• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 1979

The Innovator's Situation: Upper-Middle-Class Conservatism in Agricultural Communities by Cancian, Frank
Die Verfasserschaft Des Waltharius-Epos Aus Sprachlicher Sicht: 233. Sitzung Am 18. October 1978 in Düsseldorf by Önnerfors, Alf
The Social Theory of Claude Lévi-Strauss by Jenkins, A.
The Fabrics of Culture: The Anthropology of Clothing and Adornment by
Violence and the Sacred by Girard, René
On the Edge of Politics: The Roots of Jewish Political Thought in America by Berlin, William S., Unknown
Die Sozialökonomischen Verhältnisse Der Nomadischen Bevölkerung Im Norden Der Demokratischen Republik Somalia by Mirreh, Abdi Gaileh
Ein Mecklenburgischer Volkserzähler: Die Geschichten Des August Rust by Neumann, Siegfried
The Nature of Prejudice (25th Anniversary Edition) by Allport, Gordon W.
Medical Ethics in Imperial China: A Study in Historical Anthropology by Unschuld, Paul U.
Between Ideology and Utopia: The Politics and Philosophy of August Cieszkowski by Liebich, A.
Literature and Violence in North Arabia by Meeker, Michael E., Michael E., Meeker
Dependency and Development in Latin America by Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Faletto, Enzo
From Ape to Angel: An Informal History of Social Anthropology by Hays, Hoffman Reynolds, Hays, H. R.
Ecnmc Status Australian Aborig by Jon C., Altman, Nieuwenhuysen, John, Altman, Jon C.
Peasant Cooperation and Capitalist Expansion in Central Peru by
Pastoral Production and Society/Production Pastorale Et Soci T by Ecologie, Equipe
Ancient Panama: Chiefs in Search of Power by Helms, Mary W.
The Amerindians in Guyana 1803-1873: A Documentary History by
The Amerindians in Guyana 1803-1873: A Documentary History by
Subculture: The Meaning of Style by Hebdige, Dick
Portraits of 'The Whiteman': Linguistic Play and Cultural Symbols Among the Western Apache by Basso, Keith H.
Participation and Political Equality: A Seven-Nation Comparison by Kim, J., Verba, Sidney, Nie, Norman H.
Native Religious Traditions by Prithipaul, K. D., Waugh, Earle H.
Succession to High Office by Goody, Goody, Jack
Who Needs Housing? by Darke, Roy
Semiotics of Culture by
The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society by Lee, Richard B.
Primal Myths: Creation Myths Around the World by Sproul, Barbara C.
There Ain't No Such Animal: And Other East Texas Tales by Brett, Bill
The American Slave--Alabama, Arkansas, Dist. of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Nebraska, New York, N. Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhod by Rawick, Rawick, George P., Rawick, Jules
The American Slave--Texas Narratives: Part 4, Supp. Ser. 2. Vol. 5 by Rawick, George P., Rawick
The American Slave--Texas Narratives: Part 5, Supp. Ser. 2. Vol. 6 by Rawick, Rawick, George P.
The American Slave--Texas Narratives: Part 6, Supp. Ser. 2, Vol. 7 by Rawick, George P., Rawick
The American Slave--Texas Narratives: Part 2, Supp. Ser. 2, Vol. 8 by Rawick, George P., Rawick
The American Slave--Texas Narratives: Part 8, Supp. Ser. 2, Vol 9 by Rawick, George P., Rawick, Anon
The American Slave--Texas Narratives: Part 1, Supp. Ser. 2. Vol. 2 by Rawick, George P., Rawick
The American Slave: Supplement 2; Vol. 3 by Rawick, Jules, Rawick, George P., Rawick
The American Slave: Supplement 2; Vol. 4 by Rawick, Jules, Rawick, George P., Rawick
The American Slave: Texas Narratives Part 9 Vol 10 by
Abhandlungen Und Berichte Des Staatlichen Museums Für Völkerkunde Dresden, Forschungsstelle. Band 37 by