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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Rome in 2019

Histoire Du Luxe Privé Et Public, Depuis l'Antiquité Jusqu'à Nos Jours. 2e Édition. Tome 2 by Pouget, Louis
Histoire Du Luxe Privé Et Public, Depuis l'Antiquité Jusqu'à Nos Jours. 2e Édition. Tome 1 by Saint-Germain-Leduc
Maritime Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean World by
Kinship in Ancient Athens: Two-Volume Set: An Anthropological Analysis by Humphreys, S. C.
Discours sur la première décade de Tite-Live by Machiavel, Nicolas
War: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Bradford, Alfred S.
Beyond Greek: The Beginnings of Latin Literature by Feeney, Denis
Via Roma: The History of Rome in Fifty Streets by Van Van Dijk, Willemijn
De la Clémence by Sénèque
American in Ephesus: History of an Immortal City by Lehman, Keith Allen
Church and Synagogue (30-313 AD): Parting of the Ways by Rosik, Mariusz
The Origin of Roman London by Wallace, Lacey M.
Rome After Sulla by Rosenblitt, J. Alison
Uncovering Anna Perenna: A Focused Study of Roman Myth and Culture by
Selections from Cicero Pro Milone: An Edition for Intermediate Students by
Roman Girlhood and the Fashioning of Femininity by Caldwell, Lauren
Peasants and Slaves by Launaro, Alessandro
Efficacious Roman Suicide: Suicidal Tendencies in Ancient Rome Second Edition by Boyajian, Michael
Revival: Society and Politics in Ancient Rome (1912): Essays and Sketches by Abbott, Frank Frost
Revival: The Life of Caesar (1933) by Ferrero, Guglielmo
Revival: Roman Life and Manners Under the Early Empire (1913) by Friedlaender, Ludwig Henrich
Emperor and Senators in the Reign of Constantius II by Moser, Muriel
Revival: The Common People of Ancient Rome (1911): Studies of Roman Life and Literature by Abbott, Frank Frost
L'esercito romano da Romolo a re Artù - Vol. 2: Da Augusto a Caracalla, 30 a. C, 217 d. C by Lucchetti, Marco
The Republic and The Laws by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Os Evangelhos Apócrifos: a História dos Apócrifos do Novo Testamento que não Constam na Bíblia by Vazquez-Lozano, Gustavo, Charles River
Os Evangelhos Apócrifos: a História dos Apócrifos do Novo Testamento que não Constam na Bíblia by Charles River, Vazquez-Lozano, Gustavo
Enemies of the Later Roman Order: A Study of the Phenomenon of Language Aggression in the Theodosian Code, Post-Theodosian Novels, and the Sirmondian by Stachura, Michal
The Landmark Julius Caesar: The Complete Works: Gallic War, Civil War, Alexandrian War, African War, and Spanish War by
The History of the Roman Republic: Abridged from the History by Professor Mommsen by Bryans, C., Hendy, F. J. R.
Horace by Miller, Paul Allen
The Long Shadow of Antiquity: What Have the Greeks and Romans Done for Us? by Aldrete, Gregory S., Aldrete, Alicia
Histoire des institutions politiques et administratives de la France. TOME DEUXIEME. by Viollet, Paul
Die ältesten Quellen zur Geschichte der Gracchen by Klimke, Klimke
Histoire Naturelle De Pline; Volume 4 by Elder )., Pliny (the
Histoire des institutions politiques et administratives de la France Tome Premier by Viollet, Paul
La Guerre civile by César, Jules
Titus et sa dynastie by Beulé, Charles Ernest
Lettres De Ciceron A Atticus; Volume 4 by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Histoire de la Gaule: 3 by Jullian, Camille
Vie des douze Césars by Suétone
Die Gens Langobardorum und ihre Herkunft. by Bluhme, Friedrich
Das sogenannte Schwert des Tiberius. Einladungs-Programm zu der an Winckelmann's Geburtstage, des 9. December 1848. by Lersch, Laurenz
Rome's Imperial Crisis: The History of the Roman Empire in the 3rd Century after Severus Alexander's Assassination by Charles River
Rome's Imperial Crisis: The History of the Roman Empire in the 3rd Century after Severus Alexander's Assassination by Charles River
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius by Aurelius, Marcus
Des Classes Ouvrières à Rome by Typaldo-Bassia, A.
