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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 1992

The Discourse of Race in Modern China = by Dikotter, Frank
Comparing Muslim Societies: Knowledge and the State in a World Civilization by
The Moki Snake Dance by Hough, Walter
Recovering Rights: Bowhead Whales and Inuvialuit Subsistence in the Western Canadian Arctic by Freeman, Milton M. R., Wein, Eleanor E., Keith, Darren E.
The Idea of Europe: Problems of National and Transnational Identity by
The Sociology of International Relations by Merle, Marcel
The Use of Abuse by Griffiths, Richard
Double Passage: The Lives of Caribbean Migrants Abroad and Back Home by Gmelch, George
The Politics of Time by
The Navaho: Revised Edition by Kluckhohn, Clyde, Leighton, Dorothea C.
Analyse Verbaler Daten: Über Den Umgang Mit Qualitativen Daten by
Die Völker Der Ehemaligen Sowjetunion: Die Nationalitäten Der Gus, Georgiens Und Der Baltischen Staaten Ein Lexikon by Mark, Rudolf
The Anthropology of Slavery: The Womb of Iron and Gold by Meillassoux, Claude
Ethnische Minderheiten, Volk und Nation by Heckmann, Friedrich
Continuity or Replacement: Controversies in Homo Sapiens Evolution by
Stanlinism by Lampert, Nick
Europe Observed by Campbelld, John, Pina-Cabral, Joao De
Women on the Frontline: Voices from Southern Africa by Johnson, Professor Chris
Twentieth-Century Fantasists: Essays on Culture, Society and Belief in Twentieth-Century Mythopoeic Literature by
Die Sozialstruktur Deutschlands by Geißler, Rainer
Education in Zambia. Catholic Perspectives by Carmody, Brendan
Dangerous Encounters: Meanings of Violence in a Brazilian City by Linger, Daniel Touro
Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man by Churchward, Albert
Education by Foskett, Douglas, Foskett, Joy
Japanese Numbers Game by Crump, T.
Das Fest Des Fastenbrechens ('id Al-Fitr) in Ägypten: Untersuchungen Zu Theologischen Grundlagen Und Praktischer Gestaltung by Nabhan, Laila
The Past in Contemporary Society: Then, Now by Fowler, Peter
Politics, Women and Well-Being: How Kerala Became 'a Model' by Jeffrey, Robin
The Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education by
Under Eastern Eyes: The West as Reflected in Recent Russian Emigre Writing by McMillin, Arnold
Space-Time of the Bororo of Brazil by Fabian, Stephen M.
Italian American Material Culture: A Directory of Collections, Sites, and Festivals in the United States and Canada by Hobbie, Margaret
Indigenous Navigation and Voyaging in the Pacific: A Reference Guide by Goetzfridt, Nicholas J.
Age of Atonement: The Influence of Evangelicalism on Social and Economic Thought, 1785-1865 by Hilton, Boyd
Catastrophe and Creation: The transformation of an African culture by Friedmann, K. Elkholm
The Age of Discontinuity: Guidelines to Our Changing Society by Drucker, Peter
Tea in China: The History of China's National Drink by Evans, John C.
Hermes' Dilemma and Hamlet's Desire by Crapanzano, Vincent
Law and Economics (Vol. 1) by Coleman, John
My France: Politics, Culture, Myth by Weber, Eugen
The Political Economy of Small Tropical Islands: The Importance of Being Small by
Minority Children and Adolescents in Therapy by
Beamtimes and Lifetimes: The World of High Energy Physicists by Traweek, Sharon
Agrarian Transformations: Local Processes and the State in Southeast Asia by
In the Midst of Life: Affect and Ideation in the World of the Tolai Volume 9 by Epstein, A. L.
