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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 1987

Sexual Aliveness: A Reichian Gestalt Perspective by Smith, Edward W. L.
Politische Kultur in Deutschland: Bilanz Und Perspektiven Der Forschung by
Rassenmythos Und Sozialwissenschaften in Deutschland: Ein Verdrängtes Kapitel Sozialwissenschaftlicher Wirkungsgeschichte by Klingemann, Carsten
Organisierte Interessen in Der Bundesrepublik by Alemann, Ulrich Von
Beyond the New Economic Anthropology by Clammer, John
Social Trends in the Soviet Union from 1950 by Prentice, Richard, Ryan, Michael
Unities and Diversities in Chinese Religion by Weller, Robert P.
New Directions in the Social Sciences and Humanities in China by Yahuda, Michael B.
Nchimi Chikanga. the Battle Against Witchcraft in Malawi by Soko, Boston
Report from the Frontier by Burger, Julian
Honor and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean by
Islamic Peoples Of The Soviet Union by Akiner, Shirin
Dancing Shadows Of Bali by Hobart
A Linguistic Study of the Development of Scientific Vocabulary in Standard Arabic by Ali, Abdul Sahib Mehdi
Islam & The Third Universal Theory by Ayoub
The Jews of Silence: A Personal Report on Soviet Jewry by Wiesel, Elie
Introduction to the Work of Marcel Mauss by Levi-Strauss, Claude
Why Nothing Works: The Anthropology of Daily Life by Harris, Marvin
A Theory of Political Choice Behavior by Newman, Bruce, Sheth, Jagdish
Ethnographic Research: A Guide to General Conduct by
The Method and Theory of Ethnology by Radin, Doris
Cultural Models in Language and Thought by
The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society by Goody, Jack
Reproductive Physiology of Marsupials by Renfree, Marilyn, Tyndale-Biscoe, C. H., Tyndale-Biscoe, Hugh
Culture and Retardation: Life Histories of Mildly Mentally Retarded Persons in American Society by
Psychologie Sozialer Prozesse: Ein Einführung in Das Selbststudium Der Sozialpsychologie by Lück, Helmut
Children and Anthropological Research by
The Princes of Naranja: An Essay in Anthrohistorical Method by Friedrich, Paul
Organization Theory and Technocratic Consciousness: Rationality, Ideology and Quality of Work by Alvesson, Mats
William Marshal: The Flower of Chivalry by Duby, Georges
Coast Salish Essays by Suttles, Wayne
The Transplanted: A History of Immigrants in Urban America by Bodnar, John
Language Socialization Across Cultures by
Anthropological Studies of Religion: An Introductory Text by Morris, Brian
Person and Self-Value: Three Essays by Scheler, Max
Forty: The Age and Symbol by Brandes, Stanley
Method and Theory for Activity Area Research: An Ethnoarcheological Approach by
Finding the Source in Sociology and Anthropology: A Thesaurus-Index to the Reference Collection by Brown, Samuel R.
In My Father's House Are Many Mansions: Family and Community in Edgefield, South Carolina by Burton, Orville Vernon
The Flower of Paradise: The Institutionalized Use of the Drug Qat in North Yemen by Kennedy, J. G.
The Flower of Paradise: The Institutionalized Use of the Drug Qat in North Yemen by Kennedy, J. G.
Grundlagen der politischen Kultur des Westens by
Culture Builders: A Historical Anthropology of Middle-Class Life by Frykman, Jonas, Lofgren, Orvar
The South African Society: Realities and Future Prospects by Unknown, Human, Sherraden, Michael
Islands of History by Sahlins, Marshall
Socialism, Radicalism, and Nostalgia: Social Criticism in Britain, 1775-1830 by William, Stafford, Stafford, William
The Fall of Natural Man: The American Indian and the Origins of Comparative Ethnology by Pagden, Anthony
Work and Industry: Structures, Markets, and Processes by Kalleberg, Arne L., Berg, Ivar
The Circumcision of Women: A Strategy for Eradication by Koso-Thomas, Olayinka
The People of Paris: An Essay in Popular Culture in the 18th Century Volume 2 by Roche, Daniel
Drinking in America: A History by Lender, Mark Edward
Culture, Identity, and Politics by Gellner, Ernest
Semiotics and Fieldwork by Manning, Peter K.
