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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Rome in 2022

Habiter Dans Des Jardins. Les Aristocrates Et Leurs Horti Dans La Rome Tardo-Republicaine: Les Aristocrates Et Leurs Horti Dans La Rome Tardo-Republic by Hibold, I.
The Aeneid by Virgil
Scipio Africanus: Greater than Napoleon by Liddell Hart, B. H., Liddell Hart, Basil Henry
Phoenicians and the Making of the Mediterranean by López-Ruiz, Carolina
For the Freedom of Zion: The Great Revolt of Jews Against Romans, 66-74 CE by Rogers, Guy MacLean
Natural Law Republicanism: Cicero's Liberal Legacy by Hawley, Michael C.
Das Antike Rom Malbuch: Gut für Geschichte Studenten, um mit Zu entspannen Altes Rom, Geschichte Malbuch by Chloe, Lauren
On the Fall of the Roman Republic: Lessons for the American People by Strunk, Thomas E.
Justinian: Empire and Society in the Sixth Century by Haarer, F. K.
Justinian: Empire and Society in the Sixth Century by Haarer, F. K.
The Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World by
In the Flesh: Embodied Identities in Roman Elegy by Zimmermann Damer, Erika
de Re Coquinaria: Alimentazione e gastronomia romana ai tempi dell'Impero by Do Nurb, Arelle, Apicius, Marcus Gavius
Giuliano Da Sangallo and the Ruins of Rome by Brothers, Cammy
In Defiance of History: Orosius and the Unimproved Past by Leonard, Victoria
The Archaeology of Peasantry in Roman Spain by
Little book of Iron Age Skills: Updated & reformatted by Llawerch, Will
Stay healthy and have fun / स्वस्थ्य रहें और मस् by Rawat, Shakti
State and Family in Early Rome [1908] by Launspach, Charles W. L.
Political Conversations in Late Republican Rome by Rosillo-López, Cristina
The Aeneid by Virgil
An Evil Planned: Murder in the Roman Empire, A Novel by Faurez, Theo
Tacitus' Wonders: Empire and Paradox in Ancient Rome by
The Aeneid by Virgil
The Variae: The Complete Translation by Cassiodorus
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 1 by Gibbon, Edward
Rome. Le livre des fondations by Serres-M
Histoire de la chute de l'Empire romain et du déclin de la civilisation, (Éd.1835) by de Sismondi J C L
Géographie de l'Afrique Chrétienne. Numidie (Éd.1892-1894) by Toulotte a
Rome Is Burning: Nero and the Fire That Ended a Dynasty by Barrett, Anthony a.
I, Livia: The Counterfeit Criminal by Mudd, Mary
Limits of Empire: Rome's Borders by Forty, Simon, Forty, Jonathan
Le Christianisme et l'Empire Romain de Néron à Théodose by Allard, Paul
A History of the Classical World: The Story of Ancient Greece and Rome by Wyse, Elizabeth
Juvenal Satires Book III by Godwin, John
That Tyrant, Persuasion: How Rhetoric Shaped the Roman World by Lendon, J. E.
Roman Medallions by Toynbee, Jocelyn
Geschichte und Topographie der Stadt Rom im Altertum by Gilbert, Otto
La distruzione di Pompei: Cronaca della fine del Mondo by Feldman, Jeremy
The Ghost of Rome: Addendum by Cain, Virgil
Gibbon's Christianity: Religion, Reason, and the Fall of Rome by Liebert, Hugh
Generalship in Ancient Greece, Rome and Byzantium by
Dopo la fine by Dessolis, Francesco
Approcci diversi sulle origini di Roma 3: De Francisci, Magdelain, Arangio-Ruiz, Bonfante by Cairo, Giambattista
Christian Intellectuals and the Roman Empire: From Justin Martyr to Origen by Secord, Jared
Pliny's Roman Economy: Natural History, Innovation, and Growth by Saller, Richard
Why Rome Fell: Decline and Fall, or Drift and Change? by Arnheim, Michael
A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Murder in Ancient Rome by Southon, Emma
Foundations for a Humanitarian Economy: Re-thinking Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy by Bishop, William D.
