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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Rome in 2010

Introduction À L'histoire Du Droit Public Romain by Troisfontaines, A.
Gallus; Oder, Römische Scenen, Aus Der Zeit Augusts by Becker, Wilhelm Adolph
Zur Geschichte Der Sclaverei Im Alten ROM: Festschrift by Schneider, Albert
Project Lessons from the Roman Empire: An Ancient Guide to Modern Project Management by Manas, Jerry
Carminum Saliarium Reliquiae by Maurenbrecher, Bertold
The History of Rome: From the Foundation of the City of Rome, to the Destruction of the Western Empire, Volume 1 by Goldsmith, Oliver
Histoire de la Gaule Sous La Domination Romaine, Volume 1 by Thierry, Amedee
Deux Campagnes de César: Étude de Stratégie by Moineville, L.
Rome's Mediterranean Empire: Books 41-45 and the Periochae by Chaplin, Jane D., Livy
The Comedies by Terence, Brown, Peter
The Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esq: With Memoirs of His Life and Writings, Volume 2 by Sheffield, John Holroyd, Gibbon, Edward
Vercingétorix Et l'Indépendance Gauloise: Religion Et Institutions Celtiques by Monnier, Francis
Beiträge Zur Kenntnis Des Römisch-Ägyptischen Grundbuchrechts by Lewald, Hans
Fighting Hydra-like Luxury by Zanda, Emanuela
Murder Was Not a Crime: Homicide and Power in the Roman Republic by Gaughan, Judy E.
Slavery: Antiquity and Its Legacy by DuBois, Page
Companion to Roman Rhetoric P by
The Erotics of Domination: Male Desire and the Mistress in Latin Love Poetry by Greene, Ellen
Cities of Roman Italy by Bedoyere, Guy de la
Washington In The Lap Of Rome (1888) by Fulton, Justin Dewey
The Trinummus Of T. Maccius Plautus (1883) by Plautus, Titus Maccius
The Kingdom And Comings Of Christ (1891) by Simmons, John Collinsworth
The Tenne Tragedies Of Seneca, Part 2 (1887) by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
The Roman Primacy, A.D. 430-451 (1899) by Rivington, Luke
The Story Of Our Lord's Life (1904) by Montgomery, Maud
The Education Of Christ: Hillside Reveries (1902) by Ramsay, William Mitchell
Tusculane de Ciceron Sur Le Mepris de La Mort (1732) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
The Student's Chronological New Testament (1904) by Robertson, Archibald T.
The First Year of Roman Law by Bernard, Fernand
The Institutes of Justinian by
An Introduction to the Study of the Civil Law by Irving, David
The First Year of Roman Law by Bernard, Fernand
Readings in Late Antiquity: A Sourcebook by
Roman Homosexuality by Williams, Craig A.
The Ides: Caesar's Murder and the War for Rome by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Companion Roman Republic by
The Spartacus War by Strauss, Barry
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 2 by Gibbon, Edward
The Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esq: With Memoirs of His Life and Writings, Volume 5 by Sheffield, John Holroyd, Gibbon, Edward
Ambrose of Milan by Of Milan, Ambrose
The Emperors' Needles by Sorek, Susan
The Emperors' Needles: Egyptian Obelisks and Rome by Sorek, Susan
Lives Behind the Laws: The World of the Codex Hermogenianus by Connolly, Serena
Histoire Romaine by Segur, Louis Philippe
A History of the World from the Earliest Records to the Present Time: From the Accession of Philip of Macedon to the Roman Conquest of Carthage and As by Smith, Philip
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 5 by Gibbon, Edward
Opera: Ad Mss. Codices ... Plvrimis in Locis Emendavit Notisque Illvstravit ... by Horace
Ueber Appius Claudius Cæcus Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Seiner Censur Und Der Des Fabius Und Decius ... by Siebert, Wilhelm
Die Entwicklung Der Centurienverfassung in Den Beiden Letzten Jahrhunderten Der Römischen Republik by Pluss, Hans Theodor
Infantry Combat in Livy's Battle Narratives by Koon, Sam
Washington In The Lap Of Rome (1888) by Fulton, Justin Dewey
History of Rome and of the Roman People: From Its Origin to the Invasion of the Barbarians, Volume 5 by Duruy, Victor, Mahaffy, John Pentland
The Practices Of The Early Christians Considered (1838) by Grew, Henry, Bannerman, Henry
The Voice Of The Seven Thunders: Or Lectures On The Apocalypse (1874) by Martin, J. Lemuel
Piso And The Praefect V1: Or The Ancients Off Their Stilts (1837) by Piso
L. Annaei Senecae Ad Lucilium Epistolarum Liber V2 (1602) by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
C. Suetonius Tranquillus V1, Part 1 (1736) by Burman, Pieter, Suetonius
L. Annaei Senecae Ad Lucilium Epistolarum Liber V1 (1602) by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Cicero the Statesman by Smith, R. E.
