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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Rome in 2023

Work and Labour in the Cities of Roman Italy by Groen-Vallinga, Miriam J.
The Ancient Sea: The Utopian and Catastrophic in Classical Narratives and Their Reception by
Antikens germaner by Lando, Steve
The North-West Frontier (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa): Essays in History by Sultan-I-Rome
On Ovid's Metamorphoses by Williams, Gareth
On Ovid's Metamorphoses by Williams, Gareth
Roman Crucifixion and the Death of Jesus by Kroll, Woodrow Michael
Roman Crucifixion and the Death of Jesus by Kroll, Woodrow Michael
Sulla: A Dictator Reconsidered by Telford, Lynda
The Empire of the Black Sea by Roller, Duane W.
The Temple of Venus and Rome and Santa Francesca Romana at the Roman Forum: Preservation and Transformation by González-Longo, Cristina
The Aeneid by Virgil
The Aeneid by Virgil
Stock Characters Speaking: Eight Libanian Declamations Introduced and Translated by Penella, Robert
Plutarch's Three Treatises on Animals: A Translation with Introductions and Commentary by Newmyer, Stephen T.
Old Age in Greek and Roman Art by Matheson, Susan B., Pollitt, J. J.
The Jewish War: A Captivating Guide to the First Jewish-Roman War and How the Great Revolt of Judea Impacted Ancient Rome and Jewish H by History, Captivating
Post-Roman Kingdoms: 'Dark Ages' Gaul & Britain, AD 450-800 by D'Amato, Raffaele
On the Fall of the Roman Republic: Lessons for the American People by Strunk, Thomas E.
Caesar's Civil War: 49-44 BC by Goldsworthy, Adrian
The Roman Emperor and His Court C. 30 Bc-C. AD 300: Volume 1, Historical Essays by
The Solution?: Daniel 11:20-45 - A Historical Interpretation by Knutson, Robert
Meditations by Aurelius, Marcus
Commentary on the Didache and on 1-2 Clement by Knopf, Rudolf
Commentary on the Didache and on 1-2 Clement by Knopf, Rudolf
A Manual of Roman Antiquities by Ramsay, William M.
A Manual of Roman Antiquities by Ramsay, William M.
Rebels Against Rome: 400 Years of Rebellions Against the Rule of Rome by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Rebels Against Rome: 400 Years of Rebellions Against the Rule of Rome by Dando-Collins, Stephen
El Imperio Romano: Auge Y Caída De Roma. Explora La Historia, La Mitología, Las Leyendas, Las Batallas Épicas Y Las Vidas De Los Emperado by Alive, History Brought
Sociological Studies in Roman History by Hopkins, Keith
The Military Institutions of the Romans by Renatus, Flavius Vegetius
Antony & Cleopatra for Kids: 3 Short Melodramatic Plays for 3 Group Sizes by Kelso, Brendan P.
Change and Transition on Crete: Interpreting the Evidence from the Hellenistic Through to the Early Byzantine Period: Papers Presented in Honour of G. by
Viri Illustres: The Lives of Roman Generals in Latin by Lhomond, C. F.
Handbuch Mittelalter und Renaissance in der Romania by
Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion by Mackey, Jacob L.
Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion by Mackey, Jacob L.
Meditations by Aurelius, Marcus
Mediterranean Voyages: The Archaeology of Island Colonisation and Abandonment by Dawson, Helen
Pax Romana: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Rome during the Roman Peace Period by History, Captivating
Imperial Rome: A Captivating Guide to Events and Facts You Should Know About the Roman Empire by History, Captivating
George Washington Carver by Perry, John
George Washington Carver by Perry, John
Silchester Revealed: The Iron Age and Roman Town of Calleva by Fulford, Michael
Shaping Regionality in Socio-Economic Systems: Late Hellenistic - Late Roman Ceramic Production, Circulation, and Consumption in Boeotia, Central Gree by Peeters, Dean
Historicising Ancient Slavery by Vlassopoulos, Kostas
Greek Mythology: [3 in 1] A Fascinating Journey Through the Wonders of Greek Culture The Authentic Guide to Discover the Greek Pantheon by Paolin, André
Greek Mythology: [3 in 1] A Fascinating Journey Through the Wonders of Greek Culture Comprehensible Guide to Discover the Greek Pantheo by Books, M. Y.
