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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 1996

States of Rage: On Cultural Emotion and Social Change by Curry, Renee R.
Africa Now: People, Policies and Institutions by
Representations of Jews Through the Ages. by Greenspoon, Leonard Jay, Hilfiker, David
The Decline and Fall of the American Empire by Bouza, Anthony V.
Gift Giving: A Research Anthology by
Gift Giving: A Research Anthology by
Inspired Journeys: Travel Writers in Search of the Muse by
Leadership and Change in the Western Pacific by
An Arabian Adventure: A Dream Achieved by Rossi, Gifford S.
State, Class and Underdevelopment in Nigeria and Early Meiji Japan by Mahmud, Sakah Saidu
Self-Determination: International Perspectives by
Africa's Quest for Economic Development by Bibangambah, Jossy R.
From Time Immemorial: Indigenous Peoples and State Systems by Perry, Richard J.
Culture and Catastrophe: German and Jewish Confrontations with National Socialism and Other Crises by
States of Rage: On Cultural Emotion and Social Change by Curry, Renee R.
Last Hunters, First Farmers: New Perspectives on the Prehistoric Transition to Agriculture by
Idealogy and Economic Reform Under Deng Xiaoping 1978-1993 by Zhang, Wei-Wei
Japenese Encounters with Postmod by Arnason, Ohann P., Sugimoto, Yoshio
The Making and Unmaking of the Haya Lived World: Consumption, Commoditization, and Everyday Practice by Weiss, Brad
The Ordinary & The Extraordinary: An Anthropological Study of Chinese Reform and the 1989 People's movement in Beijing by Pieke, Frank N.
All Over the Map: Rethinking American Regions by Nissenbaum, Stephen, Ayers, Edward L., Limerick, Patricia Nelson
Broken Contract?: Changing Relationships Between Americans And Their Government by C. Craig, Stephen
Fieldwork Under Fire: Contemporary Studies of Violence and Culture by
An Apartment Called Freedom by Algosaibi, Ghazi A.
Indian Ocean In Antiquity by Reade, Julian
Hibakusha Cinema: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film by
Japanese Enthronement Ceremonies by Holtom, D. C.
A History Of Korea by Tennant, Roger
Disaster and Development in the Horn of Africa by
Conversion to Islam by Kose, Ali
A Cultural Studies Reader: History, Theory, Practice by Bromley, Roger, Munns, Jessica, Rajan, Gita
Naturaneignung in Afrika ALS Sozialer Und Symbolischer Prozeß. by
Forbidden Narratives: Critical Autobiography as Social Science by Church, Kathryn
Culture and Change: An Introduction by Naylor, Larry
Setting Boundaries: The Anthropology of Spatial and Social Organization by
An Archaeology of Capitalism by Johnson, Matthew
No Dancin' in Anson: An American Story of Race and Social Change by Ainslie, Ricardo C.
Linguistic Culture and Language Policy by Schiffman, Harold
The Theory of Institutional Design by
Education and Identity in Rural France: The Politics of Schooling by Reed-Danahay, Deborah, Deborah, Reed-Danahay
Nation-Building and Citizenship: Studies of Our Changing Social Order by
The Impact of European Integration: Political, Sociological, and Economic Changes by Kourvetaris, George, Moschonas, Andreas
Culture and Change: An Introduction by Naylor, Larry L.
Western Society in Transition by Bornschier, Volker
Culture and Social Theory by Wildavsky, Aaron
Technikkritik in Der Moderne: Empirische Technikereignisse ALS Herausforderung an Die Sozialwissenschaft by Müller, Christoph, Nievergelt, Bernhard
Lebensstil Zwischen Sozialstrukturanalyse Und Kulturwissenschaft by
Between Plan and Market: Social Change in the Baltic States and Russia by
Infibulation: Female Mutilation in Islamic Northeastern Africa by Hicks, Esther
From Beginning to End: The Rituals of Our Lives by Fulghum, Robert
Popol Vuh: The Definitive Edition of the Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life and the Glories of by Tedlock, Dennis
Wrong for All the Right Reasons: How White Liberals Have Been Undone by Race by MacInnes, Gordon
Anthropological Contributions to Conflict Resolution by
Military Legitimacy: Might and Right in the New Millennium by Barnes, Rudolph C., Jr.
Rethinking Race-Pa by Williams, Vernon J.
Rise of the Bourgeoisie, Demise of Empire: Ottoman Westernization and Social Change by Gocek, Fatma Muge, G. Ek, Fatma M.
Hopeful Journeys: German Immigration, Settlement, and Political Culture in Colonial America, 1717-1775 by Fogleman, Aaron Spencer
Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Blinding of Women by Walker, Alice
The Sicilian Mafia: The Business of Private Protection by Gambetta, Diego
Family Careers: Rethinking the Developmental Perspective by Aldous, Joan
Outside Looking in: An African Perspective on American Pluralistic Society by Apraku, Kofi K.
Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies by
Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies by
White Settlers: The Impact of Rural Repopulation in Scotland by Jedrej, Charles, Nuttall, Mark
Cannibal Culture: Art, Appropriation, And The Commodification Of Difference by Root, Deborah
Global Culture, Island Identity by Fog Olwig, Karen
Mistrusting Refugees by
Cultural Studies: 10:1 Controversies in Cultural Studies by
Pathways of Memory and Power: Ethnography and History Among an Andean People by Abercrombie, Thomas A.
The Non-Jewish Origins of the Sephardic Jews by Wexler, Paul
Two Towns in Germany: Commerce and the Urban Transformation by Dannhaeuser, Norbert
Studies in Symbolic Interaction by
The Emerging Midwest: Upland Southerners and the Political Culture of the Old Northwest, 17871861 by Etcheson, Nicole
Kingship and State: The Buganda Dynasty by Wrigley, Christopher
The Health Consequences of 'Modernisation': Evidence from Circumpolar Peoples by Shephard, Roy J., Rode, Andris, Roy J., Shephard
Quick, Now, Always by Irwin, Mark
Quick, Now, Always by Irwin, Mark
Native American Estate: The Struggle Over Indian and Hawaiian Lands by Parker, Linda S.
Nevada Politics and Government: Conservatism in an Open Society by Goodall, Leonard E., Driggs, Don W.
Gender on the Market by Kapchan, Deborah
Gender, Family and Work in Naples by Goddard, Victoria A.
The Politics of Cultural Performance by
Gender, Family and Work in Naples by Goddard, Victoria A.
Indians into Mexicans: History and Identity in a Mexican Town by Frye, David
The Politics of Cultural Performance by
The Two Milpas of Chan Kom: Scenarios of a Maya Village Life by Re Cruz, Alicia
Looking for God in Brazil: The Progressive Catholic Church in Urban Brazil's Religious Arena by Burdick, John
China's Motor: A Thousand Years of Petty Capitalism by Gates, Hill
The Cultural Production of the Educated Person: Critical Ethnographies of Schooling and Local Practice by
A Space on the Side of the Road: Cultural Poetics in an Other America by Stewart, Kathleen
Spirits in Culture, History and Mind by
Spirits in Culture, History and Mind by
Religion and Wine: A Cultural History of Wine Drinking in the United States by Fuller, Robert C.
The Eclipse of Eternity: A Sociology of the Afterlife by Walter, T.
The Kurdish Struggle, 1920-94 by O'Ballance, E.
The Future of Anthropological Knowledge by
Spanish Cultural Studies: An Introduction: The Struggle for Modernity by
Founding Sociology? Talcott Parsons and the Idea of General Theory. by Holmwood, John
Social Economics: Premises, Findings and Policies by
The Future of Anthropological Knowledge by
A Tale of Two Cities: Global Change, Local Feeling and Everday Life in the North of England by Evans, Karen, Taylor, Ian, Fraser, Penny
Person to Person: Fieldwork, Dialogue, and the Hermeneutic Method by Richards, Cherylanne, Michrina, Barry P.
Cultural Studies and Communication by
The Culture of English Puritanism,1560-1700 by
The Matrix of Language: Contemporary Linguistic Anthropology by Brenneis, Donald, Macaulay, Ronald K. S.
The Human Zoo: A Zoologist's Study of the Urban Animal by Morris, Desmond
Russian Culture At The Crossroads: Paradoxes Of Postcommunist Consciousness by N. Shalin, Dmitri
Don't Marry Me To A Plowman!: Women's Everyday Lives In Rural North India by Jeffery, Roger, Jeffery, Patricia
Blood Relations: Caribbean Immigrants and the Harlem Community, 1900 1930 by Watkins-Owens, Irma
Ethnic Minorities in the Modern Nation State: Working Papers in the Theory of Multiculturalism and Political Integration by Rex, J.
Sex, Sensibility and the Gendered Body by
Political Behavior by Bangura, Abdul Karim, Isayas, Dawit, Smith, Gerald
Cultural Studies: A Research Annual by
Ethnic Minorities in the Modern Nation State: Working Papers in the Theory of Multiculturalism and Political Integration by Rex, J.
Paleoclimate and Evolution, with Emphasis on Human Origins by
A Society of Signs? by Harris, David
A Society of Signs? by Harris, David
Cultures of Consumption by Mort, Frank
Ecologies of the Heart: Emotion, Belief, and the Environment by Andersen, E. N., Anderson, Eugene N.
Cultures of Consumption by Mort, Frank
To Rule Jerusalem by Friedland, Roger
The English Tribe: Identity, Nation and Europe by Haseler, Stephen
Reclaiming Truth: Contribution to a Critique of Cultural Relativism by Norris, Christopher
A History of the Native People of Canada: Volume 1: 10,000 - 1,000 B.C. by Wright, James V.
Redefining Nature: Ecology, Culture and Domestication by
Metaphysical Community: The Interplay of the Senses and the Intellect by Urban, Greg
Methodological Imaginations by
A Year in the Life of a Shinto Shrine by Nelson, John K.
Drinks Before Dinner by Doctorow, E. L.