Catalogue D'une Collection de Médailles Antiques by Rollin, Charles Louis
History of the Romans Under the Empire; Volume I by Merivale, Charles
Drei epigraphische Constitutionen Constantin's des Grossen und ein epigraphisches Rescript. by Voigt, Moritz
History of the Romans Under the Empire by Merivale, Charles
History of the Romans Under the Empire; Volume III by Merivale, Charles
Histoire de la Législation Rromaine: Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'a la Législation Moderne by Ortolan, Joseph-Louis-Elzéar
Oeuvres Complètes de M. T. Cicéron, Tome Quinzième by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Studien und Andeutungen im Gebiet des altrömischen Bodens und Cultus. by Ambrosch, Julius Athanasius
Christians in Caesar's Household: The Emperors' Slaves in the Makings of Christianity by Flexsenhar III, Michael
Dialogvs de Oratoribvs by Tacitus, Cornelius
L'eglise et L'empire Romain by Broglie, Albert De
Tacite et Son Siècle by DuBois-Guchan, Etienne Prosper
Oeuvres Complètes de Bartolomeo Borghesi, Tome Troisième by Borghesi, Bartolomeo
Oeuvres Complètes de Bartolomeo Borghesi, Tome Premier by Borghesi, Bartolomeo
Rome, ses Novateurs, ses Conservateurs et La Monarchie D'Octave-Auguste by Gris, Jules Le
Venice by Pidgeon, Daniel
Oeuvres Complètes de Bartolomeo Borghesi, Tome Premier by Borghesi, Bartolomeo
The Germania and Agricola: And Also Selections From the Annals, of Tacitus by Anthon, Charles
The Great Events By Famous Historians: (Volume XXII) by Johnson, Rossiter
Orationes Quædam Selectæ, Notis Illustratæ: In Usum Academiæ Exoniensis by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Orationes Quædam Selectæ, Notis Illustratæ: In Usum Academiæ Exoniensis by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Griechische Studien by Lipsius, Justus Hermann
Greek and Roman Civilization: With an Introduction to the Source Study Method by Fling, Fred Morrow
The Story of the Kings of Rome by Edwards, G. M.
The Memoirs of a Baby by Daskam, Josephine
Des Marcus Tullius Cicero Lehre der Akademie by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
C. Sallustii Crispi de Catilinae Conjuratione Deque Bello Jugurthino Libri by Crispus, Gaius Sallustius
Cornelius Tacitus Dialogus de Oratoribus: Für den Schulgebrauch by Tacitus, Cornelius
Die Oskische Inschrift der Tabula Bantina und die Römischen Volksgerichte by Lange, Ludwig
Beiträge zum Römischen Staatsrecht by Nissen, Adolph
Ciceros Rede Gegen C. Verres Viertes Buch by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
C. Sallustii Crispi De Bello Catilinario et Jugurthino by Crispus, Gaius Sallustius
Die Leges Annales der Römischen Republik by Nipperdey, Karl
Ciceros Rede für Publius Sestius: Für den Schulgebrauch by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
De Duodecim Deis Platonis by Ahrens, Heinrich Ludolf
Lois Romaines Sous la République: A. R. 1 à 725. - Av. J.-C. 755, à 31 by Laya, Alexandre
Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Römischen Verfassungsgeschichte by Ihne, Wilhelm
Le Majus et le Minus Latium by Beaudouin, Edouard
Kleine Schriften aus dem Gebiete der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft by Lange, Ludwig
Kleine Schriften aus dem Gebiete der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft by Lange, Ludwig
Cleopatra: A Study by Houssaye, Henry
Materiali protostorici dalla grotta Vittorio Vecchi (Sezze Romano, LT) by Guidi, Alessandro, Rosini, Lucia
Il paesaggio trasformato: La pianura a sud di Padova tra Romanizzazione e Tarda Antichità by Matteazzi, Michele
Roman Power by Harris, William V.
Eutropius by Hazzard, J. C.
Josephus, Paul, and the Fate of Early Christianity: History and Silence in the First Century by Asiedu, F. B. a.
The History of England From the First Invasion by the Romans by Lingard, John
Selection From the Latin Literature of the Early Empire by Brown, A. C. B.
Marcus Aurelius & Caligula: Rome's Most Controversial Emperors. The Biography Collection by Hour, The History
Antony's Oriental Policy Until the Defeat of the Parthian Expedition by Craven, Lucile
The Roman Empire: The History and Legacy of the Ancient World's Most Famous Empire from Julius Caesar to Its Collapse by Charles River
The Roman Empire: The History and Legacy of the Ancient World's Most Famous Empire from Julius Caesar to Its Collapse by Charles River
The Severan Dynasty: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Roman Empire's Rulers Before Rome's Imperial Crisis by Charles River
Ancient Greek Technology: The History and Legacy of the Technological Advances Made in Greece during Antiquity by Charles River
The Old Roman World: The Grandeur and Failure of its Civilization by Lord, John
The History of Rome: From the Foundation of the City of Rome to the Destruction of the Western Empire by Goldsmith, Oliver
Easy English Pieces for Translation Into Latin Prose: Adopted for the use of Middle Forms in School by Champneys, Arthur Charles, Rundall, G. W.