Wives and Midwives: Childbirth and Nutrition in Rural Malaysia Volume 7 by Laderman, Carol
Snapshot Versions of Life by Chalfen, Richard
Women, Family, and Ritual in Renaissance Italy by Klapisch-Zuber, Christiane
Language, Gender, and Sex in Comparative Perspective by
Shared Symbols, Contested Meanings by Fowler, Loretta
Perspectives in Cultural Anthropology by
Mountain People by Turnbull, Colin
Progressivism and the World of Reform: New Zealand and the Origins of the American Welfare State by Coleman, Peter J.
Women's Work and Chicano Families by Zavella, Patricia
Aging and Cultural Diversity: New Directions and Annotated Bibliography by Drew, Benjamin, Strange, Heather, Teitelbaum, Michele
Sexual Life of Savages by Malinowski, Bronislaw
Dimensions of Social Life: Essays in Honor of David G. Mandelbaum by
A Nilotic World: The Atuot-Speaking Peoples of the Southern Sudan by Burton, John W.
The Ethnic Phenomenon by Van Den Berghe, Pierre
Native American Discourse: Poetics and Rhetoric by Sherzer
Fluid Signs: Being a Person the Tamil Way by Daniel, E. Valentine
Refugees in International Politics by Gordenker, Leon
Victorian Childhood: Themes and Variations by Jordan, Thomas E.
Cultural Policy and Socialist France. by Wachtel, David
International Handbook on Race and Race Relations by
Love in America: Gender and Self-Development by Francesca M., Cancian, Cancian, Francesca M.
Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste by Bourdieu, Pierre
Masks, Transformation, and Paradox by Napier, A. David
Continuities in Highland Maya Social Organization by II, Robert M. Hill, Monaghan, John
Slaves and Masters in the Roman Empire: A Study in Social Control by Bradley, K. R.
Beyond Ethnicity: Consent & Descent in American Culture by Sollors, Werner
Religion, Morality and the Person: Essays on Tallensi Religion by Fortes, Meyer
Politics, Work, and Daily Life in the USSR: A Survey of Former Soviet Citizens by
The Politics of Racial Inequality: A Systematic Comparative Macro-Analysis from the Colonial Period to 1970 by Smith, J. Owens
Palgrave Dictionary of Anthropology by Seymour-Smith, Charlotte
The Social Construction of Lesbianism by Kitzinger, Celia
The Social Construction of Lesbianism by Kitzinger, Celia
Politics Through a Looking-Glass: Understanding Political Cultures Through a Structuralist Interpretation of Narratives by Buker, Eloise A.
Patterns of Development in Latin America: Poverty, Repression, and Economic Strategy by Sheahan, John
The Open Covenant: Social Change in Contemporary Society by Bates Doob, Chris
Hoch- Und Höchstbetagte: Ursachen Und Probleme Des Hohen Alters by Franke, Hans
Change and Continuity in British Society, 1800 1850 by Brown, Richard
The Interface Between the Written and the Oral by Goody, Jack
Proletarian Peasants: The Revolution of 1905 in Russia's Southwest by Edelman, Robert
Black Rituals by Plumpp, Sterling
Kinship to Kingship: Gender Hierarchy and State Formation in the Tongan Islands by Gailey, Christine Ward
Talking Culture: Ethnography and Conversation Analysis by Moerman, Michael
Cities of the United States: Studies in Urban Anthropology by Mullings, Leith
Dealing with Inequality: Analysing Gender Relations in Melanesia and Beyond by
The Biology of Moral Systems by Alexander, Richard
The Biology of Moral Systems by Alexander, Richard
Primate Evolution and Human Origins by Ciochon, Russell L.
Refugees of a Hidden War: The Aftermath of Counterinsurgency in Guatemala by Manz, Beatriz