La Notion De L'Iniuria Dans Le Tres Ancien Droit Romain (1903) by Huvelin, Paul, Appleton, Charles Louis
Gai Salvsti Crispi De Catilinae Conivratione: The Conspiracy Of Catiline (1873) by
Das Urevangelium: Nach D. Alfred Resch' Wiederherstellung Der Logia Jesu (1906) by Mehl, Oskar Johannes
De L'Origine Du Testament Romain: Etude D'Antiquites Juridiques (1888) by Greiff, Francisque
Das Apostolische Speisegesetz In Den Ersten Funf Jahrhunderten (1903) by Bockenhoff, Karl
Die Apostelgeschichte (1905) by Clemen, Carl
Die Briefe Des Paulus An Die Epheser, Kolosser Und Philemon (1905) by Ewald, Paul
Storia Della Chiesa: Il Primo Evo 1-476 (1903) by Savio, Fedele
Le Eccezioni Nel Diritto Romano Classico V1 (1908) by Bozzoni, Roberto
La Persecution De Diocletien Et Le Triomphe De L'Eglise V2 (1908) by Allard, Paul
Tertullien Etude Sur Ses Sentiments A L'Egard De L'Empire Et De La Societe Civile (1901) by Guignebert, Charles
Cato Maior Sive De Senectute (1887) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Ueber Die Religionsbucher Der Romer (1843) by Ambrosch, Julius Athanasius
Das Wesen Des Servitutenbesitzes Nach Romischem Recht (1883) by Bossert, Gustav
Das Evangelium Des Petrus: Das Kurzlich Gefundene Fragment Seines Textes (1893) by Zahn, Theodor
Armin Und Die Romer (1893) by Fischer, F. W.
Catullus: With The Pervigilium Veneris (1893) by Owen, Sidney George
Aus Dem Noxalrechte Der Romer: Rechtshistorische Abhandlungen (1879) by Sell, Carl
La Giurisprudenza E La Vita Di Plinio Il Giovine (1873) by Bollici, Tito
Textes Choisis Sur La Theorie Des Obligations En Droit Romain (1865) by Vernet, Prosper
Saint Jerome La Societe Chretienne A Rome Et L'Emigration Romaine En Terre Sainte V2 (1867) by Thierry, Amedee
Le Grande Vie De Jesus-Christ Vie Souffrante V6 (1865) by Le Chartreux, Ludolphus
Le Grande Vie De Jesus-Christ Vie Souffrante V5 (1865) by Le Chartreux, Ludolphus
Onomasticon Tullianum, Part 1: Continens Tullii Ciceronis Vitam Historiam Litterariam (1836) by Baiterus, Ioannes Georgius, Orellius, Ioannes Casparus
Der Galaterbrief: Ubersetzt, In Seinen Geschichtlichen Beziehungen Untersucht Und Erklart (1852) by Hilgenfeld, Adolf
De La Condition De La Femme En Droit Romain: De La Protection Des Oeuvres Artistiques Et Litteraires Dans Les Rapports Internationaux (1888) by Martin, Paul
De Vita Excellentium Imperatorum (1836) by Nepos, Cornelius
Velleius Paterculus, Book 2: Chapters 41-131 (1893) by
De Amicitia: On Friendship (1901) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
De Apuleio Isiacorum Mysteriorum Teste (1900) by De Jong, Karel Hendrik Eduard
Die Weissagungen Jesu Christi (1895) by Schwartzkopff, Paul
Gli Scavi Di Narce Ed Il Museo Di Villa Giulia, E Le Rivelazioni Di Fausto Benedetti (1900) by Benedetti, Fausto
Philologischer, Historischer Und Kritischer Kommentar Uber Die Geschichte Des Begrabnisses, Der Auferstehung Und Himmelfahrt Jesu (1826) by Henneberg, Johann Valentin
De Scientia Civili Apud Marcum Tullium Ciceronem (1858) by Desjardins, Arthur
I Contratti A Favore Di Terzi Secondo Il Diritto Romano E Civile (1898) by Pacchioni, Giovanni
Les Monnaies Romaines (1896) by Blanchet, Adrien
Cicero De Amicitia, On Friendship: And Scipio's Dream (1884) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Ciceros Erste, Zweite Und Siebente Rede Gegen Marcus Antonius (1893) by Strenge, Julius