The Roman Triumph by Beard, Mary
The Roman Triumph by Beard, Mary
Velzna II. Lo Scavo Di Campo Della Fiera Di Orvieto: Materiali Di Epoca Romana (Terra Sigiliata Italica. Ceramica Africana. Lucerne) by
Cnaeus Domitius Ulpianus: AD Edictum Libri I-III by Giachi, Cristina
Chronographia by Sewter, E. R. a., Psellus, Michael
Villas, Sanctuaries and Settlement in the Romano-British Countryside: New Perspectives and Controversies by
The Alternative Augustan Age by Osgood, Josiah
Germanicus Caesar: History and Memory by
Juvenal Satires: A Selection by
Cicero, Pro Caelio: A Selection by Longley, Georgina
Virgil, Aeneid II: A Selection by Jones, Dominic
Tacitus, Annals XII: A Selection by
Tacitus, Annals XIV: A Selection by
Ovid Fasti: A Selection by
Etruria and Anatolia by
The Invention of Jane Harrison by Beard, Mary
The Invention of Jane Harrison by Beard, Mary
Roman Empire: A Captivating Guide to Imperial Rome and Pax Romana by History, Captivating
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 14: Lives of the Poets by Suetonius
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 13: Grammarians and Rhetoricians by Suetonius
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 12: Domitian by Suetonius
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 11: Titus by Suetonius
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 10: Vespasian by Suetonius
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 09: Vitellius by Suetonius
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 07: Galba by Suetonius
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 06: Nero by Suetonius
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 05: Claudius by Suetonius
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 04: Caligula by Suetonius
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 03: Tiberius by Suetonius
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 02: Augustus by Suetonius
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 01: Julius Caesar by Suetonius
Artorius: The Real King Arthur by Matthews, John, Malcor, Linda a.
Roman Identity: Between Ideal and Performance by
Only Phoenicians & Origins of Celts & Gaels by Smith, David James
Ancient History Vol. 1: An Enthralling Guide to Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Rome by Wellman, Billy
Historia Ecclesiastica: The Beginnings of the Church by Trzebuniak Svd, Józef Korneliusz
Die Ausstattung Kleinerer Häuser in Pompeji (Insula IX 5): Decor-Entscheidungen Und Ihre Wirkung (62-79 N. Chr.) by Beck, Christian
Months and Days by Naso, Titus
The Gospel of Domitilla: Did the Emperor's Niece Write Luke? by Laurie, Sp
Imperial Colors: The Roman Portrait Busts of Septimius Severus and Julia Domna: The Ezkenazi Museum of Art by Van Voorhis, Julie, Abbe, Mark
The Ordered Day: Quotidian Time and Forms of Life in Ancient Rome by Ker, James
The War That Made the Roman Empire: Antony, Cleopatra, and Octavian at Actium by Strauss, Barry
The Real Estate Market in the Roman World by
Julius Caesar: A Captivating Guide to One of the Greatest Generals in Ancient Rome and His Role in the Fall of the Roman Republic and by History, Captivating
Mathesis by Firmicus Maternus, Julius
From Caligula to the Nazis: The Nemi Ships in Diana's Sanctuary by McManamon, John M.
Eve Was Named an Apostle by Schneider, Daniel R.
Eve Was Named an Apostle by Schneider, Daniel R.
The Cultural History of Augustan Rome by
History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire Vol.- 1 by Gibbon, Edward
Ancient Rome: History of the Roman Empire, Augustus, Colosseum & Gladiators by Kingston, A. J.
Pharaohs Of Egypt: History Of Tutankhamun, Ramses II, Cleopatra & Khufu by Kingston, A. J.
