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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Rome in 2017

Cabinet of Ancient Medical Curiosities: Strange Tales and Surprising Facts from the Healing Arts of Greece and Rome by McKeown, J. C.
Die Annalen des Tacitus by Draeger, A., Tacitus, Cornelius
The Second Triumvirate: Augustus, Marc Antony, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, And The Founding Of An Empire by Alexander, Clifford
Hadrian's Wall: The History and Construction of Ancient Rome's Most Famous Defensive Fortification by Charles River
Cornelii Taciti Historiarum libri qui supersunt: Erster Band - Buch 1 und 2 by Heraeus, Carl, Tacitus, Cornelius
Approaching the Roman Revolution: Papers on Republican History by Syme, Ronald
The World's Greatest Civilizations: The History and Culture of the Aztec by Charles River
Die Assessoren der römischen Magistrate und Richter: Eine rechtshistorische Abhandlung by Hitzig, Hermann Ferdinand
Constantine: Religious Faith and Imperial Policy by
Roman Portable Sundials: The Empire in Your Hand by Talbert, Richard J. a.
The Etruscans: The History and Culture of the Ancient Italian Civilization that Preceded the Romans by Charles River
The Soldier's Life: Martial Virtues and Manly Romanitas in the Early Byzantine Empire by Stewart, Michael Edward
The Annals of Tacitus: Books 5-6 by Tacitus
La Guerra de las Galias y La Guerra Civil by César, Julio
Geschichte und Bild von Nero by Raabe, A. H.
Ausführliche Erläuterung des besondern völkerschaftlichen Teiles der Germania des Tacitus by Baumstark, Anton
Pagan Ideas of Immortality During the Early Roman Empire by Moore, Clifford Herschel
Gegen Julian. Buch 6-10 und Fragmente by
Die römische Agrargeschichte in ihrer Bedeutung für das Staats-und Privatrecht by Weber, Max
The Emperor of Law: The Emergence of Roman Imperial Adjudication by Tuori, Kaius
The World's Greatest Civilizations: The History and Culture of the Minoans (Illustrated) by Charles River
Rome and the Classic Maya: Comparing the Slow Collapse of Civilizations by Storey, Rebecca, Storey, Glenn R.
Rome's Most Notorious Defeats: The History and Legacy of the Battle of Cannae and the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest by Charles River
Justinian the Great: The Life and Legacy of the Byzantine Emperor by Charles River
The Siege of Masada: The History and Legacy of the Battle that Ended the First Jewish-Roman War by Charles River
The Roman Gladiators: The History and Legacy of Ancient Rome's Most Famous Warriors by Charles River
Graffiti in Antiquity by Keegan, Peter
Die Arbeiter und Communisten in Griechenland und Rom: Nach den Quellen by Drumann, W.
Das Privatleben der Römer: 7. Band by Marquardt, Joachim
Yarnton: Neolithic and Bronze Age Settlement and Landscape by Dennis, Caroline, Bell, Christopher, Hey, Gill
Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt by Seeck, Otto
Christians and Their Many Identities in Late Antiquity, North Africa, 200-450 CE by Rebillard, Éric
Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt: Sechster Band by Seeck, Otto
Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt by Seeck, Otto
390 A.C. BRENNO. Guai ai vinti by Reginelli, Antero
Diodorus Siculus and the World of the Late Roman Republic by Muntz, Charles
Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt: 2. Band by Seeck, Otto
Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt: 1. Band by Seeck, Otto
Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt: 5. Band by Seeck, Otto
Die venerischen Krankheiten im Altertum: Quellenmäßige Erörterungen zur Geschichte der Syphilis by Müller, Friedrich Wilhelm
Zur Geschichte und Organisation des römischen Vereinswesens by Liebenam, Wilhelm
Hillard and Botting's Latin Compendium by Hillard, Albert Ernest, Botting, Cecil Geroge
Grundriss der Geschichte der römischen Litteratur by Zoeller, Max
Roman Theories of Translation: Surpassing the Source by McElduff, Siobhán
Roman Literature, Gender and Reception: Domina Illustris by
The Roman Garden: Space, Sense, and Society by Von Stackelberg, Katharine T.
