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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 1995

Fighting for the Soul of Brazil by Danaher, Kevin
Natives and Newcomers: Ethnic Southerners and Southern Ethnics by Tindall, George Brown
Communism's Collapse, Democracy's Demise?: The Cultural Context and Consequences of the East German Revolution by McFalls, Laurence
Hunting the Largest Animals: Native Whaling in the Western Arctic and Subarctic by
Studies in Symbolic Interaction by
Fighting for the Soul of Brazil by Danaher, Kevin
Lebensstile Im Sozialstrukturellen Kontext: Ein Theoretischer Und Empirischer Beitrag Zur Analyse Soziokultureller Ungleichheiten by Konietzka, Dirk
Onions Are My Husband: Survival and Accumulation by West African Market Women by Clark, Gracia
"Die Organisation Der Welt": Herrschaft Durch Organisation in Der Modernen Gesellschaft by Türk, Klaus
Marriage and Mandatory Abortion Among the 17th-Century Siraya by Shepherd, John Robert
First Light: Modern Bahrain and Its Heritage by Al Khalifa, Hamad Bin Isa
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft in Vergleichender Perspektive: Festschrift Für Erwin K. Scheuch Zum 65. Geburtstag by Pappi, Franz Urban
Women of the Anti-Slavery Movement: The Weston Sisters by Taylor, Clare
State and Society in Francophone Africa Since Independence by
Disaster and Development in the Horn of Africa by
Food and Nutrition: Customs and Culture by Fieldhouse, Paul
Modality, Mood and Aspect in Spoken Arabic by Mitchell, T. F., Ai-Hassan, S. a.
Modern Korean Literature by
Dangerous Encounters: Meanings of Violence in a Brazilian City by Linger, Daniel Touro
Hasidic Williamsburg: A Contemporary American Hasidic Community by Kranzler, George
Psychological Responses to Social Change by
A Death in the Tiwi Islands: Conflict, Ritual and Social Life in an Australian Aboriginal Community by Venbrux, Eric, Eric, Venbrux
Representation in Ethnography by
Rifles, Blankets, & Beads: Identity, History, and the Northern Athapaskan Potlatch by Simeone, William
Deviant Bodies by
Saigo Takamori - The Man Behind the Myth by Yates, Charles L.
Cultural Economies Past and Present by Halperin, Rhoda H.
Diversity in Japanese Culture and Language by
Authority and Sexuality in Early Modern Burgundy (1550-1730) by Farr, James Richard
Difference & Modernity by Clammer, John
Modern Hungarian Society in the Making by Gerő, András
Migrant Workers In Japan by Komai, Hiroshi
Kendo by Kiyota
Multicultrualiamism Critical Reader by Goldberg, David Theo
Articulating Hidden Histories by
The Anatomy of the Senses: Natural Symbols in Medieval and Early Modern Italy by Camporesi, Piero
Buddhist Precept & Practice by Gombrich
Racism, Modernity and Identity: On the Western Front by
Migrants, Immigrants, and Slaves: Racial and Ethnic Groups in America by Henderson, George, Olasiji, Thompson
Migration: The Asian Experience by
Beyond the Rising Sun: Nationalism in Contemporary Japan by Stronach, Bruce
Peasant and Nation: The Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru by Mallon, Florencia E.
Peasant and Nation: The Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru by Mallon, Florencia E.
Common Places: Mythologies of Everyday Life in Russia by Boym, Svetlana
Public Policy and the Quality of Life: Market Incentives Versus Government Planning by Holcombe, Randall G.
Latinos in American Society and Culture by Gutierrez-Jones, Carl
Circle of Protest: Political Ritual in the Tibetan Uprising, 1987-1992 by Schwartz, Ronald David
New Right Discourse on Race and Sexuality: Britain, 1968 1990 by Smith, Anna Marie
New Right Discourse on Race and Sexuality: Britain, 1968 1990 by Smith, Anne Marie, Smith, Anna Marie
Tools, Language and Cognition in Human Evolution by Gibson, K.
Primate Behaviour: Information, Social Knowledge, and the Evolution of Culture by Quiatt, Duane
The Development of Cognitive Anthropology by D'Andrade, Roy
Embodiment and Experience: The Existential Ground of Culture and Self by
Beyond the Rising Sun: Nationalism in Contemporary Japan by Stronach, Bruce
Theologies and Moral Concern by Gottfried, Paul Edward
Human Ecology as Human Behavior: Essays in Environmental and Developmental Anthropology by Bennett, John W.
Die Politische Soziologie C. Wright Mills': Ein Beitrag Zur Politischen Ideengeschichte by Hess, Andreas
Working the Spirit: Ceremonies of the African Diaspora by Murphy, Joseph M.
Unmeltable Ethnics: Politics and Culture in American Life by Novak, Michael
Zwischen Wende Und Wiedervereinigung: Analysen Zur Politischen Kultur in West- Und Ost-Berlin 1990 by
The Americanization of the Jews by
Crisis in the World's Fisheries: People, Problems, and Policies by McGoodwin, James R.
