• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Rome in 2025

Rome in the Third Century: A Troubled Empire by Sage, Michael
Swords and Cinema: Hollywood Vs the Reality of Ancient Warfare by McCall, Jeremiah
Roman Pottery in the Low Countries: Past Research, Current State, Future Directions by
Ancient Maritime Loan Contracts by Candy, Peter
Marktgesprache: Kommunikation Zwischen Anbietern Und Kaufern in Der Romischen Kaiserzeit by
Ancient Sculpture and Twentieth-Century American Womanhood: Venus Envy by Franks, Hallie
A History of Ancient Rome in Twelve Coins by Harney, Gareth
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (vol. 2) by Gibbon, Edward
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (vol. 3) by Gibbon, Edward
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (vol. 4) by Gibbon, Edward
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (vol. 5) by Gibbon, Edward
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (vol. 6) by Gibbon, Edward
50 Objects from Vindolanda by Greene, Elizabeth M., Birley, Barbara
Julian: Rome's Last Pagan Emperor by Freeman, Philip
The Small Stuff of Roman Antiquity: Volume 77 by Gowers, Emily
Lawless Republic: The Rise of Cicero and the Decline of Rome by Osgood, Josiah
Circus Maximus: The Thrill and Tragedy of Chariot Racing: Speed, Rivalry, and the Pursuit of Glory in Ancient Rome by Peters, A.
Grief and Sorrow in the Roman World: Republic to Empire by Smart, Anthony
Belief and Cult: Rethinking Roman Religion by Mackey, Jacob L.
Rome's Greatest Emperor: Vespasian by Sullivan, Tony
Covadonga: L'origen de la llegenda by Guinovart, Arturo
From the Later Roman Empire to Late Antiquity and Beyond by Cameron, Averil
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (vol. 1) by Gibbon, Edward
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (vol. 7) by Gibbon, Edward
Strike: Labor, Unions, and Resistance in the Roman Empire by Bond, Sarah E.
Pompey the Great: The Roman Alexander by Fratantuono, Lee
The Roman Republic and Political Culture by
Roman Bioarchaeology: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Life and Death in the Roman World by
Velleius Paterculus by Velleius Paterculus
A Reading of Propertius' Elegies by Fratantuono, Lee
Strategoí: Early Byzantine Military Commanders in the Times of Zeno and Anastasius I (474-518) by Wierzbiński, Szymon, Leszka, Miroslaw J.
Ancient Bovillae: History, Art, and Archaeology of a Lost City in the Roman Hinterland by
Living with Risk in the Late Roman World by Grey, Cam
The Conqueror's Gift: Roman Ethnography and the End of Antiquity by Maas, Michael
The Ruins of Rome: A Cultural History by Mayer, Roland
Late Roman Italy: Imperium to Regnum by
Junian Latinity in the Roman Empire Volume 1: History, Law, Literature by
The Lost History of Sextus Aurelius Victor by Stover, Justin, Woudhuysen, George
A Commentary on Cicero, de Natura Deorum II by Dyck, Andrew R.
A Commentary on Cicero, de Natura Deorum II by Dyck, Andrew R.
Vergil: The Poet's Life by Ruden, Sarah
Theoderic the Great: King of Goths, Ruler of Romans by Wiemer, Hans-Ulrich
Roman Soldier Vs Dacian Warrior: Dacian Wars AD 85-106 by Dahm, Murray
Lucian and the Atticists: Linguistic Satire in the Second Sophistic by Stifler, David W. F.
Encounters with Greek Art: Image, Text, and the Invention of Identities in Rome and Roman Italy, 146 Bce-117 CE by MacDonald, Carolyn
The Roman Army of the Middle Empire, AD 180-284: Weapons, Organization and Equipment by Esposito, Gabriele
Ancient Pasts for Modern Audiences: Public Scholarship and the Mediterranean World by
Ancient Pasts for Modern Audiences: Public Scholarship and the Mediterranean World by
Die Kriegshistoriographie Des Orosius: Krieg ALS Argumentationsmotiv in Einem Spatantiken Christlichen Geschichtswerk by Ulrich, Sonja
The Wisdom of Marcus Aurelius by Aurelius, Marcus
Ancient Roman Villas: The Essential Sourcebook by
Revelation and Material Religion in the Roman East: Essays in Honor of Steven J. Friesen by
Falerii Novi: The Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey of the Roman Town by
Philosophers, Jews, and Christians in the Roman Empire: Authority, Text, and Tradition by Kelly, Leslie
The Roman Empire in Transition and Crisis: An Alternative History AD 651-950 by Venning, Timothy
The Roman Empire and the Wider World: The Two-Way Trade of Goods, Culture, Knowledge and Religion by Chrystal, Paul
The London Mint of Constantius and Constantine: Second Revised Edition by Cloke, Hubert J., Toone, Lee
The Legacy of Rome: Scotland's Roman Remains by Keppie, Lawrence
Dalle Rotte Alle Strade: Infrastrutture E Insediamenti Nei Colli Albani Dalle Origini All'età Romana by Fischetti, A. L.
