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Ancient Rome in 2021

Caton l'Ancien Et l'Hellenisme. Images, Traditions Et Reception: Images, Traditions Et Reception by
Colosseum by Spanier Kristine Mlis
From Groningen to Montpellier: A walk along rivers and canals by Hylkema, Hielke
Colosseum by Spanier Kristine Mlis
Silenced Voices: The Poetics of Speech in Ovid by Natoli, Bartolo a.
Hadrian's Wall: Creating Division by Symonds, Matthew
Cassius Dio: Roman History: Books 57 and 58 (the Reign of Tiberius) by Mallan, C. T.
One God by
Ancient Greece's Most Important Islands: The History of Crete, Rhodes, and Sicily in Antiquity by Charles River
Ancient Greece's Most Important Islands: The History of Crete, Rhodes, and Sicily in Antiquity by Charles River
Plutarch's Lives, The Complete 48 Biographies (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Plutarch
The Complete Essays of Plutarch (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Plutarch
The Twelve Caesars (Royal Collector's Edition) (Annotated) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Suetonius
The King is Dead by Eddy, Samuel K.
The King is Dead by Eddy, Samuel K.
Los Etruscos: Una guía fascinante de la civilización etrusca de la antigua Italia que precedió a la República romana by History, Captivating
Los Etruscos: Una guía fascinante de la civilización etrusca de la antigua Italia que precedió a la República romana by History, Captivating
Romanian History: A Captivating Guide to the History of Romania and Vlad the Impaler by History, Captivating
Romanian History: A Captivating Guide to the History of Romania and Vlad the Impaler by History, Captivating
The Mithraic Origins of Christianity: Questioning the Mithras-Christ Connection by Di Donato, Allan
Three Thousand Years on the Frontier: Book 6 The Mountaineers 1800-1950 by Parris, George
Three Thousand Years on the Frontier: Book 1 Antiquity The First 1000 Years by Parris, George
How to Grow Old and a Guide to Friendship (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Elephantine Island and Aswan: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Egyptian Sites by Charles River
Empire of the Romans: From Julius Caesar to Justinian: Six Hundred Years of Peace and War, Volume II: Select Anthology by
Empire of the Romans: From Julius Caesar to Justinian: Six Hundred Years of Peace and War, Volume I: A History by Matthews, John
1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed: Revised and Updated by Cline, Eric H.
Mythic Rome by Nash, Pete
L'Antiquité et les pères de l'église by Janin, Jules
CIL IV Inscriptiones Parietariae Pompeianae Herculanenses Stabianae. Suppl. Pars 4. Inscriptiones Parietariae Pompeianae. Fasc. 2 by
Der Attische Grabbau: Entwicklung Und Bedeutung Freistehender Grabarchitektur in Athen Und Attika Von Der Archaischen Epoche Bis in Die Römische Kaise by Scholl, Andreas
The Politics of Munificence in the Roman Empire by Zuiderhoek, Arjan
Roman Law: An Historical Introduction by Hans Julius, Wolff
Pilatus: O que é a verdade? by de Souza Alves, Milton Cesar
State Power in Ancient China and Rome by
On the Deaths of the Persecutors: A Translation of De Mortibus Persecutorum by Lucius Caecilius Firmianus Lactantius by Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus
The Agricola and Germania (Royal Collector's Edition) (Annotated) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Tacitus
The History Of England, From The First Invasion By The Romans To Accession Of Mary (Volume I) by Lingard, John
The History Of England, From The First Invasion By The Romans; To The Accession Of Henry VIII (Volume Ii) by Lingard, John
The History Of England, From The First Invasion By The Romans; To The Accession Of Henry VIII (Volume Iii) by Lingard, John
The History Of England, From The First Invasion By The Romans To Accession Of Mary (Volume Iv) by Lingard, John
Arturo Imperator: La verdadera historia del Rey Arturo del siglo IV by Mateo, Francisco
Jesus: A New Vision by Strieber, Whitley
Cornelii Taciti Annalium: Liber XV by Tacitus, Cornelius
The History Of England, From The First Invasion By The Romans Of James I (Volume V) by Lingard, John
The History Of England, From The First Invasion By The Romans; To The Twenty-Seventh Year Of The Reign Of Charles II (Volume Vii) by Lingard, John
The History Of England, From The First Invasion By The Romans; To The Revolution In 1688 (Volume Viii) by Lingard, John
Mithras: Geschichte einer Gottheit by Buck, Sebastian
Silius Italicus' Punica: Rome's War with Hannibal by Augoustakis, Antony, Bernstein, Neil W.