Geschichte der römischen Litteratur: bis zum Gesetzgebungswerk des Kaisers Justinian. 2. Teil, 2. Hälfte by Schanz, Martin
The Roman Pantheon: The History and Legacy of Rome's Famous Landmark by Charles River
Londinium: The History of the Ancient Roman City that Became London by Charles River
Untersuchungen zu Caesar und seinen Fortsetzern by Landgraf, Gustav
Geschichte der römischen Litteratur bis zum Gesetzgebungswerk des Kaisers Justinian: 2. Teil, 1. Hälfte by Schanz, Martin
Das Templum: antiquarische Untersuchungen by Nissen, Heinrich
Vollständiges Wörterbuch zu den Schriftwerken des Julius Cäsar und seiner Fortsetzer by Eichert, Otto
Cicero de Senectute (On Old Age) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Caligula & Nero: Rome's Worst Emperors by Charles River
Der echte und der unechte Juvenal: Eine kritische Untersuchung by Ribbeck, Otto
The Economy of Pompeii by
Análisis crítico y filológico de Columela y Paladio by López Rodríguez, Elena
Über die Transitio ad Plebem by Lange, Ludwig
2016 by
Brutus d'après les lettres de Cicéron by Boissier, Gaston
Atticus: Un Ami des grands dans les derniers jours de la République romaine by Boissier, Gaston
Cælius et la Jeunesse romaine au temps de César by Boissier, Gaston
L'Instruction publique dans l'Empire romain by Boissier, Gaston
Der Echte und der unechte Juvenal: Eine kritische Untersuchung by Ribbeck, Otto
The Vandals: The History and Legacy of Antiquity's Most Famous Barbarians by Charles River
Summoned to the Roman Courts: Famous Trials from Antiquity by Liebs, Detlef
Plinianische Studien zur geographischen und kunsthistorischen Literatur by Oehmichen, Gustav
Die Kriegszüge des Germanicus in Deutschland by Knoke, Friedrich
Die Kriegszüge des Germanicus in Deutschland: Nachtrag by Knoke, Friedrich
Ces Chrétiens qui ne croyaient pas en Jésus-Christ: Un Christianisme appelé Géométrie au Moyen Âge by Van Halteren, Jean-Pierre
Ancient Rome: A History From Beginning to End by Freeman, Henry
The Caesars by de Quincey, Thomas
The Restoration of Rome: Barbarian Popes and Imperial Pretenders by Heather, Peter
Die Schriftsteller der Stadt Rom im 1.Jahrhundert ueber die Christen by Nordmann, Karl-Ulrich
Localized Law: The Babatha and Salome Komaise Archives by Czajkowski, Kimberley
Senses of the Empire: Multisensory Approaches to Roman Culture by
Politics in the Roman Republic by Mouritsen, Henrik
The Story of the Byzantine Empire by Oman, M. a. F. S. a. Charles William Chad
The Most Famous Battles of the Ancient World: Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, Cannae, and the Teutoburg Forest by Charles River
History of Ancient Egypt Volume 2 by Romer, John
The Most Famous Battles of the Ancient World: Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, Cannae, and the Teutoburg Forest by Charles River
Power and Public Finance at Rome, 264-49 Bce by Tan, James
Die Attischen Nächte des Aulus Gellius by Gellius, Aulus, Weiss, Fritz
The Two Eyes of the Earth: Art and Ritual of Kingship Between Rome and Sasanian Iran Volume 45 by Canepa, Matthew P.
EL MURO DE ADRIANO y los Auxilia by Ramos, Sergio Geijo
Last Pagan Emperor: Julian the Apostate and the War Against Christianity by Teitler, H. C.
Hypatia: The Life and Legend of an Ancient Philosopher by Watts, Edward J.
