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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 1988

South Asia by Alavi, Hamza
Southeast Asia by Taylor, John G.
Power and Persuasion: Fiestas and Social Control in Rural Mexico by Brandes, Stanley
Of Men and Reindeer Herds in French Magdalenian Prehistory by Gordon, Bryan C.
Gods on Earth: The Management of Religious Experience and Identity in a North Indian Pilgrimage Centre by Van Der Veer, Peter
Hunters and Gatherers (Vol II): Vol II: Property, Power and Ideology by
Organisation Des Rundfunks: Stand Und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten Der Öffentlich-Rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten by Fix, Oliver
South Asia by Alavi, Hamza
Die Polygamiefrage in Der Frühen Neuzeit: 311. Sitzung Am 29. April 1987 in Düsseldorf by Mikat, Paul
Indigenous Political Systems of West Malaya: Revised Edition by Gullick, J. M.
The Social Practice of Symbolisation: An Anthropological Analysis by Strecker, IVo
Perspectives on Ecology: A Critical Essay by Mellos, Koula
Economies Across Cultures: Towards a Comparative Science of the Economy by Halperin, Rhoda H.
Jewish Perceptions of Antisemitism by Sassler, Sharon L., Tobin, Gary A.
Hunters and Gatherers (Vol I): Vol I: History, Evolution and Social Change by
Meta-Ethnography: Synthesizing Qualitative Studies by Noblit, George W.
Meta-Ethnography: Synthesizing Qualitative Studies by Noblit, George W.
Beyond Computopia by Morris-Suzuki
The Road To El-Aguzein by Seton-Williams, M. V.
The Duties Of The Vizier: Civil Administration in the Early New Kingdom by Van Den Boorn, G. P. F.
Saudi Arabian Dialects by Prochazka, Theodore
Pakistan: Political and Economic History Since 1947 by Noman, Omar
Die Araber an Der Wende Zum 21. Jahrhundert: Studien Zur Evolution Und Revolution in Nordafrika Und Nahost by
Chinese Working-Class Lives by Gates, Hill
Singing of Birth and Death: Texts in Performance by Blackburn, Stuart H.
World Population and the United Nations: Challenge and Response by Johnson, Stanley, Johnson, Stanley P.
The Social Life of Things by
Militär ALS Lebenswelt: Streitkräfte Im Wandel Der Gesellschaft (II) by
Eliminating Racism: Profiles in Controversy by
Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author by Geertz, Clifford
Ethnostatistics: Qualitative Foundations for Quantitative Research by Gephart, Robert P.
Man: His Nature and Place in the World by Gehlen, Arnold
Women Anthropologists: A Biographical Dictionary by
Family, Fields, and Ancestors: Constancy and Change in China's Social and Economic History, 1550-1949 by Eastman, Lloyd E.
The Adena People by Webb, William S.
Evolution and Human Kinship by Hughes, Austin L.
Against Racism: Unpublished Essays, Papers, Addresses, 1887-1961 by Du Bois, W. E. B.
Socialist Authority: The Hungarian Experience by Toma, Peter
Sociology and Development by Barnett, Tony
Upscaling Downtown by Williams, Brett
Upscaling Downtown by Williams, Brett
The Life and Hard Times of a Korean Shaman: Of Tales and Telling Tales by Kendall, Laurel
The Eighth Day: Social Evolution as the Self-Organization of Energy by Adams, Richard Newbold
Understanding Soviet Society by Sacks, Michael Paul, Pankhurst, Jerry G.
Asian Power and Politics: The Cultural Dimensions of Authority by Pye, Lucian W.
France, Fin de Siècle by Weber, Eugen
Cultural Anthropology: A Christian Perspective by Grunlan, Stephen A., Mayers, Marvin K.
A Mexican Elite Family, 1820-1980: Kinship, Class, and Culture by Pérez-Lizaur, Marisol, Lomnitz, Larissa Adler
To Speak in Pairs: Essays on the Ritual Languages of Eastern Indonesia by
Childbirth in America: Anthropological Perspectives by Michaelson, Karen L.
Quest for the Real Samoa: The Mead/Freeman Controversy and Beyond by Holmes, Lowell
Placeways: A Theory of the Human Environment by Walter, E. V.
Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know by Hirsch, E. D.
The Accommodation Without Assimilation: Women and Medicine in Early New England by Gibson, Margaret A.
The Accommodation Without Assimilation: Women and Medicine in Early New England by Gibson, Margaret A.
They Chose Minnesota: A Survey of the State's Ethnic Groups by
To Double Business Bound: Essays on Literature, Mimesis, and Anthropology by Girard, Rene
The Arapaho Indians: A Research Guide and Bibliography by Salzmann, Zdenek
States and Collective Action by Birnbaum, Pierre
Hunters, Pastoralists and Ranchers: Reindeer Economies and Their Transformations by Ingold, Tim
Day of Shining Red by Lewis, Gilbert
From the Milk River: Spatial and Temporal Processes in Northwest Amazonia by Hugh-Jones, C., Hugh-Jones, Christine
The Palm and the Pleiades: Initiation and Cosmology in Northwest Amazonia by Hugh-Jones, S., Hugh-Jones, Stephen
Aboriginal Adolescence by Burbank, Victoria Katherine
The Power of Myth by Campbell, Joseph
The Power of Myth by Campbell, Joseph
Gossip, Markets, and Gender: How Dialogue Constructs Moral Value in Post-Socialist Kilimanjaro by Pietila, Tuulikki
The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art by Clifford, James
Invention of Africa: Gnosis, Philosophy, and the Order of Knowledge by Mudimbe, V. Y.