Spare No One: Mass Violence in Roman Warfare by Baker, Gabriel
Livy's Women: Crisis, Resolution, and the Female in Rome's Foundation History by Keegan, Peter
Stoicism: The History and Legacy of the Influential Ancient Greek Philosophy by Charles River
Approcci diversi sulle origini di Roma 2: Pallottino, Alföldi, Momigliano by Cairo, Giambattista
Ruling Culture: Art Police, Tomb Robbers, and the Rise of Cultural Power in Italy by Greenland, Fiona
Escape from Rome: The Failure of Empire and the Road to Prosperity by Scheidel, Walter
L'Afrique romaine: Promenades archéologiques en Algérie et en Tunisie by Boissier, Gaston
Progress and Perils in Daily Life in Ancient Rome: An Entertaining Exploration of Roman History from the Beginning of the Republic to the Fall of the by Ambrose, Veronica
Ancient Naples A Documentary History Origins to c. 350 CE by Taylor, Rabun M.
Ancient Naples: A Documentary History Origins to c. 350 CE by Taylor, Rabun M.
Meditations: The Annotated Edition by Aurelius, Marcus
Human Mobility and Technological Transfer in the Prehistoric Mediterranean by
Second Best Jew? by Bradford, Adam T.
Le différend entre César et le Sénat (59-49 av JC): L'art, le patrimoine national, et l'Etat. by Guiraud, Paul
Espartaco y las Guerras de los Esclavos: Una Historia de Principio a Fin by History, Hourly
Commentaries on the Gallic Wars: Summarizing the "Celtic Holocaust" one chapter at a time by Patel, MacKenzie
The Antonine Romans and Deva (Roman Chester Awaits!) by Boyce, Andrew
Bullies and Saints: An Honest Look at the Good and Evil of Christian History by Dickson, John
Bullies and Saints: An Honest Look at the Good and Evil of Christian History by Dickson, John
The Dignity of Labour: Image, Work and Identity in the Roman World by Ferris, Iain
Rome, Empire of Plunder by
Boris Johnson's Dream of Rome: A Review and Interpretation by Charton, Michael
The Eclogues by Virgil
The Aeneid by Virgil
Under the Mediterranean I: Studies in Maritime Archaeology by
Under the Mediterranean I: Studies in Maritime Archaeology by
The Ancient Romans: History and Society from the Early Republic to the Death of Augustus by Dillon, Matthew, Garland, Lynda
Livy, History of Rome I: A Selection by
Virgil Aeneid XII: A Selection by
Ovid, Heroides: A Selection by
Ave Roma Immortalis: The History of Eternal Rome (Vol. 1&2): Wandering Into The Past: Historical Events, Biographies and Archeology by Crawford, F. Marion
The Roman Historians by Plutarch, Livy, Titus
A Preliminary Report on the Tall al- Ḥammām Excavation Project: Roman, Byzantine and Islamic Remains, Field LR (2005-2017) by Graves, David Elton
Pratiche funerarie e cultuali in Italia meridionale fra VI e V sec. a.C.: Il centro indigeno di Garaguso tra tradizione e innovazione by Garaffa, Valentina
The Romans: A Captivating Guide to the People, Emperors, Soldiers and Gladiators of Ancient Rome, Starting from the Roman Republic by History, Captivating
Carlomagno: Una guía fascinante sobre el mayor monarca del Imperio carolingio y cómo gobernó sobre francos, lombardos y romanos by History, Captivating
Carlomagno: Una guía fascinante sobre el mayor monarca del Imperio carolingio y cómo gobernó sobre francos, lombardos y romanos by History, Captivating
The Romans: A Captivating Guide to the People, Emperors, Soldiers and Gladiators of Ancient Rome, Starting from the Roman Republic by History, Captivating
Bullies and Saints: An Honest Look at the Good and Evil of Christian History by Zondervan
L'ultimo limes - Vol. 2 by Fantuzzi, Martine Chantal
L'ultimo limes - Vol. 1 by Fantuzzi, Martine Chantal
The Early Church: From Ignatius to Augustine (Easy to Read Layout) (Large Print Edition) by Hodges, George
The Early Church: From Ignatius to Augustine (Easy to Read Layout) (Large Print Edition) by Hodges, George
Urban Transformation in Ancient Molise: The Integration of Larinum Into the Roman State by Robinson, Elizabeth C.