Language Contact, Creolization, and Genetic Linguistics by Thomason, Sarah Grey, Kaufman, Terrence
Gender in Crisis: Women and the Palestinian Resistance Movement by Peteet, Julie
Mobility and Territoriality: Social and Spatial Boundaries among Foragers, Fishers, Pastoralists and Peripatetics by
Women, Men, and Time: Gender Difference in Paid Work, Housework and Leisure by Shelton, Beth Anne
The Social Production of Indifference: Exploring the Symbolic Roots of Western Bureaucracy by Herzfeld, Michael
Rituals and Relationships in the Valley of the Sun: The Ketengban of Irian Jaya by Sims, Anne, Sims, Andrew
The Paths to Domination, Resistance, and Terror by
Synthesis of Traditional and Modern in the Evolution of Third World Societies by Simoniia, N. A., Simonia, Nodari A.
Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa: A Comparative Ethnography of the Khoisan Peoples by Barnard, Alan
Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa: A Comparative Ethnography of the Khoisan Peoples by Barnard, Alan
The Wild Bull and the Sacred Forest by Mark, Peter
Anti-Racism in U.S. History: The First Two Hundred Years by Aptheker, Herbert
The Atomistic Congress: Interpretation of Congressional Change by Hertzke, Allen D., Peters, Ronald M.
Verbal Arts in Madagascar by Haring, Lee
The Anthropology of Self and Behavior by Erchak, Gerald M.
Experiencing Ritual: A New Interpretation of African Healing by Turner, Edith
Spirit of Chinese Politics, New Edition by Pye, Lucian W.
Time and the Highland Maya by Tedlock, Barbara
Breaking the Bonds: Marital Discord in Pennsylvania, 1730-1830 by Smith, Merril D.
Bedouin Life in the Egyptian Wilderness by Hobbs, Joseph J.
Moliseide: Songs and Ballads in the Molisan Dialect by Bonaffini, Luigi, Rimanelli, Giose
Plough, Sword, and Book: The Structure of Human History by Gellner, Ernest
Soviet Society Under Perestroika by Lane, David
Notes on Love in a Tamil Family by Trawick, Margaret
Family and Kinship in East London by Willmott, Peter, Young, Michael W.
Race, Culture and Difference by
The Art and Politics of Wana Shamanship by Atkinson, Jane Monnig
Cultural Studies: Volume 6, Issue 1 by
Black Dawn, Bright Day: Indian Prophecies for the Millennium That Reveal the Fate of the Earth by Wind, Wabun, Bear, Sun
Aggression and Peacefulness in Humans and Other Primates by
Caribbean New York: Individualism and Democratic Culture by Kasinitz, Philip
Caribbean New York: Individualism and Democratic Culture by Kasinitz, Philip
Critical Communication Studies: Essays on Communication, History and Theory in America by Hardt, Hanno
After Nature: English Kinship in the Late Twentieth Century by Strathern, Marilyn
Language Origin: A Multidisciplinary Approach by
The Gypsies of Eastern Europe by Crowe, David, Kolsti, John, Hancock, Ian
The Gypsies of Eastern Europe by Crowe, David, Kolsti, John, Hancock, Ian
First Find Your Child a Good Mother: The Construction of Self in Two African Communities by Riesman, Paul
To Build in a New Land: Ethnic Landscapes in North America by
Sociology Through the Eyes of Faith by Campolo, Anthony, Fraser, David A.
Black Critics and Kings: The Hermeneutics of Power in Yoruba Society by Apter, Andrew
Work, Identity, and Legal Status at Rome: A Study of the Occupational Inscriptions by Bright, William, Joshel, Sandra R.
Ethnic and Racial Minorities in Advanced Industrial Democracies by Walsh, Jim
Biology of Aging by
Urbanizing China by Guldin, Gregory
Politics & Society by Rush, Michael
Anthropology of Breast-Feeding: Natural Law or Social Construct by
Maya Saints and Souls in a Changing World by Watanabe, John M.
Understanding Ethnographic Texts by Atkinson, Paul
Shabono: A Visit to a Remote and Magical World in the South American Rain Forest by Donner, Florinda
Albion's People: English Society 1714-1815 by Rule, John
Inalienable Possessions: The Paradox of Keeping-While Giving by Weiner, Annette B.