The Early Prehistory of Scotland by Morrison, Alex, Pollard, Tony
The Archaeology of Skye and the Western Isles by Armit, Ian
Tolerance Between Intolerance and the Intolerable by
The Archaeology of Skye and the Western Isles by Armit, Ian
A Year in the Life of a Shinto Shrine by Nelson, John K.
Cultural Encounters on China's Ethnic Frontiers by Harrell, Stevan
Impacts of Racism on White Americans by Hunt, Raymond G., Bowser, Benjamin
Cyberspace/Cyberbodies/Cyberpunk: Cultures of Technological Embodiment by
Andean Lives: Gregorio Condori Mamani and Asunta Quispe Huamán by
Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth's Lost Civilization by Hancock, Graham
Conflicts About Class: Debating Inequality in Late Industrialism by Lee, David J., Turner, Bryan S.
Own or Other Culture by Okely, Judith
Own or Other Culture by Okely, Judith
What Makes Life Worth Living? How Japanese and Americans Make Sense of Their Worlds by Mathews, Gordon
Mainstream(s) and Margins: Cultural Politics in the 90s by
Local Agrarian Societies in Colonial India: Japanese Perspectives by Robb, Peter, Sugihara, Kaoru, Yanagisawa, Haruka
Mapping Reality: An Exploration of Cultural Cartographies by King, Geoff
The Witch-Hunt; Or, the Triumph of Morality by Bailey, F. G.
Catching Sense: African American Communities on a South Carolina Sea Island by Guthrie, Patricia
African Material Culture by
Cities of the Dead: Circum-Atlantic Performance by Roach, Joseph
People of the Great Ocean by Houghton, Philip
Contesting Culture by Baumann, Gerd
The Political Economy of Social Control in Singapore by Tremewan, s.
The Political Economy of Social Control in Singapore by Tremewan, C.
Prairie Voices: Process Anthropology in Family Medicine by Stein, Howard F.
Naked Science: Anthropological Inquiry into Boundaries, Power, and Knowledge by
The Germans by Elias, Norbert
Food and the Status Quest: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Turkish Culture in German Society by
Culture in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1945-1995 by
Turkish Culture in German Society by
Tabooed Jung: Marginality as Power by Gallant, C.
Tabooed Jung: Marginality as Power by Gallant, C.
Handbook of Medical Anthropology: Contemporary Theory and Method by Johnson, T., Sargent, Carolyn
Russia - Women - Culture by
Adaptive Individuals In Evolving Populations: Models And Algorithms by Mitchell, Melanie, Belew, Richard K.
Spirited Women: Gender, Religion, and Cultural Identity in the Nepal Himalaya by Watkins, Joanne
The Russian Language in the Twentieth Century by Stone, Gerald, Polinsky, Maria, Comrie, Bernard
Race Relations Within Western Expansion by Levine, Alan J.
Reconceptualizing The Peasantry: Anthropology In Global Perspective by Kearney, Michael
Inside the Drama-House: Rama Stories and Shadow Puppets in South India by Blackburn, Stuart
Hierarchy and Its Discontents by Parish, Steven M.
The Archaeology of Wealth: Consumer Behavior in English America by Gibb, James G.
Ethnicity and Citizenship: The Canadian Case by
Cultural Studies: A Research Annual by
Religion in Context: Cults and Charisma by Lewis, I. M.
Religion in Context by Lewis, I. M.
Getting Married in Korea: Of Gender, Morality, and Modernity by Kendall, Laurel
Mobile Pastoralists: Development Planning and Social Change in Oman by Chatty, Dawn
German Ideology: From France to Germany and Back by Dumont, Louis
Home and Work: Negotiating Boundaries through Everyday Life by Nippert-Eng, Christena E.
What's Love Got to Do with It?: The Evolution of Human Mating by Small, Meredith
Toltecs of the New Millennium by Sanchez, Victor
Questions of Cultural Identity by
Double Exposures: The Practice of Cultural Analysis by Bal, Mieke
Double Exposures: The Practice of Cultural Analysis by Bal, Mieke
Hatreds: Racialized and Sexualized Conflicts in the 21st Century by Eisenstein, Zillah
The Gift of Generations: Japanese and American Perspectives on Aging and the Social Contract by Hashimoto, Akiko
Psychological Anthrop Reconsid by Ingham, John M.
Psychological Anthropology Recon by Ingham, John M.
Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity by
The Miracle of Intervale Avenue: The Story of a Jewish Congregation in the South Bronx by Kugelmass, Jack
Con Respeto: Bridging the Distances Between Culturally Diverse Families and Schools: An Ethnographic Portrait by Valdes, Guadalupe
The Senses Still by Seremetakis, C. Nadia
The Calligraphic State: Textual Domination and History in a Muslim Society Volume 16 by Messick, Brinkley
Gargantua: Manufactured Mass Culture by Stallabrass, Julian
Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity by Fukuyama, Francis
Strawberry Fields by Wells, Miriam J.
Gender and Genre in the Folklore of Middle India by Flueckiger, Joyce Burkhalter
The Professional Stranger: An Informal Introduction to Ethnography by Agar, Michael H.
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