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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anthropology in 1997

The Sacred Self: A Cultural Phenomenology of Charismatic Healing by Csordas, Thomas J.
Screen Tastes: Soap Opera to Satellite Dishes by Brunsdon, Charlotte
TV Drama in Transition: Forms, Values and Cultural Change by Nelson, Robin
The Culture of Politics in Modern Kenya by Haugerud, Angelique
Touring Cultures: Transformations of Travel and Theory by
Touring Cultures: Transformations of Travel and Theory by
Cynicism and Post Modernity by Bewes, Timothy
Dangerous Crossroads: Popular Music, Postmodernism and the Poetics of Place by Lipsitz, George
Kinship and Social Organization in Irian Jaya by
Habits of Thought in the English Renaissance: Religion, Politics and the Dominant Culture by Shuger, Deborah Kuller
Civil Tongues and Polite Letters in British America by Shields, David S.
America's Communal Utopias by
The Sibling Society: An Impassioned Call for the Rediscovery of Adulthood by Bly, Robert
Schooling Desire: Literacy, Cultural Politics, and Pedagogy by Kelly, Ursula A.
Kinship: An Introduction to the Basic Concepts by Parkin, David
The World of Rome by Jones, Peter V., Sidwell, Keith C.
The World of Rome by Peter V., Jones, Keith C., Sidwell
Kinship: An Introduction to the Basic Concepts by Parkin, David
Postmodernism, Unraveling Racism, and Democratic Institutions by Choi, Jung Min, Murphy, John W.
Consuming Geographies: We Are Where We Eat by Valentine, Gill, Bell, David
Dominion by Eldredge, Niles
Antisemitism and Xenophobia in Germany After Unification by
Changing Shape of Work by
The Changing Shape of Work by
Chinese Intellectuals on the World Frontier: Blazing the Black Path by English-Lueck, J. a.
Race, Markets, and Social Outcomes by
Foundations of Political Sociology by Horowitz, Irving
Tourists and Tourism: Identifying with People and Places by
Crime and Justice, Volume 21: Comparative and Cross-National Perspectives on Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration Volume 21 by
Footbinding, Feminism and Freedom: The Liberation of Women's Bodies in Modern China by Hong, Fan
Tourists and Tourism: Identifying with People and Places by
African Feminism: The Politics of Survival in Sub-Saharan Africa by
Footbinding, Feminism and Freedom: The Liberation of Women's Bodies in Modern China by Hong, Fan
Entering the Field: New Perspectives on World Football by
Entering the Field: New Perspectives on World Football by
The Arakmbut of Amazonian Peru by Gray, Andrew
Hedge Schools of Ireland by Dowling, P. J.
Beautiful Flowers of the Maquiladora: Life Histories of Women Workers in Tijuana by Iglesias Prieto, Norma
Afro-Creole: Priorities for Action by Burton, Richard D. E.
Wars in the Midst of Peace: The International Politics of Ethnic Conflict by
Afro-Creole: Priorities for Action by Burton, Richard D. E.
Durkheim and the Jews of France: Volume 1997 by Strenski, Ivan
Sociology After Postmodernism by
Cultural Studies in Question by
American Literature & the Culture Wars by Jay, Gregory S.
Vision, Race, and Modernity: A Visual Economy of the Andean Image World by Poole, Deborah
American Literature and the Culture Wars: Nonrational Aspects of Organizational Decision Making by Jay, Gregory S.
Mal'uocchiu: Ambiguity, Evil Eye, and the Language of Distress by Migliore, Sam
African Families and the Crisis of Social Change by Bradley, Candice, Kilbride, Philip, Weisner, Thomas
The Role of Microenvironment in Axonal Regeneration: Influences of Lesion-Induced Changes and Glial Implants on the Regeneration of the Postcommissura by Stichel-Gunkel, Christine C.
The Projections to the Spinal Cord of the Rat During Development: A Timetable of Descent by Lakke, Egbert
Transitions Environments Translations: Feminisms in International Politics by
Birth, Marriage & Death by Cressy, David
Mondays on the Dark Night of the Moon: Himalayan Foothill Folktales by Narayan, Kirin
Angola: Struggle for Peace and Reconstruction by Tvedten, Inge
Fusion of the Worlds: An Ethnography of Possession Among the Songhay of Niger by Stoller, Paul
Intuition: The Inside Story: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Hong Kong: Anthropological Essays on a Chinese Metropolis by Tam, Maria, Evans, Grant
Facing the Mirror: Older Women and Beauty Shop Culture by Furman, Frida Kerner
Hong Kong: Anthropological Essays on a Chinese Metropolis by Evans, Grant, Tam, Maria
Motivation and Culture by
Weltkultur Und Weltgesellschaft: Aspekte Globalen Wandels. Zum Gedenken an Horst Reimann (1929-1994) by
Class Struggle or Family Struggle?: The Lives of Women Factory Workers in South Korea by Kim, Seung-Kyung
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Neurons: Modeling in the Frequency Domain by Hoppensteadt, F. C., Hoppensteadt, Frank C.