Roman Mosaics of Britain: Volume V - Discoveries and Research Since 2010 by Cosh, Stephen R., Neal, David S.
A Military Life of Constantine the Great by Hughes, Ian
Silchester Insula IX: Oppidum to Roman City C. A.D. 85-125/150: Final Report on the Excavations 1997-2014 by Pankhurst, Nicholas, Fulford, Michael, Clarke, Amanda
A Companion to the Aeneid in Translation: Volume 2: Books 1-6 by Tanfield, Christopher
A Companion to the Aeneid in Translation: Volume 2: Books 1-6 by Tanfield, Christopher
A Companion to the Aeneid in Translation: Volume 3: Books 7-12 by Tanfield, Christopher
A Companion to the Aeneid in Translation: Volume 3: Books 7-12 by Tanfield, Christopher
A Companion to the Aeneid in Translation: Volume 1: Introduction and Indices by Tanfield, Christopher
A Companion to the Aeneid in Translation: Volume 1: Introduction and Indices by Tanfield, Christopher
Visualising War Across the Ancient Mediterranean: Interplay Between Conflict Narratives in Different Media and Genres by
The 'Satyrica' of Petronius: Petronii Arbitri 'Satyrica' Quae Supersunt by
Ancient Slavery and Its New Testament Contexts by
Tiere ALS Opfer: Die Diskussion Um Die Schlachtopfer Der Traditionellen Kulte Vom Zweiten Bis Zum Fünften Jahrhundert Nach Christus by Reese, Bettina
The Arsacids of Rome: Misunderstanding in Roman-Parthian Relations Volume 2 by Nabel, Jake
The Goths AD 200-700 by D'Amato, Raffaele, Salimbeti, Andrea
The Roman Civil Wars: The Archaeology and History of a Crisis by Maschek, Dominik
Ulpianus: On the Duty of the Proconsul by Israelowich, Ido
Rome's Sicilian Slave Wars: The Revolts of Eunus and Salvius, 136-132 and 105-100 BC by Barca, Natale
Rome, Persia and the War That Shaped the World, 565-630 by Edenfield, Luke
The Neverending Empire: The Infinite Impact of Ancient Rome by Cazzullo, Aldo
The Lives of the Caesars by Suetonius
Methods in Ancient Wine Archaeology: Scientific Approaches in Roman Contexts by
Rome and Persia: The Seven Hundred Year Rivalry by Goldsworthy, Adrian
Rome Before Rome: The Legends That Shaped the Romans by Matyszak, Philip
All Roads Lead to Rome: Why We Think about the Roman Empire Daily by Jones, Rhiannon Garth
The Late Roman Settlement of Umm Al-Dabadib: A Remote Investigation by
The Year God Died: Jesus and the Roman Empire in 33 AD by Lacey, James
Tyranny and Theater in the Ancient World: Command Performances by Duncan, Anne
Religion in Rural Late-Antique Iberia by
Greco-Roman Waters: A Sourcebook by Irby, Georgia L.
Greco-Roman Waters: A Sourcebook by Irby, Georgia L.
Silvae: Lateinisch - Deutsch by Statius
Pomponius Mela: Geography of the World: Translation and Commentary by Irby, Georgia
Death Imagined: Ancient Perceptions of Death and Dying by
Weapons, Warriors and Battles of Ancient Greece and Rome by Quesada-Sanz, Fernando
Alexander the Great: Lives and Legacies by Harrison, Stephen
Suetonius: The Fragments by
Children of Mars: The Origins of Rome's Empire by Armstrong, Jeremy
All in the Family: Childhood and Fictive Kinship in Roman Society by Gianni, Gaia
Jews vs. Rome: Two Centuries of Rebellion Against the World's Mightiest Empire by Strauss, Barry
Butrint 8: The Middle Byzantine Archaeology of Butrint, Its Enclave, Saranda and Santa Quaranta by
Pax: War and Peace in Rome's Golden Age by Holland, Tom
Rome's Great Eastern War: Lucullus, Pompey and the Conquest of the East, 74-62 BC by Sampson, Gareth C.