Pars Media Conventus Carthaginiensis (Ager Segobrigensis Et Oppida a Valeria Ilugonem) by
Roman Rule and Jewish Life: Collected Papers by Cotton, Hannah M.
Remembering and Forgetting the Ancient City by
Natural History - An Illustrated Selection by The Elder, Pliny
Pompeii Awakened: A Story of Rediscovery by Harris, Judith
Conquering the Ocean: The Roman Invasion of Britain by Hingley, Richard
Co-Workers in the Kingdom of Culture: Classics and Cosmopolitanism in the Thought of W. E. B. Du Bois by Withun, David
Historia Natural - Una edición condensada by El Viejo, Plinio
What Is, and What Is in Itself: A Systematic Ontology by Adams, Robert Merrihew
Stories of Romans by Rodríguez Oteros, Baltasar
Roman Mythology: A Guide to Roman History, Gods, and Goddesses by Parr, Jordan
Daily Life of Women in Ancient Rome by Phang, Sara
Roman Law and Maritime Commerce by
Roman Mythology: A Guide to Roman History, Gods, and Goddesses by Parr, Jordan
Imperial Panegyric from Diocletian to Honorius by
Living and Cursing in the Roman West: Curse Tablets and Society by McKie, Stuart
Ravenna: Capital of Empire, Crucible of Europe by Herrin, Judith
Constantinople: Archaeology of a Byzantine Megapolis by Dark, Ken, Özgümüş, Ferudun
Contested Pasts: A Determinist History of Alexander the Great in the Roman Empire by Finn, Jennifer
The Life We're Looking for: Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World by Crouch, Andy
Tacitus' History of Politically Effective Speech: Truth to Power by O'Gorman, Ellen
Rome: An Empire of Many Nations by
Conversations About History, Volume 1 by Burton, Howard
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars by Tranquillus, C. Suetonius
The Lost Republic: Cicero's de Oratore and de Re Publica by Zetzel, James E. G.
Conversations About History, Volume 3 by Burton, Howard
Persia: Ancient Iran and the Classical World by
The Scent of Ancient Magic by Ager, Britta K.
London in the Roman World by Perring, Dominic
Four Days in September: The Battle of Teutoburg by R. Abdale, Jason
Religion & Classical Warfare: The Roman Empire by Matthew, Christopher, Dillon, Matthew
Roman Empire at War: A Compendium of Battles from 31 B.C. to A.D. 565 by Taylor, Don
Marching With Caesar-Catualda the Usurper by Peake, R. W.
L'area archeologica del Sepolcro degli Scipioni a Roma: Analisi delle strutture di età imperiale e tardo antica by Stefani, Michela
Julius Caesar: The Gallic War Books V-VI by Gerrish, Jennifer
Aspar and the Struggle for the Eastern Roman Empire, AD 421-71 by Bleeker, Ronald A.
Roman Law and Latin Literature by
Matthew and the Roman Military: How the Gospel Portrays and Negotiates Imperial Power by Christianson, John E.
Starting from Scratch: The Life-Changing Lessons of Aeneas by Marcolongo, Andrea
Man of High Empire: The Life of Pliny the Younger by Gibson, Roy K.
The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem and the Fall of Masada: From Josephus by Church, Alfred J., Hirsch, Brian
Egypt, Greece, and Rome: A History of Space and Places by Rossi, Corinna
At the Gates of Rome: The Fall of the Eternal City, AD 410 by Hollway, Don
Tacitean Visual Narrative by Waddell, Philip
The Roman Castrati: Eunuchs in the Roman Empire by Tougher, Shaun
Seneca and Roman Slavery Under Nero's Rule by Sobrino, Oswald
Discourse, Knowledge, and Power in Apuleius' Metamorphoses by Adkins, Evelyn
The Crucifixion Eve Era by Sandifer, Dean
The Tenth-Volume II by Kelly, L. R.