Households, Work and Economic Change: A Comparative Institutional Perspective by
Social Change and Continuity: England 1550-1750 by Coward, Barry
Friday Legacies of the Sword Pap by Humitake, Seki, Friday, Karl F.
Women Transforming Politics: An Alternative Reader by
The Gelede Spectacle by Lawal, Babatunde
American Indian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Issues by
Christmas in Old Santa Fe by Ortega, Pedro Ribera
Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey by
The Prehistory of Sex: Four Million Years of Human Sexual Culture by Taylor, Timothy L.
Christmas in Old Santa Fe by Ortega, Pedro Ribera
Whiteness: A Critical Reader by
Between Resistance and Revolution: Cultural Politics and Social Protest by
Community-Based Ethnography: Breaking Traditional Boundaries of Research, Teaching, and Learning by Agnello, Mary Frances, Baldwin, Sheila Conant, Stringer, Ernest T.
Community-Based Ethnography: Breaking Traditional Boundaries of Research, Teaching, and Learning by Agnello, Mary Frances, Baldwin, Sheila Conant, Stringer, Ernest T.
Women Transforming Politics: An Alternative Reader by
Technology and Gender: Fabrics of Power in Late Imperial China by Bray, Francesca
Rituals of National Loyalty: An Anthropology of the State and the Village Scout Movement in Thailand by Bowie, Katherine
History Without a Subject: The Postmodern Condition by Ashley, David
Cultural History of Humour by
Britain in Europe: An Introduction to Sociology by
European Political Cultures by
Screen Tastes: Soap Opera to Satellite Dishes by Brunsdon, Charlotte
Making the Fascist Self: Privatizing the Russian Economy by Berezin, Mabel
European Political Cultures by
Britain in Europe: An Introduction to Sociology by
Making the Fascist Self: Privatizing the Russian Economy by Berezin, Mabel
Millennium, Messiahs, and Mayhem: Contemporary Apocalyptic Movements by
Patterns of Thought in Africa and the West: Essays on Magic, Religion and Science by Horton, Robin
A Plague of Sheep: Environmental Consequences of the Conquest of Mexico by Melville, Elinor G. K.
Anthropological Demography: Toward a New Synthesis by
Rainforest Cities: Urbanization, Development, and Globalization of the Brazilian Amazon by Browder, John, Godfrey, Brian
The Politics of Ethnic Consciousness by
Uprooted Women: Migrant Domestics in the Caribbean by Aymer, Paula L.
Liberation and Purity: Race, Religious Movements and the Ethics of Postmodernity by Chetan Bhatt University of Southampton, Bhatt, Chetan
Men of Ideas by Coser, Lewis A.
Millennium, Messiahs, and Mayhem: Contemporary Apocalyptic Movements by
Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism by Narayan, Uma
Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism by Narayan, Uma
Cultural Practices and Socioeconomic Attainment: The Australian Experience by Crook, Christophe J.
Downsizing the U. S. A. by Willimon, Will, Naylor, Thomas H.
Deviance in the Workplace by
Writing Cultural History in Colonial and Postcolonial India by Schwarz, Henry
Paper or Plastic?: Energy, Environment, and Consumerism in Sweden and America by Erickson, Rita J.
Between Marriage and the Market: Intimate Politics and Survival in Cairo Volume 24 by Hoodfar, Homa
Anthropology of Policy: Perspectives on Governance and Power by
Anthropology of Policy: Perspectives on Governance and Power by
Tourism and Culture: An Applied Perspective by
Fetish: Fashion, Sex & Power by Steele, Valerie
Civil Society and Fanaticism: Conjoined Histories by Colas, Dominique
Measuring Up: The Performance Ethic In American Culture by Mannon, James
Uncommon Ground: Landscape, Values and the Environment by Strang, Veronica
Uncommon Ground: Landscape, Values and the Environment by Strang, Veronica
Aboriginal Slavery on the Northwest Coast of North America by Donald, Leland
Black Intellectuals by
The Sinai: A Physical Geography by Greenwood, Ned
How Chiefs Come to Power: The Political Economy in Prehistory by Earle, Timothy
From Congregation Town to Industrial City: Culture and Social Change in a Southern Community by Shirley, Michael
The Humor Prism in 20th Century American Society by
How Chiefs Came to Power: The Political Economy in Prehistory by Earle, Timothy
Shelter Blues: Sanity and Selfhood Among the Homeless by Desjarlais, Robert R.
The Nature of Expertise in Professional Acting: A Cognitive View by Noice, Helga
Visions of Virtue in Tokugawa Japan: The Kaitokudo Merchant Academy of Osaka by Najita, Tetsuo
Auto/Ethnography: Rewriting the Self and the Social by
Auto/Ethnography: Rewriting the Self and the Social by
Economy and Society in Prehistoric Europe: Changing Perspectives by Sherratt, A.
Identity, Gender, and Poverty: New Perspectives on Caste by Unnithan-Kumar, Maya
Civil Society and Fanaticism: Conjoined Histories by Colas, Dominique
Rank and Privilege: The Military and Society in Latin America by
International Migration, Immobility and Development: Multidisciplinary Perspectives by
International Migration, Immobility and Development: Multidisciplinary Perspectives by
The Politics of Multiculturalism in the New Europe: Racism, Identity and Community by
The Politics of Multiculturalism in the New Europe: Racism, Identity and Community by
A Visit to the Ranquel Indians by Mansilla, Lucio V.