Inalienable Possessions: The Paradox of Keeping-While-Giving by Weiner, Annette B.
Magical Arrows: The Maori, the Greeks, and the Folklore of the Universe by Schrempp, Gregory a.
Das Bewußtsein: Multidimensionale Entwürfe by
Palestinian Identities and Preferences: Israel's and Jerusalem's Arabs by Ashkenasi, Abraham
Cultural Studies: Volume 6, Issue 2 by
Colonial Space: Spatiality in the Discourse of German South West Africa 1884-1915 by Noyes, J. K.
On the Road to Tribal Extinction: Depopulation, Deculturation, and Adaptive Well-Being Among the Batak of the Philippines by Eder, James F.
Compliance Ideologies: Rethinking Political Culture by Wilson, Richard W.
Prehistory of the Americas by Fiedel, Stuart J.
Rethinking Context: Language as an Interactive Phenomenon by
Human Motives and Cultural Models by
Essays in the History of Heterodox Political Economy by Samuels, Warren J.
Crown of Thorns: Political Martyrdom in America from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King, Jr. by Naveh, Eyal J.
Low Living and High Thinking at Modern Times, New York by Wunderlich, Roger
Visayan Vignettes: Ethnographic Traces of a Philippine Island by Dumont, Jean-Paul
Dreaming: Anthropological and Psychological Interpretations by
Sadie Brower Neakok: An Iñupiaq Woman by Blackman, Margaret B.
Storm from Paradise: The Politics of Jewish Memory by Boyarin, Jonathan
Paths to Asian Medical Knowledge by
Paths to Asian Medical Knowledge: Volume 32 by
Chinatown No More by Chen, Hsiang-Shui
Looking for the Prehispanic Filipino by Scott, William Henry
The Unplanned Society: Poland During and After Communism by Wedel, Janine
Social Change and Social Issues in the Former USSR by
The Cinematic Griot: The Ethnography of Jean Rouch by Stoller, Paul
Searching the Heart: Women, Men, and Romantic Love in Nineteenth-Century America by Lystra, Karen
Barter, Exchange and Value: An Anthropological Approach by
Human Motives and Cultural Mod by
Chaseworld by Hufford, Mary T.
America Against Itself: Moral Vision and the Public Order by Neuhaus, Richard John
Tradition and Individuality: Essays by Nyíri, J. C.
Culture in History: Production, Consumption and Values in Historical Perspective by
The Marana Community in the Hohokam World by
Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity by Beck, Ulrich
Conceptualizing Society by
Anthropology and Autobiography by Callaway, Helen, Okely, Judith
Bush Base, Forest Farm: Culture, Environment, and Development by
Order in Paradox: Myth and Ritual Among Nepal's Tamang by Holmberg, David
From the Enemy's Point of View: Humanity and Divinity in an Amazonian Society by Viveiros De Castro, Eduardo
Myth, Religion, and Mother Right: Selected Writings of J.J. Bachofen by Bachofen, Johann Jakob
Of Swedish Ways by Lorenzen, Lily
Interpreting Career: Hermeneutical Studies of Lives in Context by
The New Social Economy: Reworking the Division of Labor by Sayer, Andrew, Walker, Richard
Behavioral Theory of the Firm by March, James G., Cyert, Richard M.
The Social and Cultural Forms of Modernity: Understanding Modern Societies, Book III by
Democracy and Civil Society in Eastern Europe by
Agents and Victims in South China: Accomplices in Rural Revolution by Siu, Helen F.
Clambake: A History and Celebration of an American Tradition by Neustadt, Katherine D.
Language Diversity and Thought: A Reformulation of the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis by Lucy, John A.
The Shape of Culture by Blau, Judith R.
Law and Anthropology by
Coevolution: Genes, Culture, and Human Diversity by Durham, William H.