Goethe-Jahrbuch by Geiger, Ludwig
The Chief Periods of European History by Freeman, Edward Augustus
Goethe-Jahrbuch by Geiger, Ludwig
Killing Roma: The Destruction of the Works of Femaleness and the Second Coming that Never Was. The Next Four to Five Hundred Years o by Amerikos, Hekataios Pindaros
Vollständiges Wörterbuch zu den Verwandlungen des Publius Ovidius Naso by Eichert, Otto
The Historical, Political, and Diplomatic Writings of Niccolò Macchiavelli: Vol. I by Machiavelli, Niccolò, Detmold, Christian Edward
History of the Romans Under the Empire: Volume VI by Merivale, Charles
History of the Romans Under the Empire: Volume V by Merivale, Charles
Richer than Croesus by Nothe, Charles
La Guerre civile by César, Jules
Das Onomastikon der biblischen Ortsnamen by Eusebius
Die römische Agrargeschichte in ihrer Bedeutung für das Staats-und Privatrecht by Weber, Max
The Roman Port and Fishery of Cosa: A Center of Ancient Trade by McCann, Anna Marguerite
The Roman Port and Fishery of Cosa: A Center of Ancient Trade by McCann, Anna Marguerite
The Kingdom of Herod the Great: The History of the Herodian Dynasty in Ancient Israel During the Life of Jesus by Charles River
Ancient Palmyra: The History and Legacy of One of Antiquity's Greatest Cities by Charles River
Youth in the Roman Empire by Laes, Christian, Strubbe, Johan
The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest: The History and Legacy of the Roman Empire's Greatest Military Defeat by Charles River
Die Kriegszüge des Germanicus in Deutschland by Knoke, Friedrich
The History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic: Vol. II by Ferguson, Adam
History of the Romans Under the Empire: Vol. II by Merivale, Charles
Zur Beurtheilung des Donatismus by Thümmel, Wilhelm
Goethe-Jahrbuch: 15. Band by Geiger, Ludwig
History of the Romans Under the Empire: Vol. VI by Merivale, Charles
Roman Society in the Last Century of the Western Empire: Second Edition by Dill, Samuel
Ancient Rome by Pennell, Robert F.
The Teacher in Ancient Rome: The Magister and His World by Maurice, Lisa
Exercises Upon the Different Parts of Italian Speech: With references to Veneroni's grammar by Bottarelli, F.
History of the Romans Under the Empire: Vol. III by Merivale, Charles
The establishment of Roman Power in Britain by Tamblyn, William Ferguson
The Establishment of Roman Power in Britain by Tamblyn, William Ferguson
Nero by Abbott, Jacob
Pyrrhus of Epirus: The Life and Legacy of One of the Ancient World's Most Famous Generals by Charles River
Pyrrhus of Epirus: The Life and Legacy of One of the Ancient World's Most Famous Generals by Charles River
Romulus by Abbott, Jacob
Romulus by Abbott, Jacob
The Laws of the Isaurian Era: The Ecloga and Its Appendices by
The Laws of the Isaurian Era: The Ecloga and Its Appendices by
Man and Animal in Severan Rome by Smith, Steven
The History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic by Ferguson, Adam
A Smaller History of Rome by Smith, William
Caesar's Army: A Study of the Military Art of the Romans in the Last Days of the Republic by Judson, Harry Pratt
The Roman System of Provincial Administration: To the Accession of Constantine the Great... by Arnold, William Thomas
The Life of Roman Republicanism by Connolly, Joy
Rome and the Making of Modern Europe by Joy, James Richard
History of the Romans under the Empire: Vol. IV. by Merivale, Charles
The Walls, Gates and Aqueducts of Rome by Hodgkin, Thomas
Rome and Pompeii: Archaeological Ramble by Boissier, Gaston, Fisher, D. Havelock
Young folks' History of Greece and Rome by Cotton, Elizabeth J.
Politics in the Roman Republic by Mouritsen, Henrik
The Military Discipline of the Romans from the Founding of the City to the Close of the Republic by Currie, George
I senatoconsulti. Una raccolta di autori latini by Cairo, Giambattista
Greek and Roman Civilization: With an Introduction to the Source Study Method by Fling, Fred Morrow
The Jewish War by Hammond, Martin, Josephus
La Jeunesse de Marc-Aurèle by Boissier, Gaston
History of the Romans under the Empire: Vol. VI. by Merivale, Charles
Les Délateurs by Boissier, Gaston
L'Exil d'Ovide by Boissier, Gaston
Juvénal et son temps by Boissier, Gaston
L'Opposition sous les césars by Boissier, Gaston
The Influence of the Roman Law on the Law of England: Being the Yorke Prize Essay of the University of Cambridge for the Year 1884 by Scrutton, Thomas Edward
Historia de la Decadencia y Ruina del Imperio Romano (Spanish Edition) by Gibbon, Edward
Early Rome: Myth and Society by
Mastering the West: Rome and Carthage at War by Hoyos, Dexter
Rome's Revolution: Death of the Republic and Birth of the Empire by Alston, Richard
Destroyer of the Gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World by Hurtado, Larry W.