The End of the World as We Know It by Wojcik, Daniel N.
Raymond Williams Now: Knowledge, Limits and the Future by
They Make Themselves: Work and Play Among the Baining of Papua New Guinea by Fajans, Jane
Anthropological Linguistics by Foley, William
One River by Davis, Wade
The Serpent and the Rainbow by Davis, Wade
Food, Health and Identity by
Food, Health and Identity by
The Mysterious Death of Mary Rogers: Sex and Culture in Nineteenth-Century New York by Srebnick, Amy Gilman
China's Motor: A Thousand Years of Petty Capitalism by Gates, Hill
The Unknown Country: Death in Australia, Britain and the USA by
Consumption and Everyday Life by
The Cosmic Race / La Raza Cosmica by Vasconcelos, José
Roads From Past To Future by Tilly, Charles, Stinchcombe, Arthur L.
Tasting Food, Tasting Freedom: Excursions into Eating, Power, and the Past by Mintz, Sidney Wilfred
Race: The History of an Idea in America, 2nd Edition by Gossett, Thomas F.
Russian Talk by Ries, Nancy
Russian Talk by Ries, Nancy
Music by Shepherd, John, Wicke, Peter
Writing at the Margin: Discourse Between Anthropology and Medicine by Kleinman, Arthur
Bones of Contention: Controversies in the Search for Human Origins by Lewin, Roger
Political/Cultural Identity: Citizens and Nations in a Global Era by Preston, Peter W.
Colorblind Racism by Carr, Leslie G.
Savage Money by Gregory, C. a.
Savage Money by Gregory, C. a.
Varieties of Cultural History by Burke, Peter
Varieties of Culture History by Burke, Peter
Cultural Portrayals of African Americans: Creating an Ethnic/Racial Identity by
Old Age in Transition: The Geriatric Ward by Woolfson, Peter
Economic Dimensions of Gender Inequality: A Global Perspective by
Childbirth and Authoritative Knowledge: Cross-Cultural Perspectives by Davis-Floyd, Robbie E., Sargent, Carolyn Fishel
The Gender/Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy by
Folk Art Potters of Japan: Beyond an Anthropology of Aesthetics by Moeran, Brian
Folk Art Potters of Japan: Beyond an Anthropology of Aesthetics by Moeran, Brian
Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science by
Feminism, Science, and the Philosophy of Science by
Myths and Legends Ancient Egypt by Spence, Lewis
The Political Participation of Asian Americans: Voting Behavior in Southern California by Lien, Pei-Te
The Force of Irony: Power in the Everyday Life of Mexican Tomato Workers by Torres, Gabriel
Women and Social Movements in Latin America: Power from Below by Stephen, Lynn
Modernity at the Edge of Empire: State, Indiviual, and Nation in the Northern Peruvian Andes,1885-1935 by Nugent, David
Affirmative Action: Social Justice or Reverse Discrimination? by
Modernity at the Edge of Empire: State, Indiviual, and the Nation in the Northern Peruvian Andes, 1885-1935 by Nugent, David
The Nawal El Saadawi Reader by Saadawi, Nawal El
Beauty and Power: Transgendering and Cultural Transformation in the Southern Philippines by Johnson, Mark
Choosing To Lead: Women and the Crisis of American Values by Buchanan, Constance H.
Indigenous Rights and Development: Self-Determination in an Amazonian Community by Gray, Andrew
Suburban/Rural Conflicts in Late 19th Century Chicago: Political, Religious, and Social controversies on the North Shore by Zaltman, Mark A.
Marketing and Modernity: An Ethnography of Marketing Practice by Lien, Marianne E.
Marketing and Modernity: An Ethnography of Marketing Practice by Lien, Marianne E.
Beauty and Power: Transgendering and Cultural Transformation in the Southern Philippines by Johnson, Mark
The Natural History of the Soul in Ancient Mexico by Furst, Furst, Jill Leslie McK, McKeever Furst, Jill
Hungry Lightning: Notes of a Woman Anthropologist in Venezuela by Yu, Pei-Lin
The Ojibwa Woman by Landes, Ruth
Bit Um Bit: Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten Mit Dem Pc. Sammlung Metzler, 300 by Kammer, Manfred
Literatur Und Film by Paech, Joachim
Jamaica Genesis: Religion and the Politics of Moral Orders by Austin-Broos, Diane J.
The Wisdom of the Bones: In Search of Human Origins by Shipman, Pat, Walker, Alan
The Cassowary's Revenge: The Life and Death of Masculinity in a New Guinea Society by Tuzin, Donald
In Search of Ireland: A Cultural Geography by
Chicana Feminist Thought: The Basic Historical Writings by
Culture Matters: Essays in Honor of Aaron Wildavsky by Thompson, Michael, Ellis, Richard J.
Concepts Of Identity: Historical And Contemporary Images And Portraits Of Self And Family by Hoffman, Katherine
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