Der Codex D In Der Apostelgeschichte: Textkritische Untersuchung (1897) by Weiss, Bernhard
Der Feldzug Caesars Gegen Die Helvetier: Eine Kritische Untersuchung (1882) by Rauchenstein, Hans
Bilder Aus Der Romischen Landwirtschaft, Book 6 (1863) by Magerstedt, Adolph Friedrich
La Vie De N. S. Jesus Christ Ou Les Saints Evangiles V1 (1861) by Brispot, Pierre Florentin Lambert
Prokopius Von Casarea (1865) by Dahn, Felix
Der Romische Erbrechtsbesitz: In Seiner Ursprunglichen Gestalt (1870) by Leist, Burkard Wilhelm
Quellensammlung Zur Geschichte Des Neutestamentlichen Canons Bis Auf Hieronymus (1844) by
Marc-Aurele V4, Book 9: Ou Histoire Philosophique De L'Empereur Marc-Antonin (1820) by Ripault, Louis Madeleine
Beschouwing Van Het Tweede Boek Van Lucas, Genaamd Handelingen Der Apostelen, Part 1 (1858) by Da Costa, Isaac
Das Matthaus-Evangelium (1898) by
Le Epistole Famigliari Di Cicerone, Part 2 (1736) by Manutio, Aldo
Der Paulinismus: Ein Beitrag Sur Geschichte Der Urchristlichen Theologie (1890) by Pfleiderer, Otto
Histoire De M. T. Ciceron V1 (1818) by D'Exiles, Antoine Francois Prevost
Das Leben Jesu Nach Den Evangelien, Book 2, Part 3 (1846) by Lange, Johann Peter
L. Annaei Senecae Pars Prima Sive Opera Philosophica V2 (1827) by Bouillet, M. N.
M. T. Ciceronis Philosophica Omnia (1813) by Ciceronis, M. T.
Recherches Sur Le Culte De Bacchus V1 (1824) by Rolle, Pierre Nicolas
Vitae XII Imperatorum (1820) by Bremi, Johann Heinrich, Tranquilli, Caius Suetonii
M. Tullius Cicero Sammtliche Briefe V1 (1808) by Wieland, Christoph Martin
Das Leben Der Griechen Und Romer: Nach Antiken Bildweken Dangestellt (1872) by Koner, Wilhelm David, Guhl, Ernst Karl
Das Romische Pfandrecht (1847) by Bachofen, Johann Jakob
Expose Des Principes Generaux Du Droit Romain Sur La Propriete (1853) by Pellat, Charles Auguste
Religion Und Philosophie Bei Den Romern (1866) by Zeller, Eduard
Les Gens De Lettres Et Leurs Protecteurs A Rome (1891) by Reure, Odon Claude
Philonis Byzantini Libellus De Septem Orbis Spectaculis (1816) by Allatii, Leonis, Orellius, Johann Conradus
La Religion Romaine V1: D'Auguste Aux Antonins (1874) by Boissier, Gaston
P. Cornelii Taciti Agricola (1859) by
Vitae Excellentium Imperatorum Quoad Extant (1868) by Nepotis, Cornelii
Le Fondateur De Lyon: Histoire De L. Munatius Plancus (1892) by Jullien, Emile
Die Biblische Geschichte Des Neuen Testaments (1902) by Stockhardt, Georg
Inscriptions Antiques de la Corse by Esperandieu, Emile
A Book of Worthies by Yonge, Charlotte Mary
Cicero De Amicitia, On Friendship: And Scipio's Dream (1884) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Du Polytheisme Romain V1 (1833) by Constant, Benjamin
Les Religions Orientales Dans Le Paganisme Romain (1906) by Cumont, Franz Valery Marie
De Amicitia: On Friendship (1901) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
La Condizione Giuridica Della Donna Nella Storia Del Diritto Romano (1902) by Fornasotto, Enrico
De Natura Deorum De Divinatione De Fato (1879) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Klotz, Reinholdus
Memorie Istoriche Della Vita E Governo Di Galla Placidia (1848) by Pavirani, Paolo
Saint Jerome Et Ses Ennemis: These De Doctorat (1905) by Brochet, J.