The War Commentaries of Julius Caesar by Caesar, Julius
Return to Rome: Marcus is lost in the 21st century... by Munro, Mark
The Crucifixion Eve Era - 3rd Edition by Sandifer, Dean
The 'Cursus Laborum' of Roman Women: Social and Medical Aspects of the Transition from Puberty to Motherhood by Tatarkiewicz, Anna
Empire and Religion in the Roman World by
Meditations (Illustrated): Stoic Philosophy and Personal Growth with Marcus Aurelius by Aurelius, Marcus
Emperors and Political Culture in Cassius Dio's Roman History by
People and Agrarian Landscapes: An Archaeology of Postclassical Local Societies in the Western Mediterranean by
Lives of the Early Martyrs by Ribadeneyra, Pedro De
Lives of the Early Martyrs by Ribadeneyra, Pedro De
Gaio Giulio Cesare: La Storia dell'Uomo Che Ha Cambiato il Mondo by Ferro, Maurizio
Mitología Romana: Una guía de la historia, los dioses y la mitología romanos by Collins, Peter
Mitología Romana: Una guía de la historia, los dioses y la mitología romanos by Collins, Peter
The Gallic War by Caesar, Julius
The Gallic War by Caesar, Julius
de Luxuria Propagata Romana Aetate / Roman Luxury in Its Many Forms by
Monuments for Posterity: Self-Commemoration and the Stalinist Culture of Time by Kalashnikov, Antony
Women of Ancient Rome: To Survive Under the Patriarchy by Telford, Lynda
Die Schenkung Unter Auflage Im Romischen Recht by Klenova, Veronika
Prekare Divinitat: Untersuchungen Zur Vergottlichung Des Herrschers Im Romischen Prinzipat by Hamacher, David
Queens of a Fallen World: The Lost Women of Augustine's Confessions by Cooper, Kate
Burger Und Staat Im Griechisch-Romischen Altertum: Gesammelte Schriften by Eder, Walter
Against the Galilaeans by Apostate, Juilan The
Gods in the House: Anthropology of Roman Housing - II by
Vergil and Elegy by
Pertinax: The Son of a Slave Who Became Roman Emperor by Elliot, Simon
Pertinax: The Son of a Slave Who Became Roman Emperor by Elliot, Simon
The Dacians and Getae at War: 4th Century Bc- 2nd Century AD by Pogacias, Andrei
Palatine: An Alternative History of the Caesars by Stothard, Peter
Ancient Rome: The Definitive Visual History by DK
La prostitution dans l'Antiquité by LaCroix, Paul
Bathing at the Edge of the Roman Empire: Baths and Bathing Habits in the North-Western Corner of Continental Europe by Marechal, Sadi
Geschichte des Hellenismus by Mittag, Peter Franz
Making the Middle Republic by
Cleopatra and Julius Caesar: A Captivating Guide to a Queen of Ancient Egypt, a Roman General, and Their Relationship by History, Captivating
The Destruction of Rome: Lessons for America by Miller, Leonardo
From Ancient Rome to Colonial Mexico: Religious Globalization in the Context of Empire by
The Secret Sex Lives of the Romans: Exploring the Erotic World of Ancient Rome and Its Enduring Lessons on Love by Calloway, Harper
Caesars Of Rome: 12 In 1 Julius Caesar, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Marcus Aurelius, Vespasian, Titus & by Kingston, A. J.
Excursions into Greek and Roman Imagery by Rystedt, Eva
The History Of Rome by Livius, Titus
Life of Constantine by Eusebius of Caesarea
History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire Vol-3 by Gibbon, Edward
History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire Vol-2 by Gibbon, Edward
The Secret Sex Lives of the Romans: Exploring the Erotic World of Ancient Rome and Its Enduring Lessons on Love by Calloway, Harper
On the Antique Painting in Encaustic of Cleopatra: Discovered in 1818 by Sartain, John
Diocletian and the Military Restoration of Rome by Fratantuono, Lee
Roman Funerary Rituals in Mutina (Modena, Italy) by Riso, Federica Maria
Reisen im Römischen Reich by Froehlich, Susanne
Gesellschaft und Administration im Römischen Reich by Eck, Werner
Images and Translations: The Etruscans Abroad by Bonfante, Larissa
The Last Kings of Macedonia and the Triumph of Rome by Worthington, Ian
The Last Kings of Macedonia and the Triumph of Rome by Worthington, Ian
Cultural Memory in Republican and Augustan Rome by
Les gladiateurs et les jeux de sang dans l'Antiquité romaine by Belfiore, Jean-Claude
História de Roma: As origens de Roma e a Realeza by Lívio, Tito
Ancient Rome on the Silver Screen: Myth versus Reality by Sumner, Graham, Aldrete, Gregory S.
