmanuel S.
The Science of Life in Aristotle and the Early Peripatos by
T&t Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism Volume Two by
T&t Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism Volume One by
Psychiatry: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Wright, Jessica
Psychiatry: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Wright, Jessica
The Handle Core Concept: Lithic Technology and Knowledge Transmission by Söderlind, Sandra
The Handle Core Concept: Lithic Technology and Knowledge Transmission by Söderlind, Sandra
Divergent Worlds: What the Ancient Mediterranean and Indian Ocean Can Tell Us about the Future of International Order by Acharya, Amitav, Pardesi, Manjeet S.
Ancient Society: Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery, through Barbarism to Civilization by Lewis Henry Morgan
Greek and Roman Military History by
Palace, Temple, and Marketplace: A Social History of Literature in Ancient Mesopotamia by Shepherd, Quinn
Ancient Thrace and the Classical World: Treasures from Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece by
Plants, Politics and Empire in Ancient Rome by Marzano, Annalisa
Bulls, Bears, Boers and Brits: Finance and the Coming of War in Southern Africa, 1894-1899 by Phimister, Ian
The Oxford Handbook of Mesolithic Europe by Tõrv, Mari, Nilsson Stutz, LIV, Stjerna, Rita Peyroteo
Wann Beginnt Die Papierzeit?: Zur Wissensgeschichte Eines Hoch- Und Spätmittelalterlichen Beschreibstoffs by Meyer-Schlenkrich, Carla
Galen, >On Demonstration: Reconstruction of a Lost Treatise from Greek and Arabic Sources by Koetschet, Pauline, Havrda, Matyás
Spätantike Chroniken Im Fluss Der Zeit: Kompilieren, Kürzen, Kontinuieren ALS Kulturelles Phänomen, Historische Quelle Und Philologische Herausforderu by Fröhlich, Niklas
Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power: Early La Tène Elite Burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse Region and Their Northwest European Context by
Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power: Early La Tène Elite Burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse Region and Their Northwest European Context by
Failed Methods and Ideology in Canonical Interpretation of Biblical Texts: Changing Perspectives 9 by Diebner, Bernd
Hacking Classical Forms in Haitian Literature by Hawkins, Tom
The Poetry of Alcuin of York: A Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Pucci, Joseph
The Oxford Handbook of Monsters in Classical Myth by
Technological Animation in Classical Antiquity by
Reconsidering the Letter to the Ephesians in Ancient Context by
Christian Paideia (Vol. 1): A History of Christian Education to 500 AD (From Athens to the Church Fathers) by Welter, Brian
Introduction to Mythology 5th Edition: Contemporary Approaches to Classical and World Myths by Thury, Eva M.
Near-Death Experience in Ancient Civilizations: The Origins of the World's Afterlife Beliefs by Shushan, Gregory
The Barbarians: Lost Civilizations by Bogucki, Peter
Interaction in Poetic Imagery by Silk, M. S.
Interaction in Poetic Imagery by Silk, M. S.
Authority and Tradition in Ancient Historiography by Marincola, John
Authority and Tradition in Ancient Historiography by Marincola, John
The Routledge Handbook of Emotions in the Ancient Near East by
The artes and the Emergence of a Scientific Culture in the Early Roman Empire by Zainaldin, James L.
The Art of Divination in the Ancient Near East: Reading the Signs of Heaven and Earth by Maul, Stefan M.
Lucans Epos Vom Bürgerkrieg Zwischen Caesar Und Pompeius: Eine Poetische Anatomie Menschlicher Destruktivität by Walde, Christine
Frontiers, Territories and the Making of Hittite Political Landscapes by Matessi, Alvise
Rural Baths in Roman Britain: A Colonisation of the Senses by Savani, Giacomo
Trees in Ancient Rome: Growing an Empire in the Late Republic and Early Principate by Fox, Andrew
War Owl Falling: Innovation, Creativity, and Culture Change in Ancient Maya Society by Eberl, Markus
La Venganza de Pandora: Una Historia del Mundo Antiguo a Través de Las Mujeres / Pandora's Revenge by Dunn, Daisy
Geohistory, Capitalist Development, and South Africa: From Racial Domination to Zim-Lite by R. Cox, Kevin
Thucydides: A Very Short Introduction by Roberts, Jennifer T.
Dogon Songs of Life and Death: A Performance of the Baja Ni Funeral Cycle in Tireli, Mali by Ongoiba, Oumarou S., Saye, Atimè D., Van Beek, W. E. a.