The Origins of Roman Christian Diplomacy: Constantius II and John Chrysostom as Innovators by Stevenson, Walter
Parallel Lives: Romans and the American Founders by Baughman, Karl, Poston, Brook
Archaeological Footwear II: Sandals, Pattens and Mules, from the Roman, Mediaeval and Modern Period by Volken, Marquita
Parallel Lives: Romans and the American Founders by Baughman, Karl, Poston, Brook
Broken for Purpose by Vessel, Yielding
Le détroit de Gibraltar (Antiquité - Moyen Âge). II: Espaces et figures de pouvoir by
Broken for Purpose by Vessel, Yielding
Aníbal: 247-183 Ac. by Ygua, Ruben
Gods and Goddesses in Ancient Italy by
Emotional Trauma in Greece and Rome: Representations and Reactions by
Conquerors of the Roman Empire: The Vandals by Macdowall, Simon
The Archaeology of Roman Macedonia: Urban and Rural Environments by Evangelidis, Vassilis
Pompeian Peristyle Gardens by Simelius, Samuli
The Complete Letters of Pliny the Younger by Pliny
The Complete Letters of Pliny the Younger by Pliny
An Introduction to Silius Italicus and the Punica by Jacobs, John
Caracalla: A Military Biography by Syvänne, Ilkka
Sabini by
Agrippina by Southon, Emma
Uncovering Vikings History by Russo, Lucas
Petra: Most Mysterious Ruins In The World (The True And Surprising History Of The Lost City Of Stone) by Batts, Russell
Ovid's "Heroides" and the Augustan Principate by Drinkwater, Megan O.
Historia Augusta, Volume III by
Historia Augusta, Volume I by
Sparta: History, State and Society by Kulesza, Ryszard
Historia Augusta, Volume II by
Verissimus: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius by Robertson, Donald J.
Land Expropriation in Ancient Rome and Contemporary Zimbabwe: Veterans, Masculinity and War by Mlambo, Obert Bernard
The Etruscans: The Iron Age Villanovan Culture of Ancient Italy by
Life and Literature in the Roman Republic: Volume 7 by Frank, Tenney
Life and Literature in the Roman Republic: Volume 7 by Frank, Tenney
Dynastic Politics in the Age of Diocletian, AD 284-311 by Waldron, Byron
The Roman Revolution by Holmes, Nick
British Celtic Warrior Vs Roman Soldier: Britannia AD 43-105 by Horsted, William
Imperial Brothers: Valentinian, Valens and the Disaster at Adrianople by Hughes, Ian
Sidonius Apollinaris Complete Poems by Green, Roger P. H.
Egypt and the Classical World: Cross-Cultural Encounters in Antiquity by
Language and Authority in De Lingua Latina: Varro's Guide to Being Roman by Spencer, Diana
Doce Césares: La Representación del Poder Desde El Mundo Antiguo Hasta La Actualidad by Beard, Mary
FIVE 'FIVES' OF THE FIFTH HISTORY TEMPLATE Of 30 B.C. to 750 A.D.. by Foley, Dennis J.
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies: Volume 19 by
Roman Britain's Pirate King: Carausius, Constantius Chlorus and the Fourth Roman Invasion of Britain by Elliott, Simon
The Story of Garum: Fermented Fish Sauce and Salted Fish in the Ancient World by Grainger, Sally
>Instrumenta Domestica: Eine Untersuchung Zur Decorativen Gestaltung Der Kleinfunde Aus Insula I 10 by Hielscher, Adrian
Rome: Strategy of Empire by Lacey, James
The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture by König, Jason
Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion by Mackey, Jacob L.
Il Pantheon del Cielo: Culture E Riti Per l'Ascesa Stellare Nel Pantheon "Platonico" Di Roma by Bruno, Aurelio
Paul and Roman Slavery Under Nero's Rule by Sobrino, Oswald
Emperor and Senators in the Reign of Constantius II by Moser, Muriel
Excursions into Greek and Roman Imagery by Rystedt, Eva
Christ Groups and Associations: Foundational Essays by
Christ Groups and Associations: Foundational Essays by
Carrhae 53 BC: Rome's Disaster in the Desert by Fields, Nic
Roman Myths: Gods, Heroes, Villains and Legends of Ancient Rome by Dougherty, Martin J.