Le Calvaire Et Jerusalem D'Apres La Bible Et Josephe (1866) by Coulomb, Pierre Francois
La Faillite D'Apres Le Droit Romain (1874) by Vainberg, Sigismund
Le Nouveau Testament De Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ (1872) by Oltramare, Hugues
Anekdota: Ou Histoire Secrete De Justinien (1856) by Isambert, Francois Andre
Cicero On Oratory and Orators: With His Letters to Quintus and Brutus by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Watson, John Selby
A History of England, from the First Invasion by the Romans, Volumes 11-12 by Lingard, John
A History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans, Volume 3 by Lingard, John
Description de La Terre: Les Regions Maritimes; Phenomenes Et Pronostics D'Aratus, Et Pieces Diverses by Avienus, Rufius Festus, Aratus
Hearsay, History, and Heresy by Howarth, Randall, Mitchell, Richard E.
Histoire Des Romains Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Reculés Jusquá L'invasion Des Barbares by Duruy, Victor
The Edinburgh Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome by
Cicero and the Catilinarian Conspiracy by Odahl, Charles
Year of the Passover: Jesus and the Early Christians in the Roman Empire by Hagan, John
The Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esq: With Memoirs of His Life and Writings, Volume 3 by Sheffield, John Holroyd, Gibbon, Edward
History of the Roman Empire, from the Accession of Augustus to the End of the Empire of the West: Being a Continuation of the History of Rome by Keightley, Thomas
Lectures Introductory to a History of the Latin Language and Literature by Wordsworth, John
A History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans, Volume 14 by Lingard, John
Oden Und Epoden by Horace, Müller, Lucian
Pompeo in Egitto: Tragedia Inedita by Avoli, Alessandro, Leopardi, Giacomo
Tarracina-Anxur Und Kaiser Galba Im Romane Des Petronius Arbiter by Fisch, Richard
Notizie del Carcere Tulliano, Detto Poi Mamertino, Alle Radici del Campidoglio: Ove Fu Rinchiuso S. Pietro: E Delle Catene Con Cui VI Fu Avvinto Prima by Cancellieri, Francesco
Hegemonius Acta Archelai (1906) by Hegemonius
Die Stempel Der Romischen Augenarzte (1867) by Grotefend, Carl Ludwig
Il Diritto Penale Romano Nelle Sue Attenenze Col Diritto Penale Moderno (1878) by Napodano, Gabriele
Die Stoa (1903) by Barth, Paul
An Easy Abridgment Of Caesar's De Bello Civili (1893) by Awdry, H.