The Church Histories" of Theodore Lector and John Diakrinomenos by Kosiński, Rafal
God on Earth: Emperor Domitian: The Re-Invention of Rome at the End of the 1st Century Ad by
God on Earth: Emperor Domitian: The Re-Invention of Rome at the End of the 1st Century AD by
Rocky Foundations for Peace: The Life of Octavianus by Nichols, Fiona E.
Historicising Ancient Slavery by Vlassopoulos, Kostas
Alexander the Great: A Captivating Guide to the King Who Conquered the Persian Empire and Babylon, Including His Impact on Ancient Greece and Rome by History, Captivating
Conversations About History, Volume 1 by Burton, Howard
Conversations About History, Volume 3 by Burton, Howard
Herodian of Antioch's History of the Roman Empire by Herodian of Antioch
Herodian of Antioch's History of the Roman Empire by Herodian of Antioch
Kleine Schriften Antike - Spaetantike - Neuzeit - Fachdidaktik: Analysen griechischer und roemischer Texte, Aspekte ihrer Rezeption und Transformation by Schmitz, Dietmar
Sosipatra of Pergamum: Philosopher and Oracle by Marx, Heidi
Imperial Women of Rome: Power, Gender, Context by Boatwright, Mary T.
After the Past: Sallust on History and Writing History by Feldherr, Andrew
History of the Franks: A Captivating Guide to a Group of Germanic Peoples Who Invaded the Western Roman Empire by History, Captivating
Ad Solaria, identificazione di una stazione di sosta: Nuove prospettive dallo scavo di un complesso romano a Calenzano (Firenze) by Pasini, Daria
Hypatia by Ronchey, Silvia
Masada: From Jewish Revolt to Modern Myth by Magness, Jodi
How to Be a Stoic by
As maiores civilizações do mundo: a história dos godos by Charles River
Roms Juristen: nach ihrer Sprache dargestellt by Kalb, Wilhelm
The Material Fall of Roman Britain, 300-525 CE by Fleming, Robin
Los godos y los vándalos: la historia y el legado de los bárbaros que saquearon Roma en el siglo V d.C. by Charles River
Los godos y los vándalos: la historia y el legado de los bárbaros que saquearon Roma en el siglo V d.C. by Charles River
Julian and Christianity by Greenwood, David Neal
Poggio Civitate (Murlo) by Tuck, Anthony
The Roman Games: A Captivating Guide to the Gladiators, Chariot Races, and Games in Ancient Rome by History, Captivating
Evil Roman Emperors: The Shocking History of Ancient Rome's Most Wicked Rulers from Caligula to Nero and More by Barlag, Phillip
Cato the Younger: Life and Death at the End of the Roman Republic by Drogula, Fred K.
The Toga and Roman Identity by Rothe, Ursula
Multisensory Living in Ancient Rome: Power and Space in Roman Houses by Platts, Hannah
The Empresses of Rome by McCabe, Joseph
Sejanus - Herrscher von Rom: Geachtet - Gefuerchtet - Geaechtet by Merker, Raimund
Roman Empire: Rise & The Fall. Explore The History, Mythology, Legends, Epic Battles & Lives Of The Emperors, Legions, Heroes, Gladiators & More by Brought Alive, History
Making Christian History: Eusebius of Caesarea and His Readers Volume 11 by Hollerich, Michael
Collected Papers on Suetonius by Power, Tristan
La Guerra de los Judíos: Corregido y adaptado al español contemporáneo by Casas Herrer, Eduardo, Josefo, Flavio
Heirs of Roman Persecution: Studies on a Christian and Para-Christian Discourse in Late Antiquity by
Sallust's Histories and Triumviral Historiography: Confronting the End of History by Gerrish, Jennifer
Public Uses of Human Remains and Relics in History by
A History of the Pyrrhic War by Kent, Patrick Alan
Meditations by Aurelius, Marcus
Cnaeus Domitius Ulpianus: Institutiones. de Censibus by Marotta, Valerio, Ferrary, Jean-Louis, Schiavone, Aldo
Roman Mythology: A Guide to Roman History, Gods, and Mythology by Collins, Peter
The Roman Army and the New Testament by Zeichmann, Christopher B.
Roman Mythology: A Guide to Roman History, Gods, and Mythology by Collins, Peter
The Aeneid by Virgil
Josephus, Paul, and the Fate of Early Christianity: History and Silence in the First Century by Asiedu, F. B. a.
Josephus and the Jews by Foakes Jackson, F. J.
Josephus and the Jews by Foakes Jackson, F. J.