Mémoires Du Peuple Français Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'à Nos Jours by Challamel, Augustin
Mémoires du peuple français depuis son origine jusqu'à nos jours by Challamel, Augustin
Der Echte und der unechte Iuvenal. by Ribbeck, Otto
Rome and the Making of Modern Europe by Joy, James Richard
Grundriss der Römischen Geschichte Nebst Quellenkunde by Niese, Benedictus
Essai sur L'histoire du Régime Municipal Romain dans le Nord de la Gaule by Tailliar, Eugène François Joseph
Festschrift zum Fünfzigjährigen Doctorjubiläum Ludwig Friedlaender, Dargebracht von seinen Schülern by Friedlaender, Ludwig
The Triumph of Christianity: How a Forbidden Religion Swept the World by Ehrman, Bart D.
The Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Several of his Friends. With Remarks by William Melmoth by Melmoth, William
Caesar's Conquest of Gaul: an Historical Narrative (Being Part I. of the Larger Work on the Same Subject), Vol. 1 by Holmes, T. Rice
Select Orations of Cicero by Anthon, Charles
Select Orations of Cicero by Anthon, Charles
The Institutes of Justinian: With the Novel as to Successions by Grapel, William
The Roman Empire: The Empire of the Edomite by Beeston, William
The Literary Work of Ammianus by Kennedy, Mary Jackson
Oeuvres Complètes de Condillac by Condillac, Etienne Bonnot De
Lectures on the Coinage of the Greeks and Romans by Cardwell, Edward
Vie d'Alexandre by Plutarque
Roman Receptions of Sappho by
M. Antonio Flaminio: Studio; con documenti inediti by Cuccoli, Ercole
M. Antonio Flaminio: Studio; con documenti inediti by Cuccoli, Ercole
The Two Great Republics by Lewis, James Hamilton
A Brief History of Roman Literature for Schools and Colleges by Bender, Hermann
The legiones Cannenses: The first professional army of the Roman republic by Rocca, Samuel
Prima della fine: Il tramonto di un impero by Dessolis, Francesco
Lucubrationes Manilianae... by Thomas, Paul, Woltjer, Janus De Manilio, Lanson, Gustave De Manilio
In the Flesh: Embodied Identities in Roman Elegy by Zimmermann Damer, Erika
The World's Great Events ... a History of the World From Ancient to Modern Times, B.C. 4004 to A.D. 1903 by Singleton, Esther
Ancient Magic: A Practitioner's Guide to the Supernatural in Greece and Rome by Matyszak, Philip
TV Antiquity: Swords, Sandals, Blood and Sand by Magerstädt, Sylvie
BLOOD OF EMPIRES Trilogy - Vol. II by Burks, John Lawrence
The Memoirs of a Baby by Cory, F. Y., Daskam, Josephine
A History of the Mental Growth of Mankind in Ancient Times by Hittell, John S.
Consolation à Marcia by Sénèque
War, State, and Society in Liège: How a Small State of the Holy Roman Empire Survived the Nine Year's War (1688-1697) by Goorts, Roeland
Fifty Early Medieval Things: Materials of Culture in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages by Deliyannis, Deborah, Dey, Hendrik, Squatriti, Paolo
Fifty Early Medieval Things: Materials of Culture in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages by Squatriti, Paolo, Deliyannis, Deborah, Dey, Hendrik
Lezioni di Antichità Toscane e Spezialmente Della Città di Firenze by Lami, Giovanni
Servilia and Her Family by Treggiari, Susan
Religion and Memory in Tacitus' Annals by Shannon-Henderson, Kelly E.
