• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Rome in 1987

Epistulae AD Atticum: Vol. I. Libri I-VIII by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Epistulae AD Atticum: Vol. II. Libri IX-XVI by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Epistulae AD Familiares. Libri I-XVI by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Sili Italici Punica by Silius Italicus, Tiberius Catius Asconius
Lucretius: de Rerum Natura IV by Godwin, John
Terence: The Brothers by Gratwick, Adrian S.
de Divinatione. de Fato. Timaeus by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Slave in Greece and Rome by Andreau, Jean
Germanen Erobern ROM: Der Untergang Des Weströmischen Reiches Und Die Entstehung Germanischer Königreiche Bis Zur Mitte Des 6. Jahrhunderts by Günther, Rigobert, Korsunskij, Alexander R.
Frontin Kriegslisten: Lateinisch Und Deutsch by Bendz, Gerhard
Women in Roman Law and Society by Gardner, Jane F.
The Family in Ancient Rome: New Perspectives by
Annals Vol 2 Bks 11-16 Ed Furneaux 2/E by Tacitus
Gibbon's Solitude: The Inward World of the Historian by Carnochan, W. B.
Italian Manpower 225 B.C.-A.D. 14 by Brunt, P. a.
Barbarians and Romans, A.D. 418-584: The Techniques of Accommodation by Goffart, Walter
The Senate of Imperial Rome by Talbert, Richard J. a.
Slaves and Masters in the Roman Empire: A Study in Social Control by Bradley, K. R.
Studies in Nuragic Archaeology: Village Excavations at Nuraghe Urpes and Nuraghe Toscono in West-Central Sardinia by
Über Den Oberbefehl Des Cn. Pompeius. Über Das Ackergesetz. Gegen L. Catilina by Cicero