Classical Mythology: The Basics 2nd Edition by Martin, Richard
Classical Mythology: The Basics 2nd Edition by Martin, Richard
A Lost Mediterranean Culture: The Giant Statues of Sardinia's Mont'e Prama by
Paul, Politics, and New Creation: Reconsidering Paul and Empire by Haddad, Najeeb T.
Study on the Rock Art at the Yin Mountains by Wang, Xiaokun, Zhang, Wenjing
Catalogo del 'Fondo Giuliano Crifo': Presentazione E Atti Della 'Giornata Di Studio' Trento 22 Ottobre 2021 by
Kulte - Orte - Korperteile: Eine Neubewertung Der Weihung Anatomischer Votive in Latiums Heiligtumer by Boecker, Velia
On the Antique Painting in Encaustic of Cleopatra: Discovered in 1818 by Sartain, John
Against the Galilaeans by Apostate, Juilan The
Carmina Latina Epigraphica - Developments, Dynamics, Preferences by
From the Later Roman Empire to Late Antiquity and Beyond by Cameron, Averil
The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem and the Fall of Masada: From Josephus by Church, Alfred J., Hirsch, Brian
Exchange and Reuse in Roman Palmyra: Examining Economy and Circularity by
Mitología romana: Guía de la historia, los dioses y las diosas romanas by Parr, Jordan
Mitología romana: Guía de la historia, los dioses y las diosas romanas by Parr, Jordan
Meditations: A New Perspective The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Book of Stoicism by Cartaxo, Samuel, Aurelius, Marcus
Resilience Unleashed: The Persian Wars' Impact by Smestad, Christoffer
Gaius Marius: The Rise and Fall of Rome's Saviour by Hyden, Marc
Emperor Septimius Severus: The Roman Hannibal by Syvänne, Ilkka
Silius Italicus' Punica: Rome's War with Hannibal by Augoustakis, Antony, Bernstein, Neil W.
Livy's Women: Crisis, Resolution, and the Female in Rome's Foundation History by Keegan, Peter
Reassembling Religion in Roman Italy by Graham, Emma-Jayne
Jurists and Legal Science in the History of Roman Law by
Pliny the Elder and the Matter of Memory: An Encyclopaedic Workshop by Anguissola, Anna
Marching With Caesar-Sacrovir's Revolt by Peake, R. W.
The Spanish War by Julius Caesar
Ecclesiastical History by Sozomen
The Tragedy of Empire: From Constantine to the Destruction of Roman Italy by Kulikowski, Michael
Miscellanea Senatoria. Vol. 2 by
Caesars: Julius Caesar, Augustus, Tiberius & Caligula by Kingston, A. J.
Caesars: Claudius, Nero, Galba & Otho by Kingston, A. J.
Caesars: Marcus Aurelius, Vespasian, Titus & Domitian by Kingston, A. J.
Inferno: The Great Fires Of London, Rome & Chicago by Kingston, A. J.
The Eagle and the Bear: A New History of Roman Scotland by Reid, John H.
Divine Institutions: Religions and Community in the Middle Roman Republic by Padilla Peralta, Dan-El
Journeys of the Mind: A Life in History by Brown, Peter
Messalina: Empress, Adulteress, Libertine: The Story of the Most Notorious Woman of the Roman World by Cargill-Martin, Honor
The Tacitus Encyclopedia by
Between Roman Culture and Local Tradition: Roman Provincial Coinage of Bithynia and Pontus During the Reign of Trajan (98-117 Ad) by Zajac, Barbara
Les Representations de Mars Ultor Sur Les Pierres Gravees by Girard, Thibault
Kings of Rome: Early Roman History in Byzantine Greek by Zonaras, Joannes
Ecriture, Reecriture Ou Citation: Les Procedes de Composition Des Textes Medicaux Antiques by
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