Neu (Im) Land - Erste Bäuer: Innen in Der Peripherie: Der Linienbandkeramische Fundplatz Lietzow 10 Im Havelland, Brandenburg by
Place, Encounter, and the Making of Communities: The Lower Sirwan/Upper Diyala River Valley from Prehistory to the Iron Age by Claudia, Glatz, Daniel, Calderbank, Francesca, Chelazzi
Place, Encounter, and the Making of Communities: The Lower Sirwan/Upper Diyala River Valley from Prehistory to the Iron Age by Claudia, Glatz, Daniel, Calderbank, Francesca, Chelazzi
Secret Stories on the Silk Road: Symbols, Architectures and Myths Between Italy, the Middle East and China by Coscia, Alessandro
The Apocalypse of the Birds: 1 Enoch and the Jewish Revolt Against Rome by Dugan, Elena L.
Neu (Im) Land - Erste Bäuer: Innen in Der Peripherie: Der Linienbandkeramische Fundplatz Lietzow 10 Im Havelland, Brandenburg by
Fragen an Die Antike: Blicke in Eine Uns Ferne Und Nahe Zeit by Weimer, Wolfgang
Europe in Late Antiquity by Wood, Ian Nicholas
Encyclopedia of Roman Imperial Chronology by Harvey, Sarah M., Harvey, Brian K.
The Dawn of Agriculture and the Earliest States in Genesis 1-11 by Levy, Natan
Southeast Arabia at the Dawn of the Second Millennium: The Bronze Age Collective Graves of Qarn Al-Harf, Ras Al-Khaimah (Uae) by Kennet, Derek, Caine, Alyson, Hilton, Anna
Chronographiae Quae Theophanis Continuati Nomine Fertur Liber VI: Recensuerunt Anglice Verterunt Indicibus Instruxerunt Michael Featherstone Et Juan S by
Archaeologies, Origins, Antiquities: Narrating Early Cultural History in Ancient Greece and Rome by
Runica Manuscripta: Die Nordische Tradition by Bauer, Alessia, Heizmann, Wilhelm
Chasing the Idea of Completeness: Great Book Collections in the Roman World by Pietruczuk, Katarzyna
Avicenna's Addendum to His Recension of Ptolemy's >Almagest by Nikfahm-Khubravan, Sajjad
The Mesopotamian Riddle: An Archaeologist, a Soldier, a Clergyman, and the Race to Decipher the World's Oldest Writing by Hammer, Joshua
Evolution of Burial Practices Within Neolithic Cist Graves: Tracking Funerary Customs in the Western Alpine Region (4800-3800 Bce) by Steuri, Noah
Evolution of Burial Practices Within Neolithic Cist Graves: Tracking Funerary Customs in the Western Alpine Region (4800-3800 Bce) by Steuri, Noah
A Companion to Assyria by
Aristotle in Japan: Reception, Interpretation and Application by
The Snettisham Hoards (2 Volume Set) by
A Cultural Encyclopedia of Lost Cities and Civilizations by Shally-Jensen, Michael, Vivian, Anthony
Looking Back Through Our Identities: Itihasa Purana by Sen, Aloka Parasher
Remembrance in Clay and Stone: Early Memorial and Funerary Art of Southwest China by Elias, Hajni
Ancient Jewish Food in Its Geographical and Cultural Contexts: What's Cooking in the Talmuds? by Weingarten, Susan
The Other Ancient Civilisations: Decoding Archaeology's Less Celebrated Cultures by Dasilva, Raven Todd
The Other Ancient Civilisations: Decoding Archaeology's Less Celebrated Cultures by Dasilva, Raven Todd
The Early Neolithic of Northern Europe: New Approaches to Migration, Movement and Social Connection by
The Early Neolithic of Northern Europe: New Approaches to Migration, Movement and Social Connection by
The Eve of Destruction?: Local Groups and Large-Scale Networks During the Late Fourth and Early Third Millennium BC in Central Europe by
The Eve of Destruction?: Local Groups and Large-Scale Networks During the Late Fourth and Early Third Millennium BC in Central Europe by
Mark the Deacon: The Life of Porphyry of Gaza: Translated with Introduction and Notes, with a Translation of the Georgian Life by Whitby, Michael, Childers, Jeff, Rapp, Claudia
Tome 3: Remedies. Pharmacy, Drugs, Archaeology, Tradition by
Altsächsisch: Beiträge Zur Altniederdeutschen Sprache, Literatur Und Kultur by
Disability and Impairment in Early China: Other Bodies by
