• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 1983

Crisis in the Caribbean by Ambursley, Fitzroy
Social Register' 83 by Miliband, Ralph
Pueblo Population and Society: The Arroyo Hondo Skeletal and Mortuary Remains by Palkovich, Ann M.
Selektion Oder Sozialisation: Zur Entwicklung Des Politischen Und Moralischen Bewußtseins in Der Bundeswehr by Hegner, Karl
Soziologie Der Herrschaft: Analyse Von Struktur, Entwicklung Und Zustand Von Herrschaftszusammenhängen by
Berücksichtigung Strukturschwacher Verdichtungsgebiete in Der Regionalen Wirtschaftsförderung by Neumann, Hannelore
Elites: Ethnographic Issues by
Die Geburt Aus Ethnomedizinischer Sicht: Beiträge Und Nachträge Zur IV. Internationalen Fachtagung Der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnomedizin Über Tradition by
The Soviet Budget by Hutchings, Raymond
Race, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status: A Theoretical Analysis of Their Interrelationship by Willie, Charles Vert
Amy Vanderbilt's Everyday Etiquette by Vanderbilt, Amy
Sticks and Straw: Comparative House Forms in Southern Sudan and Northern Kenya by Arensen, Jonathan E.
East Los Angeles: History of a Barrio by Romo, Richardo
Essence of Dogen by Takahashi, Masanobu
Cyclical Time & Ismaili Gnosis by Corbin, Henry
Cocoa & Kinship in Guana by Okali
Patronage, Power and Poverty in Southern Italy: A Tale of Two Cities by Chubb, Judith
An Epoch of Miracles: Oral Literature of the Yucatec Maya by
Marxist Inquiries: Studies of Labor, Class, and States by
Yesterday's Soldiers: European Military Professionalism in South America, 1890-1940 by Nunn, Frederick M.
Orokaiva Society. by Williams, F. E., Williams, Francis Edgar
Biologia Centrali-Americana: Contributions to the Knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America by Maudslay, A. P.
Structural Anthropology, Volume 2 by Lévi-Strauss, Claude
The Traveller-Gypsies by Okely, Judith
How Humans Adapt: A Biocultural Odyssey by
Ideology and the Rise of Labor Theory in America. by Debrizzi, John A.
Sociobiology and the Human Dimension by Breuer, Georg
Einfälle - Reinfälle: Schach Zum Lesen Und Lernen. 200 Diagramme Mit Fragen Und Antworten by Richter, Kurt
Honor and the American Dream: Culture and Identity in a Chicano Community by Horowitz, Ruth
Other Tribes, Other Scribes: Symbolic Anthropology in the Comparative Study of Cultures, Histories, Religions and Texts by Boon, James a.
Muslim Society by Geller, Ernest
Rank and Rivalry: The Politics of Inequality in Rural West Bengal by Davis, Marvin
The Sociology of the State by Badie, Bertrand
The Sociogenesis of Language and Human Conduct by
The Spoken Word and the Work of Interpretation by Tedlock, Dennis
The Anthropology of Space by Harvey, Frank, Dooren, Ingrid Van, Pinxten, Rik
Rurale Bewegungen Im Libanongebirge Im 19. Jh. by Havemann, Axel
Individuals and Populations by Gadd, Phil, Philip, Gadd, Gadd, Philip
White Man: A Study of the Attitudes of Africans to Europeans in Ghana Before Independence by Unknown, Jahoda, Gustav
Economic Anthropology: Topics and Theories by Ortiz, Sutti
Manual for Kinship Analysis by Schusky, Ernest L.
Development of the Family and Marriage in Europe by Goody, Jack
Psychiatry as Medicine: Contemporary Psychotherapies by Fried, A., Agassi, J.
History of Black Americans: From the Compromise of 1850 to the End of the Civil War by Foner, Philip Sheldon, Unknown
Untersuchungen Zur Historischen Volkskunde Ägyptens Nach Mamlukischen Quellen by Langner, Barbara
Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care by Kunitz, Stephen J.
The Southern Enigma: Essays on Race, Class, and Folk Culture by
The Fish People: Linguistic Exogamy and Tukanoan Identity in Northwest Amazonia by Jackson, Jean E.
Civil Religion in Israel: Traditional Judaism and Political Culture in the Jewish State by Don-Yehiya, Eliezer, Liebman, Charles S.
Religion and Politics in Muslim Society: Order and Conflict in Pakistan by Ahmed, Akbar S.
Structuralist Interpretation of Biblical Myth by Aycock, D. Alan, Leach, Edmund Ronald, Leach, Edmund
Guests in the Dragon: Social Demography of a Chinese District by Pasternak, Burton
Victims of the Environment: Loss from Natural Hazards in the United States, 1970-1980 by Pereira, Joseph A., Wright, James D., Rossi, Peter H.
Emergence of African Capitalism by Iliffe, John
Transylvanian Villagers: Three Centuries of Political, Economic, and Ethnic Change by Verdery, Katherine
Dictionary of Symbols by Cirlot, J. C.
Our Gang by Joselit, Jenna Weissman
Sociology, Ethnomethodology and Experience by Rogers, Mary F.
Lo Que Pasa En Nicaragua by Trobo, Claudio
Japanese Inn by Statler, Oliver
Human Types by Unknown, Firth, Raymond, Firth, Raymond William
The Origins of the Liberal Welfare Reforms 1906-1914 by
A Theory for All Music: Problems and Solutions in the Analysis of Non-Western Forms by Rahn, Jay
Law and Economic Organization: A Comparative Study of Preindustrial Studies by Newman, Katherine S.
Navajo Infancy: An Ethological Study of Child Development by Chisholm, James S.