Antica Roma: Costumi e Tradizioni by Pace, Maria
Des Césars by Victor, Aurelius
Des Hommes Illustres de la Ville de Rome by DuBois, Nicolas-Auguste, Victor, Aurelius
Epitomé de Caesaribus by DuBois, Nicolas-Auguste, Victor, Aurelius
Gnosticism: The History and Legacy of the Mysterious Ancient Religion by Charles River
On the Sea Battle Tomorrow That May Not Happen: A Logical and Philosophical Analysis of the Master Argument by Jarmużek, Tomasz
The History Of The Progress And Termination Of The Roman Republic; Volume 4 by Ferguson, Adam
Histoire Des Institutions Politiques De L'ancienne France, Volume 3... by Coulanges, Fustel de
Pharsalia... by May, Thomas
Storia Civile Della Fedelissima Città Di Capua: Partita In Tre Libri ...... by Granata, Francesco
Eternal Rome and Emperors of Rome: Babylonian Emperors, Pagan Rome, Byzantine Rome, Holy Rome, Hapsburg Rome, Hapsburg American Empire and Papal Rome. by Anthony-Ignatius, Daniel
Histoire Des Institutions Politiques De L'ancienne France, Volume 3... by Coulanges, Fustel de
Sui Rapporti Tra L'italia E L'impero D'oriente Fra Gli Anni 476 E 554 D. C.: Studio Storico E Giuridico... by Gaudenzi, Augusto
Storia D'italia Del Medio-evo: Vol. 3, Greci E Longobardi ... by Troya, Carlo
Histoire Militaire Des Éléphants Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Reculés Jusqu'à L'introduction Des Armes À Feu... by Armandi, Pier Damiano
Rome Ancienne Et Moderne Depuis Sa Fondation Jusqu'a Non Jours... by Lafon, Mary
Derniers Temps De L'empire D'occident: La Mort De L'empire... by Thierry, Amédée
Lateinisch-deutsche vergleichende Wortkunde im Anschluss an Caesars Bellum Gallicum. by Perthes, Hermann Friedrich
The History Of The Life Of M. Tullius Cicero; Volume 2 by Middleton, Conyers
The First Book Of Caesar's Gallic War: C. Iuli Caesaris Belli Gallici Liber Primus, Ex Recensione Henrici Mensel [!] Editus Brevibusque Adnotationibus by Meusel, Heinrich, Caesar, Julius
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire: T. 2, T. 3, T. 4, T. 5, T. 6, T. 7 by Gibbon, Edward
Rome Au Siècle D'auguste, Ou Voyage D'un Gaulois À Rome À L'époque Du Règne D'auguste Et Pendant Une Partie Du Règne De Tibère... by Dezobry, Charles
Minerva: Introduction À L'étude Des Classiques Scolaires Grecs Et Latins... by Gow, James
Ricerche Sull'antica Citta' Di Eclano... by Guarini, Raimondo
The History Of The Life Of M. Tullius Cicero, 1 by Middleton, Conyers
The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire; Volume 53 by Gibbon, Edward
Rome Au Siècle D'auguste Au Voyage D'un Gaulois Á Rome Á L'époque ..., 2: D'auguste Et ... Tibère... by Dezobry, Ch
The History Of The Kings Of Rome: With A Prefatory Dissertation On Its Sources And Evidence; Volume 25 by Dyer, Thomas Henry
Roemer und Romanen in den Donaulaendern, zweite Auflage by Jung, Julius
Tacite: Avec Des Notes Politiques Et Historiques, Volume 9... by Tacitus, Cornelius
Tacite: Avec Des Notes Politiques Et Historiques, Volume 9... by Tacitus, Cornelius
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 2: Complete In Eight Volumes by Gibbon, Edward
Dialogus De Oratoribus... by Tacitus, Cornelius
Tacite... by Tacitus, Cornelius
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 2: With Maps by Gibbon, Edward
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire: With Notes By Henry Hart Milman. With Maps. In 4 Vol; Volume 1 by Gibbon, Edward
Livy: The Composition of His History by Luce, Torrey James
Livy: The Composition of His History by Luce, Torrey James
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 2: With Maps by Gibbon, Edward
The World Between Empires: Art and Identity in the Ancient Middle East by Fowlkes-Childs, Blair, Seymour, Michael
Storia Degli Antichi Popoli Italiani, Volume 3... by Micali, Giuseppe
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 4: With Maps by Gibbon, Edward
Storia Degli Antichi Popoli Italiani, Volume 3... by Micali, Giuseppe
Incisioni rupestri nell'Alto Lario by Beltramelli, Giovanni, Basilico, Roberto
L'Antéchrist by Renan, Ernest
La Guerre des Gaules by César, Jules
The Aeneid by Virgil
Histoire Des Institutions Politiques De L'ancienne France: L'empire Romain... by Coulanges, Fustel de
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire: With Notes By Henry Hart Milman. With Maps. In 4 Vol; Volume 4 by Gibbon, Edward
Rimini Avanti Il Principio Dell'era Volgare... by Tonini, Luigi
The Works Of Cornelius Tacitus: With An Essay On His Life And Genius, Notes, Supplements, &c by Tacitus, Cornelius, Murphy, Arthur
The War for Gaul: A New Translation by Caesar, Julius
The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire by Harper, Kyle
Histoire De La Gaule Sous L'administration Romaine... by Thierry, Amédée
Description De La Terre: Les Régions Maritimes... by Avienus, Rufius Festus, (Solensis )., Aratus
Outline of Roman History from Romulus to Justinian (1890): (Including Translations of the Twelve Tables, the Institutes of Gaius, and the Institutes o by Nasmith, David
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