Elements D'Archeologie Chretienne V1: Notions Generales (1906) by Marucchi, Horace
Die Stellung Des Urchristentums Zum Staat (1908) by Weinel, Heinrich
Discours Funebres: En L'Honneur De Son Frere Cesaire Et De Basile De Cesaree (1908) by De Nazianze, Gregoire
Gesammelte Abhandlungen Zur Romischen Religions: Und Stadtgeschichte (1904) by Wissowa, Georg
Gai Institvtionvm Commentarii Quattvor: Separatim Ex Ivrisprvdentiae Anteivstinianae Reliqviarvm (1903) by
Das Abendmahl In Den Zwei Ersten Jahrhunderten Nach Christus (1904) by Andersen, Axel
De Extispicio Capita Tria (1905) by Blecher, Georgius
De Vita Caesarum, Book 8 (1906) by Tranquilli, C. Suetonii
Die Stoa (1903) by Barth, Paul
Caesar, Tacitus, Karl Der Grosse Und Die Deutsche Landwirtschaft (1911) by Fleischmann, Wilhelm
Die Briefe Des Libanius V2: Agrapha, Aussercanonische Schriftfragmente (1906) by Seeck, Otto, Resch, Alfred
Epigraphie Romaine Dans Le Departement Du Calvados: Recueillie Et Decrite (1869) by Lambert, Ed
Cato Maior: Sive De Senectute Dialogus (1858) by Sommerbrodt, Julius, Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Esquisse Historique Du Droit Criminel De L'Ancienne Rome (1882) by Maynz, Charles Gustave
Artis Obstetriciae Sorani Ephesii Doctrina: Commentatio Historico-Obstetricia (1841) by Pinoff, Isidor
De C. Julii Hygini, Augusti Liberti, Vita Et Scriptis, Part 1 (1846) by Bunte, Christianus Bernhardus
De C. Suetonii Tranquilli Vita Et Scriptis (1856) by Regent, Josephus
De Cornelii Labeonis: Fragmentis, Studiis, Adsectatoribus (1889) by
Die Taciteisch Charakterzeichnung Des Tiberius (1895) by Ritter, Julius
De Epistulis A Cicerone Post Reditum Usque Ad Finem Anni A. V. C. 700 Datis Quaestiones Chronologicae (1885) by Koerner, Augustus Aemilius
Die Thaten Des Kaisers Augustus Von Ihm Selbst Erzahlt: Monumentum Ancyranum (1897) by
Geschichte Des Montanismus: Seine Enstehungsursachen, Ziel Und Wesen (1883) by Belck, Waldemar
Agapea Mixahaeia Et Tesserae Paschales (1822) by Morcelli, Antonii
De Spoliatie: Wederrechtelijke Toeeigening, Gepleegd Door De Nederlandsch-Indische Regeering Ten Opzichte Van Het Particulier Landbe by Perelaer, Michael Theophile Hubert
Del Regime Patrimoniale Nel Matrimonio Romano (1882) by Camici, Dino
Droit Romain De L'Impot Sur L'Importation Et L'Exportation Des Marchandises A Rome: Sous La Republique Et Spous L'Empire (1894) by Cantacuzene, M. G.
Disquisitio De Philosophiae Ciceronianae Fonte Praecipuo (1836) by Cicero, M. Tullius, Kolk, Jacob Ludwig C. Schroeder Van Der
The Great Events By Famous Historians V10: A Comprehensive And Readable Account Of The World's History (1919) by
The Great Events By Famous Historians V11: A Comprehensive And Readable Account Of The World's History (1919) by
The Great Events By Famous Historians V7: A Comprehensive And Readable Account Of The World's History (1919) by
The Great Events By Famous Historians V2: A Comprehensive And Readable Account Of The World's History (1905) by
Caius Julius Caesar V2 (1845) by Caesar, Julius
C. Musonii Rufi Philosophi Stoici: Reliquiae Et Apophthegmata (1822) by Peerlkamp, J. Venhuizen
Das Wappenwesen Der Griechen Und Romer Und Anderer Alter Volker, Ein Vorbild Des Mittelalterlichen Und Neuen (1841) by Bernd, Christian Samuel Theodor
Et Etude Sur L'in Bonis Ou Propriete Pretorienne En Droit Romain (1883) by De Villeneuve, Louis Henry
Selected Letters Of Pliny (1911) by Pliny the Younger
Cours Complet Et Gradue De Themes Grecs, Part 1 (1838) by Longueville, Edme Paul Marcellin
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