The Dynasty of Theodosius: Or, Eighty Years' Struggle with the Barbarians by Hodgkin, Thomas
The Invasion Of Europe By The Barbarians by Bury, J. B.
Pagan and Christian Rome by Lanciani, Rodolfo
Kirche und Kaiser in Antike und Spätantike by
Rome and the Campagna by Burn, Robert
History of Rome and of the Roman people: From its origin to the Invasion of the Barbarians by Duruy, Victor
History of Rome and of the Roman people: From its origin to the Invasion of the Barbarians by Duruy, Victor
The Roman Street by Hartnett, Jeremy
History of Rome and of the Roman people: From its origin to the Invasion of the Barbarians by Duruy, Victor
In Bed with the Romans by Chrystal, Paul
The Roman Republic: The Historians' History of the World Volume 5 by Various
The Late Roman Empire: The Historians' History of the World Volume 7 by Various
Sallust: The Conspiracy Of Catiline And The War Of Jugurtha by Curtius, Quintus
Roma contro Roma: L'anno dei quattro imperatori e le due battaglie di Bedriacum by Romeo Di Colloredo Mels, Pierluigi
Sallust: The Conspiracy of Catiline and The War of Jugurtha by Curtius, Quintus
Die Quellen des byzantinischen Rechts by Troianos, Spyridon
Il Popolo del Silenzio: Relazione di un antico cimitero di Cristiani in vicinanza della citta' di Chiusi con le iscrizioni ivi trovate by Barbanera, Gianfranco
Beiträge zur Vorgeschichte Italiens by Rubino, Joseph
Mercury's Wings: Exploring Modes of Communication in the Ancient World by
Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality; Volume VII by Morris, Charles
Hannibal's Niece: A Tale of Love, Murder, and Deceit in Ancient Rome by Licata, Anthony R.
Mythological Beings Magic, Myth or Man by Kleinschmidt, Adrienne
The Peace of the Gods: Elite Religious Practices in the Middle Roman Republic by Champion, Craige B.
Banishment in the Later Roman Empire, 284-476 CE by Washburn, Daniel
Materiality and Consumption in the Bronze Age Mediterranean by Steel, Louise
History of the Romans Under the Empire: Volume 1 by Merivale, Charles
History of the Romans Under the Empire: Volume 5 by Merivale, Charles
Histoire de la Législation Romaine Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'à La Législation Moderne. 2e Édition: Suivie de la Généralisation Du Droit Romain Et l'Exp by Ortolan, Joseph-Louis-Elzéar
Histoire de la Législation Romaine Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'à La Législation Moderne. 9e Édition: Suivie d'Une Généralisation Du Droit Romain by Ortolan, Joseph-Louis-Elzéar
Histoire de la Législation Romaine Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'à La Législation Moderne. 9e Édition: Suivie d'Une Généralisation Du Droit Romain by Ortolan, Joseph-Louis-Elzéar
History of the Romans Under the Empire: Volume 2 by Merivale, Charles
History of the Romans Under the Empire: Vol. IV by Merivale, Charles
Outlines of Roman History from 133 to 27 B.C by Allcroft, Arthur Hadrian
Exemplarity and Singularity: Thinking through Particulars in Philosophy, Literature, and Law by
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon, Edward
Kings Dethroned - A History of the Evolution of Astronomy from the Time of the Roman Empire Up to the Present Day: Showing It to Be an Amazing Series by Hickson, Gerrard
History of Rome and of the Roman People: From its Origin to the Invasion of the Barbarians. Vol. IV, Part II by Duruy, Victor
Traum - Mantik - Allegorie: Die Hieroi Logoi Des Aelius Aristides Im Weiteren Kontext Der Griechisch-Römischen Traumliteratur by Bittrich, Ursula
Sons of Remus: Identity in Roman Gaul and Spain by Johnston, Andrew C.
History of Rome and of the Roman People: From its Origin to the Invasion of the Barbarians - Vol. 2 by Duruy, Victor
The Popes and the Church of Rome in Late Antiquity by Moorhead, John
History of the Romans under the Empire: With a copious analytical index by Merivale, Charles
Les Annales by Tacite
Meditations by Aurelius, Marcus
Victory's Shadow: A History of Greece and Rome from the Iliad to the Battle of Cynoscephalae, 1184 to 197 B.C. by Earle, Guy P.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Volume 1 by Bury, J. B., Gibbon, Edward
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