Warrior Gentlemen: 'Gurkhas' in the Western Imagination by Caplan, Lionel
In the Time of Cannibals: The Word Music of South Africa's Basotho Migrants by Coplan, David B.
Race, Myth and the News by Campbell, Christopher P.
Rhetorics of Self-Making: by
Rhetorics of Self-Making by
On the Road with Charles Kuralt by Kuralt, Charles
Savages and Civilization: Who Will Survive? by Weatherford, Jack
Still a Man's World: Men Who Do Women's Work by Williams, Christine L.
The Story of a Marriage: The letters of Bronislaw Malinowski and Elsie Masson. Vol II 1920-35 by
Still a Man's World: Men Who Do Women's Work Volume 1 by Williams, Christine L.
Breaking the Silence by Takezawa, Yasuko I.
Breaking the Silence by Takezawa, Yasuko I.
Speaking to Power: Gender and Politics in the Western Pacific by Wilson, Lynn
Disability and Culture: by
Disability and Culture by
Encounters with Nationalism by Gellner, Ernest
Dictionary of Symbols by Liungman, Carl G.
The Gypsies by Fraser, Angus
Decentralizing Power: Paul Goodman's Social Criticism by Stoehr, Taylor
The Sounds and Colors of Power: The Sacred Metallurgical Technology of Ancient West Mexico by Hosler, Dorothy
Latah in South-East Asia: The History and Ethnography of a Culture-Bound Syndrome by Winzeler, Robert L.
The Work of Democracy: Ralph Bunche, Kenneth B. Clark, Lorraine Hansberry, and the Cultural Politics of Race by Keppel, Ben
Style, Society, and Person: Archaeological and Ethnological Perspectives by
Race, Myth and the News by Campbell, Christopher P.
Studies in Melanesian Anthropology by Stephen, Michele
The Brazilian Puzzle: Culture on the Borderlands of the Western World by
Nation and Migration by
A'Aisa's Gifts: A Study of Magic and the Self by Stephen, Michele
Ordered Universes: Approaches To The Anthropology Of Religion by Klass, Morton
Res Dem Soc V 2 by
Yanomami Warfare: A Political History by Ferguson, R. Brian
Making Capitalism: The Social and Cultural Construction of a South Korean Conglomerate by Yim, Dawnhee, Janelli, Roger L.
Woven Gods by Hereniko, Vilsoni
Los Angeles--Struggles Toward Multiethnic Community: Asian American, African American, and Latino Perspectives by
A Life on the Road by Kuralt, Charles
Cultural Studies: Volume 9 Issue 1 by
Terms of Survival: The Jewish World Since 1945 by
Launching Europe: An Ethnography of European Cooperation in Space Science by Zabusky, Stacia E.
Consuming Places by Urry, John
Visual Culture by
Consuming Places by Urry, John
Myth and Meaning: Cracking the Code of Culture by Levi-Strauss, Claude
The Scar of Race by Sniderman, Paul M., Piazza, Thomas
European Modernity and Beyond: The Trajectory of European Societies, 1945-2000 by Therborn, Göran
American Mixed Race: The Culture of Microdiversity by
Heaven, Heroes and Happiness: The Indo-European Roots of Western Ideology by Winn, Shan
On the Mall: Presenting Maroon Tradition-Bearers at the 1992 FAF by Price, Richard, Price, Sally
Blood, Milk, and Death: Body Symbols and the Power of Regeneration Among the Zaramo of Tanzania by Swantz, Marja-Liisa
Racism, Sexism, Power and Ideology by Guillaumin, Colette
Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945 by Sanchez, George J.
Family Tightrope: The Changing Lives of Vietnamese Americans by Kibria, Nazli
Above the Clouds: Status Culture of the Modern Japanese Nobility by Lebra, Takie Sugiyama
The Social Ecology of Religion by Reynolds, Tanner, Reynolds, Vernon, Tanner, Ralph
Masks of Difference: Cultural Representations in Literature, Anthropology and Art by Richards, D., Richards, David
Death in Banaras by Parry, Jonathan P.
Romance Revisited. by
Gateway to the Promised Land: Ethnicity and Culture in New York's Lower East Side by Maffi, Mario
Research in Politics and Society by
Kuna Crafts, Gender, and the Global Economy by Tice, Karin E.
Gateway to the Promised Land: Ethnicity and Culture in New York's Lower East Side by Maffi, Mario
Occasions of Faith: An Anthropology of Irish Catholics by Taylor, Lawrence J.
The Fuehrer Bunker: The Complete Cycle by Snodgrass, W. D.
The Reformation of Machismo: Evangelical Conversion and Gender in Colombia by Brusco, Elizabeth E.
Excellence by Gardner, John William
Racism and Migration in Western Europe by
Understanding Disputes: The Politics of Argument by
Understanding Disputes: The Politics of Argument by
Figures of Conversion: "The Jewish Question" and English National Identity by Ragussis, Michael
Hot Topics: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the Fifty Major Controversies by Starer, Daniel
Global Migrants, Local Lives: Travel and Transformation in Rural Bangladesh by Gardner, Katy
Race, Language, and Culture by Boas, Franz
The Rulings of the Night: An Ethnography of Nepalese Shaman Oral Texts by Maskarinec, Gregory G.