Years of Discord: American Politics and Society, 1961-1974 (Revised) by Blum, John Morton
Ancestor Worship and Korean Society by Janelli, Dawnhee Yim, Janelli, Roger L.
Cooking, Eating, Thinking by Baker-Fletcher, Karen, Curtin, Deanne
The Wrestler's Body by Alter, Joseph S.
History and Tradition in Melanesian Anthropology by
Human-Centred Systems in the Global Economy: Proceedings from the International Workshop on Industrial Cultures and Human-Centred Systems Held by Toky by
Empty Meeting Grounds: The Tourist Papers by MacCannell, Dean
Structuring Diversity: Ethnographic Perspectives on the New Immigration by
Ritual Poetry and the Politics of Death in Early Japan by Ebersole, Gary L.
Throwed Away: Failures of Progress in Eastern North Carolina by Flowers, Linda
War and Society in Ancient Mesoamerica by Hassig, Ross
High Anxiety: Catastrophe, Scandal, Age, and Comedy by Mellencamp, Patricia
Soviet Social Reality in the Mirror of Glasnost by
Economy and Society by Holton, Robert J.
Cultural Nationalism in Contemporary Japan: A Sociological Enquiry by Yoshino, Kosaku
Economy and Society by Holton, Robert J.
From the Soil: The Foundations of Chinese Society by Fei, Xiaotong
Knowledge and Power in Morocco: The Education of a Twentieth-Century Notable by Eickelman, Dale F.
Uncertain Terms: Negotiating Gender in American Culture by
Rice and Man: Agricultural Ecology in Southeast Asia by Hanks, Lucien M.
Ideology and Pre-Columbian: Civilizations by
Creole New Orleans: Race and Americanization by
Film as Ethnography by
Domination, Resistance, and Social Change in South Africa: The Local Effects of Global Power by Manzo, Kathryn A.
Just Talk: Gossip, Meetings, and Power in a Papua New Guinea Village Volume 11 by Brison, Karen J.
Ethnographic Presents: Pioneering Anthropologists in the Papua New Guinea Highlands Volume 12 by
Investigating Obsolescence: Studies in Language Contraction and Death by
From Union to Commonwealth by
Power and Religiosity in a Post-Colonial Setting by Stirrat, R. L.
From Union to Commonwealth: Nationalism and Separatism in the Soviet Republics by Lapidus
Rites of Conquest: The History and Culture of Michigan's Native Americans by Cleland, Charles E.
The Economics of Violence in Latin America: A Theory of Political Competition by Chaffee, Wilber A.
Dream Deferred: America's Discontent and the Search for a New Democratic Ideal by Slater, Philip
Reworking Modernity: Capitalisms and Symbolic Discontent by Pred, Allan, Watts, Michael
Alcohol, Gender and Culture by
Religion, Science, and Magic: In Concert and in Conflict by
Meat: A Natural Symbol by Fiddes, Nick
The Failure of Illiberalism: Essays on the Political Culture of Modern Germany by Stern, Fritz
Class: A Guide Through the American Status System by Fussell, Paul
Hidatsa Social and Ceremonial Organization by Bowers, Alfred W.
All the Mothers Are One: Hindu India and the Cultural Reshaping of Psychoanalysis by Kurtz, Stanley
Rereading Cultural Anthropology by
Cultures of Secrecy: Reinventing Race in Bush Kaliai Cargo Cults by Lattas, Andrew
Ngoma: Discourses of Healing in Central and Southern Africa Volume 34 by Janzen, John M.
The Image of Aristocracy: In Britain, 1000-1300 by Crouch, David
The Quetzal in Flight: Guatemalan Refugee Families in the United States by Vlach, Norita
Sacred Journeys: The Anthropology of Pilgrimage by Morinis, Alan
From Class Struggle to the Politics of Pleasure: The Effects of Gramscianism on Cultural Studies by Harris, David
From Class Struggle to the Politics of Pleasure: The Effects of Gramscianism on Cultural Studies by Harris, David
Postmodernity by Smart, Barry
Other Histories by
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