Pompeii: A Captivating Guide to the City in Ancient Rome That Was Buried Because of the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius during the Rule of the Roman Empire by History, Captivating
The War for Gaul: A New Translation by Caesar, Julius
Conquering Jerusalem by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Conquering Jerusalem by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Empire and Ideology in the Graeco-Roman World by Isaac, Benjamin
Popular Culture in the Ancient World by
Oratory and Political Career in the Late Roman Republic by Van Der Blom, Henriette
Roman Artisans and the Urban Economy by Hawkins, Cameron
War and Society in Early Rome by Armstrong, Jeremy
Who's Who in the Age of Alexander and His Successors: From Chaironeia to Ipsos (338-301 Bc) by Heckel, Waldemar
The Last Great War of Antiquity by Howard-Johnston, James
Pliny the Elder and the Matter of Memory: An Encyclopaedic Workshop by Anguissola, Anna
Apex Omnium: Religion in the Res Gestae of Ammianus Volume 15 by Rike, R. L.
Apex Omnium: Religion in the Res Gestae of Ammianus Volume 15 by Rike, R. L.
Republican Rome: The Army and the Allies by Gabba, Emilio
Republican Rome: The Army and the Allies by Gabba, Emilio
Zenobia: Shooting Star of Palmyra by Andrade, Nathanael
Juvenal's Tenth Satire by Murgatroyd, Paul
Famous Men of Rome and Greece: Easy to Read Layout (Large Print Edition) by Haaren, John
Famous Men of Rome and Greece: Easy to Read Layout (Large Print Edition) by Haaren, John
Os Godos e os Vândalos: A História e o Legado dos Bárbaros que Saquearam Roma no século 5 CE by Charles River
Giovenale, "Satira" IV by Santorelli, Biagio
Papal Bull: Print, Politics, and Propaganda in Renaissance Rome by Meserve, Margaret
The Eternal Decline and Fall of Rome: The History of a Dangerous Idea by Watts, Edward J.
Tusculan Disputations by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Emperors and Political Culture in Cassius Dio's Roman History by
Fulvia: Playing for Power at the End of the Roman Republic by Schultz, Celia E.
Daughter of My People: Jesus' Jerusalem Destroyed by Cuevas, R. O.
The Way of the Romans: by Marcus Antonius Gnipho by Tracinski, Robert Lee
Empire and Religion in the Roman World by
Rome in Egypt's Eastern Desert: Volume One by Cuvigny, Hélène
Rome in Egypt's Eastern Desert: Volume Two by Cuvigny, Hélène
Rome in Egypt's Eastern Desert: Two-Volume Set by Cuvigny, Hélène
The Roman Triumvirates by Merivale, Charles
Lucan's Imperial World: The Bellum Civile in Its Contemporary Contexts by
Alaric the Goth: An Outsider's History of the Fall of Rome by Boin, Douglas
Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants: Frequently Asked Questions about the Ancient Greeks and Romans by Ryan, Garrett
Female Homosexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome by Boehringer, Sandra
Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans by Cumont, Franz
Female Homosexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome by Boehringer, Sandra
The Rich and the Pure: Philanthropy and the Making of Christian Society in Early Byzantium Volume 62 by Caner, Daniel
Der Heeresdienst Von Christen in Der Römischen Kaiserzeit: Studien Zu Tertullian, Clemens Und Origenes by Gerstacker, Andreas
Plutarch's Lives: Translated From the Original Greek; With Notes Critical and Historical and a New Life of Plutarch ...; v.3 by Langhorne, William, Langhorne, John
Plutarch's Lives: Translated From the Original Greek; With Notes Critical and Historical and a New Life of Plutarch ...; v.6 by Langhorne, John, Langhorne, William
Life of Pericles. With Introduction, Critical and Explanatory Notes and Indices by Holden, Hubert Ashton 1822-1896
Reading Lucan's Civil War: A Critical Guide Volume 62 by Roche, Paul
The Culture of Ancient Greece and Rome a General Sketch by Poland, Franz 1857-1945
The Culture of Ancient Greece and Rome a General Sketch by Poland, Franz 1857-1945
Temple Treasures: a Study Based on Livy by
Greece and Rome by Boulton, William Henry 1869-
Die Gebärden Der Griechen Und Römer; by Sittl, Karl 1862-1899
Collège Bourget, Rigaud, P.Q. [microform]: 1890-91 by
Temple Treasures: a Study Based on Livy by
The World of the New Testament by
Greece and Rome by Boulton, William Henry 1869-
Plutarch's Nicias and Alcibiades [microform]; Plutarch. by
Plutarch's Lives: Translated From the Original Greek; With Notes Critical and Historical and a New Life of Plutarch ...; v.4 by Langhorne, John, Langhorne, William
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