Passage of Darkness: The Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombie by Davis, Wade
Symbiosis: Popular Culture and Other Fields by
Culture Et Politique / Culture and Politics by
Blood Magic: The Anthropology of Menstruation by
Methodology and Economics: A Critical Introduction by Pheby, John
Methodology and Economics: A Critical Introduction by Pheby, John
The General Social Survey, 1972-1986: The State of the American People by Russell, Charlos H., Megaard, Inger
Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations by
Irish American Material Culture: A Dictionary of Collections, Sites, and Festivals in the United States and Canada by Eleuterio-Comer, Susan K.
Unmentionable Cuisine by Schwabe, Calvin W.
Intimations of Infinity: The Cultural Meanings of the Iqwaye Counting and Number Systems by Mimica, Jadran
Southern Folk Plain and Fancy: Native White Social Types by Reed, John Shelton
Intimations of Infinity: The Cultural Meanings of the Iqwaye Counting and Number Systems by Mimica, Jadran
Persistence and Flexibility: Anthropological Perspectives on the American Jewish Experience by
Divinity and Experience: The Religion of the Dinka by Lienhardt, R. G., Lienhardt, Godfrey
Inuit Youth: Growth and Change in the Canadian Arctic by Condon, Richard G.
Secondary Cities of Argentina: The Social History of Corrientes, Salta, and Mendoza, 1850-1910 by Scobie, James R.
Many Excellent People: Power and Privilege in North Carolina, 1850-1900 by Escott, Paul D.
'At Duty's Call': A Study in Obsolete Patriotism by Reader, W. J.
Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern Cultures in the Chesapeake, 1680-1800 by Kulikoff, Allan
The Sociology of Modernization and Development by Harrison, David
Culture and Language Development: Language Acquisition and Language Socialization in a Samoan Village by Ochs, Elinor
Nucleation in Papua New Guinea Cultures by
Biomedicine Examined by
Biomedicine Examined by
Shandaa: In My Lifetime by Herbert, Velle
The Mind of the Bible-Believer by Cohen, Edmund D.
Culture and Christianity: The Dialectics of Transformation by
Lord, I'm Coming Home by Forrest, John
The Poison in the Gift: Ritual, Prestation, and the Dominant Caste in a North Indian Village by Raheja, Gloria Goodwin
Human Abilities in Cultural Context by
Living with Antisemitism: Modern Jewish Responses by Reinharz, Jehuda
The Kingdom of God in America by Niebuhr, H. Richard
Theories in Intercultural Communication by
Toward A Chicano Social Science by Blea, Irene
The Worlds of a Maasai Warrior: An Autobiography by Saitoti, Tepilit Ole
Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and Their Challenge to Western Theory by Lutz, Catherine a.
Romantic Geography: In Search of the Sublime Landscape by Tuan, Yi-Fu
Insurgency Through Culture and Religion: The Islamic Revolution of Iran by Salehi, M. M., Salehi, Mohammd
The Anthropology of War and Peace: Perspectives on the Nuclear Age by Pitt, David, Turner, Paul
Pursuits of Happiness: The Social Development of Early Modern British Colonies and the Formation of American Culture by Greene, Jack P.
A Distant Field of Murder by Critchett, Jan
The Context of Medicines in Developing Countries: Studies in Pharmaceutical Anthropology by
A Very Serious Thing: Women's Humor and American Culture Volume 2 by Walker, Nancy a.
Beyond Aztlan: Ethnic Autonomy in Comparative Perspective by Barrera, Mario
The Psychodynamics of Culture: Abram Kardiner and Neo-Freudian Anthropology by Manson, William C.
Oglala Women: Myth, Ritual, and Reality by Powers, Marla N.
The Poetics of Manhood: Contest and Identity in a Cretan Mountain Village by Herzfeld, Michael
Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World by Migdal, Joel S.
Economies Across Cultures: Towards a Comparative Science of the Economy by Halperin, Rhoda H.
The Humanity of Cities: An Introduction to Urban Societies by Gulick, John
The Transfer and Transformation of Ideas and Material Culture by
The Food Resources of Man by
A Continuing Trial of Treatment: Medical Pluralism in Papua New Guinea by
Uneasy Endings: Daily Life in an American Nursing Home by Shield, Renée Rose
Uneasy Endings: Daily Life in an American Nursing Home by Shield, Renée Rose
Capileira, Village Andalous: un habitat montagnard à toits plats by Delaigue, Marie-Christine
Early Hominid Activities at Olduvai: Foundations of Human Behaviour by
A Continuing Trial of Treatment: Medical Pluralism in Papua New Guinea by
Homicide: Foundations of Human Behavior by Daly, Martin, Wilson, Margo