Embracing the Salt Marsh: Foraging, Farming and Food Preparation in the Dutch-German Coastal Area Up to AD 1600. Studies in Honour of Annet Nieu by
Tome 1: Manuscripts. >Codices by
Tome 2: Plants. Botany, Gardens, >Materia Medica by
Damjili Cave: Investigating the Late Pleistocene to Holocene Human History in the Southern Caucasus by
Cattle, Community and Place: The Archaeology of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus by Tabor, Jonathan
My Name Is Your Name: Anthroponyms as Divine Attributes in the Greco-Roman World by
The Celtic Revolution: How Europe Was Turned Upside Down, from the Early Romans to King Arthur by Young, Simon
Early Farmers of West Mediterranean Europe by Phillips, Patricia
Miracles and Wonder: The Historical Mystery of Jesus by Pagels, Elaine
Miracles and Wonder: The Historical Mystery of Jesus (Large Print Edition) by Pagels, Elaine
The Remarkable Life, Death, and Afterlife of an Ordinary Roman: A Social History by Hartnett, Jeremy
The Remarkable Life, Death, and Afterlife of an Ordinary Roman: A Social History by Hartnett, Jeremy
The Hebrew Bible in Contemporary Fiction and Poetry by
Identities in Antiquity by
Incorruptible Bodies: Christology, Society, and Authority in Late Antiquity Volume 1 by Moss, Yonatan
Licurgo Di Sparta Nella Letteratura Greca E Latina by Gatto, Martina
Landscapes of Warfare: Urartu and Assyria in the Ancient Middle East by Earley-Spadoni, Tiffany
Israelite Religion: From Tribal Beginnings to Scribal Legacy by Van Der Toorn, Karel
Letters from Old Babylonian Kish by Reid, J. Nicholas, Wagensonner, Klaus
The Idea of the City in Late Antiquity: A Study in Resilience by Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew
Proclus, >Hypotyposis Astronomicarum Positionum: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary with a Study of the Diagrams and Illustrations by Lithari, Argyro
Demons in the Details: Demonic Discourse and Rabbinic Culture in Late Antique Babylonia by Ronis, Sara
Historia de la Biblia: La Historia del Libro Mas Influyente del Mundo by Barton, John
The Greatest Story Ever Told: An Eyewitness Account by Grylls, Bear
The Golden Road: How Ancient India Transformed the World by Dalrymple, William
Exploration Map by Map: From Migrations and Encounters to Voyages and Discoveries by DK
Enheduana: Princess, Priestess, Poetess by Gadotti, Alhena
Antiquity and Loyalist Dissent in Revolutionary America, 1765-1776 by Moy, Daniel R.
The Routledge Pocket Guide to Legal Latin by Stone, Jon R.
The Routledge Pocket Guide to Legal Latin by Stone, Jon R.
Harnessing Horses from Prehistory to History: Approaches and Case Studies by
Athens, 403 BC: A Democracy in Crisis? by Ismard, Paulin, Azoulay, Vincent
Impossible Monsters: Dinosaurs, Darwin, and the Battle Between Science and Religion by Taylor, Michael
The Routledge History of the Devil in the Western Tradition by
The Book in the Ancient World: How the Wisdom of the Ages Was Preserved by Chrystal, Paul
Caesar's Great Success: Sustaining the Roman Army on Campaign by Starace, Gregory, Merrow, Alexander, Von Hassell, Agostino
Rural Control in Imperial China I: The Xiangli System (Before 960) by Lu, Xiqi
Rural Control in Imperial China II: The Xiangli System (960-1911) by Lu, Xiqi
Translating Virgil: A Cultural History of the Western Tradition from the Eleventh Century to the Present by Braund, Susanna Morton
Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory by
Amazons: The History Behind the Legend by Braund, David
Celestial Signs and Classical Rhetoric in Early Imperial China by Chapman, Jesse J.
Roman Empire: A Handbook by
Jehu's Tribute: What Can Biblical Studies Offer Assyriology? by
Unexplained Mysteries of the Ancient World: Extraordinary Enigmas from History by Potter, William
Clie Nuevo Testamento En La Antigüedad: Un Estudio del Nuevo Testamento En Su Contexto Cultural by Burge, Gary M., Green, Gene L.