Pax Romana by Petit, Paul
Singer of the Eclogues: A Study of Virgilian Pastoral by Alpers, Paul
Marius: On the Elements: A Critical Edition and Translation Volume 10 by Dales, Richard C.
Marius: On the Elements: A Critical Edition and Translation Volume 10 by Dales, Richard C.
Stone and Marble Carving: A Manual for the Student Sculptor by Miller, Alec
Pax Romana by Petit, Paul
Imperatores Victi: Military Defeat and Aristocractic Competition in the Middle and Late Republic by Rosenstein, Nathan S.
The Roman Stamp: Frame and Facade in Some Forms of Neo-Classicism by Adams, Robert M.
Imperatores Victi: Military Defeat and Aristocractic Competition in the Middle and Late Republic by Rosenstein, Nathan S.
Singer of the Eclogues: A Study of Virgilian Pastoral by Alpers, Paul
The Roman Stamp: Frame and Facade in Some Forms of Neo-Classicism by Adams, Robert M.
Stone and Marble Carving: A Manual for the Student Sculptor by Miller, Alec
Latin: A Course in the Language and Civilization of Ancient Rome, Volume II by Groten, Frank J., Anderson, John A.
The Crucifixion Eve Era - Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged: Religious and Political Revolution in the Roman World by Sandifer, Dean
Legends of Ancient Egypt - Stories of Egyptian Gods and Heroes by Brooksbank, F. H.
Becoming Roman?: Diverging Identities and Experiences in Ancient Northwest Italy by Haeussler, Ralph
The Life and Death of Ancient Cities: A Natural History by Woolf, Greg
Jesus the Epic Hero: The Theology of Empress Eudocia's Homeric Gospel by Sandnes, Karl Olav
As the Romans Did: A Sourcebook in Roman Social History by Ripat, Pauline, Shelton, Jo-Ann
Meditations: The Annotated Edition by Aurelius, Marcus
Poverty in Ancient Greece and Rome: Realities and Discourses by
L'impero romano: II. dalla repubblica al principato by Tarsis, Mikos, Galavotti, Enrico
Roman Army Units in the Eastern Provinces (2): 3rd Century AD by D'Amato, Raffaele
Hunnic Warrior Vs Late Roman Cavalryman: Attila's Wars, AD 440-53 by Dahm, Murray
Early Roman Warfare: From the Regal Period to the First Punic War by Armstrong, Jeremy
The Battle of Actium 31 BC: War for the World by Fratantuono, Lee
Chedworth Roman Villa: Excavations and Re-Imaginings from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Centuries by Wood, Jason, Durham, Emma, Cleary, Simon Esmonde
Prison, Punishment and Penance in Late Antiquity by Hillner, Julia
Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic by Santangelo, Federico
The History of the Roman Republic by Mommsen, Theodor
Antikens germaner by Lando, Steve
Rivalries That Destroyed the Roman Republic by McCall, Jeremiah
Military History of Late Rome 565-602 by Syvänne, Ilkka
Education in Ancient Rome: From the Elder Cato to the Younger Pliny by Bonner, Stanley F.
Education in Ancient Rome: From the Elder Cato to the Younger Pliny by Bonner, Stanley F.
Tiberius by Seager, Robin
Tiberius by Seager, Robin
On the Shortness of Life and The Happy Life by Seneca
On the Shortness of Life and The Happy Life by Seneca
Roman Republic: An Enthralling Overview of the Rise and Fall by Wellman, Billy
Flavian Responses to Nero's Rome by
Realidades e imágenes de la pobreza en la Atenas clásica: Una aproximación al fenómeno en la época de la democracia by Fernández Prieto, Aida
Greco-Roman Associations, Deities, and Early Christianity by
The Fasces: A History of Ancient Rome's Most Dangerous Political Symbol by Brennan, T. Corey
The Reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius, AD 138-161 by McHugh, John S.
Mosaics of Knowledge: Representing Information in the Roman World by Riggsby, Andrew M.
The Iliad as Politics: The Performance of Political Thought Volume 28 by Hammer, Dean
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