Spirit Versus Scalpel: Traditional Healing and Modern Psychotherapy by Mukherji, B. Runi, Adler, Leonore
Telling Lives, Telling Histories: Autobiography and Historical Imagination in Modern Indonesia by
Telling Lives, Telling History by
Inventing Europe by Delanty, G.
Inventing Europe by Delanty, G.
The Politics of Nation Building and Citizenship in Singapore by Hill, Michael, Lian, Kwen Fee
Ethnomethodology by Coulon, Alain
Home-Based Employment and Family Life by Heck, Ramona K., Rowe, Barbara R., Owen, Alma J.
Anti-Semite and Jew: An Exploration of the Etiology of Hate (Revised) by Sartre, Jean-Paul
Latin American Society by Cubitt, Tessa
Consumed: Why Americans Hate, Love, and Fear Food by Stacey, Michelle
Palaeopathology of Aboriginal Australians by Webb, Stephen
Social Intelligence and Interaction by
Spirit Possession and Personhood Among the Kel Ewey Tuareg by Rasmussen, Susan J.
Social Intelligence and Interaction by
People of the Sea: Identity and Descent Among the Vezo of Madagascar by Astuti, Rita
Bodylore by Young, Katharine
Other Intentions: Cultural Contexts and the Attribution of Inner States by
History and Modernity in Latin America by Barloewen, Constantin Von
The Myth Of The Male Breadwinner: Women And Industrialization In The Caribbean by Safa, Helen I.
The Last Cannibals: A South American Oral History by Basso, Ellen B.
The Ape-Man Within by de Camp, L. Sprague
Other Intentions: Cultural Contexts and the Attribution of Inner States by
Gender Tales: Tensions in the Schools by
English Is Broken Here: Notes on Cultural Fusion in the Americas by Fusco, Coco
Antisemitism: Its History and Causes by Lazare, Bernard
From Ta'izz To Tyneside: An Arab Community In The North-East Of England During The Early Twentieth Century by Lawless, Richard I.
Ethnomethodology by Coulon, Alain
Bodies of Evidence: Reconstructing History Through Skeletal Analysis by
Humiliation by Miller, William Ian
Return to Paradise: Continuity and Change in Hawaii by Wooden, Wayne
Heroic Poets, Poetic Heroes by Reynolds, Dwight F.
Military in Politics and Society in France & Germany in the 20th Century by
The Urban Context: Ethnicity, Social Networks and Situational Analysis by
The Urban Context: Ethnicity, Social Networks and Situational Analysis by
Fields of Vision: Essays in Film Studies, Visual Anthropology, and Photography by
The Khmers by Mabbett, Ian, Chandler, David P.
Latin America In Comparative Perspective: New Approaches To Methods And Analysis by H. Smith, Peter
Cultural Studies and Cultural Value by Frow, John
Ethnic Chicago: A Multicultural Portrait by Holli, Melvin, Jones, Peter D'a Jones
Social Change and Modernization by
In a Different Place: Pilgrimage, Gender, and Politics at a Greek Island Shrine by Dubisch, Jill
Choreographing History by
Growing up in Europe by
Cultural Studies: Volume 9 Issue 2: Special issue: Toni Morrison and the Curriculum, edited by Warren Crichton and Cameron McCarthy by
From the Margins of Hindu Marriage: Essays on Gender, Religion, and Culture by
From the Margins of Hindu Marriage: Essays on Gender, Religion, and Culture by
The Culture of Politics in Modern Kenya by Haugerud, Angelique, Angelique, Haugerud
Social Reproduction and History in Melanesia by Foster, Robert John
About the House: Levi-Strauss and Beyond by
Encounters with Aging: Mythologies of Menopause in Japan and North America by Lock, Margaret M.
Diversity and Complexity in Prehistoric Maritime Societies: A Gulf of Maine Perspective by Bourque, Bruce J.
Extreme Stress and Communities: Impact and Intervention by
Perspectives in Ethology: Volume 11: Behavioral Design by
Everyday Conceptions of Emotion: An Introduction to the Psychology, Anthropology and Linguistics of Emotion by
In Pursuit of Happiness by
The Canadian Museum of Civilization by MacDonald, George F., Alsford, Stephen
The Arena of Racism by Wieviorka, Michael, Wieviorka, Michel
Ritual and Ethnic Identity: A Comparative Study of the Social Meaning of Liturgical Ritual in Synagogues by Fishbane, Simcha, Lightstone, Jack N., Bird, Frederick B.
Race, Politics and Social Change by Back, Les, Solomos, John
Work, Self and Society: After Industrialism by Casey, Catherine
Emperors and Gladiators by Wiedemann, Thomas E. J.
The Confucian Transformation of Korea: A Study of Society and Ideology by Deuchler, Martina
Christianity and the Holocaust of Hungarian Jewry by Herczl, Moshe Y.
Anthropology of the Self: The Individual in Cultural Perspective by Morris, Brian
Venda Children's Songs: A Study in Ethnomusicological Analysis by Blacking, John
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