Alexander's Successors and the Creation of Hellenistic Kingship by Holton, John
Alexander's Successors and the Creation of Hellenistic Kingship by Holton, John
Tools, Techniques, and Technologies: Essays on Ancient Science and Its Reception in Honour of Liba Taub by
Chronology and History of the Attic Theatre: Origins, Fifth Century, Fourth Century (and Late) Reception by
Women at Work from Ancient Egypt Through the Middle Ages by Sigler, Lora Ann
Runes: Volume 2 - l'Écriture Des Anciens Germains Runes Vikings & Traditions Runiques by Pollington, Stephen
La Provence Antique: Histoire Et Monuments by Moliner, Manuel, Bouet, Damien, Genot, Alain
The World of the Western Greeks by
Cuneiform Culture and the Ancestors of Hebrew: Rethinking the Canaanite Amarna Letters by Mandell, Alice
A Companion to Ancient Agriculture by
Classical Taste in the Architectural World of Thomas Jefferson by Jordan, Alley Marie
Alaudae Volume 1 (1889-1890): The Original Latin Text of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, with English Translation and Explanatory Notes by
Alaudae Volume 2 (1891-1892): The Original Latin Text of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, with English Translation and Explanatory Notes by
Alaudae Volume 3 (1893-1895): The Original Latin Text of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, with English Translation and Explanatory Notes by
Briefe: Lateinisch - Deutsch by Plinius Der Jüngere
Early Christianity on the Lower Maeander: Between Ignatius and Apollo: Greek Cities in the Interplay of Religious Authorities by Huttner, Ulrich
Myth and History in Ancient Persia: The Achaemenids in the Iranian Tradition by Zarghamee, Reza Shaghaghi
Byzantium - Philosophy, Theology and Science: Studies >In Memoriam by
Rechtshistorische Schriften: Antike Und Mittelalter by Simon, Dieter
Giovanni Mauropode, >Poesie: Introduzione, Edizione Delle Poesie, Commentario E Indici by Mondini, Ugo
Galeni Methodus Medendi Libri V-VI / Galen, Die Therapeutische Methode, Buch V-VI by
The Golden Thread: The Ancient World and Christendom by Guelzo, Allen C., Hankins, James
Klimageschichte Der Griechisch-Römischen Antike by Zeller, Peter
Animating the Dead: An Archaeology of Bronze Age Burial Practices in Orkney by Downes, Jane, Richards, Colin
The Landscapes of Common Land: History and Ecology in Norfolk and Beyond by Williamson, Tom
A Year of Vengeance: Volume 2: Text Editions by Stratford, Edward
Book Culture, Erudition and Scholarship in Venetian Crete (15th-16th C.) by
Economy and Society of Ancient Mesopotamia by
Die Germanen Und Das Römische Reich: Historisch-Archäologisches Lexikon by
The World Before Racism: An Art Story by Farrington, Lisa
The Lost Mary: Rediscovering the Mother of Jesus by Tabor, James D.
Scholars and Scholarship in Ancient Mesopotamia by
Concordia, Felicitas, Fortuna: Münzbilder Politischer Gottheiten Und Herrschaft in ROM by Klünker, Annegret
Avicenna Illuminated: Suhrawardī's Critique of Aristotelian Categories and Hylomorphism by Beidokhti, Hanif Amin
Rendlesham and the East Anglian Kingdom: Investigating an Early English Royal Centre and Its Contexts by Scull, Christopher, Williamson, Tom
After Jesus Before Christianity: A Historical Exploration of the First Two Centuries of Jesus Movements by Vearncombe, Erin, Scott, Brandon, Taussig, Hal
Ancient Cultures of Civil War: Polarisation, Conflict, and Reconciliation by
Barhadbeshabba, >The Cause of the Foundation of Schools: Critical Edition with Translation, Introduction and Notes by
Memory, Ritual, and Identity in Ancient Greece and Rome by
Ancient Crete: The Archaeology of Minoan Society by Driessen, Jan
Ancient Crete: The Archaeology of Minoan Society by Driessen, Jan
Cladh Hallan: Roundhouses and the Dead in the Hebridean Bronze Age and Iron Age: Part 2: Material Culture, Subsistence, Skeletons and Synthesis by Mulville, Jacqui, Smith, Helen, Parker Pearson, Mike